The Weighting Room Podcast

Episode Eighty One: TIFU by calling the bride ugly & the groom fat

October 26, 2023 Chris & Lisa
Episode Eighty One: TIFU by calling the bride ugly & the groom fat
The Weighting Room Podcast
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The Weighting Room Podcast
Episode Eighty One: TIFU by calling the bride ugly & the groom fat
Oct 26, 2023
Chris & Lisa

Imagine the discomfort of making an inappropriate comment in front of your loved ones, or the pressure of double recordings. That's the reality we found these people in, and the experience wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. We're going to talk about all of that and more.

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Imagine the discomfort of making an inappropriate comment in front of your loved ones, or the pressure of double recordings. That's the reality we found these people in, and the experience wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. We're going to talk about all of that and more.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Hi Lisa, hi Chris, I haven't seen you in so long, I know.

Speaker 2:

It hasn't stopped, it hasn't been. I was trying to figure out if I could make a time, but I'm like I can't, oh man, okay, we're going to just jump right into this as maybe a bit of a smaller episode. I don't know, I say that.

Speaker 1:

I like how you're doing the robot while you're talking. Let's jump into this.

Speaker 2:

Beep, beep, beep. All right, Listen, we're going to do some. Today I fucked up stories We've done. Am I the assholes? Before today I fucked up. I did a few of these before. On some segment I used to do by myself.

Speaker 1:

I was like I'm not going to do this. I was like I'm not going to do this. I was like I'm not going to do this. Times were hard then, you guys, times were hard. I was pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Ken was doing his thing and Chris was like I'm still going to do this, so bored with my life. Okay, and so I don't have to say that. Oh, I was going to say I think I've read this story before. Oh, no, I was going to say that, listen, I don't have to say that. I'm going to say that I was going to say that On my um Segment I did by myself, but I'm reading it again and then we'll listen to at least us to say about it.

Speaker 1:

Do you think, never mind, I'm not going to say that, what do I think I was just going to say? Do you think porn stars call it that when they're like they've done, like a masturbation video, they're like oh, I did a segment by myself, so low sash.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this one is called today. I fucked up by saying some hurtful things about fat people in front of a chubby girl. Okay by magical boots.

Speaker 2:

So let me preface this by saying I'm not a bad person. I hope Okay, if you have to say you are Okay, I wasn't being serious and that I don't feel anything negative towards obese people, though of course, I believe obesity is a huge issue. Okay, I was doing homework in the school cafe with my boyfriend, who I am obviously candid and inappropriate with in ways that I am not around anyone else. Yeah, a lot of us are. My tongue is a lot looser and, frankly, I can get mean to others.

Speaker 2:

I've always had problems with self-esteem and I know I tend to put down others rather than address my own flaws. Anyway, a kind of chubby girl was sitting nearby wearing headphones and moved to the seat next to me to get away, yeah, and moved to the seat next to me to get out of the sun, but my back was towards her and I completely forgot she was there. The article I'm writing about is how Canadians have become old Canadians. I forgot that part. I've become fat and lazy, and thanks to the government, and that, of course, I was Coming up with stupid solutions because I didn't want to do the real work.

Speaker 1:

Of course I did, but why is it the government? I'm curious as to why they think it's the government's fault.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but this is her making this assessment. So like, really do we really care?

Speaker 1:

I'm just curious.

Speaker 2:

Of course I didn't mean any well. I guess maybe you'll go into it.

Speaker 1:

I can't remember of course I didn't mean any of these.

Speaker 2:

But at first I was saying that health care should not cover obesity related issues, just like it shouldn't cover drug or alcohol abuse, certain kind of self-inflicted abuse like that Stupid I know, but I was just fucking around. I added that if health care did cover obesity, drugs and alcohol, then rehabilitation, meaning weight loss in this case, should be mandatory. My boyfriend finally told me it was an insensitive suggestion and not getting the hint at all. I finished up with a joke, with a joking it's okay, they don't have feelings, oh, oh. When he stared at me I wanted to take it back and asked too far he still. I still didn't realize my mistake until he took off his headphones a while later and pointed out that the girl behind me had Left. My face sunk into a deep crimson and my heart dropped. We then had a very serious. We then had a very serious talk about what we say in public and around others and hurting feelings.

