Shine On Mama

19. Making Money Moves

January 25, 2023 Tanya Malcolm
19. Making Money Moves
Shine On Mama
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Shine On Mama
19. Making Money Moves
Jan 25, 2023
Tanya Malcolm

Happy New Year Mama!

In this episode I share a mothering story that offered me some truly helpful Mama Magic in relationship to some money blocks I had about charging my friends for my services!

If you've ever felt resistance in this area, than this episode is for you! You'll learn a powerful affirmation to rewire your beliefs about your friends investing in you and we'll unpack this belief to discover that what's underneath the discomfort is usually low self-worth.

I'll share 4 tips from my motivation mentor Brendon Bruchard and how I use the
Growth Day app to track my progress.

Get the Growth Day app!

Learn More about earning extra income as a BODi Partner

Download your FREE Mama Magic Journal

If you loved this episode please send me a review in Apple Podcast or screen shot it and tag me on Instagram @TanyaMalcolm with your ah-has! 

Shine On Mama!



Text Tanya your Shine On Mama comments or Questions

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Show Notes Transcript

Happy New Year Mama!

In this episode I share a mothering story that offered me some truly helpful Mama Magic in relationship to some money blocks I had about charging my friends for my services!

If you've ever felt resistance in this area, than this episode is for you! You'll learn a powerful affirmation to rewire your beliefs about your friends investing in you and we'll unpack this belief to discover that what's underneath the discomfort is usually low self-worth.

I'll share 4 tips from my motivation mentor Brendon Bruchard and how I use the
Growth Day app to track my progress.

Get the Growth Day app!

Learn More about earning extra income as a BODi Partner

Download your FREE Mama Magic Journal

If you loved this episode please send me a review in Apple Podcast or screen shot it and tag me on Instagram @TanyaMalcolm with your ah-has! 

Shine On Mama!



Text Tanya your Shine On Mama comments or Questions

Support the Show.

Yo mama!   I’m so excited for today’s episode, and I’m so thankful that you’re here listening!  Whew, I seriously can’t put into words how much it means to me to know that you’re listening and that my message is serving you in some way! Last month I hit 1000 downloads on the SHine On Mama Podcast! And that just blew my mind! I’m so blessed, and this episode is really going to be sort of a pep talk from yours truly your own personal hype girl to remind you, by sharing some of my recent experiences, that life is always working FOR us, and if we can just remember that, ESPECIALLY through the challenges of blending motherhood and all our other roles into days that actually bring us joy! Gosh it’s just SO important to look for all the blessings in our lives, and to practise tuning in to the messages we’re sharing to guide our children as little sparks of what I call the Mama Magic, for our own personal growth!. So let’s get into it and set the vibe! 

It has to be nature today, as I look out the window of my office and see the sun just beaming off the mountains I’m reminded of the feeling I get when I prioritize spending time in the forest, even when it’s cold as Fuck out here in the Canadian Rockies, so THAT’s the vibe! 

We’re bundling up for a brisk walk outside in the cold mountain air, hot drink in hand, foggy cold exhales reminding us we’re alive and open to all this beautiful life has in store for us! 

Can you feel it!? Side note: if you haven’t been outside for a walk today get going mama! 

Damn I’ve experienced a lot of growth in 2022, and it just feels so good to be genuinely happy with myself, my life and my relationships. It’s taken a hot minute for me to get here, and there’s no telling if or when the next level of growth will make my current success feel off, but for now I’m just celebrating it and I have to share it with you. 

This year the idea for my company came to me, and it just felt SO aligned, AIM Company. Vibe High, AIM higher.  AIM is an acronym for All in Mama, and that’s the vibe of my competitive spirit, like if you’re going to go for it - go all in! No more playing small. And The tag line is something I always say to my homies when I’m in hype girl  mode. Vibe high is that part of me that is super in tune with people’s energy, and how intentional I am about the energy that I’m giving off when I’m with people too! And if your ENERGY is high, your aim should be higher! Let’s just elevate the vision for what’s actually possible for oursleves

AS I continue to grow my health and fitness network marketing business, invest in personal development with my mindset coach, advance my leadership skills and business strategy with my business coach, improve my marriage and family relationships with counselling and develop my signature PACT Method for Mindful Mothering and the Mama Magic Journal, share my journey on this podcast AIM company really made sense as a place where all my passions can thrive. Mindful Mothering, Health & Wellness and Motivation & Growth Mindset. 

Gish, even saying that right now feels so good! It’s just totally me and what I want to share with ambitious mompreneurs like me. 

The thing is, this idea came to me about 6 months ago! And I’m still just talking about it. Far from the ALL IN Mama vision I aim to inspire right!? BUt the truth is, everything is happening for me, and I had to experience some challenges, disappointments, and hard lessons to be where I’m at now, which is fuckign ready to ge this business idea out of my mind and launched into world this year  to serve all the moms out there who want to thrive where their ambition and motherhood intersect. 

This episode is all about what I call the Mama Magic, the meaningful messages you share with your child that are crafted out of unconditional love, and belief in their infinite potential. When we pay attention to these  messages we can translate them over to our own journey and turn them inward for our own growth. So let;s get to it. 

Every once in a while I get to have a heart to heart with my nearly 20 year old son, who’s moved out Vancouver, making his own living my best life moves, and it’s usually when my mama magic is coming in hot! Listen, if you’re mothering super young kids, I’m not lost to the fact that it feels like a pretty huge stretch to translate what you’re teaching them into your own life, but I still encourage you to use the mama magic journal and practice tuning in to the messages you share, because as your kids grow up, developing this habit will be so powerful. 

Parenting a young adult is the most confusing yet simultaneously uplifting season of motherhood that I have yet to experience. So let me get into this story so we can get to the Mama Magic. My son moved to vancouver in October and subletted a room for 3 months. He didn’t have a job lined up when he moved there, and he didn’t have a plan for his next living arrangement after the sublet ended. These were all facts of HIS life that made ME want to text him daily for updates. 

How’s the job hunt?

Any leads on a place for the new year?

What’s the plan?

But I didn’t. Because it’s his life. Not mine, and what I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that the only person I have control of is myself. So I trusted. I trusted that everything was happening for him - and me. 

Then we had our heart to heart. He had enough cash to get him through to his trip home for Christmas this year, he handed out a few resumes but no job yet, he was learning so much at his internship at the studio, he updated his freelance offers online, and his credit card balance was zero. 

Daaaamn. I let a lot of worry go. But then he hit me with his own worries and I got to just hold space for him and tried my hardest not to emit any “if you’d have just let me help you” vibes and here was the rundown. 

He didn’t know where he was gonna stay in the new year and he really didn't want to be the friend on the couch.

He’s doing a lot of work for his friends for free and he should probably start charging them for his music production services, but he just doesn’t know how they’ll respond. They probably won’t like it. 

Then there was just a pause… the kind of pause that every mama of a young adult loves. The space between him reflecting on everything he just said and generating his own solutions and wanting to hear what his mama thinks. 

This is a freaking powerful moment, and you can really fuck it up, by pointing out all the obvious shit that your kid already knows and doesn’t need to hear from you. THANKFULLY I could hear the voice of my best friend, and certified counsellor Trixie Cruz also raising up young adults in this moment “I try not to be the one with all the solutions, I try to ask questions to get them to come up with their own solutions and just validate their experiences along the way.” 

So I said Wow look how much you’ve experienced and achieved, I know it seems like you’re not making any progress, and that it’s crunch time - but you do still have a lot of time to make some moves. Tell me more about what’s stopping you from charging your friends for engineering their music? Then I heard a whole lot of self-doubt, a myriad of excuses that from an outside perspective didn’t make a lot of sense, and I heard for the first time a part of my son speak from a place of low self worth. 

