Coffee & Career Hour

Conquering Fear and Manifesting Your Dream Career Through Growth Mindset

March 12, 2024 Armine & Maria Jose
Conquering Fear and Manifesting Your Dream Career Through Growth Mindset
Coffee & Career Hour
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Coffee & Career Hour
Conquering Fear and Manifesting Your Dream Career Through Growth Mindset
Mar 12, 2024
Armine & Maria Jose

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Join us in this episode of Coffee and Career Hour to manifest your dream career and life. We dive deep into the essence of manifestation and discuss the two types of manifestors. We break down the trendy and "fun" aspects like vision boards and wishful thinking and reveal how a blend of introspection and unwavering commitment is the true secret to successful manifestation.

Facing our fears often feels like an insurmountable obstacle in our pursuit of the perfect career. Yet, we dissect this notion with candid conversations about the internal barriers that keep us stuck. By asking "what's the worst that can happen?" and recognizing that risk-taking is an integral part of growth, we uncover the empowering effect of confronting the dreaded imposter syndrome head-on. These personal insights and experiences, illuminate the steps we must take toward the careers we envision.

Finally, we wrap up with a powerful discussion on cultivating a growth mindset. This transformative approach is vital for anyone seeking to turn their career dreams into reality. We part with three invaluable tips to incorporate this mindset into your life, fostering a space where failures are not setbacks but opportunities for growth. Our conversation is not just a one-way street; we urge you to connect, comment, and share your highs and lows with us. Let's journey together, embracing the growth at every twist and turn on the path to manifesting our dream careers and lives.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Assessment:



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Join us in this episode of Coffee and Career Hour to manifest your dream career and life. We dive deep into the essence of manifestation and discuss the two types of manifestors. We break down the trendy and "fun" aspects like vision boards and wishful thinking and reveal how a blend of introspection and unwavering commitment is the true secret to successful manifestation.

Facing our fears often feels like an insurmountable obstacle in our pursuit of the perfect career. Yet, we dissect this notion with candid conversations about the internal barriers that keep us stuck. By asking "what's the worst that can happen?" and recognizing that risk-taking is an integral part of growth, we uncover the empowering effect of confronting the dreaded imposter syndrome head-on. These personal insights and experiences, illuminate the steps we must take toward the careers we envision.

Finally, we wrap up with a powerful discussion on cultivating a growth mindset. This transformative approach is vital for anyone seeking to turn their career dreams into reality. We part with three invaluable tips to incorporate this mindset into your life, fostering a space where failures are not setbacks but opportunities for growth. Our conversation is not just a one-way street; we urge you to connect, comment, and share your highs and lows with us. Let's journey together, embracing the growth at every twist and turn on the path to manifesting our dream careers and lives.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Assessment:



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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello everyone. Welcome back to Coffee and Career Hour.

Speaker 2:

Hi everyone. I hope you're doing well in whatever weather you are currently in in the middle of March.

Speaker 1:

Oh and G speaking of weather, it was hailing today. It is so surprising for those of you listening who don't live in LA. We are LA girls and we are not used to the hail. It just came on out of nowhere. It was so it was new. It was new for me at least.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I do remember Arminay last year around this time. I think it was like snowing in Westwood and people were like losing it. It was like snowing in Burbank and I don't think it was rural snow, I think it was just hailing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, today I was like oh my God, it's going to start snowing, because it never hails here in LA, so I was expecting snow to start, but literally it was like 10 minutes and then it stopped.

