Straight from the Source's Mouth: Frank Talk about Sex and Dating

# 52 Modern Dating and Sexuality: A Candid Dialogue with Hard Things Co-hosts

Tamara Schoon Season 3 Episode 52

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Have the complexities of the dating world been giving you a hard time? Are you seeking a fresh perspective on romantic relationships and sexuality? Meet Angie and Tiffany, the creators of the Hard Things podcast, who found solace and camaraderie in their grad school friendship that has since evolved into a candid platform for discussing intricate issues of trauma, heartbreak, and modern-day dating. 

They share their journey from the initial offbeat classroom teachings to the launch of their podcast that's generated a buzz among both men and women listeners. We engage in a frank dialogue about the pressures of dating in the era of social media, the fear of rejection that men often grapple with, the challenges women face in their quest for genuine connections, and the sensitive topic of consent. We underscore the importance of communication, specifically the nuances of sexual communication, emphasizing the significance of non-sexual touch and enthusiasm in creating a satisfying intimate experience.

In the spirit of keeping things real, we delve into the complexities of consent and the importance of open dialogue in sexual relationships. Our approach is inclusive and refreshing, reassuring listeners that it's okay to have your own preferences, as long as they are consensual and involve communication with your partner. We firmly believe that the focus should be on the relationship and not solely on the sex. So gear up for this stimulating conversation that's set to challenge stereotypes, push boundaries, and invite everyone to be a part of the discussion.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Straight From the Sources.

Speaker 2:

Mouth podcast, frank talk about sex and dating. Hello everyone, tamara here, welcome to the show. Today's guests are Angie and Tiffany. We'll be talking about their podcast Hard Things and why they started it. If you like this episode, be sure to tell your friends about it and rate it as well. Thanks for joining me, angie and Tiffany.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're super stoked to be here. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I figured this would be a good one. We talked about some of the same things, but I guess you guys might get into more of the juicier side of it. So, which is good, and the funny side. Mine's more educational, and I had a friend tell me to stop calling it educational because they'll know from listening. But that's what I pride it on. I like having you know we talk.

Speaker 3:

I talk about books usually, so, but yeah good, I listened to a couple of your podcast in preparation for this visit and the gist that I got from it was like in being in high school, right, when you and your podcast are the teacher in the classroom and Angie and I are what we're the education that happens in the girls bathroom. Oh my God, that's ridiculously cool, yeah, very cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're at lunch, for sure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's just get right into it. That's usually what I do. So how did you guys come together? And or why did you start the podcast, like whichever? You want to start with your beginning story.

Speaker 1:

Well, tiffany and I met in grad school in June of 2021. Oh my God. And we kind of clicked because we were both on the older eighth bracket. Then are the rest of our cohort members, so we kind of just clicked. And then we had a similar like I don't want to say personal issues, but like we didn't go through the cohort in the same like, with the same classes, and things like that. So we, our program of study was a little bit elongated, and so we just kind of that's how we bonded, because it was like let's paddle this canoe together. I had been thinking about doing the podcast and I feel like I bullied Tiffany into it. How do you feel about that, tiff?

Speaker 3:

It's funny you say that because you're not the only person that's been trying to bully me into doing a podcast. But yeah, Angie's been asking me to do this podcast since, like I don't know, 40 seconds after we met.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we both have been told by multiple people that like we're pretty quick-witted and like, oh, I would watch a reality show if you were in it, and things like that. And so those were the strings I pulled.

Speaker 3:

In school we had to do so like part of grad school. A big component on it is education and we would have to teach the class right A lot of times and a lot of kids had graduate assistants where you would teach a class and you were a teacher's assistant and they prepped you for that by letting you teach a class. And when Angie and I taught our sections, it was very apparent that we were way better at it than anyone else. And after we would teach people, angie came up to me I think that was one of the first times we had like a really, really in-depth conversation. Was she's like I have really, really hoped that you fucking teach because I would take your class and likewise hers was really good. So I think that we just we knew early on that we would be really good together in communicating with the masses.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

OK, awesome, and then plus we bounce off of each other.

Speaker 1:

really well too, I think Like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just going to say what caused you to do this topic in particular, Like it was just like a natural thing for you two.

Speaker 3:

You got to talk about what you know, and there's nothing I know more than trauma and heartbreak. So why not?

