Speak Out Loud: Stories of Strength

9 Strategies for Wellbeing & Mental Health

Community Collaboration

In this episode Kathryn Walton shares  9 themes central to mental health and wellbeing that have been raised by the mental health workers, community workers and residents who have been featured on the podcast so far. Kathryn asks you to reflect on how each of these threads is going for you, and whether there’s something you would like to choose to do to strengthen them.  

  1. Ask for help - This could include in-person or online services, supports and resources provided by professionals or organisations, or it could be a friend, family member or neighbour.
  2. You choose – YOU choose your actions. Your actions can be helpful, or not so helpful. Some helpful actions (also referred to as self-care) include healthy nutrition, sleep, physical activity and exercise, speaking kindly to yourself, being mindful, and engaging in activities that make you feel grounded. 
  3. Connections with community and people can be a protective factor and boost your recovery journey.
  4. Notice things – Be intentional about noticing the good things, little things, and the signs that things are growing, progressing or recovering, including yourself.
  5. Planning and preparation - This includes planning and preparing your nutrition, daily routine, sleep, exercise as well as other things such as your fire management plan. These form a good foundation for your recovery journey and nurture a sense of hope and optimism.
  6. Connect with nature - Get to know the land, plants and animals around you. Allow nature to heal you and find ways that you can help nature to heal too. 
  7. What worked before? It might be time to try that again, or it might be time to try something new. 
  8. Mindset - Let go of what you can’t control; focus your energy, attention and actions on what will make a difference; be curious; experience gratitude; look for opportunities to give and receive; be patient. 
  9. Do things you enjoy – Spend time on a hobby, do something relaxing, have fun, spend time with people whose company you enjoy.

    How are these themes showing up in your life?


    Contact Kathryn Walton from Kathryn Walton Consulting and Outdoors is my Therapy

    Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN
    Use the clickable map to find mental health services in the region

    Speak Out Loud has been supported through funding from the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

    Music by Twisterium from Pixabay