Speaker 2:

That's insane. Yeah, well, wherever you are, I hope you're staying safe, but you're also enjoying the beginning of a new month. Hopefully that's refreshing to some of you. For me that always is, but being on the educational quarter system, I cannot wait till the end of whatever quarter we're at to start a new. So, wherever you are, I hope you're doing well. Arminay, do you want to tell us about what we're talking about today?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so exciting. So today we are talking about manifesting your dream career. I love that. Yeah. So, mj, when you hear the word manifest manifestation, what comes to mind?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, so my personality is very realistic, is a very realistic personality type. I'm not a dreamer. I'm not somebody who has these like grand wishes and hopes. Of course, I'm an average human being, like everyone else. So I do have dreams, like, I guess, smaller dreams, but they're not like grandiose right. So when I think and hear of the word manifestation, I think of a person who is very grandiose in their thoughts and their dreams. I also warp that term with mindfulness, for some reason, and being present and the act of like yoga. I don't know why, but it's a very like loopy thought for me. So I'm ready to really dive deep into this topic and hopefully have a new perspective.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, thank you for sharing that. You know I would say you're not alone. A lot of people in the general population think of manifestation as this very like a loof idea, right, like it's, it's fun and you know, people put vision boards together and it's like, okay, you know, I'm going to put pretty pictures on a board and hope it comes true. So I think a lot of people have that idea about manifestation. However, there is so much more in depth philosophy that is behind manifesting and I think it's just umbrellaed into the term of manifestation. But the reality is there's a lot of in depth work that a person has to do to manifest any given thing that they're wanting to manifest. So let's dive a little bit deeper into that. So, manifesting your dream career that can you know, mean so many different things to so many different people. But when we're thinking of the concept of manifestation, the first thing I would say is you have to do the internal work to be able to manifest that dream career, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I will say to you that that manifesting in your career doesn't also mean a specific title or role that you're having your career, because, we said early on in this podcast as well, your career is a holistic view of the work that you do in your in your life, not a specific role. So when people want to manifest, work towards this goal, right it's. Also there are different steps that have to be taken, but it's not towards a specific thing, or is it, arminay?

Speaker 1:

So it can be either or. When we talk about manifestation, there are two types of manifestors. There's the specific manifestor and the big picture manifestor. So for those of you out there listening, I encourage you to think about what kind of manifestor you are. Specific manifestors are people who really get into the nitty gritty, the details of the given concept, right.

Speaker 1:

So let's say, if we're thinking about your dream career, a specific manifestor might actually think about title and location and like office or environment, right, what kind of environment they see themselves working in, what their day to day looks like.

Speaker 1:

It could get really specific in that, in that person's mindset or perspective, right. And then we have the big picture manifestors, who are people who kind of just focus more on the feeling. So they might not know what title or what location or what environment or what kind of people they want to work with, but they know what feeling they want to have in their dream career, and so they're kind of focused more on the energy, energetics and the emotion of what their dream job would provide for them, as opposed to the title or the environment and so forth. So you can be either. Or there's no right or wrong, there's no one. One is not better than the other. It really just depends on personality and mindset and how a person kind of looks at the world and that's going to determine whether there are specific manifestor or a big picture manifestor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can imagine that maybe some of our listeners will have a question of like, which type of manifestor could I be to be able to achieve my goal or completely manifest my career? So this is a reminder to write like either, or no matter which one you are. It's okay to be one or the other. That is just your personality type, which, for me, when you were just working with a person, when you were describing these to me earlier, armin, I was really drawn into this idea. So, for those of you out there who may have heard of this, may have even taken this as well, in the career counseling world, we use a lot of career assessments, and career assessments are they can be translated into career tests or measures that allow you to get specific results on either career interests, your personality, values, strengths, different things like that. There is one career assessment in particular that met that these two types of manifesting, of manifestors reminded me of, and that's the MBTI, the Myers-Briggs trade indicator. Is it trade indicator? Yeah, it's trade indicator.

Speaker 1:

Type indicator.

Speaker 2:

I always say trade. Wow, that's horrible. As a career counselor, I never get the T right.

Speaker 1:

It's okay. Trade type very similar concept.

