2 Close 2 the Sun : art obsessions

When One Medium Isn't Enough - artists discuss why, strategies, pleasures and pitfalls

Host - Elizabeth Sher. featuring gallery artists from Mercury 20 Gallery and outside curators, experts, influencers, collectors

Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland's Arts District is pleased to present 3 gallery artists Mary Curtis Ratcliff, Charlie Milgrim, Andrea Guskin and Art Advisor Chandra Cerrito, Principal of Chandra Cerrito/Art Advisors.  I am your host Elizabeth Sher but as I also work in multiple mediums, I will be part of the discussion.  Learn why artists choose to work in more than one medium, how art world acceptance has changed (or not) over the years, and the joys and challenges this type of practice presents.  Chandra Cerrito will share her views from the perspective as an Art Advisor and former gallerist.
Visit the artists:
Elizabeth Sher www.elizabethsherart.com, IG @ElizabethSher_ArtandFilm
Mary Curtis Ratcliff www.marycurtisratcliff.com IG @marycurtisratcliff
Andrea Guskin www.andreaguskin.com IG @andrea_guskin
Chandra Cerrito www.Chandracerrito.com IG @chandracerritoartadvisors