2 Close 2 the Sun : art obsessions

Art Entanglements: a conversation w visual and performance artist Johanna Poethig and Chris Brown composer and musician

Host - Elizabeth Sher. featuring gallery artists from Mercury 20 Gallery and outside curators, experts, influencers, collectors

Episode 4 from 2 Close 2 the Sun: art obsessions presents Art Entanglements: a conversation with Johanna Poethig  a visual, public and performance artist and Chris Brown,  a musician, composer. and professor emeritus at Mills College. They will talk about their collaborations, their separate creative practices and their life together over the past 4 decades with a focus on their work together for Johanna’s Upcoming solo show Hideouts, Escape Hatches and a submarine. It opens at Mercury 20 on February 19th.  Let’s hear how they do it all!