Paperback Behavior

S04E16 - An Interview with Dr. Tyra Sellers (Call Her Tyra)

Shane Spiker Season 4 Episode 16

And to put a cap on Season 4, we are blessed with the privilege of being able to interview Dr. Tyra Sellers, one of the authors of Building and Sustaining Meaningful and Effective Relationships as a Supervisor and Mentor, among many other things. This conversation was a blast  and there are so many free resources related that you'll want to check out!

Fillable Resources from Sloan
Association for Professional Behavior Analysts
APBA Leadership Conference
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Special Section on Supervision
New Supervisor's Workbook
Consulting Supervisor's Workbook
The Lift Podcast Series

And look! Bonus recommendations straight from Tyra herself!
Crucial Conversations
Letters to a Young Poet

Building and Sustaining Meaningful and Effective Relationships as a Supervisor and Mentor can be purchased here.

Bonus! If you'd like to gain CEUs for the main episodes of Season 4, please check out our website at Team PBS under the training titled "Paperback Behavior."