Beyond Parking

City Changes: Pandemic & Beyond

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Join us as we interview Travis Hargitt of Eugene, OR on how the Eugene’s parking, operations, and budgets have been affected by the pandemic. Hear about how the city that hosts worldwide championships and sporting events has been impacted by the global health crisis. Hear about changes in traffic patterns, city use, and local budgets. If you’re a parking manager or city official, this episode’s for you.


Join us as we interview Travis Hargitt of Eugene, OR on how the Eugene’s parking, operations, and budgets have been affected by the pandemic. Hear about how the city that hosts worldwide championships and sporting events has been impacted by the global health crisis. Hear about changes in traffic patterns, city use, and local budgets. If you’re a parking manager or city official, this episode’s for you.

Guest details:

Travis Hargitt, Parking Supervisor, City of Eugene, OR

Topics Discussed:

City parking

City transportation

City events

City budgets

World Track & Field Championship

US Track and Field Trials

NCAA Championships

Heyward Field

Municipal Parking

Parking Budgets

Capital Projects

Vehicle Camping

City Tent Camping

AARP Funds

Work at Home

Home Office Stipend

Urban Landscape

Parking Meters

Single Space Meters

Multi Space Meters

Parking compliance

Parking Officer


Notable Quotes:

“Just from a parking standpoint across the municipality, literally overnight our budget was decimated by 90%.”

“It's close to 40% cheaper, to put a single space meter in, that all of it, plus it cleans up the the urban landscape.”

“We’re using LPR for on-street to show the trends across the city, particularly with the pandemic.”

“If we take occupancy off street and compare it to what we see on street…. We can actually see what’s going on within the complete right of way in the transportation system”

“We anticipated a ton of new folks moving in but then things kind of slowed down.”

“From a transportation standpoint, we’re probably at about 60, 70% of what we were pre-covid”

“We created these new positions called neighborhood service officers and …. It filled in gaps within the city.”