2 Close 2 the Sun : art obsessions

Art Collaborations - Why and How

Host - Elizabeth Sher. featuring gallery artists from Mercury 20 Gallery and outside curators, experts, influencers, collectors

Ever wondered about collaborating? Getting started? What makes a successful collaboration?  Listen for the inside scoop from the experts!
2 Close 2 the Sun: Art Obsessions from Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland's Art District features artists, curators and influencers bring compelling content about art and artists.  In this episode, Art Collaborations - Why and How, gallery artists Jessica Cadkin, Dr. K. C. Rosenberg, and public artist and former gallery member Johanna Poethig share their insights on past and future collaborations, the value of them and how these enhance and interface with their personal studio practice. To learn more about these artists visit johannapoethig.com, kcrosenberg.com, jessicacadkin.com, ivstudios.com (Elizabeth Sher's webpage.  And mercury20.com, https://www.facebook.com/mercury20gallery, IG @mercury20gallery