The Berman Method

Episode 144: What do we have in Common with Olympic Athletes?

May 06, 2024 Jenni
Episode 144: What do we have in Common with Olympic Athletes?
The Berman Method
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The Berman Method
Episode 144: What do we have in Common with Olympic Athletes?
May 06, 2024

Discover the game-changing benefits of Shockwave therapy as we, your hosts Dr. Jake Berman and Jenni Berman, unveil its power in propelling athletes toward Olympic excellence. Our latest episode is a deep dive into how this non-invasive treatment is revolutionizing the approach to common yet debilitating conditions like plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. We're not just talking quick fixes here; we're exploring how Shockwave therapy, when paired with hands-on therapy and functional exercises, taps into the body's natural healing processes for long-lasting musculoskeletal health. It’s a therapy session that goes beyond the surface, delivering insight into the synergistic healing that elite athletes swear by.

Feel like motivation is a fickle friend? You're not alone, and we're here to tackle that head-on. Join us as we explore the story of a Naples beach handball athlete sprinting toward the Summer Olympics, armed with discipline and the guidance of a coach. We'll break down why the secret to peak performance isn't just about raw talent or sporadic inspiration but also about the daily grind and the external push from a trusted mentor. Learn why high achievers from the athletic tracks to the boardroom consistently display traits of discipline and consistency, and why having a coach in your corner can be the difference between good and great. Whether it's on the sandy courts or in your personal pursuits, this episode is your coaching call to action for achieving your own version of Olympic gold.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the game-changing benefits of Shockwave therapy as we, your hosts Dr. Jake Berman and Jenni Berman, unveil its power in propelling athletes toward Olympic excellence. Our latest episode is a deep dive into how this non-invasive treatment is revolutionizing the approach to common yet debilitating conditions like plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. We're not just talking quick fixes here; we're exploring how Shockwave therapy, when paired with hands-on therapy and functional exercises, taps into the body's natural healing processes for long-lasting musculoskeletal health. It’s a therapy session that goes beyond the surface, delivering insight into the synergistic healing that elite athletes swear by.

Feel like motivation is a fickle friend? You're not alone, and we're here to tackle that head-on. Join us as we explore the story of a Naples beach handball athlete sprinting toward the Summer Olympics, armed with discipline and the guidance of a coach. We'll break down why the secret to peak performance isn't just about raw talent or sporadic inspiration but also about the daily grind and the external push from a trusted mentor. Learn why high achievers from the athletic tracks to the boardroom consistently display traits of discipline and consistency, and why having a coach in your corner can be the difference between good and great. Whether it's on the sandy courts or in your personal pursuits, this episode is your coaching call to action for achieving your own version of Olympic gold.

Check Us Out On Social Media - 
Facebook: @bermanwellness , @physicaltherapynaples, @Berman Golf 
Instagram: @berman_wellness, @bermanphysicaltherapy , @Berman Golf 
Youtube: Berman Golf, Berman Physical Therapy
TikTok: Bermangolf, Bermanwellness

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Speaker 1:

This is the Berman Method podcast, featuring Dr Jake Berman and physician assistant Jenny Berman. We are here to treat problems and not symptoms. Disclaimer this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and not to treat anyone or to give medical advice. If you are interested in any information that we are giving and would like to use this for yourself, we recommend that you contact your primary care physician or reach out to us and ask us questions about yourself specifically. Enjoy.

Speaker 2:

We are rolling baby. The Berman Method podcast focused on treating problems and not symptoms. David, going against Goliath, where Goliath is the corporate medical system. We do not believe that big pharma or the insurance companies have your best interests in mind. They are focused on profits over patient outcomes. Time and time again, and we're trying to spread the word that there are other options, that you don't just have to do what the doctor tells you to do. Dr Jake Berman, here with my lovely co-host.

Speaker 1:

Jenny Berman, physician assistant.

Speaker 2:

It's a little different of an intro right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a good one, you like it. Good, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yes. I hope everybody's doing well this morning.

Speaker 1:

Happy Monday.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Starting the weekend or weekend Weekend. Yeah, starting the weekend or weekend, weekend, week, off, right. I mean we could go back to the weekend, but it pretty much. If you love what you're doing every day, is the weekend right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what is my song? That Stella says is my song Vacation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every day I'm on vacation because I love my occupation. Yeah, exactly, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey. I'm on vacation every single day because I love my occupation.

Speaker 1:

Look it up, they do a better job singing. It's called Vacation. Is that what it's called Vacation?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But it's not the country song, the reggae song.