Speaker 1:

And I, tiffany, was probably the fourth or fifth person when I would just tell a little bit spicy stories where she was like oh my God, this is fascinating. And so Because yeah, it's not me, yeah. So I've had a couple other people that are like oh my God, you should write a book about all your sexual exploits. And I never really thought about it until, like Tiffany and I had a conversation on the phone and I was like this is what our podcast should be, and so we kind of ran with that.

Speaker 2:

OK, and when there? What have you had so far? I know you're fairly new or episode wise, but we're two episodes in.

Speaker 3:

We're recording three and four tonight and I want to say that for the most part the first two episodes were really just whatever came natural. We just had a conversation. Obviously there was a lot of introduction to our personalities and who we are involved in that just to let people kind of get the flavor for the show. But so far we haven't had a theme. We've had just a rolling punch after punch after punch. That just it was naturally fluent between us and I think that's why we really wanted to do this. Even if no one ever listens, it's fun for us, we enjoy it, we enjoy talking. We do have a list of themes now, so future listeners have no fear, it will be a little more organized.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's also gotten a lot of good feedback. I personally wish we got more feedback on our pages. I think most of our stuff has been directly DM to Tiffany or myself, which is not a bad deal, but the consensus on my end and, if you can, ok, basically, man, you guys, this chemistry is really great. You guys are touching on things that I talk about with my girlfriends and then, on the opposite side, which I think surprised Tiffany and I both a lot, was that we have a lot of guys that are like this is awesome, like a lot. Like we were thinking we were going to cater more towards the lower middle age, women's experiences in the bedroom and with men generally, and that that was going to take off, and instead it was that age bracket of guy and they're like I wish women would talk to me. Why isn't anyone telling us these secrets? Thank you for doing that, and so I'll take it, you know, because we've gotten even some really good feedback from the guys, which I think will help us moving forward with the discussions.

Speaker 3:

I think that there is definitely an appreciation for the insight into a woman's mind and then, conversely, I think that what we're understanding, or at least what I'm understanding, is the reason that there are so many male listeners or at least I won't say so many male listeners, because my analytics on the pages that I manage indicate that it's 50-50. But feedback, I think that there's high possibility that we don't connect with women very well and we connect with men. We don't have a lot of close women friends and this is a reflection of that, I think, and that's okay, like, whoever will listen is who we want to listen to, right, yeah, and minds are the same, but it's like 50-50.

Speaker 2:

And I it's more like younger men have found it helpful. You know they said they don't, they don't they're interested in learning this stuff, you know. So they just any insight they can get is helpful.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

What are some of the topics that you've had that you know, you said that were you got the feedback on, like, what are some of those kinds of things you guys talked about in the bedroom?

Speaker 1:

Well, we talked a little bit about body count and whether or not it's appropriate to divulge that information, and I think both Tiffany and I agreed that it's probably not best practice to to share that unless you really do feel that there's going to be not a judgmental argument after the fact. But it kind of goes back to don't ask a question you're not ready to know the answer to.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And, and so it's kind of a it'll. It'll be a just judgment call for each person. You know there is such a stigma, you know, for women, where you know guys get praised for the higher their number is, and the higher a woman's number is, the more they get slut shamed. And so we're trying to negate that stigma because it's not fair. Yeah, let's be real, it's not fair, and it's like guys want you to be experienced in the bedroom, but they don't want to know how you got there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, there was this a comedian a long time ago that talked about that like do you ever wonder how she got so good? And then my boyfriend at the time looked over like, but yeah, maybe that's the. That is the theme of my podcast. That's why I started to to eliminate the double standard. We like sex just as much and there's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 1:

Right Amen.

Speaker 3:

So I hope hard as I agree and I think for us to like that and then piggybacking off of that is that it's not sex and relationships. They're not. They don't need to be in a vacuum, they don't have to be defined by the constraints that society has put on them. So for Angie and I, we are completely different in our sexuality and it allows there to be a positive representation of both the simple, innocent type and then, the more you know, salty type of sex and sexual aspirations and relationships yeah, adventurous and that, and that they're both okay and nothing's wrong with it, and I think that's really important too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, cause my, my co-host. Generally I call her the majority of the time co-host. She was raised religiously and didn't have sex till she was married, so we definitely had different perspectives with that.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, yeah, we touched on that too, cause I have a friend of mine that is a virgin and is in her mid forties and it's like when someone says early on, like high school, right, I'm going to wait till I get married. And people are like, okay, if that's what you want. And then they cause so frequently people meet their significant other in like college or in the workplace.