Speaker 1:

Okay, which means you don't actually care about what you said. You care that you got caught.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I Honestly feel so mortified I want to die. I hope to God that her music was turned up. I also don't want my boyfriend to think of me like and why were you talking like that to him? I never would have gone there. Normally I was just grumpy because of the essay. I guess, being a chubby girl myself, I am positive I ruin this girl's day if she ever. If she did hear me, I wish I could talk to her and apologize and explain myself, but I don't know who it is and even if I could, I don't think it would help. Anyway, today I fucked up. I just needed to get this off my chest Now. You just needed people to agree with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this should have been a Like you're not my.

Speaker 2:

The asshole like you need to be judged.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but she knows she's the asshole that's why I can't put it as that. Am I the asshole? Because she knows she was the asshole I?

Speaker 2:

I really wonder, when she's called herself chubby like, how chubby is she? Because? She sounds super toxic, that she's thinking. Five pounds means chubby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I cannot stand, cannot stand when people are like I want to apologize because, like you, feel bad and I don't want you to feel bad, my don't take accountability for my actions. I just don't want you to feel bad. I I think that with the passion it's so manipulative, like I need to feel better about myself. So I need to make sure that you're okay. But I'm not gonna take back what I said, but I need to make sure you're okay, like you.

Speaker 2:

I used to hate the when people would talk about something regarding fatness and then you get looks from other people and it's like or they made like turn to you and be like oh sorry, it's like. Okay, like I know you weren't talking about me, it's like but you know what I mean. Like just I hate it when that happens.

Speaker 1:

It's like you addressing me means that you have thought of me in that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly that's. People are awful. Yeah anyway the fact that it came out of someone that is also chubby. Well, whatever they describe that as is just, and Like you're saying that, then you don't deserve health care unless you lose weight. Like, are you kidding?

Speaker 2:

My legs broken, I have to lose whatever amount of weight. I guess I'll do that before I can go get my leg fixed Fucking idiot. All right, we're only gonna do two stories today, because this next one is a really long one. My jaw was on the floor the entire time, so I'm so excited. This is today I fucked, and this is only two months old, but it happened a while ago. Okay, listen, I know, talk, christine. Today I fucked up by calling the bride ugly and the groom fat in front of their entire family. Oh Dude, what the fuck did you buy, hamza, can?

Speaker 2:

This happened six years ago, when I was a hot shot wedding videographer. I retired afterwards. My selling point was simple I will shoot your wedding and give you a highlight reel the very next day, no questions asked. People loved it, they wanted me, they couldn't wait. My career's last wedding was no different.

Speaker 2:

At the beginning, I Arrived at the scene, asked who the important people were and shot some epic footage and went home. But I was hiding a harmless secret. You see, my work ethic of Working 20 hours straight came with a caveat. I get bored too often, but that day I found a solution. If you have ever edited videos before you know that the most boring part of it is watching, organizing and naming hundreds of clips. So I, just so, just for self-amusement, I did something. Instead of naming the clips how you, how you usually name them, I started naming them funny. Mind you, these are raw footages that will never be seen by anyone else other than me. The final video was aptly named and sent to the bride, my client, the very next day. So she called me and she loved it. She thanked me for my service and requested me if I could also send her all the raw clips I had taken. Oh no, you see, it was the weekend and her entire family was going to visit her, where they plan to watch all of the videos and start her new life with a bang. Although 99% of other cases, I would have been smart enough to send her the original clips this time around.