Speaker 2:

In the MBTI there's four different types. Well, there's four different spectrums, if you will, eight different types of letters. The first one is if you're an extrovert or an introvert. I will also say that this also depends on your results and there's a sliding scale. So you're not a hard left or a hard right on either of these. It really just depends on where you land in your personality, in your soul, when you're responding. So there's extrovert and introvert, there's sensing and intuition, there is hold on MBTI, there's feeling and thinking. So there's feelers and thinkers. And then there's the judges and perceivers. Now let's tell you that, yes, these words sound harsh when you're labeling them like that. So you may be thinking what? I don't wanna be a judge, right, like I don't wanna be someone who's a feeler. But they mean something very, very different than what they're labeled as right. So I wanna put that out there.

Speaker 2:

But when Arminne was explaining these right, this me getting to the point, these two types of manifestors really reminded me of the last couple of letters in the MBTI the judges and the perceivers, right. Why did that remind me? Is because a specific manifestor, someone who's much more realistic, aligns more with the judging aspect of the MBTI, where you're someone who has lists, has steps one through 10 laid out. You're very organized. You're also very observant and you're very measured on the types of risks you choose to take to do XYZ project right. And a big picture type of manifestor has more of an open mind when it comes to whatever it is that they're doing and they like to collect a lot of information before getting to the end of the project and giving themselves enough time to really complete that as well. But, arminne, I know you are excited every time we talk about career assessments, so tell me more about what you think about this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you are spot on. The MBTI, especially the judging versus perceiving component of the MBTI, is very much aligned with the specific or big picture manifestor. We will do another episode and get deeper into the MBTI. And there's other career assessments like the strong interest inventory, the cliffed-in strength finder. We will definitely go deeper into career assessments in a future episode. But in terms of manifestation, it is very much aligned with a lot of the work that we do in career counseling, whether we look at it from the perspective of the MBTI or we look at it from just a counseling perspective in general.

Speaker 1:

What I've come to realize? Because in the beginning, when I first came across manifestation, I stumbled across the secret, and the secret is a book but there's also a documentary on Netflix. So I stumbled upon the documentary on Netflix, watched it. It was so fun and motivating and I was like this is so cool. And then I learned about the book and I started to kind of learn more about manifestation, vision boards, all the fun stuff, right, and I would actually research what manifestation and the law of attraction is all about, years and years into it. This is like years ago maybe close to seven, eight years ago that I first learned about the secret and got into this world. Now there's a lot of folks out there who talk about manifestation and there's a lot of podcasts, there's a lot of websites and resources and Instagram pages as well. So when I research into manifestation, what I've come to realize is that all that stuff like vision boards and all the fun stuff, the law of attraction that's actually very surface material. But in general, the general population usually thinks of manifestation as just oh, you put something on a vision board and then it's just gonna happen out of nowhere, like I remember actually telling my now husband back when we were dating, telling him about this, and that was exactly his reaction. He's like, oh yeah, you're just gonna put it on a vision board and sit on the couch and wait for it to happen. Like that's very unrealistic. But I've come to realize that it seems that way at first, especially with the secret and the law of attraction. That's the perspective that it gives. It's actually a lot deeper than that Like.

Speaker 1:

Manifesting is so aligned with everything we've learned in counseling both MJ and I we've both gone through counseling graduate programs and we've learned so much about how our mind works, how the internal world of an individual really impact the day-to-day life, every step that you take. You're limiting beliefs. We talk about limiting beliefs on this podcast a lot. So you're limiting beliefs. Your subconscious mind really drives everything that you do.

Speaker 1:

And in the manifestation world, the deeper that I started to learn about it and that I listened to credible sources, I realized that they're talking about the same thing. Everything they talk about is about understanding your subconscious mindset, understanding what's going on in your internal world and how that shapes every step that you take. So at the end of the day, it's the same thing as like going to therapy or all the other mental health resources that we could talk about. Like doing journaling, talking to trusted sources to learn more about yourself. Like on this podcast, we talk a lot about learning about yourself right, so you can actually manifest that dream career. That's the same concept. And in the general world of manifestation is you gotta do the subconscious, the internal work understand your subconscious mindset, understand your limiting beliefs so that they don't drive you. Then you can actually break free of those and take action to manifest whatever calls you're trying to manifest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, thank you for elaborating. You got me thinking on something when, as you were sharing about vision boards and all of these fun types of things that were, you know, when we get all excited, we do the research and we buy and we do all these silly things like the books and the journals and the workbooks. I'm wondering, arminay, if, for individuals who have tried or have attempted to do manifestation, they do all these things right, they do the vision board, they get a new journal, whatever that looks like for them, but then once they start heading into the internal work, that's when they start separating themselves from the idea of and it's like, oh, actually, I don't, I don't know if that's for me anymore, right, it stops becoming trendy, it stops becoming like a fun activity where you're looking on the future rather than working on what really needs to be worked on, which is the internal self.

Speaker 2:

So, I'm wondering if the individuals who, like myself and you know, I was reflecting on one of my vision boards and I was thinking about the things that are on there and funny enough now, thinking about four years ago, all of that stuff has come true, which is very strange, but that's, we can get into that later. But I'm wondering if individuals choose to do the fun stuff of what that looks like and don't really dive deep, because that really takes a lot of work on the internal subconscious, like you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 100%. I mean, when I first started doing vision boards, that's exactly what it was. I was doing it for fun, like, oh, let's put you know, cut out pictures from a magazine. Yeah, I want this house, I want this relationship, I want my life to look like this, and so I would do it for fun.

Speaker 1:

But then when I realized and learned more about manifestation I mean there is experts out there who say, like you don't even need to do a vision board, you don't need to have affirmations, you don't need to, because the concept of vision board is that it's right in front of you every day, right? And so the idea is you don't do a vision board and put it in your closet, you have to have it out there every single day. You see those pictures that you put on your board, so that the concept is that it's gonna motivate you and, yes, it can definitely work. And even the process of looking up images that represent what you want your life to look like, that's reflective in and of itself. So I'm still for vision boards, but a lot of experts do say, like you don't even need to do a vision board.

Speaker 1:

True manifestation is all about the internal work and it has nothing to do with putting pretty pictures on a board, but and so when I started doing it, it was, like you said, for fun, because it was trendy, and I was like this is so cool. But I would say that if you do a vision board, it can still be a very reflective process. When you're, you gotta think about the goals, right. So let's say somebody wants to make a vision board for their dream career. That's gonna require you to really think about what you wanna feel in that dream career, what kind of environment, what kind of work is gonna make you feel whatever feeling you're searching for, right. And so that process is reflective. The final outcome of that board really doesn't matter, it's the reflective process. So if somebody is a visual learner, I would say, and really likes to see things visually, to understand and process them, then I think that a vision board can be helpful. Otherwise it can just be a fun activity, but a reflective activity at the very least.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're reminding me into another core part of career counseling, which is the career development cycle, and it's that first phase of self-assessment, right, and when we're thinking about that reflection piece into who we are and doing that internal work, often as career counselors we challenge our clients and our students to really reflect on who they are. What are they seeking right? What type of values do they have and do they want their work to align with? What type of skills, what type of individuals, what type of work? Right, and one of Arminay's favorite questions to ask students is what type of problems do you wanna solve? Right? And that leads to the feeling you'll have in the type of work you do. So your manifesting is reminding me a lot of how we teach students to self-assess when they're starting to identify what it is that they wanna do after college, and even our clients in the next steps of their career as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's true, that is one of my favorite questions to ask my clients and students. And, ultimately, when you think about, like manifestation is turning something from an idea into reality, right? So, ultimately, what does that require? That requires us to take action. So you're not gonna manifest anything if you don't do the work towards it Every day.