Speaker 3:

So they're not waiting that long.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so it's like okay, I can you know that's fine, whatever. But as you age, if you're staying in that, in that, on that road, it gets harder and bigger, and bigger and bigger.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I think those kinds of things are sometimes difficult too, because you want to respect people's religious beliefs, political beliefs, all those things. But even people who do feel comfortable having sex at 40, I think I said to Tiffany at one point uh, dating in your forties is like going to the thrift store you just want to find something that's not broken and doesn't smell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is funny and I just wanted to throw in a book since I talked about books. Um, I mentioned this before, but the book God comedy sex is good about the people that had issues growing up like, or grew up religiously and like. Now they have issues or you know, it was a very good book for that, Just FYI that community has got to be getting smaller and smaller by the minute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, let me yeah, I think it probably is. And the ones that are virgins after a certain age. It's harder for them, like we are talking about, to actually ever not be a virgin, like it's you know they. There are so much expectations there.

Speaker 3:

What even temptations too?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I will say that I don't think I've ever met a man who was saving himself. It always seems to be the women.

Speaker 1:

That's interesting. Have you met? Any male virgins at our age, well, not at our age, no yeah, at least not that I know of. If they are, they didn't tell me.

Speaker 3:

See, I've never met any male virgins or seen any male virgins advertise their virginity, like you hear from women. So definitely be curious to hear more about men who are saving themselves, whether it's for religious reasons or not, and whether they're shopping for partners. Yeah, actually.

Speaker 2:

I talk about this. I used to do stand-up comedy and I talk about a 40-year-old virgin that I was with. So I was, he was a virgin until we met what purposes, it's just more he's really shy and I think that's really what's going on, more for guys than anything. It's nothing about they're doing it. I mean, some may be doing it for religious reasons, but it's just. The world is much different.

Speaker 3:

And they don't really need people. Yeah, when everyone that you meet is an avatar, it's tough.

Speaker 2:

And with online dating in the statistics. I don't know if you listened to this episode, but, like all the guys, 20% of guys get all the matches and 80% get none or very few. So I know, actually I know a guy who he would be a virgin if he didn't go to prostitutes overseas. So it's very prevalent, more so than especially for younger guys, unfortunately. Yeah, I mean, it's just really hard Meet people in person. No one talks anymore.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and if he doesn't go to matches online. So I'm wondering, though, like is that everywhere In bigger metropolitan areas, you know, you see in the movies and in the media they have like the singles night or the speed dating and stuff. And I wonder, like, is that still happening? I know here where we live, in our area. When I was single I looked for that stuff and it wasn't really there.

Speaker 1:

So if we can cultivate those environments, then that can relieve some of that pressure, but it's hard, no because the problem is we talked about this a little in one of our episodes like guys are now nervous yeah right, you're just because, well, it's not even like cause guys always had to deal with rejection back, you know as far as time went on. However, now they have to worry about consent and permission and having people like socially shame them on social media, right and so, or videotape them or whatever. I remember my brother told me a story that he basically went and asked a girl if he could buy her a drink, which seems super innocuous, like not even that big of a deal, and the girl put her hand in his face and said, ew, no right, which on its own is just rude. But like, imagine, like now your girlfriends are videoing this guy coming up to you and you're gonna go and do something like that.

Speaker 3:

It could be everywhere that could hit, TikTok that could hit. I mean, even the news picks up TikTok stories sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Right. And then what's worse and I didn't know this until a lot like just more recently, someone, a guy friend of mine, said to that guys have to be careful of women who just want meals. Yeah, no, that's a thing and that women will like, swipe right on some matches because they're hungry and they want free food. And so now, guys, instead of inviting a woman to dinner, they invite them to coffee or a drink, because they don't want to spend 50 bucks, just be, and the girl has no intention of getting to know them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but how terrible is that, though? Like there's nothing more miserable to me than sharing a meal with someone that I don't want to get to know. Like that's disgusting. How do you? Even that would change the taste of my food, Right? Just yeah, that's the ooh to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it gives me the ick for sure.

Speaker 2:

I mean I went on many dinner dates but it was too good to know them. And then once I arrived, yes, maybe I was like the picture wasn't quite matching and so I did the dinner. But I wasn't like, and one guy even said, because this picture, like he had one really good picture and the rest weren't that great. So of course all the women want to go for it, Like, hope, the real picture, you know, the one picture is the best. We're dumb, we're so dumb, yeah, right, yeah so. And he said, oh, most women usually give one word answers and like, don't say much. And I'm like, well, I'm gonna at least enjoy the meal and enjoy the conversation, even though I know I'm not interested. I'm not gonna be rude about it.

Speaker 3:

I will say that as I've progressed and gotten older and dated, I have come to appreciate sharing a meal with someone that I'm not romantically interested in. But I'm so glad that I got to have a conversation with and I can appreciate. Oh, in a different world we might have been really good friends. So I do hope, but you can't be friends with them. Yeah, they can't, you can't do it.

Speaker 1:

So men and women are rarely friends without one of them wanting to sleep with the other guys. You know statistics.

Speaker 3:

Yeah or maybe we could have been good coworkers, like I don't know. But it's really sad, but at least I can still say I got something from this and it wasn't romantic and it wasn't a free meal. It fed my soul a little bit maybe, or my brain. So there's that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. Well, I was. Someone told me recently that my podcast wasn't juicy enough, so I will. I think we should get into some of this. Yeah, we need to bring some of that in, and some of your guys. So I mean, I don't even know where to. I mean, I did a whole episode on oral sex, like you know, from the guy and perspective, and male and female perspective, both sides, giving and receiving. So we've covered pegging, we've covered squirting, like all the things. So, like I don't know if there's any particular topic, or just more the dynamics of or crazy stories, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

So for us a lot of the stuff that we cover is our unique experiences, because there are opposite ends of the spectrum and we have. We did actually. We talked about oral sex. We talked about blowjobs in one of our last episodes quite extensively and Angie demonstrated something that she had seen in a porno before and told us a nice juicy story about she took something she saw on a porn and no shit. She tried it on a man and it changed this world and now every male listener is like Babe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's something I want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

It's an intro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and as I said in the episode, there are very few women are good at doing it, which you would expect. Most women can be good at it or, like I would have assumed, everyone is good at it, but guys are like Nope, there's a few that have been good, some is just terrible and most of them there's just all right, and I try to explain.

Speaker 3:

I would say to that, to the men you have a responsibility to educate us.

Speaker 1:

But not only that. One of the feedback things that I had gotten after that episode aired was and I think we can agree, like women generally can agree, when the roles are reversed, like if they feel like we're enjoying ourselves, they are going to enjoy it more, right. And so I think, like the women who tend to say things like well, they don't call it a job for nothing right. Like those people are right. Yeah, because it's like I don't want it. Happy birthday. Right.

Speaker 1:

Like nobody wants to feel like it's an obligation, because then it's not as exciting and when you show enthusiasm with anything, it's going to be received better. Right. And then, if you can take constructive criticism, right, because then what happens is a guy might be like go do this, and then the woman says you should just feel lucky, I'm doing it at all. Like those are just really bad ways to communicate those things and I think we have to be better. And then, like if we're better in the bedroom, with communication and how we look at sex, as a rule, I think men will take that like pick up the gauntlet and run with it. Also, because I don't think they want us to be miserable and if we're happy, we're going to want to do it more, right?

Speaker 3:

So I think, like yeah that's, that's human, it's human nature. Right? That's social learning theory. Right there, it's if, if I model this behavior when, when you're performing cuddling is on me, and I can expect you to pick up on that and eventually mirror that behavior back to me, right? So yeah, you do have to. You have to feed it in order to get the meal to start cooking. For sure, it's. Sex is not unisensorial, it's multi sensorial. They actually did a study with erogenous zones, which and I shouldn't even say this because we're supposed to talk about erogenous zones- yes, we are, but they're too clever.