Speaker 2:

I had an important statistics exam the next day and my brain was fried. I unknowingly copied my funny name clip and gave them to her. It is the next day. I'm at my university, about to enter my classroom, ready to give my statistics exam for my, and my phone rings. The bride is calling. I rejoice. Surely she's calling to ask me for my bank details. I'll be a little bit richer today.

Speaker 2:

Hello, you are one of the most horrible you Are. You are the most horrible person I have ever seen. You humiliated me in front of my entire family. I will file a police report against you. You will not get away with this. And cuts the call.

Speaker 2:

I Was confused. I really didn't know why she'd act that way. Was she trying to rip me off by throwing up this act? I was not going to let her get away with this. I called my classmate, the girl who hooked me up with the client. The bride was her aunt. Surely my classmate would have known what is happening.

Speaker 2:

Hey, miss blank just called me and said some weird stuff. Do you know what's happening? Are you kidding me? What the hell were those names? Are you out of your mind? Is this a prank? She's swearing at me so much. You are unreal. Why did you do that? He then goes what names? Wait, video clip names. She's like I don't know if you are joking at this point, but I am in a lot of trouble because of you. You're really weird, man. And the call cuts the freaking names, the names. No way I sent the funny names. My heart sank.

Speaker 2:

My exam was in five minutes. I couldn't take it. I collected myself, gave the exam. I barely passed it and went home to see what I had done. At this point even I don't know how bad it is. I don't remember any of the funny names I did. In the moment I laugh a little and move on.

Speaker 2:

I opened my computer and went into the folder. My hands are shaking, my heart pounding. These were some of the names Ugly bride trying to pose, annoying loud bride friends. Old grandma's last wedding, perv, brother-eyeing girls. Fat ass groom standing Dumb as fuck. Kids running Short, bald dad eating. These were the first couple of out of 60 file clips.

Speaker 2:

I deleted the whole folder without proceeding further. I couldn't take it. Before you tell me how horrible I am. To my defense, I was a dumb, unfunny kid. To come up with creative insults you have to be smart. I was not, so I relied on shock humor Enough to get me through the boring phase of naming. I didn't think much of it. It wasn't meant to be seen by anyone.

Speaker 2:

I called my friend the other day, calmed her down, apologized for it and when she was cool she told me the following we were all gathered at the bride's house. It was at least a 30-person gathering. We were supposed to all sit in the hall and watch the clips one by one. The first clip was the highlights that you made, which everyone enjoyed. Then she plugged in the flash drive you gave her and, to everyone's horror, all the funny names were in front of everyone. The bride tried to close the folder immediately, but her dad was furious and proceeded angrily reading everything out loud until the bride started crying and left the room. It was something. The groom stayed still and said nothing, that's horrible. He says that's horrible. I didn't mean it. It was supposed to be. It wasn't supposed to be in front of everyone else. I'm so sorry. She said that's okay. I mean I get it. Everything is calm now, but I don't think you'll get any money. I mean you can try, but the bride is really pissed.

Speaker 1:

If I was him, I would not try to get money after something like that no.

Speaker 2:

The grandma laughed at her clip name actually.

Speaker 1:

She's like probably.

Speaker 2:

I never contacted the bride again. I heard she was teaching in a university next to mine. I never went near that place. Whenever I think of this, I cringe really hard and I feel like sinking and laughing at the same time. I'm still sometimes. I still sometimes talk to my classmate. She recently got married and suffice to say she didn't ask me to shoot it. There's edits.

Speaker 2:

So to everyone who is or about to call me a dick, an asshole, anti-feminist, in-cell, mean, unkind as a person, for thinking of these insults and considering them funny, and or I posted this incident to get validation from redditors that my insults were in fact funny. I get where you're coming from and you're not the first person to tell me this. In fact, I've told myself this long before. You did way longer than you did. Whatever you are hoping to say to me to make me feel bad about what I did, I have said worse to me. I stopped doing anything related to wedding just because the thought of it made me sick and panic. I called myself Names for Years on End for this mistake. I never charged the client anything. It was around $250 where I'm from and that was my semester's fees. I couldn't just have the courage to ask for it and I didn't think I deserved a penny after what happened.

