The Berman Method

Episode 147: Memorial Day Gratitude and Helpful Ideas

May 27, 2024 Jenni
Episode 147: Memorial Day Gratitude and Helpful Ideas
The Berman Method
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The Berman Method
Episode 147: Memorial Day Gratitude and Helpful Ideas
May 27, 2024

As we gather around to honor the valor of those who've sacrificed everything for our freedom, our Memorial Day special touches not only on the solemnity of remembrance but also on the celebration of the life we're afforded because of such bravery. My own tribute to living fully comes with a side of personal challenge: keeping up with my fitness goals while soaking in the Key West sun. It's a tale of respecting one's health amidst the allure of vacation indulgences, a testament to finding joy in the discipline that freedom allows us to choose.

This episode is a heartfelt blend of patriotism and personal growth, as we explore the fleeting nature of time through the Berman Method—my philosophy of seizing each day with vigor. We extend a heartfelt thanks to our community across all digital platforms for their unwavering support and invite you to partake in the resources we've made available, all aimed at enriching your journey. Join us for a session teeming with gratitude and gusto; it's more than a podcast, it's a celebration of the spirit of life and liberty.

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As we gather around to honor the valor of those who've sacrificed everything for our freedom, our Memorial Day special touches not only on the solemnity of remembrance but also on the celebration of the life we're afforded because of such bravery. My own tribute to living fully comes with a side of personal challenge: keeping up with my fitness goals while soaking in the Key West sun. It's a tale of respecting one's health amidst the allure of vacation indulgences, a testament to finding joy in the discipline that freedom allows us to choose.

This episode is a heartfelt blend of patriotism and personal growth, as we explore the fleeting nature of time through the Berman Method—my philosophy of seizing each day with vigor. We extend a heartfelt thanks to our community across all digital platforms for their unwavering support and invite you to partake in the resources we've made available, all aimed at enriching your journey. Join us for a session teeming with gratitude and gusto; it's more than a podcast, it's a celebration of the spirit of life and liberty.

Check Us Out On Social Media - 
Facebook: @bermanwellness , @physicaltherapynaples, @Berman Golf 
Instagram: @berman_wellness, @bermanphysicaltherapy , @Berman Golf 
Youtube: Berman Golf, Berman Physical Therapy
TikTok: Bermangolf, Bermanwellness

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Speaker 1:

This is the Berman Method podcast, featuring Dr Jake Berman and physician assistant Jenny Berman. We are here to treat problems and not symptoms. Disclaimer this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and not to treat anyone or to give medical advice. If you are interested in any information that we are giving and would like to use this for yourself, we recommend that you contact your primary care physician or reach out to us and ask us questions about yourself specifically. Enjoy.

Speaker 2:

And we're back, baby, with the Berman Method Podcast. Special Memorial Day Edition.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say that you were. Yeah, you took the words out of my mouth.

Speaker 2:

Well, say it anyways.

Speaker 1:

Special Memorial Day Edition. Happy Memorial Day.

Speaker 2:

Wow, it sounded much better from you than me.

Speaker 1:

Just a nice soft voice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, soft welcoming voice.

Speaker 1:

We had a great Memorial Day weekend.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, we're currently on a boat coming back from Key West right now, so this is not being recorded live, in case you were wondering no, but Key West a good time.

Speaker 1:

We really enjoy going down there. We've been twice already this season yep have a couple more trips coming throughout the summer and the fall.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, so we had a great weekend in Yep, have a couple more trips coming throughout the summer and the fall. Yes, yes. So we had a great weekend, and First of all, right out of the gate. Let's not lose track on what this holiday is really about. Why do we have the day off today?

Speaker 1:

To celebrate those or recognize those who have not come back from fighting for our freedom.

Speaker 2:

Yes, memorial Day is about the ones that did not make it home, those soldiers that went and fought for our freedoms and did not come home. So it's not for veterans. This is not Veterans Day. This is not for the people that did make it home. These are the ones that gave it all, sacrificed it all so that you and I could be on a boat coming back from Key West today, so that you, the listeners, can burn a bunch of hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill today and enjoy the day off getting sunburned in the pool.

