Always Creating Value

Episode #9 "Always Creating Value™ Podcast for Successful Businesses" guest: Lynn Kitchen

May 12, 2022 Mark H. Fowler Season 1 Episode 9
Episode #9 "Always Creating Value™ Podcast for Successful Businesses" guest: Lynn Kitchen
Always Creating Value
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Always Creating Value
Episode #9 "Always Creating Value™ Podcast for Successful Businesses" guest: Lynn Kitchen
May 12, 2022 Season 1 Episode 9
Mark H. Fowler

Airdate: May 11, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (PDT) Always Creating Value™ Podcast: Bringing People, Capital and Ideas Together to Add Value: Lynn Kitchen

Lynn Kitchen is passionate about Power of Mentorship and Can-Do Spirit.

I first saw Lynn when she was interviewed for our Revolutionary Conversations, LLC’s Power of Peace® Podcasts.  Being one of our first interviewees, she was also one of our most enthusiastic.  She did something that no one since has done—she came prepared to talk about our book.  She had read it, studied it, practiced the instructions then successfully took the book’s conversational technology out into the world to support her to be more successful in 3 separate situations: business, personal and family interactions — all before the interview with us.

She had mentored herself and put her Can-Do Spirit into play and wowed us in so many ways.  She was able to help us better understand our book’s potential, clearly demonstrating how our information could be used in even more powerful circumstances than we had before—and our success with the material had already been impressive for many decades.  In essence, she was able to mentor us by demonstrating how she learned, engaged and utilized the material so the results were exceptional.  The whole time, mentoring in action, she was adding value to herself, us, the audience; by creating a new platform for those interviews, she gave us another, newer way to frame these podcast interviews.

We can’t wait to see how she wows us again on our Always Creating Value™ Podcast.
To introduce her in more depth, please see below:

  • Lynn’s production company, Kitchen-Hamilton Productions, is currently producing a 13-Episode TV Series, “World’s Greatest Motivators”, featuring top motivational speakers on the Power of Positivity and the Can-Do Spirit.
  • Previous productions include the Bob Proctor at Carnegie Hall event and the Master Mentor Series with Lynn as she interviewed notable thought leaders and master mentors on the Power of Mentorship.
  • As a publisher, Lynn is CEO of DreamSculpt Books & Media, an imprint of Waterside Productions (an Ingram Publishing Imprint) bringing book incubation services, publishing and strategic planning to authors whose messages make a positive difference in the world.
  • As one of four businesswomen, Lynn is a partner of The Four Dames, LLC, a women empowerment company.  Their book “Wealth Mastery for Women” is an international bestseller.
  • Formerly, Lynn enjoyed a 35-year career as a financial advisory executive and now provides seasoned perspective as a financial consultant.  

Mentorship and philanthropy have long been Lynn’s priorities, serving 22 years as Board Member of the Spirit Awakening Foundation that mentors incarcerated and at-risk youth in Los Angeles.  Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science, Business Marketing, from California State University, Long Beach; she has held many advanced financial certifications including Licensed Financial Principal and 2 years of study toward Certified Financial Analyst (CFA).

Lynn currently lives in Longboat Key, Florida, with her husband and enjoys tennis and biking.

We Initiated the Always Creating Value™ Podcast Program in September 2021.
We are delighted our Podcast guests have been eager to share how they are adding value in whatever they are doing in the world… you have an opportunity to hear about a new way to look at things by tapping into their successes and challenges.

People can find me if they wish,

Show Notes Transcript

Airdate: May 11, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (PDT) Always Creating Value™ Podcast: Bringing People, Capital and Ideas Together to Add Value: Lynn Kitchen

Lynn Kitchen is passionate about Power of Mentorship and Can-Do Spirit.

I first saw Lynn when she was interviewed for our Revolutionary Conversations, LLC’s Power of Peace® Podcasts.  Being one of our first interviewees, she was also one of our most enthusiastic.  She did something that no one since has done—she came prepared to talk about our book.  She had read it, studied it, practiced the instructions then successfully took the book’s conversational technology out into the world to support her to be more successful in 3 separate situations: business, personal and family interactions — all before the interview with us.

She had mentored herself and put her Can-Do Spirit into play and wowed us in so many ways.  She was able to help us better understand our book’s potential, clearly demonstrating how our information could be used in even more powerful circumstances than we had before—and our success with the material had already been impressive for many decades.  In essence, she was able to mentor us by demonstrating how she learned, engaged and utilized the material so the results were exceptional.  The whole time, mentoring in action, she was adding value to herself, us, the audience; by creating a new platform for those interviews, she gave us another, newer way to frame these podcast interviews.

We can’t wait to see how she wows us again on our Always Creating Value™ Podcast.
To introduce her in more depth, please see below:

  • Lynn’s production company, Kitchen-Hamilton Productions, is currently producing a 13-Episode TV Series, “World’s Greatest Motivators”, featuring top motivational speakers on the Power of Positivity and the Can-Do Spirit.
  • Previous productions include the Bob Proctor at Carnegie Hall event and the Master Mentor Series with Lynn as she interviewed notable thought leaders and master mentors on the Power of Mentorship.
  • As a publisher, Lynn is CEO of DreamSculpt Books & Media, an imprint of Waterside Productions (an Ingram Publishing Imprint) bringing book incubation services, publishing and strategic planning to authors whose messages make a positive difference in the world.
  • As one of four businesswomen, Lynn is a partner of The Four Dames, LLC, a women empowerment company.  Their book “Wealth Mastery for Women” is an international bestseller.
  • Formerly, Lynn enjoyed a 35-year career as a financial advisory executive and now provides seasoned perspective as a financial consultant.  

Mentorship and philanthropy have long been Lynn’s priorities, serving 22 years as Board Member of the Spirit Awakening Foundation that mentors incarcerated and at-risk youth in Los Angeles.  Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science, Business Marketing, from California State University, Long Beach; she has held many advanced financial certifications including Licensed Financial Principal and 2 years of study toward Certified Financial Analyst (CFA).

Lynn currently lives in Longboat Key, Florida, with her husband and enjoys tennis and biking.