Speaker 2:

Yes, reggae song so great. We're going to talk a little bit about the Olympics coming up in a couple of months, but before we get into that I want to do a quick PSA public service announcement. Public service announcement We've got a new gadget, gizmo toy in the office that is called Shockwave. That has been getting phenomenal results over the past few weeks that we've been playing with this thing and the greatest thing about this is how effective it is at helping resolve plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, golfer's elbow, tennis, elbow shoulder restrictions or tendonitis adhesive capsulitis so all of these diagnoses that are traditionally typically kind of little buggers to get them to resolve. We're getting phenomenal results with these things in as little as six sessions and the sessions are only 10 to 15 minutes long 10 to 15 minutes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So six times in a row, six days in a row, or is this a couple weeks?

Speaker 2:

Typically one session per week over the course of six weeks, and again they're 15 minutes at the most. And what it does is it's really cool how it works on a cellular level, because it's a very unique thing. It's non-invasive, meaning that you're not cutting anything open, you're not doing injections, not doing any of these things, and the way it works is it sends these shock waves or radio signals or radio waves that penetrate the tissue and it creates small tears in our capillaries. These are the things that supply nutrients to our bones, tendons, ligaments and all those things right, the things that help bring nutrients for repair, and this allows recruitment of your own body's stem cells and formation of new blood supply to the area and the release of growth factor. So it's creating this localized healing process.

Speaker 2:

That has just been absolutely phenomenal. So I wanted to get a few weeks of using it before I talked about it just to make sure that, yes, it is as good as advertised and it is. It's been absolutely phenomenal. So if you've got any chronic plantar fasciitis that's probably the biggest one that we've been working on lately is people who have just had it for years and you've spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on insoles and supportive shoes and orthotics, that you have to wear these orthotics with every pair of shoes and if you don't, it's the worst. So if you've got any questions about this, just reach out. This is one of the simplest interventions we've ever had and it's been phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Right. It's kind of like when stem cell I mean not when stem cell still is, but the big rave of getting stem cell injections to allow your body to fight and repair. And this is essentially doing a similar pathway, but without having to extract the cells, spin them down and then re-inject the cells for the stem cell injections.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so. Funny enough, this technology has been around for years. It's been around since the early 1900s and it was originally utilized to break up kidney stones. So sending these radio pulses through the body to break up kidney stones is how it was originally utilized, until the research showed all of these other positive benefits that were occurring. And it's just been over the past couple of years where this is the new thing right now, Used to be stem cells. Now it's like, oh wait, let's use your own stem cells, naturally.

Speaker 1:

Here's my question Are you doing this in conjunction with your therapeutic modalities as far as manual therapy for these clients, or are they only doing shockwave?

Speaker 2:

Everybody is doing a combination. So the shockwave is a very good tool to accelerate the effectiveness of our hands-on, our manual therapy, our functional exercises that we have to do. So. If you use plantar fasciitis again as the example, the reason why you have pain is because of all the inflammation, the inflammatory response that's occurring in the soft tissues. The reason why that pain is there is because the muscles surrounding those soft tissues are not doing their job, is because the muscles surrounding those soft tissues are not doing their job. So the shock wave goes in there and it helps heal that inflammatory response, heal those damaged tissues. But then we have to augment it by strengthening the muscles around the plantar fascia so that it doesn't come back again.

Speaker 1:

Okay, got it, so we're doing. Yeah, so we're doing a combination of modalities between hands-on manual therapy and the shockwave, but it is expediting the results that we're getting because it's targeting the inflammation specifically Correct.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's night and day as far as the results that we're getting now, so absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, cool Good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, so make sure you check it out. Give me a call or email me if you got any questions and I'll tell you. Yeah, this works for whatever you're describing, or no, it doesn't, and it's not worth your time.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful, cool. So now we're going to talk about the Olympics.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's shift gears. You always get so excited when it's time for Olympics.

Speaker 1:

Well, just the summer Olympics gymnastics. But I saw on the news that there's this new. I guess it's not really new. I guess it was in the last summer Olympics, but I didn't know anything about it. But it's called beach handball.

Speaker 2:

Beach handball yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's not volleyball, it's not basketball and it's not soccer, but it's a combination of all three of these sports and apparently it's really big in the UK, but I've never heard we're in a business group out of the UK and I've never heard them talk about beach handball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they just talk about football.

Speaker 1:

Right, which is soccer. So this is like soccer, like there's goalie goals at the ends of the field and goalies like soccer, but you use your hands instead of kicking the ball down the field or the court in basketball, but the field in this game. But then it's like volleyball, because the way they like hit the ball into the goal is like they're doing a volleyball serve and it's on the beach. It was wild. So, anyways, that's going to be in the summer Olympics and there's actually a girl that was born and raised in Naples, went to Barron Collier high school, that is playing on the USA team for handball.

Speaker 2:

Oh, come on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we get to watch her. But also gymnastics, of course, is my favorite. Just love watching that. So we're less than three months away. July 26th is opening.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Ceremony for Summer Olympics 2024.

Speaker 2:

Very exciting.

Speaker 1:

So I started thinking more about this, the Olympics, and I was, like you know, the normal person. So me, you, all of our clients, all of the staff that we work with, our family and Olympians have something in common.

Speaker 2:

I have something in common with an Olympian.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm positive about it. None of us, olympian or not, are motivated every single day to be successful and to show up to practice and to be an athlete. Simone Biles is not motivated every single day. This girl I can't remember her name on the handball team is not motivated every single day. How do you know? It's just not. No one can be motivated 100 hundred percent of the time. It's not a thing. It's absolutely not a thing. However, successful individuals, whether it's Olympians, successful athletes or successful business owners, or the president of the United States, all of those successful individuals have one thing in common or a couple things in common.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what? What's your guess?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, you threw me when you said President of the United States. I'm like wait a minute. How did we go from Olympians myself, my staff to President of the United States?

Speaker 1:

Because those successful people have a few things in common. Number one they're disciplined. They're not motivated every day, but they're disciplined. So when they don't have the motivation, they're still getting up and doing their homework. For the president of the United States, their homework is a little bit different than going to the fitness center or going to the pool and getting their laps in, but they're still disciplined.

Speaker 2:

You're cracking me up right now.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that true?

Speaker 2:

It is very true. Joking aside, it takes a very high level of discipline to make it to the top of any field, whether you're talking about politics, or Olympians or the business world. It does take a very high level of discipline. And I think what you're trying to get at is motivation comes and goes, like motivation is a feeling right.

Speaker 2:

Correct goes Like motivation is a feeling, right, correct. And you cannot stay motivated every single day, because that's why New Year's resolutions fail, because everybody's so motivated January 1st to lose weight, get in shape, whatever it is. But if motivation is the only thing you have and you don't have discipline, then you are doomed Like it's never, ever going to work, because motivation always fades away.

Speaker 1:

At some point, and it may only be for a couple days, but you're not going to get that motivation back if you didn't stay disciplined in the difficult times of the motivation. So that's one big thing. The second thing is consistency. They show up and they show up and they show up, whether they're having a great day or a not so great day. They're showing up. They're consistent with their discipline.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I see what you did there.

Speaker 1:

Consistency. You have to keep showing up and keep trying and even when you fail, you get back and you go again and you're consistent with showing up. So that's another thing. The third thing that these successful individuals like Olympians have is they have a coach. Every Olympian has a coach of some kind, right?

Speaker 2:

There's not a single athlete that is at the top of their game in the whole entire world. Who does not have a coach?

Speaker 1:

They know what they're doing. You know, I hear it all the time. Clients say I know what I need to do, so I'm just going to try it on my own, and just you know, I know what I need to do, I just have to do it. Olympians know what they need to do too. They've been at this sport or this event for over a decade. They know what they need to do. As a gymnast, I knew what I needed to do. I could video record myself and watch it and know what I needed to do. But you're not going to do it without having a coach, without having that outside perspective, without having that outside push, that accountability.

Speaker 2:

You know, we glaze over this so often, where what you just said that your clients say to you. We hear the same thing in the PT room. We hear the same thing in the golf room, where they say I know what I need to do, I'm just going to take a break, I don't need to buy a new program with you, I've learned enough, I'm going to do it on my own. Can you imagine Tiger Woods saying, no, I don't need to be coached, I'm good, I want a master's, I don't need to be coached anymore, right? So after winning the first major, he says I'm good, don't need a coach anymore.

Speaker 1:

Right, I know what I need to do, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Michael Jordan. I already won a ring. I don't need to be coached anymore. I can do it myself. Like it just doesn't make sense when you look at it on that level. So what makes us think that we're any different?

Speaker 1:

Right, right, we're not better. Right, you may know what you need to do, but first of all, things change and different mountains occur that you have to climb and get over. Different events are. You're going to face different events, so you're going to need that outside perspective to help look at it differently and help you get through or over that mountain or through the event that is coming up. But next, we all need the accountability. Even me and you are held accountable in many different ways that we're not holding ourselves accountable in life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, business is the biggest one. How many thousands and thousands of dollars? We're almost spending $100,000 a year to our business group for accountability. The more money that you pay, the more accountable you are. The least amount of money you pay, the less accountable you are. And it just happened to us. It happened to me. In November I missed my quarterly business meeting with my group because there was a wide reasons. It was a perfect storm right.

Speaker 2:

It was a perfect storm and I missed the meeting. And next thing you know, december rolls around and I was starting to feel stressed and anxious and I didn't really realize what was happening. And the problem was I was so caught up in the trenches of grinding out daily life, right, daily workplace, just grinding it out that I wasn't able to take a step back from the 30,000 foot level and get coached and say, yes, I am going, yes, you are going in the right direction. Or hey, let's pivot, let's do a small course correction. So the same thing is true with our clients. It's like, okay, you know that you shouldn't eat this, you should eat that, you should drink more water, but if it was that easy, you would have already been doing it.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, and everyone would do it. Everyone would be successful. You know, it's one of those things that we, again, we're just coming back to saying the same thing we need somebody to help guide us, and we all have a struggle somewhere. We all struggle with something, and that's what we need to invest in the coach. For you know, we have clients who are phenomenal individuals, very successful CEOs and business owners, entrepreneurs but they struggle with something and that something is fueling their body appropriately and that's what they need the coach and the accountability. For Me and you, we invest in a business coach and help us to get to that next level. We invest in therapy, counseling. That's really important for us as a family to be able to have that coach on the outside there too. So there's many different areas that individuals will invest in a coach that can be really important for their overall success.

Speaker 2:

Love it. At the end of the day, if Tiger Woods couldn't do it, if Michael Jordan couldn't do it, what in the world makes you think that you can do it?

Speaker 1:

Right, and the coach is what then allows the first two things that we talked about to stay in place the consistency and the discipline, because you have someone else to be accountable to with your discipline and your consistency. So these three things consistency, discipline and coaching is what makes the individuals, the Olympians, successful.

Speaker 2:

Having the discipline to be consistent and the humbleness to pay for coaching, I think, is a good way to say it. That's perfect. Be humble enough to understand your own limitations. Be humble enough to know that you are human. You will try to take the easiest way out. When a tough situation comes about, you will most likely take the easiest way out because we just naturally do that. It's hard to do the right thing over and over again, but when you know you've got to have a call with Jenny the next day, you're disciplined.

Speaker 1:

Right, right.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to do this. I don't want to get out of bed and go to the gym in the morning. I'm not motivated to do it, I am disciplined to do it.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that's us every day. At 420 in the morning. We are not motivated to get out in the barn, run the dogs and start working out.

Speaker 2:

Zero motivation at all. Right, there's nothing motivated at all about my morning, right, it's just discipline. But 10 minutes in it feels really good, it does but it has nothing to do with motivation, right, it's just the discipline to get moving.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, exactly, perfect. So go be like an Olympian, hire a coach. If it's for your autoimmune disease, your gut health, your nutrition, your weight management, your mood, your sleep, your energy, call me.

Speaker 2:

Your golf game.

Speaker 1:

If it's your golf game, your joint pain, your knee limiting you from playing pickleball, your shoulder limiting you from getting proper sleep at night, call Jake If you're trying to beat your friends on the golf course. Call Jake If you're trying to beat your friends on the golf course, call Jake. Otherwise, just be an Olympian, hire a coach, stay disciplined and stay consistent. Love it. That's what I had to say today.

Speaker 2:

Good, very nice, I like it.

Speaker 1:

Call Jake about your shockwave.

Speaker 2:

Yes, plantar fasciitis, patello tendonitis, golfer's elbows, tennis elbow adhesive capsulitis, shoulder tendonitis, patello tendonitis, golfer's elbows, tennis elbow adhesive capsulitis, shoulder tendonitis all of these things. We've got this really exciting modality that is helping accelerate the results. So give me a call. It's super simple. This is the easiest one we've ever had. We've never had an intervention that was easy.

Speaker 1:

This one's easy, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

In 15 minutes. Yeah, it's quick in and out.

Speaker 1:

And you don't have to do anything.

Speaker 2:

You just lay there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we didn't talk about that part. You literally do nothing, sit or lay.

Speaker 2:

Yep, Just lay there. That's why I said this is the easiest thing we've ever had. I was kind of apprehensive in committing to this thing because it wasn't cheap Like we're talking. It costs a lot of money for this device and I'm going. But man, this kind of defeats my, no pain, no gain. But, it's really. You can't deny the science.

Speaker 2:

And that's what it's about At the end of the day. What is the science showing? What's the research showing? To get us the best results as fast as possible to help improve quality of life, and this is one of them. Awesome, Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, like this podcast and share it. I think I was trying to say all three at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Like, subscribe and share all together All right. Happy Monday everybody. Ciao for now.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for subscribing on your social media and podcast platforms to the Berman Method Dr Jake Berman with Berman Physical Therapy and Jenny Berman, Physician Assistant with Berman Health and Wellness. You can find more information on our website wwwbermanptcom for physical therapy. Wwwbermanptcom forward slash wellness for the health and wellness. You can also find us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and on your podcast platform, so be sure to follow us, like us, subscribe to us and, if you would like any further information, definitely visit our website and reach out to us. You may also find our free reports on the websites as well, where you can download this free information for yourself. Have a great day.

Shockwave Therapy for Olympic Athletes
The Importance of Accountability and Coaching