Speaker 2:

It's because of those ones that didn't come back. So that's something that we should not take for granted. We should not take that lightly at all that there's a reason why we have this day off right now because this is the greatest country in the world and now I can go on my rant here, because it's been a while since I ranted. If you don't like America, you can get the F out, and if you're losing hope in America, talk to any immigrant that's in this country and ask them what they think about this country compared to wherever they came from, and 100% of them will tell you that there is no better place on this planet than America.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean the places that these people are coming from. No opportunity, and we're sitting here benching and moaning about the politics and who's running for president, and these are the best two options that America can produce. What the hell is going on? America's lost F that this is still the greatest country in the world, the land of opportunity. There is no reason why there isn't a single person that couldn't achieve anything that they want to right here, right now, with all the resources that you have available Just YouTube, for example.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, right, yeah, that's. I love it. It's great.

Speaker 2:

And it's all because of the ones that did not come home, the ones that sacrificed it all, the ones that signed up for the military knew that they were signing on the dotted line, that they might be the ones that were not the lucky ones, the ones that might sacrifice it all just so that we can sit here in Vero's room today bitching and moaning or not bitching and moaning, but bickering back and forth with each other, having fun because of our freedoms.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. So remembering those on this special Memorial Day. Thank you to the families who have been in that situation as well, for those of you listening.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So we actually had a client who lost her brother on the front line, so it really can hit home for a lot of our people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a ton of them.

Speaker 1:

Very good. So what else on this Memorial Day?

Speaker 2:

Well, let's brag about you real quick, because we go down to Key West so often. You decided you're going to get a gym membership in Key West. Because I think we were just talking about this last episode. Because I think we were just talking about this last episode how, when we're traveling, I'm not ashamed at all to sleep in and skip a workout, or three or four.

Speaker 2:

Or skip three or four. You, on the other hand, you're like, uh-uh, no way You're researching all the gyms in the area before we get to whatever destination it is. You've already pre-written and preconceived what exercise or torture session you're going to do.

Speaker 1:

What I just said last week. It's not torture, it's enjoyable, but also it's my happy place, my adrenaline, my coffee, and for most people it can be For you. You it is during the week, just not so much on the weekends. So yeah, I joined. I didn't really join the gym, I got a punch card.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 10 pack punch card.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to be able to go and exercise and not just run, because last summer I ran a lot when we traveled I would just run and I ended up having some major like leg and hamstring issues for months after a full summer of running. So I decided this year that I'm going to be a little smarter and split it up a little bit and invest in my health.

Speaker 2:

Cross train.

Speaker 1:

Yes, do some strength training and some running and some cardio, but I need a gym to be able to do that. I don't need it, I wanted it.

Speaker 2:

So I joined. Yeah, that was a nicety, not a necessity.

Speaker 1:

Correct, but it's worth it. To me, it's investing in my own health, which all of us should be doing.

Speaker 2:

We should. It's funny. You should say that If you think that you really are concerned about your health, go back and look at your checkbook or your credit card statements and see what the majority of your expenses are spent on, and if it's not the majority on your healthcare, then it's not a primary focus for you.

Speaker 1:

What do you think ours is on?

Speaker 2:

We have a lot of fuel for the boat. Restaurants are a big one for us.

Speaker 1:

A lot of health foods from Amazon Habia.

Speaker 2:

That's the majority of it I was going to. When we just say Amazon purchases, that's not given the full story. It's Amazon purchases because it's health foods.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, majority of it, or Thrive Market. You know getting health foods from Thrive Market for us and the girls specifically, snacks that we can travel with, non-perishables so, but organic, protein-based snacks that we can travel with or have to take out on the boat on the weekends, but that's majority of it and again, it's an investment into our health. It's buying things that we can't just stop at Publix and pick up because we need, we want more protein, we want the organic, healthier options.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's funny because before kids I've traveled with a backpack. Whenever we fly, I travel with this backpack that I've had since high school. I mean, this thing has got some miles on it and what I used to put in it was one of my books, my airplane pillow and ear pods and maybe a protein bar or two nowadays, when we travel the thing is busting at the seams with snacks with our snacks because you can't find anything that my girls and my two kids, plus jenny, my three girls can eat in these destinations.

