ISAVE That Podcast

End Stage Renal Disease: Education and the Patient’s Perspective

November 01, 2021 Association for Vascular Access Season 4 Episode 8

The implications of vascular access in hemodialysis go well beyond the vascular access specialist’s perspective. Patients and their families have needs that require special resources, education, and consideration. AVA’s Judy Thompson and Blake Hotchkiss are joined by Terry Litchfield MPA, CPC who shares her unique vantage point as the wife of a dialysis patient and internationally recognized patient advocate. Dr. Michael Serle DMSc, MA, PA-C joins the podcast as we discuss this vulnerable population of patients and how we can make meaningful differences by educating patients and clinicians alike. A special thanks goes to Medtronic for sponsoring this episode of the ISAVE That Podcast. Check out the latest episode on any of your favorite podcast platforms. For the latest discussion on vascular access, please like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn! 

Enjoy the show!

0:00 Welcome and Intros

1:46 Chronic Kidney Disease

2:20 Doing Well Home Care

6:19 Terry Litchfield - Patient Advocate 

11:55 A Word from Medtronic

13:09 Biggest Challenges Faced in ESRD

27:26 A Word from Medtronic

27:45 Taking the First Steps to Improvement

30:42 How We Can Collaborate Better

32:53 Collaborating with CKD 3 Patients

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