
Episode 2: Sacred Inner Union with Marianne Cordier

Veda Episode 2

In our second episode of the season, we speak to intuitive artist Marianne Cordier on the power of using creative rituals to integrate the sacred Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. 

Marianne is an intuitive artist and is a Leader in Transformative Arts, using Creative Rituals to guide her clients into Unity and Wholeness.

Born in France, and living in Italy for almost 20 years, her programs and guidance are available in French, Italian and English.

She uses Art as a medium of transformation and embodiment,  revealing the Alchemy of Creation, guiding souls on the journey of Sacred Union of the Feminine and Masculine.

Marianne leads her clients to remember who they truly are, help them to discover and offer their own Sacred Medicine. as Conscious Co-Creators of their most purposeful life.

In 2020, she launched the Online Professional Training and Mystery School of The Color of the Soul Ritual where she train women to as “The Color of The Soul Ritual Facilitators and Masters”.

Marianne offers 1:1  and groups sessions online and in her art studio in Rome. You can learn more here: and