
Peace Ceremony

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 62

This week I am facilitating a guided peace ceremony/meditation in the Akashic Records. In this ceremony, we are working with Earth's gridlines sending love, compassion, healing, and peace around the world.
You can receive this meditation if you need to feel more at ease or you can also actively participate in it. This is for you.
We are also working with our shadow parts, estranged connections, and rejected ancestors in this ceremony to bring everyone together again to live in harmony.

Akashic Record Masterclass - Join to Learn to Read the Akasha
More Guided Ceremonies and Meditations
Earth Healing Ceremony - Podcast with earth healing ceremony
Womb Healing Meditation - Podcast with guided meditation working with the womb
Guided Healing Meditations - Set of channeled meditations from the Akashic Records  

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