We Initiated the Always Creating Value™ Podcast Program in September 2021.
We are delighted our Podcast guests have been eager to share how they are adding value in whatever they are doing in the world… you have an opportunity to hear about a new way to look at things by tapping into their successes and challenges.

People can find me if they wish,


Good morning, everybody. This is Mark Fowler. And this is always the always creating value podcast that we started sometime back in September, I forget those we meet every second Wednesday of the month. So whatever that was, was, it was an exciting experience. And now we're on our knife interview. And it's even more exciting than it's getting. We actually know what we're doing. We're having a good time, too. So I'm to remind people, business reengineering specialist, CPA, I work with companies in transition, whether it's bankruptcy, crisis management, growth, merger and acquisition, senior management issues with companies. Along the way, one of the things that has been an inherent value proposition for us, and being able to help these companies go from where they are to where they need to be, is tapping into their ability to create value on a consistent basis, not one time shots, not when we need it, not when when we're just in trouble, but on a consistent basis. And in the work that we've done, sometimes we find companies who are doing a great job with that. And what we have to do is enhance that ticket to the next level, but we don't struggle with, you know, having to define what always creating value has been. And then there's other situations where people don't even know they're being creative. And we need to tap into that and help them become much more comfortable with the fact that, you know, just because they don't know something, that doesn't mean they don't have something to offer, they can't offer that on a consistent on a consistent basis. And one of the reasons we're here today to talk to Lynn kitchen is that she like all the other people that we're going to have in the future are people that we've had before, understand the value of being able to consistently look at things and say, What can we do better? What do I have to learn? What kind of things can we turn from bad to good, and be thinking about doing the right thing. And in many cases, stepping up to be more more ethical and more truthful, you know, more on the same page with the people we work with. And more on the same page with the people that we serve. On the president and founder of stone Management Corporation in the business, business reengineering part of part of my practices. And then I'm the co founder and author and CEO of revolutionary conversations, which Behind me is our book, multi multi award winning book about conversation and how it can be much more effective and much more engaging for for all of us today, and I hope you enjoy us our event today. Lynn kitchen. I've known legend when for a number of years for the United Nations Association, for her her friendship with my co author, Barbara. And she's always amazed me with the things that she does. Every time we talk, every time we meet, she's got a new, a new card on the table. And it's it's a robust card. It's something that all of us are interested in. She's helped me a bit with. And our partner, Jared have helped me a bit with our previous book as well as a forthcoming book. They're always exciting to talk to. And one of the things that amazes me is how Lynn has been able to just keep going and going and raising the raising the octave that she has one of the things that she has to offer and I'm going to let her talk about those right now. When kitchen. Hi, Mark. Oh, I'm so excited to be here. Why I love your topic. I just love always add value, always create value. It kind of reminds me of that old saying always be selling. But in this case, it's always add value always be creating value. I'm just so excited about that topic. First of all, because I'm a proponent of that. I study it. I want to be the kind of person that brings more value every day. Almost like it's a way of life mark. So I'm excited to be here. Thank you for inviting me. Oh, you're welcome. You've always created value for For me, and you know, my team, I remember and I put it in the introduction to your, your podcast was that you showed up at the revolution of conversations power of peace interview. And you were the only person to do this having read the book and having having ideas and having actually, not only showed us your homework, but showed you showed us the three or four things you could accomplish with it. So you created value from the moment you showed up on it? Well, it was a pleasure to do So Mark, and I, you know, thank you for saying that, because I really love that book as well. It is one of my go to books ever since I, you know, bought it and have it in my hands and have it on my desk. And it is something that I actually use, and this is no joke, I use it right before I know I'm going into a potentially difficult conversation, or one that I'm nervous about. And I use it with family members. And I have, you know, if you want, I have something to add right here right now on how I'm using it newly to add value to my life. Now. And I'm excited about this is a brand new way of using it, it may not be brand new to you, Mark, because since we've spoken last, you've probably had millions of people using that book in millions of different ways. And I know, I hope so. Yes, I know, you've been teaching it, you know, at UCLA and places. But may I share what that is? Sure. All right. Um, I love the book i The title itself, is so inspiring revolutionary conversation, I started to ask myself, Is there a possible way that I could have a revolutionary conversation with myself? And just the question I've never asked myself before, what is a revolutionary conversation with me. And you often talk about how, when you are coming alongside a client, to be on the same side of the desk as the client, so that you're looking at circumstances in the same way as them and then you stop together and you use the tools together? And you ask, you know, how can I help you? And also, what risks can we take to further an understanding of the circumstances that you're presented with. And I'm actually using the tools now to do that, with myself. And two people on this side of the desk are my current little self and my future big self. Oh, those are your current self and your future self, my future self. And I started doing that with things that are bothering me. And asking my future self, who's already solved the problem, and also, who represents perhaps a higher power, who's in league with my future self. And together, we were looking at circumstances. And I've been having some breakthroughs. And I just, I'm excited all over again, with the revolutionary conversations book and how you can how I am using the tools for my own self growth, but more than that, it is adding value. It's adding value to, to an acceleration of my of moving through blockages moving through resistances that perhaps are of my own making any way. I love it. Well, first of all, I I number one, I want to thank you and in several ways, you're right. That is something we I've been using it for a long time. And, but we never brought it out. We never brought it out because it it bumped into it bumped into people's. A lot of people don't know how to do that. And you know, when I was reading our pre pre interview meeting, I was actually thinking about the fact that you were doing some of that already. I didn't it was just vague thoughts. We were talking about, like you were talking about how your major decision to be in the investment firm and you were thinking about, you know, you stopped yourself to say, Well, wait a minute, you know, how do I make this decision? What kind of help do I need to understand that and you, you discover that by what do I want We were talking about, you know, you were you were doing. No wonder you tapped into this so well, you were already doing some of the some of it? Well, yeah, and I think that that's why this topic is so easy to tap into also, because we are all interested in growth, you know, even, it's the way of the