2 Close 2 the Sun : art obsessions

Art & Community - A Mutual Enhancement

Host - Elizabeth Sher. featuring gallery artists from Mercury 20 Gallery and outside curators, experts, influencers, collectors Season 1 Episode 6

Three Mercury 20 Gallery artists: Tara Esparanza, Raymond L. Haywood and Jill Mclennan and Oakland Art Murmur executive director Jean Marie Durant share insights about how art enhances community and community enhances art.   They share stories from their own experiences and art practice and tips on how to get involved with your own or Oakland's vibrant arts community.
www.tarasorganic.comwww.taraesperanza.com, https://www.facebook.com/ raymond.l.haywood, www.ivstudios.com, www.jillmclennan.me, www.oaklandartmurmur.org, @taraesperanza, @jmclennanarts, @raymondlhaywood @oaklandartmurmur, @elizabethsher_artandfilm,