Backseat Bible Nuggets

Living Water

Laura Young and Christian Parenting Season 3

Have you ordered your prayer journal from Christian Parenting for this school year? This simple yet powerful tool will be your most valuable school supply you get! So, make sure you’re staying rooted in prayer for your kids this year by going to to get yours today!


You know the feeling of being extremely thirsty? Just dying of thirst? Maybe you’ve been playing outside in the hot sunshine and suddenly it hits you how thirsty you are. It’s like the only thing you can think about is getting some ice-cold water.


When we are thirsty, most of us are able to just run inside and get water. OR we’ve brought a water bottle along with us that’s right by our side for when we get thirsty. Our bodies need water constantly to stay hydrated and feeling good. We don’t just drink because it tastes good, we drink because we need it for our body to stay alive! And while my kids sure do love milk and juice and all the special drinks, nothing can satisfy our thirst quite like water can. Is this making anyone else thirsty? Like then need some water right now with all this talking about it?


Well, just as we get thirsty every day, so did Jesus. Actually, there is a story in the Bible, in John chapter 4, where Jesus goes to a well to get some water to drink. A well is like a big tunnel or hole in the ground where they used to get water from. Anyway, he sits down at the well probably super thirsty because he’s been walking a long way. And he starts talking to a lady that the Bible calls the Samaritan woman.


This conversation that Jesus has with this Samaritan woman is so unusual because back in Bible times, the Samaritan people and the Jews, which is what Jesus was, did NOT get along. There was this long history of them not being friendly with each other. So, they usually wouldn’t even talk. But Jesus doesn’t care about those types of things and he starts talking to this lady at the well.


And Jesus ends up telling her in John 4:13 that “everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”


Wow! What if you had been the one talking with Jesus and he told you that He had water that would make you never thirst again? What would you have said in response?




I think I would’ve said, yes please! Give me some of that special water. In fact, let’s put some in my water bottle for later too! But, Jesus wasn’t talking about water like we drink every day. What do you think He was talking about?




Jesus was using this example of water and the fact that we get thirsty and keep having to drink water to explain the fact that Jesus offers us something better. He offers us a type of spiritual water that can satisfy our heart and mind a soul in a way that only Jesus can. In a way that won’t keep going away like regular water does in our bodies. In fact, our verse said that the water Jesus gives will become a spring in us! So, we will have a constant source of water! Amazing, right!?


Jesus called this water “living water” in John 4:10. What do you think “living water” means?




The Lord can satisfy us in ways that regular ole water could never do. Don’t get me wrong, water hits the spot on those hot days after I’ve been running around. But, Jesus also hits the spot when my heart is worried or my mind wonders about certain things or even when I’m scared or disappointed. There’s nothing that can satisfy me like Jesus’ presence. And His presence, the Holy Spirit, is that living water that is living IN me as a child of God.


So, after all this talk about water, maybe we should go get a big glass of ice water! Sound good? Let’s do it.


Water sound.

Drink sound.