What If It Did Work?

Debunking Fitness Myths with Lais and Rafael: Personalized Plans for Long-Term Success

July 10, 2024 Omar Medrano
Debunking Fitness Myths with Lais and Rafael: Personalized Plans for Long-Term Success
What If It Did Work?
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What If It Did Work?
Debunking Fitness Myths with Lais and Rafael: Personalized Plans for Long-Term Success
Jul 10, 2024
Omar Medrano

What if everything you thought you knew about health and fitness was wrong? Join us as we bring together the vibrant voices behind the "Lais and the Coach" podcast, Lais Villamor and Rafael Moret. With Lais's inspiring journey from mom to bikini competitor and Rafael's extensive experience as a head coach, this episode promises to shatter common myths and offer practical, personalized fitness advice. We tackle the confusion caused by fad diets and the misinformation spread by social media fitness "gurus," emphasizing the significance of personalized plans and sustainable habits.

In this engaging discussion, we critique flawed health guidelines and debunk stubborn misconceptions like the fear of women becoming overly muscular or the need for extreme diets. Lais and Rafael highlight the importance of balance, using relatable examples and a sprinkle of humor to make their points. From the benefits of structured programs like 75 Hard to the pitfalls of outdated health trends, we offer a fresh perspective on achieving long-term health and fitness success. Tune in for an episode packed with real-world insights, expert guidance, and a dose of inspiration that proves health transformations are not about suffering but about finding joy and balance in the journey.

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What if everything you thought you knew about health and fitness was wrong? Join us as we bring together the vibrant voices behind the "Lais and the Coach" podcast, Lais Villamor and Rafael Moret. With Lais's inspiring journey from mom to bikini competitor and Rafael's extensive experience as a head coach, this episode promises to shatter common myths and offer practical, personalized fitness advice. We tackle the confusion caused by fad diets and the misinformation spread by social media fitness "gurus," emphasizing the significance of personalized plans and sustainable habits.

In this engaging discussion, we critique flawed health guidelines and debunk stubborn misconceptions like the fear of women becoming overly muscular or the need for extreme diets. Lais and Rafael highlight the importance of balance, using relatable examples and a sprinkle of humor to make their points. From the benefits of structured programs like 75 Hard to the pitfalls of outdated health trends, we offer a fresh perspective on achieving long-term health and fitness success. Tune in for an episode packed with real-world insights, expert guidance, and a dose of inspiration that proves health transformations are not about suffering but about finding joy and balance in the journey.

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Speaker 1:

I never told no one that my whole life I've been holding back. Every time I load my gun up so I can shoot for the star, I hear a voice like who do you think you are all right.

Speaker 2:

Everybody. Another day, another dollar, another one of my favorite episodes of my favorite podcast. Yes, I am being biased, it's my own podcast and I've got to say I've had them on before and it's very hard to have a repeat. I love them both. I internet stalk them both. I'm actually a client, so full disclosure on that. But here it is.

Speaker 2:

Lais Villamor and Rafael Moret are the co-hosts of a health and fitness podcast called Lais and the Coach. Lais is a professional bikini competitor and has competed in over 10 shows in the last six years as coached dozens of people to the stage. Lais juggles all this while being a wife, a mom, a mom of a very young child. Entrepreneur. Raphael is the head coach at NXT LVL, with 30 years of coaching experience and responsible for hundreds of transformations. I've seen it, and when I'm not cheating on my diet, I can look the point too. They bring a unique blend of real-world experience, expert coaching and real, relatable inspiration to the table. They share their insights on achieving a healthy lifestyle, overcoming challenges and building the best version of yourself. How's it going, guys?

Speaker 3:

Happy to be here, happy and excited to chat. We certainly love to talk, we certainly love to talk.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I got to say when it comes to and we spoke about this off camera, I think we spoke about it off air a million times I got to say you guys are the real deal compared to well, since I've known you, I think there's been like an excess of an extra 20,000 gurus, influencers and quick steeps in your industry At least.

Speaker 3:

You know. I think that over the years it's the gateway to enter is a little bit wider with all the social media stuff. So anybody that picks up a pair of dumbbells, you know, all of a sudden is the next guru with the next great thing and they have the solution. And it just gives you know. Social media is an outstanding and amazing tool. We love it, but it also gives access to so much misinformation. Can we say misinformation or is that a?

Speaker 4:

Too many people have a voice right. Oh, too many.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, Too many people have a voice, and not only that, but they don't know how to sell. I mean, I've never told you this, but it's funny. There's people that never even see me or see how I work out, or or literally see me. They just see 50 year old male and they're like you look like shit, but you know, hire me and I can turn it around for you. And I'm like thinking, I'm like holy shit, what, what, what, what. What an amazing way to sell. What?

Speaker 4:

does that?

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, buddy, you know I look better than most 50-year-olds. I've done a shit ton of Spartans, I've done full marathons, I've done 75 hard a million times. Don't come talking to me like that. They're like well, I can get you there. I'm like get me, I can get you there. I'm like get me, where, man? Where are we going? Yeah, exactly, and it's like I can imagine that that thing is like going up to a woman at a bar and say honey, I know you haven't gotten laid in a while, but I'm here for you, I'm going to save you, I'm going to save you from all this. Yeah, exactly, exactly. And like, like what I said, full disclosure.

Speaker 2:

I am a client and you know it's the greatest thing because I would do the. You know, whether it was the paleo or the keto or the. Yeah, I even did the water fasting, which, yeah, you could lose a shit ton of weight. But guess what, nobody's going to friggin. Oh, I'll just. Oh, matt, it wouldn't be all a day, or maybe I'll just eat today and today's Tuesday, maybe Friday, I'll have a meal?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, listen, there are. There are more so-called solutions today than there ever have been in history, yet there's a bigger problem than ever in history. So you know, the math isn't math and every time there's something short term or shortcut, it just never, it's never panned out. Ever, ever, ever. You know. No one's ever come out and said, listen, I took this shortcut and two years later it worked. You know, it just doesn't happen, because nothing in life has a shortcut right. Everything requires steps, everything has a process.

Speaker 4:

And it's the wrong approach either way. Right, because, like you said, if you do a water fast, yeah, you're going to lose a ton of water and then you're going to put on a ton of water. What everybody wants is to look and feel their best and there are no shortcuts around that and that means something different to everyone.

Speaker 4:

Right, but it still means that, regardless of the approach, that if you want to look and feel your best, cutting out things or doing a three-day thing or doing a two, two week thing is not how anyone is going to achieve that like long term.

Speaker 3:

You would never try to achieve financial success in three days. Right, like no one's ever promoting that.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, they do do that, because I've seen. Hey, same thing, right Like 60 days ago I was mowing lawns and now I'm living in La Jolla for only $19.99 by my program, and you can be just like me.

Speaker 3:

That's my point, right, and we all know none of it works like that. So, listen, dieting and exercising isn't that trivial, right? What we're missing or what is missing, just like in all of those get rich quick things is application, right? Nobody wants to apply all the information, they just want more information. So you can get wealthy doing a number of things. You can invest in real estate, you can open multiple businesses, you can go so many different routes, just like with food. You could do so many different things to get the outcome you're looking for, but you still got to stick it out, you still got to show up, and that's really what we're missing.

Speaker 2:

Well, before I went with you guys, this was my closet. I would have size 33, 34, 36, 38. And then if I had a marathon coming up in three or four months, it was like crash diet and then feeling like shit after going from like because I would be like the 38 but I should have really been a size 40. But I was doing like the garth brooks and like smashing into my jeans and I I mean the, the yo-yo, I mean it gets old, it does. Or you know, you've been fit for like three or four months and somebody's like oh, oh shit, you look amazing, you look like crap. It's like, no, I've been like this for a little while, but yeah, no, I mean I'd have to say for the past, what is it? Three years, it's either been a plane or hey, I want to do 75 day hard, or I want which I always tell you in advance. And then we come up with a plan to make sure I have enough macros to do two a days, three a days, with no rest in between.

Speaker 3:

And I think that that's really the ticket right For most things, and I think that we can find parallels in most things. But you need to have clarity in the direction that you wanna go with, right. Whatever the outcome that you're looking for, you need to have clarity, direction that you're gonna go with and you need to have a plan that fits into your lifestyle right. So, and I think that everybody wants every plan to fit everyone and it just doesn't, because everyone is different and everyone has a different thing that they're pursuing and a different level of willingness to execute certain things. So, while somebody, you know, I feel like 75 Heart is such a good program because it enables the person that may find one of the components easy to find the difficulty in one of the other ones.

Speaker 3:

Some of the simple things are things that escape most people. Right, drinking water should be a no-brainer, but most people walk around dehydrated. Right, exercising outside is great for your body because you get vitamin D from the sun. Like that is, people are inside more inside more than we have vitamin D deficiency Like that shouldn't be happening. So I think that you've got to have clarity, you've got to have a plan and you've got to be flexible enough to know that it's not going to be linear and there are seasons and waves for different things. You know like, depending on where you are in your life, you're going to have to adjust, adapt and find something that fits them.

Speaker 4:

And I think the mistake a lot of times people make and I talk about this all the time is everyone wants to do this themselves and no one applies that logic to any other area of their life. No one is trying to fix their own plumbing or at least most people right or the transmission on their car or if their AC goes out, like unless you happen to know about something like that because it's something that you've done or that you currently do, no one does that Like if something breaks or if something needs attention and it's not your wheelhouse, you go and you find someone that's going to help you like fix it. But with health and fitness, everybody thinks that they know, everybody's just looking for the information and everybody wants the fastest way there and everyone thinks that it requires suffering. And I think that's what I hate about all the information that's out there is that it makes people be like well, I can just do it on my own because there's all this information and I'm supposed to be hungry or I'm supposed to be miserable, I'm supposed to cut this stuff out, and the next thing, you know, everyone's just running wild with their own ideas that are just not how we would handle any other area with their own ideas that are just not how we would

Speaker 2:

handle any other area and it doesn't work. It doesn't work and I I would say in my 20s, all the way up to my mid-30s, what I thought was being healthy was you join the globo gym. You do the stair master. If you're really ballsy, you might do the stair master or the elliptical backwards. You know you burn 1,100 calories in 30 minutes on the elliptical and then it's time to eat snack, wells, and then those lean cuisines. You know, sodium me up with my two or those lean cuisines. You know sodium, sodium me up with my two or three lean cuisines. You know that that was my cycle for like the longest time, and you know it was like talk about being like if I wasn't working out skinny fat because there was no, no muscle being built at all.

Speaker 3:

But I mean you said it best before right. Like they did their job at selling. You know they sold the idea that that was the way everybody had, you know, an overabundance of information coming at them through a screen where a lean cuisine was a ticket. It was lean right and there were healthier snacks, but nobody ever stopped to look into whether or not that was a good idea. You just took the commercial for what it was everybody buys into whatever they hear everybody buys zero fat well, I mean, I why?

Speaker 2:

why that sounds amazing. Instead of eating like the vanilla wafers, I can just eat the snack wall wafers at zero fat. I mean, you know who cares about the calorie or the sugar content, or you know the freaking processed shit that I'm putting into myself.

Speaker 4:

But people hear things and they just hold on to it.

Speaker 3:

And isn't it incredible how somebody will hear something that may not make any sense, but they hold on to it for dear life, like you cannot convince them that it is any different, no matter how illogical it might be, but they will hold on to it. Even when presented with evidence and facts and truth, they will hold on to whatever concept they heard, once more than it's gospel or that, or they believe that they pick and choose what they believe the government.

Speaker 2:

It's like well, the pyramid, the food pyramid, yeah, the food pyramid says to do that. And it's like, really, I mean, that's bullshit, just like the BMI. Are you talking about the government? That's also subsidized by Big Pharma.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

They have our best interests at heart all times of course, but but it's crazy and the the one thing that too, that there's two things that, like I have to say this about you is there's this misconception that if women work out, oh my gosh, they're gonna look like linda hamilton and the terminator, or no, number number two, oh yeah, I don't want to get that bulky. And also, oh, I, I can only eat crackers and water. And you go, you. You went from being just a mom to winning major competitions. Not only that, but doing it by drinking wine, by having the cheeseburger and by having things that you know, like what you guys say, because one of the things being a client, there is no such thing as cheat meal. Things being a client, there is no, no such thing as cheat meal. Because when you say cheat meal, that means, oh, you're an asshole, you're do, you're cheating, you're doing, you're doing something filthy, you're doing something nasty and it it makes you feel like you're defeated because you had a cheat meal yeah absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I think that.

Speaker 3:

I think that that the misuse of words sometimes is what holds a lot of people back.

Speaker 3:

Right, because everybody in some way, shape or form, has a built in cheat day where they're cheating on their program.

Speaker 3:

Yet we would. That goes back to we would never apply that logic to anything else, right, you never cheat on something else and think that you were doing a good thing. Instead, what we should be looking at is if there are things that you enjoy eating like how can you build those into your plan? And if they can't be built in, then maybe you're on the wrong plan, right? Like, if you're eating in a way that doesn't necessarily support the things that you enjoy, in whatever moderation or amounts you would enjoy them and still give you the outcome that you're looking for, you might be on the wrong track, right? So it's, it's really just a wordplay, and I think that that with her, it was. It was our, it was our opportunity to demonstrate in real time because it was almost like we had a real test subject that you can do all of the things that people say you can't do, and as long as you were able to quantify it, then you could still get the outcome that you wanted.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I have so much to say about that. Obviously, there's a meme that I saw a while back that says thinking that you're going to go to the gym and get big and bulky is literally the equivalent of you thinking you're going to sit in a car and become an NASCAR driver. Right, it doesn't fucking work that way. Everything that's exaggerated or that's like massive and that's whatever you want to call it takes intention.

Speaker 4:

No one is wealthy by accident, unless you were born into it. Right? Like, just because you go to work, you don't. You don't come home with millions of dollars cause you punch in an hour, cause you started a business. Right, it's like with millions of dollars because you punch in an hour because you started a business, right, it's like. That's just not how anything works. And so to think that you're going to get into the gym and that you're going to lift weights and that you're going to get into that kind of regimen and lifestyle and that you're going to get big like I wish if someone has a secret, please tell me, because it is fucking hard.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's tremendous, it's super hard. And this is coming from I mean do I like working out? Yeah, it took years to build that habit. It's not the 21 days, that's some shit. They. They sell a fucking poster or whatever. Because you know, I, I could wake up at four in the morning, three in the morning, 75 days or whatever in a row, day 76, I'll sleep my ass, so that there goes your 21 days. And that's why I laugh, because if that was the case, yeah, I've done all those 75 hards. I don't take a cold shower for five minutes if it just because I love doing it, because I created a habit and know women know that are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, the older they get. It's like this growing thing that they do all sorts of other bullshit to avoid lifting weights. And it's like mind-boggling because I see more and more on social media. Oh well, we're having fun. It's called working out. The word work is in it and the results show it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if you have a full face of makeup at the gym and you're not breaking a sweat, you're not there to work, you're there to hang out, and we are not the same, right? So here's the thing Like, you can't just get big. It takes a shit ton of intention, it takes a shit ton of food, it takes a lot of training. A lot of times it does take some sort of enhancement because, physically, as women, we are obviously built different, right? Obviously it depends genetically. But for me, like, what I always wanted was to have a, you know, a fit, tight, tone physique that wasn't overly muscular. That was never my goal. I don't have anything against that goal, it's just never my goal. And I wanted to do it in a way where I could still enjoy my life, because I always felt like, when I looked, when I looked at really fit women on Instagram, I used to be like there's no way that she enjoys her life. I'm like that's, you know, that person is so extreme one way, and that was a misconception on my end. Yes, there are people who live that way, but you don't have to, right? And that's what I told him at the time. I was like I want to going to give my give up my dessert. I have ice cream every night, you know it's measured, it's a three ounce measured ice cream. I don't have a freaking pint of ice cream, but I have it every night, and so for me, it was like I have to eat, I have to participate, like the my favorite thing to do is to go out to dinner, to have culinary experiences wherever we go, and I also wanted to do it in a way where I felt like, like there's food, there are foods that are good for your body, and then there are foods that are good for your heart, right for your, for your soul, and so I wanted both of them and I wanted to be happy with everything that I was eating and everything that I was doing.

Speaker 4:

And a lot of times, especially moms, like you said, they, they put these limitations on themselves because they just start picking at their kids food right, like well, I'm just they didn't finish it, so I'm going to finish it. Like you're not a fucking trash disposal, like don't do that, you know. Like your kids need to see you showing up for yourself, like my son literally just came down and he's like I finished my bottle of water. He knows at eight years old that he needs to drink two to three bottles of water a day period, right, no kid knows that. No adult knows that. And it's like it isn't that I'm obsessed with training and it isn't vanity, it's more like this is the person that I want to be, because it's the best version of myself, and I'm giving the best version of myself to the people that I love and I'm showing them my kids what it's like to take care of yourself and to do it in a way that's sustainable and that's healthy mentally and physically.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that such a defeatist mindset? When a woman says, well, I'm a mom now, yeah, oh, I'm, I'm married, I'm 30 or I'm I'm 40, it's like, okay, and what's your point? Well, yeah, that gives me the license to eat like shit, to to look like uh, to look like lizzo, because Lizzo says being big is sexy.

Speaker 3:

Let me tell you something the highest ROI on life is exercise right.

Speaker 3:

Because, ultimately, if you look at as we age, the number one thing that causes somebody that's further ahead in life to not be well is either a lack of muscle and I never mean that in an over-exaggerated bodybuilding way, like just a lack of lean muscle tissue to support ligaments and bones a lack of heart rate capacity, right, and all of those things can not only be prevented, but those are the things that give you a better quality of life while you're younger anyway. Right, like if you're 30, if you're 40, if you're 50, what it's going to make you feel good now is working out. It's not the opposite, right? It's like the 45, 60 hour and a half that anybody go, that anyone invests into exercising, pays dividends that no other sock is going to pay.

Speaker 4:

No surgery is going to give you.

Speaker 3:

No surgery is going to give it to you.

Speaker 4:

Back to your point. I'm a mom now. It's like, exactly so, get your shit together right, Because you have people to take care of and you have to be around a long time and you have to set the right example. It's the opposite of the direction that people go in.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, a perfect example for me is I'm gonna be 51 in july and I was cleaning out, like just throwing out old shit. No, I was looking at pictures of like after college uh, just getting married. I'm with my friends and and I look like I could be in a potty eating contest or a hot dog eating contest for the 4th of July, nathan's and I'm like, holy shit, I'm like 20, you know 20, I'm in my 50s and I look a hell of a lot better. So when they say age is just a number, yeah, it's just a mindset, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. It's a mindset, and and I think that the the hiccup is that as we get older, we start to develop a better sense of what that means and we start to develop a lot more responsibility toward ourselves, because when we're younger, we feel we're indestructible. We got a lot of time. You know, I'll get to that and and it's this warped sense of you're going to live forever. That isn't really like no one's lived forever yet.

Speaker 2:

But nobody thinks they're going to be at that age. So it's like can you imagine being that if I didn't change? Have a turnaround and say, hey, maybe I can run a marathon, maybe I can do this, maybe I can lift weights? If I never change my lifestyle, my eating habits, my mindset, I'd be well on my way to a full bypass or, for sure, asteroid bypass. Or you know well, I can't say big and tall because they changed the name, I forgot casual XL or whatever.

Speaker 4:

God, forbid right God forbid you offend anyone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that. And the reason why we look like shit is because you know that that mindset, you know let's not offend. I would rather have somebody, not somebody that that just try and get my business to go. Hey, omar, you, you've really let yourself go. Maybe it's it's time and that would be a wake-up call. But you know we live in a society now that, oh my god. Well, this is something I I'll share with you guys. Did you read that victoria's secrets? Because they've lost so much money with the hey, big is beautiful, trans is beautiful, a sausage in the bikini is beautiful.

Speaker 4:

All that that they're going back to let's go it's like wow really, how could you steer so far away from who you are and what you do, like that doesn't make any fucking sense to me.

Speaker 3:

And inside of that there's yeah, inside of that, there is also the application of having to give everybody a participation trophy so that no one feels bad, and the theory of the partition participation trophy has just spread into everything that we do. Right, like you can't. You can't want to achieve more than the average, because now that is what's seen as wrong. Everybody has to be the same. We have to be okay with being mediocre. You can't shoot for excellence or greatness, right, because that makes the people that aren't willing to work hard feel bad because they're not willing. So it's, it's a terrible setup for failure rightocrity and it's what we're.

Speaker 3:

It's what we're using for anything. If you make too much money, you're bad if you work out too much you're bad if you watch your food, you're bad like. What the hell do you want us to do?

Speaker 2:

well, had had you guys had haters. Oh yeah, of course right I'm sure people that that have seen your transformation throughout the years, right like oh, lice, you're so. You're so fucking vain, right?

Speaker 4:

oh, oh my god that I order food and I don't eat it.

Speaker 3:

They're like there's no way, you guys eat all that food things that you post.

Speaker 4:

uh, people have said our pictures are photoshop. People have threatened to expose our Photoshop pictures. I'm like okay, go for it, Find the Photoshop please. Like, it's just ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Full disclosure. I've seen them eat at their house and at a restaurant in Orlando. So you know you guys do eat and what I love. I mean, yes, I hired you guys, but you said it fits the person. You know I'm Hispanic, so it's not like you're going to be like. What I need you to do is eat 10 vegetables to 20 servings a day. I want you to eat asparagus, I want you to eat Brussels sprouts. You know shit that it's not my genetics, it's not my DNA. I can't, you know, I can't all of a sudden yes, I can lie to somebody. Oh, do you like? Oh, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's awesome.

Speaker 3:

But you're busy. You're a business owner, you travel. There are so many things to consider when anybody does anything right. So the person buying the book or downloading the program if you never spoke to somebody about what your day in your life looks like, you're already setting yourself up to fail, because these things are written for gen pop, right? So how often do you go to Vegas? How often do you have a meeting in the middle of the day? How often do you have to go to a dinner? How often do you have something to do that isn't a normal nine to five? You're not going to eat every three hours on the dot because you're trying to follow some plan. It doesn't work that way for anybody. So whatever anyone is doing has to fit them. It's the only way you're going to find sustainability.

Speaker 2:

Well, and also full disclosure. When I am out of town and I only have like one meal or I haven't, I haven't sent, I do send my daily intake. I quickly tell Rafi I'm not, I'm, I'm not intermittent fasting. I'm not going on it. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to follow the plan.

Speaker 3:

I've just been, it's just been a crazy day, Right, right, and that happens, right, and I think that, the same way the the theory of the cheat meal is is a bad, is a bad thing. The idea that every day, every person is going to eat every three hours on the clock just because that's the way to eat is a mistake. Right, you're going to eat based on your day. You know, I had, I had somebody that that, uh, that that had the entire day shut down, and I C I created literally reverse intermittent fasting for them. They were having a big meal first thing in the morning and I know that that's against the law and they were having a big meal at the end of the day and I know broke two big laws there, but it was the only way for that person to actually get all the food that they needed to eat, because in the middle of the day, when all the intermittent fasters are eating, this person couldn't.

Speaker 2:

So we just did the opposite and it fit and it worked right because it fit them and another thing that I love about you guys is that you show you guys are always on the road and everybody has this bullshit excuse I'm going out of town, I can't work out, bummer, I can't eat, right, I guess I'm gonna have to hit the golden arches. It's the only thing. It's the only thing around. It's, it's the only thing around. There's no grocery stores, like you know. I'm gonna have to hit the golden arches. Maybe go to wendy's. Uh, my, my day is shot and you know you, not only do you guys do it, but heck, I mean, if you make it a must and you will find the time, I mean all the times I go out of town, I always send you. I'm always working out, cruise ship or no cruise ship, absolutely ship or no cruise ship, absolutely. Going to vegas last I checked, there's a friggin and there's usually a nice gym at every casino, at every, at every casino I've never been to a casino.

Speaker 2:

They're like, yeah, hey, you know, we ran out of money, we couldn't build a, a gym, but everybody has like the the defeat. Hey, let's, let's blow it out so I can gain more weight and I can feel like shit. Because it's like, okay, yeah, you're going on a cruise, a seven-day cruise. Why wouldn't you want to try to limit the damage by doing an hour at the gym?

Speaker 3:

well, I think, like it's, it's that right everybody's going into, whatever they're going to with that, with that notion already built in, right, like I'm going to mess this up and and we were actually going to do, cause we do so many road trips and and a lot of the questions are like how do you pick where you're going to eat or where you're going to stay?

Speaker 3:

And what I do is typically, when we're, when we're getting to a new city, I look for the for a restaurant and a gym first, and then I booked the hotel because I want to make sure we eat somewhere that we're going to enjoy, cause we like, we like food, we're foodies and if there's something cool in that town that we're going to be, then you know we want to participate.

Speaker 3:

I want to make sure that there's a gym for us to work out at, and then I picked the hotel right so that we can cover the things that we actually want first. And even on a cruise we were on a cruise a few weeks ago. We went into that. We wanted to eat all the things that we could enjoy, but it was going to fit and revolve around ensuring that we worked out first thing in the morning, so that we knocked it out and we were going to walk through the boat all day long and stay active and never like purposefully overindulge just because it was there. Right, we enjoyed all of it, but we just didn't overindulge for no reason.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think there's this like massive misconception that you can't enjoy and be mindful. I think there's something about being mindful about anything, even if, let's say, you wouldn't enjoy and be mindful. I think there's something about being mindful about anything, even if, let's say, you wouldn't need to be mindful of your finances, like, yeah, but I want to enjoy my weekend. It's like, can't you enjoy your weekend and be mindful of your finances, right? So same thing goes with food, and I think the reason we always use money analogies because everybody wants money, has money, works, pays bills, whatever. It's like you can go on a cruise, you can go on a trip and you can enjoy it. You can have the drink, you can have the food and you could also be mindful.

Speaker 4:

And I think a lot of times that's what people fight, right? Like you said, I would just go to the golden arches. I'll just do this. Like I have tons and tons and tons of videos on all of the options that you can get, from Chinese food to pokey places, to Chipotle, to a grocery store. Like there's a million options, there's a million combinations of how you can be on the road, have no time, have no way to cook the food and literally be able to eat a meal that's on plan or measured, or just even, if somebody's not even on a plan, healthier or better for you right, there are so many ways to do that Most people don't want to think, they don't want to be mindful. That's what makes them exhausted. But you're going to be exhausted on Monday when you're regretting everything you did. People think it's a lot of work to pay attention. It's a lot of work to yo-yo diet.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've been busy for the past few weeks, but I've hit Chipotle and I've been sending your husband pictures. And if it says no carbs, it's just the lettuce. And if he says four ounces of rice, boom there's rice, but if it isn't, it's never.

Speaker 3:

Don't go to chipotle right, it's always like oh if you're gonna go get this but?

Speaker 2:

but usually what people do is they'll get the burrito, they'll get the beans, the rice, because you have to. They'll get the guac, they'll get the cheese, they'll get the chips, and then they'll. It's only a Coke.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

You know, I'm only having one Coke. And just that right there is like what 13, after calories for the day. It was like when they said the the halo effect was subway, that people go to subway oh, I'm eating healthy and it's literally more calories than going to mcdonald's the poison.

Speaker 3:

the poison is in the dose, always right. Like you know, too much vitamin C is bad, too much water you could drown, like too much sun. Like the poison's always in the dose. So you like you know, many times we've been in that line and they can't close one of those burritos. So what they do is they'll just get another one and wrap that one inside of another one.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, even better. I mean me personally. Unless I was just going balls out, I'd be like dude just. I mean, I'm 50, man For that. I'll enjoy myself by going to Little Caesars or, you know, going to Arches I'll get a Big Mac the. Big Fries and a Big Coke man.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, Absolutely yeah absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 4:

It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

No, but so I, I, I, I have to like my hats off to you and winning like not just competing like, but winning hardware, winning competitions because at the end of the day, yeah, we can. We can all dream big, we can all just participate, but in reality the life isn't about participation trophies and you are a winner and you are somebody we can as inspired to be and you motivate. I mean it on paper it's illogical, but you prove that fucking it's. If it's on paper, who cares? That's not fucking logic. You create your own logic. You create your own results.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think that's the most exciting part about the whole thing. Right, it's like it's not what I do, it's how I get to do it. You know, that's to me like the the best part of it all because it's like sure, like so many people compete and so many people get in shape. But even like like I was at the gym today and literally I was on the stairmaster and there was these two girls curling next to me, like on another part, and they were like I researched this thing and this is like it tells you exactly what you have to eat post-workout. That's more, you know, that's better for your body, and this is exactly we need to eat pre-workout, and this is how long. And they were spitting it like gospel.

Speaker 4:

And I'm like man, like I would fucking die if I had to do something like that. I would hate my life. And you do all that to look like you like no offense, but it's like you clearly don't know what you're talking about and you're suffering and I think all of it the competing, winning shows, doing shows, placing at shows would all be meaningless if I was having a miserable time doing it, you know, because it really isn't worth it, like when people deprive themselves of food and food groups. They cut out carbs for so long. When they do things to their body like dehydrate themselves or take things all things that I've never done it puts people in a very different mental space. People are literally depleted. It's not just the word you use about the body.

Speaker 4:

A lot of these girls are like zombies. I've been backstage with girls that haven't had sweetener, let alone sugar, in 12 weeks, that haven't had a carb in 12 weeks, and I'm like they are not okay. Like you know, they're not okay. They're miserable. Their hormones are all out of whack. They have missed their period for forever. They are going to balloon up after that.

Speaker 4:

I've had girls that I've seen that they can't even have a roll of sushi post show because they'll throw it all up. And it's like why would anybody do that? To look a certain way Like what good is it to look great to achieve things, to hit goals and succeed, but like be literally rotten inside physically and mentally. So I think for me it's like it's been magical to be able to do it this way and to be able to do it this way for so many other people who have also collected so much hardware. Right. It's really cool when you get to pass that on also, uh, because otherwise it'd be meaningless now, when you guys go to a globo gym to ever go, what the fuck all the time all and and you know it's it's like this, is this.

Speaker 3:

This is my 30th year like coaching and it's hard, because sometimes I feel like I should say something right, but other times the the hiccup is that everybody thinks they know everything, and even even words of advice like just go, you know they'll go in one ear and out the other, and one of the things that we see the most is that everyone's trying to major in minor things, right. Everyone's trying to focus on minutiae details that don't even matter because they're not doing the big things, the big needle movers, right. When it comes to like, when it comes to their health, their fitness, like you know, they're disregarding everything that actually would contribute and they're focused on these little things that aren't going to move the needle in any direction, because they're the ones that look sexier, they're the ones that you know that's the sizzle, you know, and unfortunately, that's why they never get to the place that they want to get to.

Speaker 2:

Now, when you guys go to, a Globo gym and do you ever go? You know this. We see this person four or five, six months. They're doing everything completely wrong. Their form sucks. They've got zero results. Do you ever just pitch them?

Speaker 3:

I've never done it. I've never done it and I've never done it because I I always feel like I'll give you. I'll give you the real reason why. And I have two one years ago, when, when I lived in Jersey, I had started uh, training. I was a floor trainer, I was training people and the the secret to getting a client at most global gyms is to hang out by a lap pulldown, because everybody does it wrong, right, everybody has. I don't know where they get the information, but everyone does this particular move wrong.

Speaker 3:

And I was at the gym and there was a guy pulling the lap pulldown all the way to his stomach, right, and he's yanking it all the way down and coming off his seat. And I'm like, oh, a, lay down, right, I'm gonna go over there, I'm gonna teach him how to do this. And I'm sorry. And I get over there and I'm like, hey, you know I don't mean to bother you, but you know I'm one of the trainers, I just wanted to show you how to do this properly. And he tells me he's like I'm not doing it wrong. I'm training to lift myself up over over bricks, because I'm a cement worker and I need to have enough strength to pull my body up and lift myself.

Speaker 3:

And I felt like shit at the moment Cause I didn't ask the right questions. I assumed he was wrong, right. So my approach from that moment forward was like I should probably ask why they're doing what they're doing, cause they may have a reason. And even with me, like a lot of times you know when, when I was recovering, when I was sick, like a lot of the things that I had to do to get my nerves to fire were a little bit awkward. So if somebody would have come up to me at the gym and said something like to tell them listen, I was paralyzed a few weeks ago and my nerves don't work the right way and I have to do this like this because it's the only way I feel it Like you're going to feel like shit.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of times, when I see the people over and over and over and over and nothing's happening, my first inclination is man, at least they're showing up. So you know that that's always a big win. But if they're not seeing the outcome that they want and I don't necessarily think that whatever they're doing is going to lead them there Like we, we've like approach people and and said hey, have you ever thought about doing something like this, but never pitch them our services Like.

Speaker 4:

It becomes more of a yeah, that's the coach in him. He's always like well, you never know what the reason is and I'm always like what the fuck are they doing?

Speaker 2:

you know, like all of these people should be our clients, um well, when I'm not, when I'm not doing crossfit, since I'm slowing down with my age. I hit the globo gym a couple times a week and I'm like what the fuck are all these people doing? Everybody wants to be an influencer, everybody's with a fucking tripod. There's a tripod everywhere. It's like holy shit, I hate recording my workouts. You're barely doing any fucking weight. Who are you influencing? I need to watch this.

Speaker 3:

It. I see 15 minutes to do one set yeah, or, or.

Speaker 2:

Their form is like so awful. It's like all those reels that people do, what you can see at the gym and and you see it all the time and it's just me, I. I just keep to myself, anyways, I just smart, and so it's never. I mean, I got asked the other day. The guy kept on following me from crunch. He's like, hey, man, we're running the special. I think you'd really love it.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like I love what you're doing because my whole life is it has been in sales. And I'm like congratulations, you did a great job. And you're trying to upsell me on a package. He's like, yeah, yeah, but you know, this would really be great, this would really get you beach body, this and that. I'm like I'm not your target audience. I don't believe in the globo gym. I've been doing, I've been lifting weights for as long as you're alive and I have to say you're doing a great job. He's like, no, no, no. I'm like you're doing a great job, but not everybody is your prospect. Not everybody's going to be a client. Congratulations, keep it up, you're doing a great job.

Speaker 4:

And I just left.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's the case, right Like you go, and even inside of the gym business, right Like most gyms. That's why there's so many, because most gyms only penetrate you know five to 10% of the area that they're in. And then you've got a big gym with you know five to 10,000 members, and even inside of that like of the five to 10,000 members, and even inside of that like of the five to 10,000 members, average usage is under 10%, right?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's bank on people paying and not go right.

Speaker 4:

That's where they make the gym business yeah.

Speaker 3:

And inside of the people that end up going, which is, you know, out of 5,000 is probably like 500 or less like all of them are not working with a coach, most of them are not, and that's the perpetual cycle and the gym business model everywhere and it doesn't work right and no one stops to fix it because the gym business, like any other business, isn't a business right. So as long as people are joining and paying and I mean look at Planet Fitness, right, like $10 a month.

Speaker 4:

They pray that you don't. They have a pizza party for you.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck the two things about planet fitness. I, I dated a chick years ago and I would have to work there. Oh, my work out there whenever I was around her man, that place, what a fucking dump. It is. What a fucking dump. And two, after my, my, my youngest, tore acl to do rehab and recovery and she got a membership there and and things hadn't changed.

Speaker 2:

I mean the fucking lunk alert and it's real, because I've seen videos so I remember somebody was doing I forgot what it was and it wasn't pull-ups, but they had to get like two people to say you got to stop it and it's like that's beyond mediocre, like what you said. There's's pizza parties, there's bagels, there's always those fucking tootsie rolls right there. That place sucks so bad that I would rather work out at the shittiest hotel gym than the set foot in a place like that. That says you know no judgment, joan, get the fuck out of here. Yeah. Or if you know grunting, I'm sorry, man, get the fuck out of here. What, what can you run? Anyways, there's no free weights, right?

Speaker 2:

it's crazy oh, oh, I'm killing it on the elliptical.

Speaker 4:

This is crazy I believe they call that a gym right.

Speaker 3:

But it's the nature of the society that we're in now, right Like you've got to have Completely Well, back to what you're saying, right, not every business is for everybody.

Speaker 4:

Not everybody is a prospect. That's a very specific market, right?

Speaker 2:

They are going after the person that doesn't actually want to work out, yeah, but they're going after the majority. Now, growing up, it was the other way. As a kid, didn't we all want to go to Muscle Beach For sure. Didn't we all want to be like Arnold? Didn't we all want to go to Gold's Gym?

Speaker 2:

I can't recall ever as a little kid going hey, you know what, man, I can't wait to get on that treadmill. I can't wait to get on that treadmill, right, I, I, I can't wait to hit that elliptical and you know, just friggin go backwards on it. Or that stationary bike, but it's I, I'm, I'm a member of, I'm a member of a million gyms, of a spin place that they curl and they push press four pound bar women. There's zero resistance. You know it's more of a fucking party, but they're happy. It's like you've been a member here for four or five years. You still look like lizzo, though. Isn't it time to say maybe I need to change up my routine, maybe I need to get out of here, but that's just how society is?

Speaker 3:

right, you would think yeah, that's, that's exactly it, you know, and I went to the gym, I did a workout yeah, and that that client or that person we do talk too often, right, we'll get the call and they're like you know, I work out all the time I watch what I'm eating, and then you dig a little bit deeper and, before you know it, it's like you know, I work out all the time, I watch what I'm eating, and then you dig a little bit deeper and, before you know it, it's like you know you've been doing the same thing for this long, like we would never apply that strategy for anything.

Speaker 4:

Those same people will come and be on the program for two or three months and be like nothing's happening. I'm like bitch, you were doing something else for three years that nothing was happening thing was happening and you kept doing it right. It's almost like people are allergic to to doing anything that isn't mediocre, right to putting real effort.

Speaker 2:

Well, because, well, also, it's this fear, because of this mediocrity, it's a fear of failure, because it'll be like oh, what an asshole. Look at him. He's so into himself, he thinks he's so better, she thinks she's so much better. Now that they're in shape, I'm sure they don't even have time for their spouse or their. Oh, they're so selfish, they're not even with their kids. Me, me, me, me, me. You know what? Well, here I'm doing the Ozem Peck, whatever the fuck. And you know, know the shot, right you?

Speaker 3:

get me started on that one. Yeah, listen like it is. It is literally the the cause and effect of people having a made-up perception of most of the things that they watch other people do. Because, honestly, honestly, what happens most of the time is that social media has conditioned people to watch other people's lives and not live their own. Because if you're worried about whether or not somebody is full of themselves, or into flashing their money, or materialistic because they have to flaunt it on it, you do it. Or don't worry about what they're doing because they're not asking you for money, they're not inviting you to the gym to go work out with them. So why are you so concerned?

Speaker 4:

always. People don't have any of that, though they have something to say, because I never look at anybody and think that no one that's doing better than you in any shape or form is ever criticizing amen here.

Speaker 2:

a cruise story last year went with my, my childhood buddy. We went on a cruise. Well, it was a rock band cruise. I wanted to sound like we're gay 311 cruise.

Speaker 2:

And I went to to the gym every day and he's like dude. He's like what the fuck are you doing? He's like are you gay or are you the only person in there? I'm like I don't know man, I don't check out to see who the fuck's doing that. I have to work out every day. He's like why? Because I'm like it's part of my life, I have to work out. You know, I'm not doing it for you and I'm not doing it for anybody else, you know. But like, yeah, you're right, let me not work out, fuck it. If you don't want to work out, that's your own doing, man, that's your own life. But that's the way we operate now is. We don't want to upset people. Man, if people are upset with your success, people are upset. You guys are always pivoting, you guys are always maximizing. You guys are always maximizing. You guys are always ahead of the curve. And you know that's what I love about you. And I have to ask, dude, since you want to promote, what is your next LVL on January 6th?

Speaker 3:

So we're doing a free webinar where we're honestly just going to give everything away, like if somebody is actually looking to transform right, and they're willing to put in the work, then we're going to share everything that, all the data we've collected, all the information we have on what it takes for anybody to transform.

Speaker 3:

You know, we're going to do a live Q&A so that people could ask whatever questions they have, and it's honestly in an effort to one, obviously, we have undeniable proof that all the things that we say work. But two, you need to be able to have that connection and ability to communicate with the other side of the stuff that you're consuming. And I think that a lot of times when somebody is consuming content on the internet or reading a book, they never get a chance to talk to the person on the other side. So we wanted to open the forum for anybody to ask whatever questions they've always had, you know, get rid of whatever misconceptions they've always had. And we just want to have time to give back in a way that makes sense, right? We want to be able to say you should be doing these things and here's why, and here's all the proof that we have behind why we're saying what we're saying, and if that helps somebody, that'd be awesome.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is what I want everybody to know Everybody and anybody can become clients of Raphael and Lagos. You don't have to want to be show ready, but what they're doing is they can give you that time. And how do I mean by time Years? Quality of life. You want to be in your 50s, your 60s, your 70s. You want to be there for your kids, for your grandkids, and you want to have quality of life. Quality of life is way easier when, yes, you do have muscle, yes, when you can pick yourself up. You have zero quality of life if you need a knee replacement, not because of overuse, but because you weigh 300 pounds and you crush the cartilage and you crush your knees to death.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and I think that we all, you know I heard it from Tony first right If you're not growing, you're dying. So we all have a next level that we should be reaching for, whatever that might look like. And over the years I know that we've promoted a lot of the show stuff, we've promoted our photo shoots, we've promoted all of that. But honestly, I think that in this next chapter of what we're doing, what we want is everybody to define what that win looks like for them. Right? What does winning at life look like for you? What does your next level look like? And that's really what we want to help with.

Speaker 2:

Well, because everybody has their own definition of success. Everybody has their own definition of happiness. The problem is is everybody is chasing someone else's, or they hear someone else say what happiness or success is.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, or they want to do the bare minimum, right. So it's like what does it mean to you? And then that's we want to get you there. I think the goal, the ultimate goal, should be to be the very best version of yourself, which was what you opened with, and sometimes that the stage is a great goal. Sometimes a photo shoot is a great goal, sometimes it's something completely different, but the goal should be you. You are the goal, right, and what does that look like for you? And that's very different for everybody and inside of every person there are phases of life where that looks like very different for them too. Right? I've had many phases inside of my journey where I have different things that matter more and what I'm focusing on.

Speaker 2:

Well, to me it's always been have goals, just have them. And, yes, don't quit on them, but you know you can they change, they evolve. To me, now, it't quit on them, but you know you can they change, they evolve. Yes, I mean now it's just looking good, I mean before. Yes, at one time in my life, oh, I need to finish these half marathons or these marathons, move past that. I don't do Spartans, I don't do any of that shit anymore, just to look good and to be healthy. And yeah, I do want to meet my grandkids one day I'll. And I don't want want to look like the stay puff marshmallow man. