Backseat Bible Nuggets

Ask Anything

Laura Young and Christian Parenting Season 3

Do you ever need help with something? I mean, is there ever something that you can’t do on your own and you need someone to help you do it?

Let’s talk about some examples. When have you needed help today? Go ahead and tell me about a time recently where you needed help.

Okay, now I want you to tell me exactly just HOW you asked for help when you needed it.

Alright, so maybe you asked for help by simply saying “I need help.” Or “can you help me, please?” or maybe you just cried and the adult you were with knew you needed help.

It’s a totally normal part of a kid’s day to need and ask for help. It happens A LOT, I bet, doesn’t it?

Well, that need for help doesn’t stop when you grow up. It might look a little different. Like as you grow up, you’ll learn how to tie your shoes or cut you your food or things like that or other things you might need help with at this age, but even grown-ups still need help in all sorts of ways. Good news is that we know someone who always hear when we ask for His help. It’s Jesus!

Did you know that the Lord really really really wants US – me and you -  to ask Him for His help? He wants us to go to Him when we need help because He can help us!

John 14:13 and 14 is where Jesus said, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Philippians 4:6 tells us to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”


There is certainly a right way and a wrong way to go about asking for help from God. For example, if you demand that God gives you an ice cream cone right now!! ….He might not. But, if you go to Him, thanking Him that He listens to you and your need for help. And if you ask Him to help you through a situation or if you ask Him to help you with a hard situation so that His name would be glorified, John 14:14 tells us that He will do it!


So, here’s what I want you to remember today, because this is a big deal. We can ask God for help. Repeat John 14:14 after me…..”You may ask me for anything… my name….and I will do it…. John 14:14”


Jesus said those words. He wasn’t joking or making it up. He really really wants us to go to Him when we need help and ask Him for help. Don’t you think that God Almighty who created the heavens and the earth just might be the perfect person to ask for help? I do. And it’s a good reminder that we can go to Him first for help when we are in need.


I want to leave you with 2 questions to talk about with whoever you’re listening with….

1.     Where do you need God’s help in your life right now?

2.     How do we ask God for help?

Talk it out and maybe even pray together as we put it in to practice of asking God for help in our life!


Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

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