Speaker 1:

And in order to take the action and do the work, you have to work on your internal limiting beliefs first, because, as we all know, and as we've talked about limiting beliefs so much on this podcast, we all know that those stop us from taking action. Right, like you said, the minute that it gets real and we are like, oh, I have to actually do this, you start, we tend to stop and freeze and and get scared because it's now Our, our imposter syndrome is coming into play, right, and that's that's why maybe somebody might stop doing the work. After they make the vision board and stuff and did the fun stuff, they realize, okay, now I gotta actually work towards the school and their imposter syndrome comes into play. So I think that's what's happening with people and so, at the end of the day, like manifesting is, you ought to take action to get to whatever it is you want and in order to take action, you have to not let your limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome get in the way, and in order to do that, you got to understand what's happening in your subconscious beliefs.

Speaker 1:

If you don't believe like, for example, I talked about not Believing that I could be an entrepreneur when I first started that held me back a lot. Like I would post something, I would delete it. I was like, oh, I don't like how this looks on my page and people are gonna judge me. I changed my website like 500 times because I was like you know, it's not reflective of me, but those were all actions based off of my imposter syndrome, not believing that I can be an entrepreneur, and Having to work through that so that I can actually put out content, put out this business and believe that I can do this work.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely, and so it sounds like there's a lot of Free work before you actually can get into the manifesting. Before you can begin manifesting, there are many steps that you have to kind of go through within yourself to be able to be in a space, in a headspace and a mindset where you're ready to take on manifesting 100%.

Speaker 1:

And I would say the internal work never Release stops, like you might have to do the pre-work and then start taking action. But as you take action, with each step, with each small goal that you reach you're going to, you know, it's going to open up more, more doors for you to do, more reflection and more internal work. So, and and with each challenge that you face, you might the imposter syndrome, might you know speak up a little louder. So you have to now do a little bit more internal work. I think always, you know, I think that that's um always gonna need to be a part of the formula in order for us to manifest. So, whether you're manifesting a dream career or your dream house or your dream relationship, doesn't matter. Workout, right, like I would put um someone working out on my vision board In order for me to be motivated to work out, I had to Do the internal like work to understand what's stopping me from going to work out. You know, on a regular basis, do I not see myself as an active person, or etc. Etc. Right, and that's like a very simple thing there. When we're talking about dream career, there that holds people hold a lot of weight on their shoulders for that dream career because we think like that's the end, all be all. So imagine how much more internal work we would need to do to be able to Work through those challenges and start to take action towards that dream career.

Speaker 1:

And I think Phase too, it doesn't have to be like you do all the work and you then finally, one day you manifest a dream career. That's not really how it works. It's gonna be steps right. Maybe the first step is graduating from a program To help you get the degree that you need. The next phase would be getting an entry-level job in that field. The next phase would be Getting a promotion, etc. Etc. Until you get to that bigger, like dream career, you might need to manifest smaller goals throughout time.

Speaker 2:

That's so interesting. The one and only time I ever did a vision board was actually in grad school and I think I had on that vision board not, I think I know exactly what was on there. One was in one corner there was like a wedding dress and a picture of my now fiance. In another corner was a lot of traveling images and I just went on my first big girl vacation last year. Another section was like the car I have, and if you ever catch me outside this podcast, you know that the car I have is something I've dreamt. I've dreamt about since I was like nine years old. So for me that was a huge deal to obtain my dream car. Right now we're talking about dream careers. And in another corner was working out and like fitness people that I really enjoyed, which was interesting because I was able to do that and stick on it for four years.

Speaker 2:

And in the last space I remember there was a couple different sections but that were important. It was me, it was office. It was an office space of working as a counselor and thinking about my now life. Reflecting on four years ago or three years ago, I actually should say that all kind of came true. And it's funny because I'm hearing you say like, oh, you have to do like the steps, right? That's kind of what happened to me and I didn't. And that vision board I don't know what happened to it, but I vividly remember the one time I did one with my niece my niece was the one who asked me to do it with her and I was like, oh, this is so silly, like you're just printing out pictures from Pinterest and silly quotes and fun paper and it's a arts and crafts project. But now thinking about it, there were these little things that I had to do to be able to get here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so cool that, like within three years, like you've reached many of those things but you work towards it, right? You were in grad school at the time, so you had to put in the work, graduate from your grad program, work through your internal challenges to like go through interviews and get your first big girl job, work on your relationship, because we all know relationships require work. It's not just rainbows and butterflies. So the fact that you're engaged and planning a wedding, like you're putting in efforts to maintain that relationship and take it to that stage that you wanna be in, right, so, yes, you have put in all the work and you're now starting to like see the fruits of your labor. It's just because this happened throughout time, like you haven't even realized that these were things that, like you wanted to manifest, because you're just constantly working towards it. But I'm so glad to hear that you had these on your vision board and you've kind of seen that process happen for you.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny, yeah, and I love saying well, now I'm realizing how long ago it was. Honestly, the pandemic feels like it took away several years for all of us, but it took three years, right? This also didn't happen the month later or a week later or whatever that is. So if you're out there really wanting to start working on this or whatever that looks like for you, if you're in the middle of it, know that there's no time constraint, right? Everyone is on their own individual journey for what manifesting looks like for you and in your dream career. Know that it's not. It's not like Armin I said. It's not the end. All be all right. There's many things happening simultaneously, so know that if it's taking you longer than what you feel that it should take you, that's just the way that it's gonna work out for you in your journey. So, instead of feeling frustrated or annoyed with what, this is right, how can you reflect on this moment and continue manifesting, keeping that focus on what it is you're working towards?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I love that you said that, because you know, along the way, there's challenges, there's going to be days that, like we're, we don't feel motivated. So how do you like keep Remind yourself and keep your focus on what you want to manifest right on those difficult days? And I think that's where maybe, like a vision board or a journal can come into play, because those days where you're not feeling as motivated, to look at those right, like remind yourself okay, this is ultimately what it is that I'm working towards. Maybe I took a step, one step back work today, but I'll take two steps forward tomorrow, but reminder of why you're putting in the work. So I think those fun arts and crafts projects, like at the end of the day, do serve as a reflection and as motivation If you, if you, if you allow it to to do that for you, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so. It sounds like from this. The first step is really to do all of the internal work right, get through what we call imposter syndrome some insecurities we're having right and is to really get out there and take action. What does this look like for our audience, or what does this look like for us, is staying informed, doing your research. A prime example that I can give you happening in my life, as you heard in our last episode, as I embark on a doctoral journey and whatever which direction that takes me, I am putting myself out there, really thinking about it, working towards this goal and getting informed right, doing many informational interviews with several different people and seven different programs and staying up to date, doing my research and really showing the universe I think, just showing myself that I'm working towards this goal.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yes, you are definitely in the thick of it with doing the internal work and doing the research externally to kind of determine what does a PhD versus an EdD mean for you. That's like doing the internal work which we kind of started unpacking. So this is our last episode, if you haven't heard our last episode of the live career counseling session helping MJ process some of this. So you were doing the internal work, but you're also doing the external, external work to stay informed, and that's step one of lasting your dream career.

Speaker 1:

The next step is to take risks.

Speaker 1:

I would say you know, you on the other end of that, like the opposite of what we're talking about is someone can do the work and reflect and reflect, and you know, sometimes I'll hear people say like I've been in therapy for years and it hasn't helped. I think what happens in those cases is that you can sit and reflect and talk about it and understand your challenges and understand your subconscious mind, but then choose not to take action towards it and that's where therapy doesn't work. That's where manifestation that doesn't work, because it's not just about the reflection and internal work you do that with. In combination with that, you have to take action and take a risk, and that's I would say that's harder. Doing the internal work might be scary going up there. We might be scary talking about facing your fears might be scary, like on the internal, but I would say it's even scarier to actually take action and take risks. So that has to be coupled with step one, otherwise you might find yourself just in that, in the same cycle of reflecting and not nothing is changing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what would you say to someone who's not normally a risk taker but still wants to work towards achieving this? The stream career, the stream goal, right? The stream life, really, essentially the stream life. What would you say to someone who's not naturally a risk taker?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean. My question to that person would be what's the worst that can happen?

Speaker 2:

We love that.

Speaker 1:

And I ask that to my clients all the time like what's the like? You know, if we talk about networking or going to a conference or introducing yourself to this person, we talk about like those scary things like going to an interview, applying to this job, what's the worst that can happen. So the same concept goes you might, if you're not normally a risk taker, you might maybe not take a big risk, but maybe we take a risk that feels a little bit safe, a smaller risk, and that's something that's going to depend on each individual person. So you can kind of decide okay, it will be a little bit out of your comfort zone, but finding an action that you can take, that there is some safety in it. So if you fail, it's okay, it's not going to completely break you right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like that. Like I think another version of that is when people say, like, why not Right? Like, why not, why not do so? And so why not take up this new project? Why not work with someone new? Why not apply for the job you've seen and everyone's told you you're a great fit for right? So there's also this iteration of why not? What's the worst that could happen? I love that for natural risk takers. I'm not a natural risk taker, I'm more of a calculated risk taker, so sometimes I'm growing to learn to ask myself, like, what is the worst thing that could happen? Why don't I want to take this specific risk? What is what is holding me back? Right? And that goes back to limiting beliefs and your imposter syndrome here, which is interesting.

Speaker 1:

Go hand in hand for sure. So same thing is like if someone that really doesn't want to take action, doesn't want to take a risk, then we go back to okay. We got to like, reel it back in, Look at what's going on on the inside, because there's something stopping you from taking a small step. It doesn't matter how small or big the step is, but steps do need to be taken. So if you're completely not wanting to take any steps, then that means we got to go back to phase one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've been saying recently, in practice you got to untangle some of those career knots that you're having. So I always think of your career as a string of rope, however long you want to think about it. I don't know why. I've been recently using this like analogy, as a string of rope that can get knotted sometimes and it comes back to the person managing the rope and going through it to untangle them. So for our clients, it's you going back to untangle some of those knots so you can continue with that rope as well. I don't know, I have like the weirdest analogies.

Speaker 1:

You are the queen of metaphors, but I do love that. That's a very creative way of really talking about all the same things we've been talking about, about doing the internal work, taking a step back, reflecting, and so forth. Yeah, yeah, what's the third tip that we have for manifesting your dream career?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and this one's funny because this one, I think, is a personal attack towards me is don't be afraid of failure, right, Don't be afraid of failure. And it's ironic because my platform itself is called career confidence, right? And I'm telling you, don't be afraid of failure. But I'm the first one to be like all hell is going to break loose if I fail, which is hilarious, yeah, it's the whole thing. But you don't want to be afraid of failure. I think it goes back to Arminay's question of, like, what's the worst that could happen? Right? And for failure, I'm going to challenge you. Is failure really failure if you grew from it? Right? And that goes back to the whole growth mindset, right? This open-mindedness, not having limiting beliefs, welcoming opportunities for growth in every situation, so don't be afraid to grow essentially is what we're trying to say Don't be afraid of uncomfortableness, because from every situation you're going to come out a different person, whether you learn something new, met someone different or see things from a different light. So don't be afraid to grow.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, that's more of a positive spin on don't be afraid of failure. Essentially, it means the same thing, but yeah, it is all about growth mindset. So manifestation really ties really well into counseling and growth mindset and the career development process. So all the things that we've talked about throughout our episodes are the message that we're trying to give out on our platforms. It goes hand in hand with manifesting your dream career. And these are the three tips that we recommend. There can definitely be more. We're definitely open to have deeper conversations about this. If anyone has any questions, wants to share their thoughts on manifestation or their dream careers, you are welcome to reach out to us on our platforms or send us your questions. We can address it in a future episode, but our three tips for today are do the internal work, take risks and don't be afraid to grow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good luck on manifesting your dream career. We look forward to hearing about it soon.

Manifesting Your Dream Career
Manifestation and Internal Reflection in Careers
Overcoming Fear in Career Development
Embracing Growth Mindset for Career Manifestation