I don’t know if it was the right thing to say or not, but at this point I was done asking questions and holding space for him to find solutions. Sometimes we let the LOWEST VERSION of ourself define what we think we’re capable of, and I just wasn’t gonna tolerate that from my son. All I see when I look at him is 6 feet 8 and 200 pounds worth of potential so I said.

Let me stop you right there. You’re REALLY good at what you do. You’ve spent thousands of hours developing your craft and THAT IS VALUABLE. Please remember that if you don’t respect and believe in your own value,  nobody else will either. You can absolutely start charging for your services, and when your friends recognize that what you bring to the table is worth their investment, then they’ll invest. But if YOU don’t believe it first, you’ll never get the chance to experience what it feels like to BE VALUED, to BE INVESTED in. to GET PAID FOR YOUR PASSION. 

Whew! And there it was, the Mama Magic. It was so easy for me to see my son residing in a place of low self worth, because as mothers all we can see is our kid’s potential, and we just want so badly for them to see it too. But Guess what - YOU have that same potential, and this is the year that you stop playing small and you start to make moves in alignment with the highest version of yourself that knows your worth. 

For me, that looked like a very similar scenario as my son. Leading a fitness community full of my friends and customers who have become friends and providing so much value, check ins, 1;1 coaching calls, meal plans and daily motivation prompts, but not really separating those that invest in an annual plan, from those who invest monthly in the total solution plan that includes our amazing supplements. As a network marketing wellness coach I earn my income from product commissions, so it doesn’t make sense to give the same level of service to my members who invest in a lower value annual membership plan, as those on a higher value monthly membership plan. So whats the issue, When I think about this the doubt hit me hard and I GET ALL UP  IN MY FEELINGS.

What if they get mad?

What if nobody joins the new group?

Maybe I need to DO MORE?

What if they quit and hire a different coach?

I sounded just like my son. So let’s just for a second take the message I gave my son and turn it into an i statement through affirmation and see what happens. 

I’m  REALLY good at what I do. I’ve spent thousands of hours developing my skills and THAT IS VALUABLE. If I don’t respect and believe in my own value,  nobody else will either. I can absolutely start charging for my services, and when my friends recognize that what I bring to the table is worth their investment, then they’ll invest. When I believe it first, I’ll get the chance to experience what it feels like to BE VALUED, to BE INVESTED in and to GET PAID FOR MY PASSION. 

Do you see the power of the Mama Magic - in one mindful moment of recognizing that you need to offer the same level of belief you have in your kids to yourself, you can turn all that mama magic inwards for your own personal growth. 

That’s exactly what I did, Last month I announced the changes happening within my wellness community and I implemented them at the start of the new year. You know they say Knowledge is Power, but the truth is Applied Knowledge is Power. I learned that from Brian P Morgan in a book called the 12 Week year, but it was credited to Dale Carnige. 

So what holds us back from the taking of the action?, because when you start to unpack the beliefs that hold you back, underneath the layers of hesitancy and doubt there is a larger problem impacting your behaviour.  Low Self Worth. Listen, this was a LOT for me to work through, because I identify as a confident person. But Identity is all about personal perception, and even though I perceive myself to be confident, the fact of the matter is many times I don’t actually behave that way. Maybe you can relate to that if you ever find yourself speaking confidently about something you’re going to do, but internally you’re literally trembling with the thought of it. I believe that sometimes confidence can be armour to protect you from being vulnerable and sharing your true fears. Then you end up self sabotaging so taking  the action steps never happens and you never actually have to BE confident. 

The thing about personal development, is that you have to be OPEN to discovering things about yourself that you donm’t want to believe are true. So if you’re an ALL IN MAMA, you gotta learn to build the habits and behavior practices that lead to change. 

Ive been at this long enough now that I have mentors I go to when i discover I need help and today I’m going to leave you with a 4 tips ato help you develop your self worth that I what learned from my Personal Growth Mentor Brendon Bruchard. Practice these habits and before you know it you’ll be making ALL the money moves in 2023. 