world, it's the, it's the way of nature, its value is created, by expansion. And by increasing by moving into the best people that we can be, you know, and this, the book that you have is one of the tools that really is makes a lot of sense, it's easy to use, and I just love it. Well, thank you. Well, you know, we have kept that, you know, the internal, I mean, we do talk about it, but, you know, stopping and thinking and whatever, but we don't talk about doing the conversation, possibly, because it has a prayer like aspect to it. We just, we knew we were bringing out something new, and I didn't want it to be something so new that people would, I didn't want to give people the opportunity to say no, you know, that's getting into other territory. I'm just saying the, there, the application is there. And, you know, it's, I am, I'm very aware of how growth really is hand in hand with spiritual expansion. Because every one of us, you know, is is a part and we are we're doing this together, whether you're a part of an organization, that corporation, we are individuals who are co creating, you know, coordinated movement, in in a same direction, hopefully, and adding value to, you know, everything that we choose to do in life. And a lot of that is meaningful. And there is you cannot divorce, the, you know, the the whole of us the spirituality, the wealth building, you know, the relationship building health, wealth, every part of it is value, adding, it's adding value to who we're becoming, and who we become, including yourself. And, you know, if we look at our we look at our world today, we're not, we're not stopping to, to consider and, and have those little conversations within ourselves to say, you know, I know, first of all, you know, am I doing the right thing? You know, why am I here? What, you know, I think one of the things that people don't do today, and that is to pay attention to what they don't know, they don't take the time, they don't say, let me understand what I don't understand. And if you're not doing that, you know, in your head, just to just to keep yourself straight. When you go down a rabbit hole, you tend to go off track with what you're doing. And it sounds like, you know, again, reading the pre interview, this, this quality of you was always there. And revolution conversation, you were able to tap into it so quickly, because you're already doing a great deal of self reflection, you talked about the reflection of being able to reflect on something and pay attention to the kinds of things that were important to you, like you've talked about with your wealth management clients, you needed to be conservative, but with a reasonable amount of risk. But you also talked about the different kinds of client you might have and the different things that you had to reflect on about them. And you had to be intuitive about this, touching yourself a bit in order to relate to somebody else in there, I think. And maybe I'm just talking off off the cuff, but I just kept reading and I kept saying you are constantly reflecting on what you're doing. And actually now more than ever, Mark and that's why I'm so appreciate you and and you're building a podcast around this topic. It's so refreshing, and that you're collecting points of views from all of the professionals and I am so honored to be here today, just because of the value that you're bringing to us by just talking about how can we, how can we be in that reflective space? So that the value that we do bring is conscious. So it is reflective. It's conscious and it's meaningful, and then it lands on doing the right thing and doing better, and doing more of the right thing and more better. And so that's that's called, you know, creating future values. And you mentioned, the, my being in the investment advisory world. For those who don't know, Mark's referring to the fact that I, my first career was in about 35 years in the investment advisory world. And I was just reflecting back today on that experience, working with clients who, you know, it's your holding hands on wealth creation, it is what you are doing with them, to help them not only understand what it takes to create wealth, but also investment advisor really takes the reins and creates those portfolios for you, with the idea that that is a, you know, a two way street and, and communication. But I was reflecting today on all of the use of the word value, profession, you know, you have economic value added, we used to actually teach what is e va economic value added. And because I was a teacher, as well as an investment advisor, and spent, I think, 15 years as teaching, portfolio management in the Pacific School of Finance, and economic value added was one of the concepts that we taught, not an easy concept, to understand or to teach, but a very, very important concept. And then we would teach well, what is value? And what is present value? And what is future value? And how do you make decisions based upon valuation? You know, in it is really kind of interesting how we, today make decisions all day long, how many decisions do you make all day long, based upon our perception of value? You know, and and I want to have a little conversation today about how value is changing how our, our, you know, intrinsic understanding of the value in this world is changing, I mean, not just the dollar in terms of its value and what it can buy now, and of course, everyone knows we're in an inflationary mode, you know, which shrinks the value of the dollar and the purchasing value. But, you know, it's, it pulls into question, what, what value do we need to create? How much more value do we need to create to accomplish the goals that we want? But in addition to that, I think it brings into question, what is the future value that we want to create as, as, as a family, as an individual, as a family, as a city, as a state as a country for, you know, for God's sakes, as an as an, you know, as a world? What, what are what are our values and I know, Mark, you do a lot of teaching around, you know, this concept and I'm, I was just I had a moment to reflect how we Bandy about the word value without really understanding value. Well, let me let me stop for a second. One of the things that impressed me in our in our pre interview was your consciousness about the different stages of your clients? World? Are you married or you're newly married? Do you want children? Do you have adult parents that are somewhere along the line, you're going to have to, you're going to have to address their needs, their needs, as well. And as people get older, and they start thinking about retirement, the kinds of different things that that need to kick in. And then each stage, you are not only reflecting on but putting on the table for other people's discussion, you know, as your, your customer, your, your, your client, you're talking about how they participate in that value. And the reason I reflecting back on this, they use every, we've repeated that term quite a bit. But to reflect back on that, as it relates to the things you're talking about the future is that I think in the future, where we are today is we don't think about what's on the other side of the table as much as we used. And, you know, I think you're a good example and you bring you bring an awful lot of wealth. To that ability for us to be able to not just come to the table with my agenda, and this is the way I want to do what I want to do it by, oh, hopefully I didn't I got rid of something accidentally. And so I want to go back to that. So could you do that a little bit? And then we can go? Yeah, you know, it's, I actually retired from my first career, it's been 10 years ago now, but I loved noticing and studying what it what the values are different, it's a, it's a lifecycle of wealth, it's the lifecycle of means it's a lifecycle of in, in wealth creation over a life time, it just, as you mentioned, you know, people who are clients who are in the early stage of getting a job and creating a family, their needs are different, and their values are different. And therefore, creating wealth has a different understanding, and teaching there in that particular case, and different from the 45 year old couple, or a 50 year old couple, who