Speaker 2:

that isn't convenient, right or inconvenient is the right way to say it. So my backpack is busting at the seams and every time we go through TSA and something gets flagged, like breast milk, for example, that's the most common thing that gets flagged, and as soon as they open it up, I'm just waiting for it to explode all the snacks then they pull out our bags of amino acids and it looks like straight up baggies of cocaine, because it's aminos. What's the other one?

Speaker 1:

oh, oh, the glutamine glutamine.

Speaker 2:

The glutamine powder is just straight white.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which, by the way, you can travel with these powders. That's what clients always tell me. Well, I can't take the powder through TSA. Yes, you can. Whether it's in a jar or a baggie, you can take it through TSA and they won't check it.

Speaker 2:

They won't check your powder. That's the funny thing, that 100% of the time that. Tsa has pulled out our bag of glutamine. They've never checked it, not a single time, and I'm going I could be a cartel right now. What if I had a gallon baggie of glutamine? Would they check it then? What's the cutoff? How big does the baggie have to be before they question is this a supplement or is this cocaine?

Speaker 1:

That's true. That's a good point, Because we'll even take those individual packets of protein powder which are larger than three ounces I mean, maybe not three ounces worth of powder, but the packet itself is larger than three ounces and we don't get those.

Speaker 2:

Well, that doesn't matter because it's not a fluid. Because it's not a fluid.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know, but it's still a powder. That's what I'm saying. But that's my point is, you can take powder through and they're not going to check.

Speaker 2:

Say that again.

Speaker 1:

Don't take drugs through. Okay, this is the asterisk, we are not telling you to take drugs through. Tsa Supplements yeah, taking vitamins and supplements through.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, when you're traveling, invest in your health. Invest through your protein snacks, through your exercise. Stay on track.

Speaker 2:

Yes, just mentally prepare. I think that's the easiest way. Proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance. So if you go into the vacation, let's say you bring 10 protein bars going on vacation, who cares if you bring five of them back? I'd rather you have too much than not enough, because that's happened to us multiple times, where a flight gets delayed or something happens and we're like crap, we did not pack for this. Something happens and we're like crap, we did not pack for this, and that's a problem. You got two hangry babies, three, myself included because when I get hangry, it is not good.

Speaker 2:

That just happened yesterday morning. Sunday morning, Jenny's asking me to make a conscious decision about something and I didn't even respond to her decision about something, and I didn't even respond to her and she goes oh, sounds like we need to eat breakfast ASAP, and then we can make decisions, and then we can make decisions, and I said exactly what I was thinking, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that was a brutal time. One time when our flight got delayed like, I think, think eight hours. We ended up having to reroute to a different airport and then land in a separate airport from where our bags went, and we had tons of snacks in our check bag but only a few in our carry-on. We went through them all. That was brutal so just pack extra in your carry-on just get a backpack you don't need a computer or anything else, just fill it with snacks. All right, Well, happy Memorial Day everyone.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We're looking forward to seeing you back in June.

Speaker 2:

What. It's going to be June. Oh, next episode? Yeah, okay, can you believe that I can believe it.

Speaker 1:

I can't. Years flying by. I feel like we just had vera k's first birthday.

Speaker 2:

I'm definitely not one of those people that can't believe that it's actually the date that it is.

Speaker 1:

I can believe it because you loved it, yeah like.

Speaker 2:

I'm never that one. I can't believe it's already summer, can't believe it's already fall but it just flies by I believe I'm living it, man. L-i-v-i-n.

Speaker 1:

Okay, ciao for now.

Speaker 2:

Celebrate. Raise the American flag, love your country. If you don't like it, get the F out.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for subscribing on your social media and podcast platforms to the Berman Method Dr Jake Berman with Berman Physical Therapy and Jenny Berman, physician Assistant, with Berman Health and Wellness. You can find more information on our website wwwbermanptcom for physical therapy, bermanptcom forward slash wellness for the health and wellness. You can also find us on social media, facebook, instagram, and on your podcast platform, so be sure to follow us, like us, subscribe to us and, if you would like any further information, definitely visit our website and reach out to us. You may also find our free reports on the websites as well, where you can download this free information for yourself. Have a great day.

The Berman Method Memorial Day Podcast
Living Life With the Berman Method