Speaker 3:

They did a study that said, or it proved, it showed theoretically as much as any study, can you know that, that it is multi sensorial and that having your erogenous zones touched and explored doesn't just turn you on, it turns on the person that's touching you. And they basically proved that. Like, even just watching, they had a component with vision and stuff with all of these, where they said if the person touching me isn't watching me, then I get less enjoyment and the person giving it gets less enjoyment. So like you have to be all in if you're going to do this kind of shit. Like you have to go in emotionally, have to go in physically, like you. It has to be multifaceted. It's not just tactile. Vision has to be involved. Your, your mouth has to. Voice has to be involved, hearing has to be involved. Touch, it's all the senses that have to be activated and we're taking that away when we bitch and moan about suck at a dick.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Pardon my French. No, yeah, I had an episode where you talked about sex languages. It's from a quiz and yeah, like you're saying, there was some people that like, like different, like feathers and different things touching them. It was like all the all the sensory. And then there was a quiz to see which one you're more like, what you like most like I'm the typical, like normal, just visual sexual person, but, like you know, I don't know, there's five different ones. Is pretty cool. It's one of the actually the second highest listened to podcast episodes. So, yeah, of course it mentions porn in the title of that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, that'll do it right there, yeah, right there.

Speaker 1:

It makes sense because I'm not, I'm visually impaired, so it makes looking at that or well, no pun intended. Thinking about that generally it makes sense why I try to take it out of my experience completely, because I'm like blindfold. Let's do blindfolds all day, because I can't really see anyway. And so if, if I Ask to be blindfolded, then now they know and I don't feel obligated to let them know, I can't really see anyhow Highten, see other senses?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it sure does.

Speaker 3:

Yeah they part of that study. What they did is they gave people a map of the human body right, something that you would see like an autopsy map or take the chalk outline of human and they said color in all the spaces on this body that you feel are your erogenous zones. And and then they gave them another one that said color in all the spaces that you think someone else's erogenous zones might be. And what they found when they laid all these human dead body maps together is that there is no erogenous zone. The entire body is an erogenous zone.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yep, it's wild. Yeah, touch your partner guys.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah your hands wet and actually Especially if your language is, if you're lovely language it's just physical touch. Yeah, there was a study, or a guy told me and I talked about this on my stand-up too he was like touching my, my face in the elevator and I was like, and I finally was like you know, I'm so horny around you, I don't know what it is, and his Mother-in-law had told him to touch her, his daughter, more often and Basically the same thing like one. And wait, wait, wait. Yeah, he was trying they were.

Speaker 3:

Grandma said touch my daughter more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because wow, I guess she must have complained or something, I don't know, but or maybe he was playing, I'm not sure which, but he then he's. He said that Touching woman 10 times a day makes a woman that's dedication.

Speaker 3:

Like that's a lot. I want to be.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, non-sexual touching.

Speaker 3:

You touched my daughter more, by the way. Did you know the G spots on the top of the vaginal wall? Yeah, I Love her. I hope one day that's my mother-in-law.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the stand-up. A joke that it only took me three or four touches.

Speaker 1:

But Some people are, some people are gifted.

Speaker 3:

Well, and if you haven't been touching a long time, it has more of an effect, right?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, In a hot minute.

Speaker 3:

then you're like, yeah, I don't need all 10, bro, we have one point seven. I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, back to the oral sex real quick. We because you talked about enthusiasm and that's one thing like I talked to a few guys about enthusiasm, enthusiasm versus technique, and they were the guys mostly said enthusiasm is more important in their mind. But I'm like, wow, technique obviously. I think I mean obviously both would be preferred. But In my mind I was thinking technique would win out because, like I said, the people that know how to do it do it well. And and when you know, if you do it well, when people unsolicited tell you that, not if you ask them, and then they say yes.

Speaker 3:

So if you're an enthusiastic participant, also the other person is more comfortable giving you a little direction, so the technique improves automatically, right? So if I'm super enthusiastic when I've got a Johnson in my throat, then and but I'm not doing great and it could be better, and he knows how to make it better he's probably gonna be a little bit more comfortable, like moving my head a little bit, or sitting or standing, or moving my hand a certain way, or or saying, saying something to guide me. So hopefully, so important.

Speaker 2:

Some of the guys I've talked to just endure it and then Don't say anything. So yeah, that's the worst word and the biggest thing is teeth, like with too many teeth for women. So just yeah, I do. I do the two Mouthhand combo. That's I found, yeah you don't have to do much. You just use a hand for most of it.

Speaker 3:

And it's so messy though I think that's the worst part like your hands just get filthy and gross.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing, but this is what we kind of talked about. It's about the spit, I'm tell ya, for sure.

