
Inner Sanctuary - Akashic Records March

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 72

If you need a motivational speech to follow your dreams and trust yourself, this episode is it. 
I am covering how you can build an inner sanctuary that allows you to feel safe and secure enough to go out and go after your vision. 
I cover the 5 pillars of building a relationship to yourself and there is a channeling from the Akashic Records in here that hopefully uplifts you and motivates you. 

March Forecast - Video Forecast of the February Energy
Awaken Your Womb - Womb Healing Channeling Class starts 20 March!
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records - Join until 31 March and receive a Akashic Record reading with me as part of it
30 Days of Abundance - Follow me on Instagram
30 Days of Abundance on TikTok

#spiritualpodcast #trust #safety #innertrust #relationships #trustinlife #sanctuary #abundance #wombhealing #wombhealth #akasha #akashic #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsreading #akashicrecordsreader  #channeling