The Berman Method

Episode 143: 5 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Quality of Life!

April 29, 2024 Jenni
Episode 143: 5 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Quality of Life!
The Berman Method
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The Berman Method
Episode 143: 5 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Quality of Life!
Apr 29, 2024

Wake up and conquer the day with us, Jake and Jenni Berman, as we reveal the five golden rituals to elevate your mornings and enrich your life. Last week, we tackled the essentials of living fully and meaningfully, but now we're zooming in on the day-to-day habits that can catapult your daily routine from mundane to magnificent. Whether it's resisting the seductive lure of the snooze button or kickstarting your metabolism with a glass of room-temperature water, our conversation is packed with actionable tips guaranteed to infuse your days with vitality and purpose.

Join the lively banter between a doctor and a physician assistant who are not just partners in podcasting, but also in life. We dish out a blend of science, humor, and real-life anecdotes to make adopting these five fundamentals feel less like a chore and more like a choice for a happier, healthier you. From the moment your feet hit the floor to the empowering ritual of hydration, we've got you covered. So, fill up that water bottle and tune in – because your journey to a more invigorated and intentional life starts now with the Berman Method podcast.

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Show Notes Transcript

Wake up and conquer the day with us, Jake and Jenni Berman, as we reveal the five golden rituals to elevate your mornings and enrich your life. Last week, we tackled the essentials of living fully and meaningfully, but now we're zooming in on the day-to-day habits that can catapult your daily routine from mundane to magnificent. Whether it's resisting the seductive lure of the snooze button or kickstarting your metabolism with a glass of room-temperature water, our conversation is packed with actionable tips guaranteed to infuse your days with vitality and purpose.

Join the lively banter between a doctor and a physician assistant who are not just partners in podcasting, but also in life. We dish out a blend of science, humor, and real-life anecdotes to make adopting these five fundamentals feel less like a chore and more like a choice for a happier, healthier you. From the moment your feet hit the floor to the empowering ritual of hydration, we've got you covered. So, fill up that water bottle and tune in – because your journey to a more invigorated and intentional life starts now with the Berman Method podcast.

Check Us Out On Social Media - 
Facebook: @bermanwellness , @physicaltherapynaples, @Berman Golf 
Instagram: @berman_wellness, @bermanphysicaltherapy , @Berman Golf 
Youtube: Berman Golf, Berman Physical Therapy
TikTok: Bermangolf, Bermanwellness

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Speaker 1:

This is the Berman Method podcast, featuring Dr Jake Berman and physician assistant Jenny Berman. We are here to treat problems and not symptoms. Disclaimer this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and not to treat anyone or to give medical advice. If you are interested in any information that we are giving and would like to use this for yourself, we recommend that you contact your primary care physician or reach out to us and ask us questions about yourself specifically. Enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Here we go, baby. We are back with the Berman Method podcast, focused on treating problems and not symptoms. Dr Jake Berman here with my beautiful co-host, jenny Berman, physician assistant. What is happening, everybody? I hope you enjoyed last week's episode. If you did not listen to it, please go back and listen to it, because it brought in everything that actually matters in life. The biggest take-home message was if you really care about adding life to your years, and not just years to your life, then the keys to the kingdom was in last week's episode. So go back and listen to it and share it with somebody, if you already did. Today we're going to do something short and sweet Five basic fundamentals that you should be doing every single day, or at least five out of seven days out of the week. Correct, I mean, these are no brainers. And if you do these five things at least five out of seven days out of the week, your life will be better, your quality of life will be better. You'll be adding life to your years, and not just years to your life.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That sound like a plan.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I like it, I'm ready. Drum roll Number one. Wait, are we going forwards or backwards?

Speaker 2:

We're starting at the beginning of the day.

Speaker 1:

Okay, me first.

Speaker 2:

Yes, number one.

Speaker 1:

Do not press the snooze button.

Speaker 2:

Yes, number one Do not press the snooze button. Seriously, never, ever, ever press the snooze button. I know at least 25% of you listening to this right now. Hit the snooze button at least once.

Speaker 1:

And don't say well, I'm going to be smart and set three alarms so that I can just get up on the third one instead of pressing snooze. No, Just set one alarm and have the mental strength to get up out the third one instead of pressing snooze.