Speaker 1:

The more spit the better. You know, and and the feedback that I had gotten from the person who DM'd me was, you know, he said when guys say that they are interested in going down on women, that they, when they say they're doing it for them, they mean that, but they want us to be like a little to the left or whatever. And and as long as at least this is his opinion, he said, as long as we are making some noises and moving around a little bit, right, he was like it turns them on and I was like, well, that's what I'm doing wrong, because I'm bored to death and so I End up going okay, okay, okay, watch in the clock, because I just want it to be done right and so you're violating your own rule.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, well, because I didn't know, but I didn't think about it like that, right, you couldn't because I was with their experience, because you're not a man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean Communication is like he on. Pretty much every episode I have is and it's so hard no one can do it. No one wants to hurt anyone else's feelings and it's, and then it's hard to know what you want yourself or speak up for it.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, the most interesting part, though, is that we think that it would hurt someone's feelings.

Speaker 1:

Why do we think that? Yeah, good question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they'd actually rather know this yeah, yeah, just yeah, exactly, just tell them, cuz they probably want to know. I Don't have to be mean about it, like that's one way. You don't have to be like super rude about it.

Speaker 3:

I think that we're afraid, like of being rejected. And if someone were to tell us so you're not doing it right, we can't imagine them delivering it in a kind way. So because you don't, no one talks like. You don't grow up Hearing kind of things about sexuality. It's not ingrained in us. So that's got it fear. It's got to be fear-based.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 100%. I mean, and that's why we both have these types of podcasts. So I'm gonna actually talk about it and actually I should mention I have a summit in August 16th and 17th. We have all my podcast guests dating coaches and some sex coaches are gonna be on From 8 to 10 pm August 16th and 17th and this should come out right before then. But, um, yeah, just so we can you know when anyone it's not gonna be streaming on several different groups and pages so people can.

Speaker 3:

Let's talk about sex baby.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You and me, Alright. And then.

Speaker 2:

So I try to keep this to around 30 minutes and I and it's we're almost there, so I know, obviously it's called hard things. Your podcast is there. Is that a social media? The same stuff, or how can be?

Speaker 1:

Yeah we are on Facebook, we are on Apple and Spotify and YouTube. Currently we are In the process Instagram and Instagram. That is correct. We're in the process of figuring out Short videos for tic-tac and then I think we may be looking into I heart radio as well.

Speaker 3:

It's a job getting everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. Well, anything else you want to just kind of like sum up what your philosophy or what you know? Just kind of closing comments for each of you.

Speaker 3:

I would say that, like you said, the podcast is called hard things and we do talk a lot about sex. That's obvious and and people love talking about sex and I've hearing about sex. But I think it's important to remember like we call it, hard things not just because of, you know, erections and sex, but because hard things in life are Are tied to our sexuality and our sex and our relationships. Emotional things, traumatic things, work, relationships, finances, all of that, and we want to encompass all of that and eventually we'll get all those things too. But it's important to remember that sex is not by itself. It's tied to all these other things. So we definitely don't want people to get the wrong idea that we're just about sex. We believe in relationships with people, whether they're friendships or romantic, and we want to talk about all that and hear about all that stuff. So sex is tied to everything in life. Sex is not Just sex. I mean, for Angie it kind of is just that she's a special case.

Speaker 1:

So well, and I think and that's that's where I'm coming from with it Like I want to bring more awareness to Women who don't think like typical, like what is stereotypically, you know, conservative, you know, june cleaver-esque behavior, like it is okay to Whatever, like whatever is okay and and so I've said it before, I'll say it a hundred million times Consent communication. Like be safe and sane, consensual, the whole nine, and whatever is your jam, as long as you find another person who enjoys those things. That's what the focus should be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just well. Relationship shouldn't fit inside of sex. Sex should fit inside of a relationship, and I think that's really what we want to communicate with our podcast.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, it sounds really good and I'm sure People will be listening. As we talked about, everyone likes to hear about sex and talk about sex pervert. All right. Well, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check it, tell your friends about it and check out their podcast as well. Hard things All right. Thank you very much for being on, angie and Tiffany. Thanks All right. Thanks, guys.

Speaker 3:

Frank talk. Frank talk sex and dating educate.

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