Backseat Bible Nuggets

10 and 1

Laura Young and Christian Parenting Season 2

In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus heals 10 men that all had a skin disease. But guess what? There's more going on in this this miracle than meets the eye.

We explore the importance of the 1 man who returned to thank Jesus for his healing. We talk about how we need Jesus' help in order to have thankfulness be our frist reponse.

While there are deeper meanings to this story in the fact that it was a Samaratin who was the one thankful man, we focus on the fact that he was simply thankful to Jesus. How often are we forgetful to be thankful for what God has given to us?


Here are some questions to talk about. Remember, there’s no wrong answer, the point is to get conversation flowing:

1.     How many men were healed and how many men said, “thank you”?

2.     Tell me about a time where you forgot to say thank you.

3.     Why is it important to thank God?

Let’s practice our verse together one last time. You can repeat after me. “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Luke 17:17a

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