Speaker 2:

No, just set one alarm and have the mental strength to get up out of bed. All you have to do is get up. Get up and start moving, figure out some task that's brain dead. That takes you approximately five minutes to do, because by the time that five minutes is up, you're not going to want to go back to sleep again.

Speaker 1:

Because by the time that five minutes is up, you're not going to want to go back to sleep again, right? So before I met Jake pre-Jake, my secret to this was putting the alarm away from my bed. So I didn't put my if my alarm was on my phone or the alarm clock was not on the side table next to my bed. It was on the dresser across from my bed. So I actually had to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. And then your feet are on the floor and that's magic.

Speaker 2:

Yep feet on the floor and think about it this way Don't set multiple alarms because you want to get extra sleep, Because when you hit the alarm, you're not in deep sleep anymore.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So the quality of sleep is horrible. It's worthless. You're not getting a return on investment for hitting the snooze button. You're getting negative return on investment by hitting the snooze button. So just be disciplined, mentally strong. Set the alarm clock for the time that you need to get your ass out of bed and, when it goes off, as soon as you hear that first noise, get up.

Speaker 1:

Right, and then walk your little pretty behind to the kitchen, fill up a 16 ounce cup or bottle of water at room temperature and drink it First thing, yes, as soon as you wake up.

Speaker 2:

So this is number two and drink it first thing as soon as you wake up. So this is number two. Number two is start your day with drinking 16 ounces of room temperature water first thing. So number one get up when you set the alarm on the first try Don't hit the snooze button. Number two walk straight to the kitchen 16 ounces of water and just down it.

Speaker 1:

Why? Why do we need 16 ounces of water to start our day? Because it is a large enough sum to be significant. Okay, it's detoxifying.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So to start your metabolism off with 16 ounces of room temperature water, not hot, not cold room temperature is detoxifying. It also stimulates the brain, stimulates our metabolism. So it gets the body hydrated to allow that revved up engine, to allow the metabolism to start burning, to activate, to stimulate the brain neurons firing in our brain and gets our day going.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And if you have to drink 100 to 128 ounces of water a day, you're already 16 down in the first 10 minutes that you wake up.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that's actually number four that we're going to get to right after we get to number three. That's actually number four that we're going to get to right after we get to number three. Number three is exercise, or at least move your body before you start your day.

Speaker 1:

Even if it's 10 minutes, get outside or get somewhere for 10 minutes to move your body, and actually the first 10 minutes are the hard part.

Speaker 2:

Once you've done 10 minutes, then you're ready to keep going and you feel so much better. It's your adrenaline, your coffee. Yes, the key to this is when you do this before you start your day, then nothing can ever interrupt it. I can't tell you how many people that we run into over the years who exercise in the afternoons and things just come up, life happens and next thing you know you've missed 25 to 45% of your exercises over the course of six months because life happened.

Speaker 1:

That's yes, and sometimes you just get tired in the afternoons. Or, yeah, something happens, the kids get sick. You got to go pick them up early. A deadline comes at work, so get it done early. But besides that, you know being able to get it done. You will be more consistent with it if we can do it first thing in the morning, because not as much comes up, things don't get in the way as often. But also getting outside specifically, but getting movement first thing in the morning also stimulates metabolism, but it improves our melatonin production, which will then help us be able to sleep better at night by getting up and getting out first thing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and here's the best part to remember about this there's not a single email or phone call or text message. That is urgent enough that needs to be answered at 4.30 in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Guilty. You are very guilty of this, sorry to everybody who has gotten my messages at 3.30 in the morning.

Speaker 2:

This is one of my favorite reasons for exercising in the morning is I don't even open up my email till at the earliest 8am. It's usually 10am or 12 o'clock in the afternoon if I open it ever, because there's usually no fires and emails. If it was urgent you'd call me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So think about it this way Everybody that's glued to the phone right now, if it was urgent, they would call you. They would not email you, they would not text you, they would call you. I don't care what you're texting me or emailing me, it's not that important. If it was that important, you'd call me. Yeah, I don't email you anything. I'm not going to answer.

Speaker 1:

I won't answer. He has like 700 emails in his inbox.

Speaker 2:

I'm okay here's one of the reasons why I do this. This just came up. Paul, our business coach, actually said this a year ago at one of our meetings. He goes there's not a single email that ever ends up in your inbox that isn't somebody asking something from you. Think about that. There's not a single email in the inbox that isn't asking you to do something. Yeah, that's true. As soon as he said that, I'm like screw this. I mean, it's just over and over again.

Speaker 2:

So that's number three. Number four is get in a gallon of water a day. I know there's a lot of you listening that are still fighting this battle and they're saying no, I'll never do that, I'll never get off the toilet, I'll be peeing all day. You have to train your body to do this. It happens to me every time. We go on a At least 100 to 130 ounces a day during my normal life, when I'm on vacation, probably half of that, probably half. So then my first day, back to reality and I try to pound a gallon of water a day, I swear I'm going to the bathroom two to three times an hour, just feel like you're swimming, and it's true.

Speaker 1:

Not only does your body have to adjust, your brain has to adjust, your organs have to adjust, your bowels adjust. Everything adjusts to being more hydrated. You use the water more efficiently, but it takes more than a day of drinking a gallon for that to happen. So it's going to take a couple of days for your body to adjust to the increase of fluid intake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So give yourself a week to actually get to the point where you're not giving up on it. And if you drink a gallon a day for a week, your frequency or your urgency of having to urinate is gonna go down significantly.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, it will go down even more if you cut back on the caffeine. Yes, not you specifically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah caffeine's the diuretic Good. So that was number four. And then number five was Protein with every meal. This is a big one. You should not be putting things in your mouth unless there's protein in it.

Speaker 1:

Right, and it doesn't have to be animal-based protein, it doesn't have to be meat at every meal and snack. Find some ways to get plant-based lean or animal-based lean protein at every meal and snack, every two to three hours.

Speaker 2:

And I'm guilty of this too, especially on Saturdays. Saturdays are our boat days and, of course, there's usually a bag of chips on our boat days. They're usually supposed to be for Stella. However, I can't help myself and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go eat some chips and I'm going, ah, I should be eating some pepperoni or something with this, but I don't. But that's one out of how many meals during the week. Every single meal that I'm eating has protein in it. Every single meal that I'm drinking has protein in it. Protein shake, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, right and snacks every two to three hours. And again, it doesn't mean that you have to eat chicken breasts between your meals at 10 am and 3 pm, but find some lean protein sources. We have a whole bunch of ideas of protein sources and snack ideas on our social media at Berman underscore wellness on Instagram, at Berman wellness on Facebook. So look it up if you're struggling with ideas for snacks.

Speaker 2:

Good. So, again, these are five keys that if you do these at least five out of seven days out of the week, your life will improve. Your quality of life will improve. You'll start adding life to your years and the week, your life will improve. Your quality of life will improve. You'll start adding life to your years and not years to your life.

Speaker 1:

Number one don't press the snooze button. Number two drink 16 ounces of water. Number three move your body in the morning. Number four a gallon of water a day.

Speaker 2:

Keeps Jenny Berman away. Number five.

Speaker 1:

Protein every two to three hours, every meal and snack.

Speaker 2:

Yep, even if it's not every two to three hours, with every meal, every meal Right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Three times a day. Minimum protein, lean protein yes.

Speaker 2:

Make sure you share this with everybody. There's not a single person that could not benefit from this podcast. Five tips that will make your life better. Spread the word. Share it Like. Subscribe. Let me know what you think. What do you want us to talk about next? We're coming into summertime, so we'll have some more freedom to go outside the box, so if you guys have some questions or you want us to review something in depth, let us know. Email us, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, perfect.

Speaker 2:

Love it.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

Short and sweet baby.

Speaker 1:

All right, ciao for now. Thank you for subscribing on your social media and podcast platforms to the Berman Method Dr Jake Berman with Berman Physical Therapy and Jenny Berman, physician Assistant, with Berman Health and Wellness. You can find more information on our website wwwbermanptcom for physical therapy, bermanptcom forward slash wellness for the health and wellness. You can also find us on social media Facebook, instagram and on your podcast platform, so be sure to follow us, like us, subscribe to us and, if you would like any further information, definitely visit our website and reach out to us. You may also find our free reports on the websites as well, where you can download this free information for yourself. Have a great day.