are, you know, now making shifts and changes completely different from people who then you know, their children are grown, empty nesters, after they had put them through college, you know, perhaps utilized a lot of the assets that they had built up till now well, how did they replace all those assets? And now how do they prepare for retirement and the values that are important to them at that stage completely different? Once again? And how do you connect with someone whose values are changing all the time? Now, those that, that takes a lot of compassionate understanding, and compassionate capitalism, I believe, is there's room for compassionate capitalism based on our understanding of what's important to, for to and for others, and moving them people through to a later life experience in which their needs change when change once again, they're no longer having an income, but they're now requiring to draw upon their assets to live, you know, in retirement, completely different and what is the the arc of one's life? And how then do you create wealth to leave to another, another generation beyond you, and maybe their generation of generations and your grandchildren and so forth. So it's a whole dynamic, wonderful way of creating synergy within someone's understanding of your wealth isn't just money, it's not just your portfolio, it is how you create the, you know, the relationships along the way what, you know, what monetary strengths can you bring to the table, and I always took the understanding that was my job to be extremely sensitive, but more than that, there's a whole amount of emotions underneath those values that come to play in wealth management, you know, the ups and downs market. So, how do you ascertain, you know, you know, people you know, I was in public accounting for 10 years, so I had clients for 10 years, a lot of the work I do today is not you know, not working for clients for a long, long, long time where you come in fix things and you know, change them and move forward. But when you when you work with people for a long period of time, even as they're changing, sometimes you don't even see it sometimes you know, that you're in my case it was year to year and I you know, with you it might well have been a quarterly amount or whatever. So how do you go about tapping into that? Those changes now obviously, we as we get older, we get older, so we we can see some of that how do you tap into their value proposition is changing how they see value, how do you tap into that perceptional perceptual dynamic? Well, I thank you for it's a great question. And I can only look back and in with the benefit of hindsight and say I think I did a pretty good job. I did the best job I could. And that I had a my own values system of I'm having regular conversations with the clients. So that I was the one reaching out, I didn't wait for them to call me when they were upset when they opened the, you know, the monthly statement and saw that there was a decline in the market, therefore, there was a decline in the market value, I anticipated the possibility of what what emotional impact was going to happen when they did open that monthly statement, of course, back then we had everything come in the mail, we didn't have the instantaneous things of the computers that investment managers have today. But I did really feel that conversations, just like in your book, was a very, very large part of reaching out to connect with what is going on? And what changes. Can you share with me that that you're going through, and the other part is education. Most people I find are afraid to admit that they don't know what they don't know, in the field of wealth creation and money management, and even in counting, there's so much misinformation and so much fear. And and should I do this? And should I do that and looking at other people who have, you know, made an overnight fortune or something just because they haven't done make a decision to buy something right before it went up. Other people may have sold it five minutes before and they lost everything. So there's this constant, roiling and broiling of emotions that happen alongside an education is really important. So that's why I feel like I was a good teacher as well, as a good educator. That doesn't mean that I ran a company that was extremely large, either, we really were at a smaller boutique company. And we liked it that way. Because it gave us an opportunity to really serve and be of service in the way that we wanted to. And and that I feel proud of. I would, if I had been a client, I know that I would have been very happy because you obviously, number one are proactive, you know, you talked about, you know, getting getting there before the mail gets there. And you're right, a lot of things have changed. And a lot of people because of the internet. I mean, we saw it in our consulting practice, reengineering practice, you know, people know more about, they think they know more about raising money for their business than than we do have done it for decades. Because they saw it on the internet, you know, there's been so much of that. And that's, that's beginning to and from my case has began to diminish a bit, because people are beginning to realize that they can't keep up, you know, and that overwhelming, it's truly overwhelming. You mean, you have people now that do their own brokerage, you know, they become their own brokers, they are they, you know, they spend their day, they quit their job, and all they do is buy, do it yourself trend is its enormous. It's self empowering, of course. And it you know, the more you know, the more there is that you are aware that you don't know. It, I mean, huge gaps of knowledge are dangerous. And we don't we only had as professionals to look at 2007 2008 at the amount of risk that was inherent in the current economy that none of us really understood or are really admitted. And certainly were caught on too late. Making changes in clients portfolios, because, you know, it, it was a dump. And those kinds of experiences are shocking. Of course, I you know, have gone through that before as on in the crash of 1987. When you just we did not anticipate a sharp increase in the monetary interest rates that was Volker. It was it was an It was a shock. It was out of the blue and the markets were shocked. And so when when you have an economic shock that people don't see coming, how do you move through those? How do you navigate as an investment advisor as a professional in your in your case, Mark? And those kinds of things are interesting because it's kind of like I look upon it as a divorce. We have We divorce or you know, things that can happen to Get to us on a personal level, it's a shock shocks happen. Whether it's an economic shock, a personal shock, a spiritual shock, things happen in our lives that we, you know, cards are dealt that, you know, may or may not have been any of our doing or any of our fault. But the arrogance with which most people think that they can, you know, trade the markets, it's, it's kind of interesting to me now more than ever. It's always been part of the lexicon of, you know, winning, one person wins great. And that creates eyeballs and sells newspapers out. And, and what I always took the practice of not listening to a lot of the hype and going in the other direction, very much of a contrarian myself so that I could stay calm, centered, centered, and look for the real facts. And even then that was very difficult to discern, with the level of knowledge, even after 30 years, you just think, Okay, well, even that amount of knowledge, in certain circumstances don't even doesn't even serve me. Because, you know, the tidal wave has that tsunami, just took everything out with it, and what can you do? What can you do, so there's an impact on what you can, what you can impact and what you can't and then a lot of the time off for me, is helping people recover. We're, I would like to, before we talk about your books work and the mentoring work that you're doing, I would like to go back to the what you were talking about your future self, and you were talking about the the need to being focused on being more value creation in the future in the present. And I asked you to go back and look at what you've done. So, you know, for five minutes, let's let's, let's talk a little bit about what we just talked about, and how it reflects to what you believe needs to happen in the future. Hmm, what a great question. The, what I think needs to happen in the future for each one of us is to understand that we have a, we have a present self, and a future self. That that that that is just like every corporation has a present value, and a future value. And what I used to do in, in evaluating companies to make a decision, whether it was a buy or a sell in any particular moment, that's a decision. It was to evaluate the difference between your present the present value of that corporation in that time, and its inherent future value. And if that inherent future value looked like pretty promising, it was a by all right, I think we can do the same analogy as individuals now. So the present value of my circumstantial is my life and all that my, the all that I've ever done, ever been all of the accumulation of knowledge and experience, which has great value, right? You would agree? We don't we don't have intuitive enough, that's for sure. Right? And so right here right now in the present value of who we are and what we bring to the table. Let's, let's learn to value it all that more in a in an appreciation sense, let's let's bring some gratitude to ourselves on how well we've done rather than looking only to what's missing. That's the difference that I would like to see in myself first. And maybe someone out there needs to hear that today. But in myself, I'm endeavoring on a daily basis to bring more appreciation to my experience. I was mad last year that I turn just turned 70 mad. It took me a long time to really just get over being angry and self deprecating that I hadn't accomplished a certain amount of things that that was on my accomplishment list. Up till that point until a few months ago, as I've been caring, caring for my 99 year old mother and witnessing how much in grace, that she is right where she is. And that is a potentially a window to look at my future self. You see? So I'm looking down the road now to and say, Well, what can I do? And who can I be? What is the value of my future self? 10 years from now 20 years from now, at 70. We look forward and it medically we probably have 30 more years, most of us who are healthy now at 70? Or if you're 60, you know, you're gonna live another 3040 years. How can we create value now? In what does it mean to us? What will bring value to us in the future? What will make us feel expansive? What will make us feel more loving, more generous, more giving? It's not always in the having. I think it's in the beginning, who can we be? How can we be more peaceful? How can we be more grateful? How can we be more appreciative? How can we bring value to others without expecting so much in return? I have a friend who goes into every meeting. And I'm inspired by him. He goes into every meeting and he said, I'm going to teach you a new mindset of value. So I've got this from him. So this is not mine, but I want to share it right now. He calls it the 120 rule. You've heard I'm sorry, this is who was this? A friend of mine. Okay. I'll give him credit. His name is David Meltzer. He's one of the keynote speakers in the television show that I produced. He's he's one of the keynote speakers in that television show. And he's a motivational expert, and a mindset specialist. So his he has this rule called the 120 rule. It's not the 8020 rule. You've heard of that? Yes, of course. But here's is the 120 rule. And it says, he says Know your value, be your value, bring your value to it to the table, whether it's a negotiation table, whether it is the relationship table, whether it is the table of creation, where you're creating value, and CO creating with others, to create a corporation, organization. So what he said for every timed and I'm going to heat this, this are his props,$100 and $20. He says, so he said, I bring $100 worth of value. But I only charged $20 for it. But I'm always bringing$100 of myself a value, even though it's only 20 that I'm expecting in return. And what does that do for me, he says, that is a mindset of value in which I'm always ready to provide more value than what is expected or more value than anything that I expect in return and that by bringing more value to any situation, he says, I then have the opportunity to change the destiny of any organization that then I'm involved with, and bringing value as a way of life and bringing value in a mindset that shifts who and what I'm being Why am I being in this world, if not to bring more value of that which is within me anyway, inherent. And it brings out this idea. In my mind, he doesn't really go into this teaching more deeply. But I have sat in the in awe of the idea long enough to come up with this idea of my own and that is that the value is that you're tapping into an unlimited source. Within that we speak about resources and wanting to add value by finding resources, more resources, when in fact, the greatest resource we have is the source within which is well known in the world in the world today and I'm going to shift a bit but in the world today we find ourselves surprised that when there's a challenge substantial challenge, we all pull together. And we all get creative. But for whatever reason, we seem to believe that we need to, we need that challenge. In order to do that, when in reality we we should be doing that every day doesn't mean we have to do it in that, that level of dramatic, you know, what happens when things fall apart and you know, your house burns and whatever. But, you know, on a regular basis, we should be thinking about it, it doesn't again, it does not have to be as dynamic. But as long as it's consistent, I think exactly. Yeah. Let's talk a little bit about what happens after wealth management. Let's tap into the books, let's tap into the invention, your TV Show, and let's go to mentoring. Because obviously, your enthusiasm is a key to your own creativity. Along with your ability to reflect and understand and pace yourself, you were talking about making sure that the distractions and making sure that you're staying centered, are all things that make it make you powerful when you sit down across the table from others. So how did you get into books? And how did you get into mentors? A little bit by accident, but not totally by accident. I retired from investment advisory in 2010. That was after a medical diagnosis that took me a while to recover from so I decided to retire one industry and then look around and say, Well, what more is there for, for the old gal here. And I just got into tennis, I did just fun things like one would do to retire. But I got bored. And then I thought, well, what is next, I jumped in to personal development, I was curious, I had worked with Reverend Michael Beckwith agape church as a spiritual practitioner. And I loved his motivation, motivational style. And he had the ability to, to, you know, help through words, shift one's perception without being religious. And I began to look into that idea for myself. And I found a lot of mentors who spoke to my heart. And I began to study with those mentors. And when I did that, I decided that there's that part within me that loves mentorship, and the power of mentorship where we can help others give back, take knowledge that we've experienced in, you know, from our past, and pass it on, pass it forward and do good, good deeds in the world. So a lot of this is all kind of coming together when I met Jared Rosen, whom you met mentioned, who had an opportunity to create a new company called Dream sculpt books, and media, and asked me to be part of that endeavor, so that we could help others who wanted to publish their good deeds and their good works. And every one of those books had something in it that would help others. And that got me interested. What can we do as a medium that can help others while books is one medium, TV or media is another medium. And so I just began to get curious and fascinated with the different ways that we can help other people through the power of mentorship. And books is a great, great way of doing that. Videos are a great way of doing that. Take us talk a little bit about where they could see you for the mentorship because I think it's you're on you're on, you're on. You're on television, you're on spectrum or something like that. Yeah. Well, I think you're referring to. In addition to that book, business, I then decided I wanted to create something special on my own. And so I gathered all of the mentors that I have been working with, as many of them were my own mentors. And then I asked them who they would look up to. And so I decided, well, let's produce a whole show. Let's get all these mentors together and produce a television show because I don't didn't think it had been done. But let's do it in a way where people could really They experience motivational speakers from the stage and feel that rising conviction, you know, when you get motivated, what you can do with your own rising conviction and how the EFA how you feel the next day, you just go out and hard charge it. And I love that feeling. I wanted more of that feeling. And I wanted to be able to produce that feeling for others. So I became a producer, which is something I never thought I would do. Never had any clue on how to do that had no background in the entertainment world or or anything like that. But I did find some inspiration from Walt Disney. It's kind of a moron. Well, some inspiration from Walt Disney. Oh, well, Disney. Okay, gotcha. And I'll tell you that story in a minute if you'd like to hear it. But what I did is not just with me, but along with my partner, Julie Jones, Hamilton and our other production partner, David Meltzer, whom I mentioned, had the rule 120 rule. He was also the executive producer of the TV show called world's greatest motivators. And that TV show has 1314 episodes, half hour episodes, and it was aired on national cable television in right at the beginning of the pandemic 2020. And it aired all that year, on a different cable stations. And now we are distributing it on live stream. streaming services, including Hulu, Hulu, and crackle TV, and Plex TV and many distributors have of the show. And just recently, we have an offer for a German company who wants to take it internationally to Germany in the German language. So that means that we're just beginning to syndicated overseas where I believe the hunger really is in, you know, in other worlds for the power of mentorship, and the can do attitude. And all of the messages that are in that show is that you know, you can do it if you believe you can. And what is this can stuff that I'm talking about? Really it is adding value. Right. Are you one of the mentors? Because you know, you're mentoring the daylights out of us here. Oh, thank you. I'm not because it was the best of the best. We did a show that was the best of the best. And that included people who've been, you know, speaking on stages for 4050 years, we had Bob Proctor, he just passed away, unfortunately. But we were so proud that we have him on our marquee to bring His message worldwide. Jack Canfield, Les Brown Brian Tracy, John Azur if Sharon Lechter, these Mary Morrissey, these are names that have been at the top top top of the personal development field for years, and they've all been trained from, you know, people before them like Earl Nightingale, and so forth. So there's a whole history of mentorship, upon whose shoulders I'm standing by being the producer. So it's not me. But I you know, I was very fortunate to have the vision first of all, and then make it happen with the help of a lot, a lot of contributors. Well, I could keep continue to interview you, I but I know that James and n o have questions for you. But before we go to that, I want to thank you for bringing up revolutionary conversations, first of all, but also revolutionary conversations in our head. And you've now forced me now that it's out of the box, so to speak. We have to deal with it. And I think, look, I will be looking to you. And you probably you've probably refined it in ways that I never thought of so. So anyway, I'll be back to you with any way I can help. That would be wonderful. Yeah. Wouldn't be wonderful. It was interesting to hear you mentioned some names that I haven't heard for a very long time. And that was when you mentioned Beckwith my introduction to him was back. Remember in 2006 when the secret Yes, was first introduced to us and it brought about that that whole idea of, of your own value and bringing what you value to yourself. And it seems to have gotten lost. And it's it went into a pocket that became very commercial. But I think that it's unfortunate that so many younger people coming up today don't have the kind of enthusiasm that people had around the secret back all those years ago, is there something that I'm missing that's happening today that I don't see that was as, besides what you're doing, bringing those kinds of people to for? Well, and thank you, that's, that's wonderful, acknowledging and the secret definitely opened, it was historic, and it opened our awareness. It's not the first time that's that that has happened. I mean, most of us who are on this panel, lived through the Vietnam War, when, you know, we were just moving through the 1960s of awakening, all kinds of, of new ideas, love, peace, rock and roll. And then, you know, we kind of went dormant for a while the secret was, was the first pop up because of the internet. And it went viral because of the internet. And so thank you for acknowledging that actually, on the world's greatest motivator show, we do have Reverend Michael Beckwith, as you mentioned, is one of the stars but also Bob Proctor, and also John Azur F, and also Lisa Nichols, and also and also, so these same voices are still around, and they are still very effective, in my opinion, of helping to elevate what's really important today. And that is that, yes, the law of attraction is part of it. But it's so they do, I think you've done a better job because we are in an evolutionary stage of the personal development messaging. And they every one of them now talk about the law of vibration is that to be in the vibration of a higher idea, always Trump's the vibration of a lower idea. And that's why I love this program so much, Mark. And what you've done here is because that the idea of adding value as a way of life becomes a high, highly beautiful idea. That's attractive. And however, and I just want to say this, I am aware that young people now do know about the law of attraction. As a matter of fact, I just heard the other day, this is really cute. There are I think it was Bezos, or one of the main influencers, I think it was Bezos, who had who has his particular rules of attraction. And so a lot of the younger people are on their videos, on their iPhones and other smartphones, doing a lot of attraction work. And it's fascinating because that younger generation, I think, already has it in their DNA a little bit more than, you know, an older generation, they get it faster, that law of attraction makes sense to them, of the law of vibration makes sense to them. They assimilate things so fast now that they actually, you know, can manifest much faster than I think I ever could or did. Does that does that? I think so I have a great deal of hope, a great deal of hope for the future. I agree. It's when it's the abundance. You know, so many people live in a world where there's a lack of abundance. And, you know, if I give them I have to take away from something else. And and that's what I think Mark is trying to focus on the fact that you come in to a situation not to see what's wrong, but to see what's right, and what abundance we can build on. And when you look at things, for example, like tick tock, when we thought social media was done and had been exposed, and then comes along this newbie, not taking anything away from anybody else, just adding more abundance to an environment that we all can share and be part of. And it's that type of environment that I think you are trying to expand for people. Yeah, well said and I think all of us are. Certainly it takes a lot of understanding and and willing to change right now. Oh my goodness that the level of change, it just gets more and more rapid. Exactly, exactly. Now I think what you bring to the table is, is exciting. And I like to hear it spoken of again, when. And if it brings you back to so many of those, not that I ever, ever truly left them because I've always lived in world abundance. But I'm, it sometimes get batted around by those who find it, that they don't have that much to give, because they have to take from themselves in order to give Hmm. It's interesting you say that, because when you go in many companies, you've got the higher ups and the, you know, supposedly the one, you know, down the bottom. And what's interesting is that when you know, in a turnaround situation, or a crisis situation, it's often the people down below that make it happen, not the ones up above. Because they're more in touch with what they need. They're more in touch what's happening there. And they don't know it until somebody in many ways, you know, we raised the question or like, and then said, we come alongside them, and don't treat them like they're above or below. But we're doing this together type of situation. You know, I didn't really get a chance to introduce and and James that was something I normally do, and is quite the Pioneer herself. You're talking about you being one of 50 and, and jump forward, we we graduated from college together we were we both shared a very treasured friend, Ken Johnson, Kenny Johnson, and he was my roommate. And I knew Ann and but Ann was worked in big business, he was the head of Hallmark retail. And she was the head of FTD FTD and worked on several other major companies as as CEO or vice president or whatever, she's, in many cases, she was the only female in the boardroom, that's for sure. So you have a bit in common with each other. So kudos, kudos to you. And thank you, Lynn, one of my favorite stories is one corporate meeting when someone I heard someone turn to someone else and say, did somebody bring their wife and I was president of retail, I was president of a division for Vanity Fair at that point. And they had never had a woman president up up until that point. And it was you had to be a little more gymnastic possibly. Because you had to figure out your how you were going to use some of the things that the men would use to your advantage, while bringing in the nuances that a gal can bring to the table that they've had sorely overlooked at that point. Wow, that's, well, I'm sure that you were not only breaking the glass ceiling. But being a great role model for those who followed your footsteps. You know, it's so interesting that you bring that up plan. And I wonder if you've experienced this as a mentor in exactly what you're speaking, I found so often that women coming through, were unwilling to take three steps back to get 10 steps forward. Because they work so hard to get those three steps, it was impossible to move back to go forward. And sometimes you have to do that. Sometimes you have to make, you know, not make a complete 180 to get to where you want to go. And they just weren't willing to do it. And so that's when they often got happy with being called administrative assistant instead of a secretary. Well, what did you What did you mean by step back a little bit, you know, well, sometimes when you when you want to make a bold career move, you have to come in at a spot that isn't possibly at the same level of the spot you're in right now. But you can read the tea leaves and see that the potential for that is so great, that that's where you should be going. And so what's the future? That's the future self right? That's right, that's talking to your future self and not looking at where you're landing so much is where you want to be. That's very powerful. And looking back on my career. I can see times when I would have liked to have a had a mentor to outline for me what it could mean to me the value that it could bring to me but no, really, I didn't, didn't have that. Nor was, you know, you're just like you said, coping, taking every day to just get through the day as a woman in that stressful situation where, you know, you're you're really, you're you're breaking ground when you're breaking ground, it's like takes all that you've got to move that, you know, bulldozer ahead. Now, I think that we have a little bit more elegance in CO creating coordinated movement as more elegant way of management. But I think that was sorely missing very few mentors. And that's why I'm passionate about the power of mentorship. How we can be more conscious to be mentors, not, you know, not only asking for mentorship, because that's also a skill set. Know when you need to ask for mentorship, but also to offer it and to see when it's needed. But the skill of communication again, it's a revolutionary conversation, when you can mentor someone well. Yes. I'm going to interrupt for a quick second. I want to get back to James and if Ann has other questions as well, I'd like to tap into those. But I don't want to forget because sometimes I forget to close the loop on some things and and will remind me later we always ask the interviewee after the, in the last parts of the interview, is there something that came up to from you, from us or from you or from the environment today, the interaction today that that you had never thought of? Or the surprised you. And surprise, surprise you in some way are? Like my my late partner in the in the in the revolutionary conversations program, Gloria Axelrod used to say, How do I know what I mean? Until I hear what I say. And that has happened to me many, many times in presentations, being able to say, I'll be talking a lot, I'm doing the doing the presentation, and all of a sudden, something will come out of me that I would I I never planned on saying and probably never even said to myself. And anyway, is there anything that comes to mind as you were going through this? Like, I'm glad I said that or? I never thought about that or whatever? Interesting question. I think the concept of future self future value is one that rang true for me, and I want to stick a pin in that for myself and come back and explore it more. How can I be my best self? It's a question that I believe we can all really ask ourselves. There's the whole personal development industry is based on that? How can we motivate others to be their best selves? Or what does that mean? So what I really loved was the opportunity for me personally, since I do have this interesting financial background of 35 years of helping to craft portfolios and build wealth for people over time to look back and look at the meaning of economic value added, present value, future value, those are all economic terms that you know, we used to live and die by and measurement sticks. But putting those measurements six to oneself and say, Well, what is it that I'm here to be? What am I called to do? What is it that's within my spirit that is yet to be done in excites me? Those things, I want to contemplate those things I want to have a revolutionary conversation with myself about those things. I want to dream more within myself and see that the dream state is the seed the seeding the place of seeding for that future value. Thank you. Thank you, James. I don't want to forget you here. Thanks for not forgetting me. I did. Just been super stimulated by this conversation, I mean, and I want to sort of comment off of the, there was a comment from our participant from Pakistan. That sounds, yes, expressing his appreciation for you bringing these things to the world stage because I feel like, you know, you, you came in and so often we have these conversations, and it's about what people at my level, you know, can do to start this whole wave of improvement versus people at the top and the level of integrity that has to occur, you know, at the top, and, and so much of this, we had Rinaldo last, that our last guest, and, and he was talking about some of the stuff that happened in the late 70s, where I became actually sort of aware of, of the, you know, the country I lived in, and how we, there's a little bit of a difference in, in certain kinds of economic situations. And, and by now, you know, often I feel like, you have to have an attorney, you know, present to walk out your front door. And there's, you know, there's so many rules, to be a guy that, that