The first tip is to Define The Best Of Who You Are

What are the three words that would define the best of who you are, today? Like, if I had to describe the best of who I am in three words, what would my three words be? What are your three words? or if you’re struggling with that? The three words that would describe the best of who you want to be.  make sure that you have your three words, and I want your three words on a board. Or I want the three words on your mirror. Or I want the three words next to your computer. And every day you look at those three words. And you’re reminded who the fuck you are! You’re reminded how amazing you are when you’re at your best, and you start to bring those characteristics fourth every day, and you start to really believe that you’re incredible because you are. 

Next is to Check In On Your Personal Goals You really need to have a system in place to do this everyday. Ideally You’ve set a big huge scary goal and you have way to break it down into smaller steps and hold ourself accountablt to taking those steps. I use the Growth Day App. In GrowthDay, you can go to the plan section in the app and it’s super practical for keeping you connected to that bigger picture. And as you make progress, day by day you’re showing yourself that you do deserve achievement and success, that you’re worthy of making these moves.  You can set reminders for yourself. So if you are committed to developing your self worth like me -  I go into the plan section. I’ll type my three words. I set a reminder and I have my three words go off in my GrowthDay notifications three times a day. And so I just I get a ping. I look at it, and I’m like, “Right okay. Be that version of myself right now.”  and that just leads beautifully into the 3rd tip. If you want to check out growth day I’ll add a link to the show notes. 


Speaking of the show notes, if making more money moves is an action you want to start taking more consistently in 2023 and you’re looking for a way to add an additional income stream to however you’re making money now, then you’re going to love this! Our team is expanding and I’m saving you a spot at THIS table, where you’ll be surrounded by ambitious mamas like you who want to live healthiing and fulfilling live and make money moves along the way! Join me this Wednesday January 18th at 6pm Mountain Time 8pm Eastern for our Launching Legends biz opportunity webinar. This LIVE event is intended to teach you what a BODi Partner does, how we earn income and how we leave lasting impact on the world around us! If you’ve ever thought of doing what I do as a motivation coach come check it out! No obligation ever~ This may just change your life forever like it did mine! . Thelink to sign-up is in the sow notes! Okay lets get back to the episode. 

Okay moving on, this is key right here, the next habit to build to develop your self worth is to Remind yourself of what you want. 

You can see how that was applied when it comes to reminding yourself of what’s great about you, or the person you’re trying to become with your three words, but what about where you’re headed. The vision you have for a bigger, more fulfilling and vibrant life where you’re making an impact and contributing to the world in a way that’s fuelled by your passion! How are you going to do ALL that if you’re not 100% in your own corner when it comes to your worth!? If something is on your heart, mind and soul - it’s MEANT FOR YOU. Now it’s up to you to remind yourself that if you desire it you deserve it. In other words - you’re worthy. 

Lastly, and most importantly be kind to yourself. Sometimes the words you say about yourself are terrible. Instead, what I want you to do is repeat those positive words. I love what Brendon says about this - as you develop yourself, as you choose your three words as an example, you choose your identity and you live into those words on a more consistent basis —  you’ll be more in touch with your natural and best being.

Isn’t that amazing - you get to choose your identity. If you find a way to access your best self on a more continuous basis, just by reminding yourself of who you really are, you’ll  feel more confident and more purposeful and fulfilled. It’s game-changing. 

If you view yourself as a terrible or tragic or awful person, it’s super hard to feel purposeful in life. So it’s ESSENTIAL that you work to pull away from the old labels and activate that more purposeful being each day.  And you can start by taking those negative words off repeat. Listen, this is WORK And sometimes you need therapy for that. Sometimes you need a coach for that. Sometimes you just need to start an affirmation practice to start reconditioning your brain towards the positive, towards who you really are and what you’re capable of. You’ve gotten into the nasty habit of discounting yourself so much, that you aren't even aware that you’re doing it.  But all you have to do, is start paying attention and being more intentional about your thoughts and  allow yourself To step into a more purposeful state of being. It will change everything. And the good news is, it’s just a choice.