Unfolding Words

071: THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS SERIES: Do You Not Yet Understand?

November 18, 2019 Antracia Moorings
071: THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS SERIES: Do You Not Yet Understand?
Unfolding Words
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Unfolding Words
071: THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS SERIES: Do You Not Yet Understand?
Nov 18, 2019
Antracia Moorings

And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?”

Jesus likely asked this question in Mark 8:17 out of frustration. In verse 12, the Pharisees argued with him asking for a sign. They were arguing WITH the sign. And He sighed deeply in His spirit. This is a glimpse into Jesus' heart. He came for them to understand. But they didn't. Instead, they seek for a sign when they had such abundant evidence already.

No matter what they saw Him do, His disciples still didn’t get it. Jesus had just fed four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. And Prior to that, he had fed another 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish, healed a deaf and mute man, cast a demon out of a young girl just by saying the words, and walked on water in front of them while they watched from a storm-tossed boat. What more did they need to see to understand that He was the Son of God?

The disciples took things at face value, missing Jesus' meaning. Today, you and I need to take the time to listen deeply.

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Show Notes

And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?”

Jesus likely asked this question in Mark 8:17 out of frustration. In verse 12, the Pharisees argued with him asking for a sign. They were arguing WITH the sign. And He sighed deeply in His spirit. This is a glimpse into Jesus' heart. He came for them to understand. But they didn't. Instead, they seek for a sign when they had such abundant evidence already.

No matter what they saw Him do, His disciples still didn’t get it. Jesus had just fed four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. And Prior to that, he had fed another 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish, healed a deaf and mute man, cast a demon out of a young girl just by saying the words, and walked on water in front of them while they watched from a storm-tossed boat. What more did they need to see to understand that He was the Son of God?

The disciples took things at face value, missing Jesus' meaning. Today, you and I need to take the time to listen deeply.

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