wants to moonlight and have a small business on the side and a full time job and try to invent something and write a book, you know, there's so many liabilities to being a guy that wants to do a lot of different things, if you're going to pay your taxes correctly, and publish things right and not, you know, not go bankrupt, or, or you behave with in a certain out integrity manner to survive that whole arc. And so, I feel like, you know, this whole idea of compassionate capitalism, you know, this, this whole sort of as within so without kind of approach you have, and even the lexicon, you know, that you use is sort of spiritual in nature, you know, it's, the idea of a higher power being brought into any kind of financial planning. Is, is revolutionary to me. So, you know, I don't know, if that's just a comment, or anything that you can speak to, because I have about eight or 12 bullet points here things like, for games, that's pretty brilliant. I think it's wonderful, thank you so much for pointing out some of the resistances resistances that we do have, and we face and in our normal everyday life, there's no doubt that we are in a world of liability. And it's always good to have an attorney as your best friend. I think certainly, in the investment advisory world, the number one thing that I was the most expert at and made sure I was was was the the legalities of what it takes to operate correctly in in the investment advisory world. Which is all, you know, the laws that govern our financial institutions. And the laws that govern our economic institutions and corporate institutions are real though through like, you know, guardrails that we have within which to navigate and operate. And there's no question that there has been abuse in, especially in economic terms, countries politically and so forth. That's a deeper topic, James, but the main thing that I get that I'm feeling from you is that what does one do? I mean, it's just, it takes a lot of awareness, to bring your best, and all your gifts to the world and still have. Have that part of you. That's that has to cross the t's and dot the I's and make sure that the paperwork is done correctly. And that is just the world that we live in. No different from any other time in history. No different from I mentioned, Walt Disney. I loved to give you a story about that in just a second. But Walt Disney back in the high creative days of the beginning of that corporation, and remember that corporation has has been a wellspring of wealth for people around the world, not just Americans who happen to buy the Disney stock at any point in over the last 40 years, but also for their employees. And just in in terms of ideology, the hope, the hope that the that has been marketed and consumed, I think spiritually even have been the young children who listen to the movies that are created by Walt Disney and the ideology of dream. And you can do anything, just dream it. Just try it, just dream it. You have the power it's within it comes from within, you know, be with your dreams, allow your dreams to be real. Allow your dreams to pull you forward. Yes, you do have, you know certain conditions? Yes, we're all on a hero's journey. Yes, compassionate capitalism is being birthed right now, after a grudge egregious problems all over the world, which still happen, and still are going on. But there is a higher awareness that I choose to stick myself in and get educated about, so that we can all do better together. I hope that helps a little bit. I really do believe that we are, we're making progress. Well, and I also think it really helps for people like yourself to point out to people like me that this is no different than any other time in history. There was, you know, doing business during the Roman Empire was just as difficult. Oh, my gosh, you're so right. In the Roman Empire, all of the progress was done by slaves. Come on, the whole place was built by their slaves. Even the Egyptians, the slaves, I mean, you know, we, we have made some progress. Yeah, sometimes we want to think that it's all you know, today's problem, and it's just part of being human. And I really appreciate you bringing right sizing. And, you know, as a man who, um, you know, who's who's not afraid to admit that he's cried at the end of marijuana? Yes. That he had a deep spiritual experience watching the end of that animated Disney show. So I think this is a perfect opportunity for me to tell my story about Walt Disney, if it's okay with you, Mark. And I just want to be careful of the time for Ann and James, because they may. Go ahead, okay, I'll make it fast. Back when I was probably 1988 or so I came across an article in Fortune Magazine. That was a illustration, dating back to 1957. Illustrated by Walt Disney himself. And it was called Walt Disney's theory of value creation. Oh, really, Walt Disney's theory of value creation. And on one illustration, one piece of paper, he did this, he, he outlined visually, what his future value was going to look like. And in the middle, he had his content creators, who were the value creators, the value creation of everything came from the dreamers here, they were dreamers, they're the ones who did the movies and everything. And then down here was Disneyland, and over here was the record company, and over here was the TV shows, and over here was, and they all kind of were working together from the central place from which the value was being created. And he ended and the article went on to say that the implicit future evolution that this particular thing provided guidance concerning the competitive terrain that Disney eventually faced, but that the assets and the capability, that combination of his theory that that we evolve forward through time that theory has not fundamentally changed by Disney Corporation is still operative today. And I just think for you know, that particular thing has excited me for about three decades now since I saw that and I wanted to share that because Mark, what you're doing here Are is so important. One man built an empire and really created wealth around the world for people based upon a theory of value creation. And for that wonderful, wonderful example. And the fact that thank you for for this particular opportunity to be on your show. Well goes both ways, it goes both ways. You know, one of the reasons why we focus on individuals like you is that oftentimes, people look at successful people, and they don't believe they can also be successful. They don't realize, in the nine episodes that we've done, everybody's had a different way of, you know, finding that their their value of where it came from, we didn't even talk a lot about, you know, your mom being, you know, a role model for you. And now here you are also with your mom doing a TV show, from a podcast of your own about your mom. And, you know, and obviously, there's a lot of reflective and creative and evolutionary things going on for you in that process with your mom. But everybody is doesn't different. And I hope that you know, when we keep going and going that people look at interviews like yours and say, I can relate to that and I can relate to you know how I can do it myself, I can, I can touchstone, where I came from, and several people have had some pretty big aha says to where that came. I never thought about that before. You know where in so they can go back and touch on it. It's, it's been very exciting. And that then it's kind of like there's no rules about how you create value, you just gotta tap into what, what the universe or you you know, what comes with you? What's the package, you've got an awful lot going on. So how do you tap into it? So, so thank you. Next Next month, we have Marty Cooper already invented the handheld cell phone. And he has a lot to talk about the history of phones from from mobile phones, meaning that they used to have car phones back in 1939. To where he kicked off in the early 70s In the mid 80s. So when Thank you very much, you are always an inspiration. And if if I'm grumpy and and I don't have a smile on my face, all I have to do is do an interview with you. Thank you. Well, I hope you invited me back. It's been a lot of fun. I appreciate you and thank you, Ann and James so much