Speaker 2:

Now, six years have passed. It's been very long in terms of growth from a late teen to an adult. I don't want to feel like shit anymore. It was a fuck up. That's why I posted it here and not in Am I the Asshole? It's the first time in six whole years I can look at this incident and laugh at the absurdity of it and be amused at it. I shouldn't be able to be that amused. If you expect me to feel as bad as I did when it initially happened, I can't do that and I simply don't have the need to prove how much I've grown. I know it and everyone who associates with me, people who actually matter to me, have experienced it, and that's good enough for me.

Speaker 2:

Secondly, why post this incident here if not to make fun of the family? Well, the Reddit is called today I fucked up. People share their fuck ups here and not to get validation, not to make fun of other people. There are many, many subreddits that fit this notion better. I'm not posting this on Am I the Asshole, to get validation on whether these were insults or not. I'm not posting this on funny jokes or Reddit to showcase how funny I am. It was a plain and simple, clear as day fuck up that has haunted me for over half a decade and posting it on a fuck up ready as my attempt. Reddit is my attempt to see it in a different, amusing light, where people find the absurdity of the entire ordeal amusing and that is all.

Speaker 1:

I honestly think that's you I was going to say. I honestly think that it was. It was just a fuck up. Like yeah, first of all, the age that he was is a good point, and like if you look at any like TV humor, especially when you're that age, like South Park, the Simpsons family guy, like those were the kind of jokes that they make on those shows.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean and if you're somebody who's just, it's right, and audio editing and audio editing all that editing gets so boring, and if so, I get it. I get that perspective, especially at that age, and it sucks that the bride saw like that. But he didn't go hunting for the money, you know what I mean. He didn't go. There was nothing more from that, except he learned to. I'm sure he triple checks his files before sending stuff now wedding planner or not, or wedding videographer or not, but I don't know. In my opinion it's that was just a true fuck up, like. You know how the other one, like you, could tell she was just a bitch, but this one is like, this was just a fuck up, like yeah, but like it's also like you hire a teenager, you get teenage results, I guess in that way.

Speaker 2:

But like holy shit, like you should have a brain on you. Yeah, it's just, it's nuts. I just thought that that story was so absurd that I'm like you have to hear this and there's a couple of comments in the bottom. Someone said this and I know that this happens and the thing is is sometimes you don't the people forget. This happens at Bors. This happens at bars, my God. You pay happens at bars more often than you think. Bars and more can't be together, apparently, in a sentence.

Speaker 1:

What happens at bars.

Speaker 2:

We had a POS system at the bar I used to work at that would print the table name on the final check, but it was up to the servers to put the name on it. It's all fun and games and you write blue collared shirt instead of B1 or something. But I had a co-worker who would write annoying meal lady and I would have to edit the tickets before printing them and dropping them off.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, there's people like they're like yeah, I had names on mine, and then this is even like another one where they're like not exactly the same, but close. I was working at a post house as a senior editor and with that title came the honor of working on everything for the boss's daughter, who is one of our senior producers. It was normal with her to edit for a couple of days and then completely change directions and edit for another couple of days until the wind change direction and then we'd start over. This regularly happen, or this regularly created several versions of timelines and even, on occasion, a few completely different projects.

Speaker 2:

After a while I started making the sequences last revision, final. Last revision, last dam revision, last dam revision. And then I got out of hand and I had the sequence name last fucking revision. Last fucking dam revision, one more, last fucking revision. One afternoon she was needing to look at the video to make some more dam revisions and she noticed my making convention and thought it was a slight aimed at her. I finally convinced her it was just a funny way to keep track of all her revisions, but I did get a good but chewing for it. About a month later she asked me to help her with some files she needed to transfer. Somehow she had adopted my naming system for a bunch of her client folders.

Speaker 2:

I just thought that was funny. Like it's nice that this person can like look back on that and be like, okay, like you know, I beat myself enough up over it. But, honestly, you know who I want to hear from. I want to hear from the bride. I want to know how that affected her after, to be quite honest, because like that's on your on the day where you feel the most beautiful and like it's your day you've spent all this money, and then you get something like that in front of everyone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, one of your old family. You're so happy to show a video. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, at the same time, though, like depending on how old the bride was. Well, if it was, it was her aunt, he said.

Speaker 2:

The aunt was his friend, I guess.

Speaker 1:

His friend's aunt is what it was, I think.

Speaker 2:

I called my classmate, the girl who hooked me up with the client. The bride was her aunt. The bride was her aunt.

Speaker 1:

So I'm gonna say she's older and if these guys were kids like I, feel like the bride should understand you just hired a kid.

Speaker 2:

It's also not necessarily that way, because, like aunts can be close to the age too, that's true.

Speaker 1:

And we have family members that are like the aunt and the niece are literally the same age, but you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like my mom she's like the second oldest sister and her youngest brother is very close to my eldest brother's thing.

Speaker 1:

But like the chances that, like let's say he's, he's saying late teen, so let's say he's 18, 19.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because it sounds like he's in university. Go to college.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So let's say he's 18, 19. It's unlikely that the bride was also 18, 19 if it was an 18, 19 year old. So I'm just odd speaking. They're probably late 20s earliest, and $250 is actually pretty cheap. Right.

Speaker 2:

Like you, just hired a kid you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I totally understand being upset and all that, but like, and then the bride's dad also like getting upset, but it's like you're getting upset with an 18 year old and you're probably like late fifties, like when I was reading this, I was playing music and I was like I need to turn this off.

Speaker 2:

This song's annoying me and it's actually one of my favorite songs and Ram's like oh, I was like listening to that. I'm like I can turn it back on, but the story is really intense that I can't Like I even had to turn the fan off. I'm like no noise. I can't understand what's going on here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's almost like when 12 year olds attack us and we're kind of just like okay, good job. Yeah, you're attacking an almost 30 year old Says a lot more about you than it was about me. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is just a lesson to anyone out there. Just don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, triple, check your files before you send anything for one and for two. Don't name them like that, unless the grandma will take humor from it.

Speaker 2:

Apparently that's so funny that the grandma thought it was funny. I know, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm picturing the whole scene where it's like the dad is like are you kidding me? Right now, this is ridiculous. And then the bride just starts crying and walks away and the grandma's just sitting there like yeah, that's funny, like you know what I mean. And then you've got like the aunt who's like looking at the grandma, just like, oh my God. And they're trying not to laugh because everything is just okay on it. Oh wait, I'm sorry I'm not laughing at the bride's trauma. No, but it's like it's the grandma.

Speaker 2:

It's just like imagine getting, like imagine paying, just to be insulted. There has to. I guess, if you go to the Karen cafe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or first. Oh, yeah, I have, I have in Australia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have them, I think in Canada. I think we have one here now.

Speaker 1:

Oh really, we don't have them here yet. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing, that we have something you don't.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They need to have a Harvey's here to be quite. No, they don't. No, they don't. I don't need that, I don't need that in my life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, yeah, don't matter. Anyways, this was good, this was I like Sorry for a shorter episode.

Speaker 2:

We just we're doing a double recording because we have a guest and we just might not have time to do all the editing, so we're just trying to get ahead of ourselves a bit. But I hope you really like that story, cause, yeah, it just sent me into a shock moment earlier.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, definitely yeah, that's the only way to describe it. Really Cool, this was fun, awesome. Thanks for the stories, yay.

Speaker 2:

I almost said yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yay, bye, bye.

Speaker 2:

I almost said bye, I don't know, yay, we did every last two days' working.

"Awkward Conversations
Reflection on a Humorous Past Incident
Short Episode and Shocking Story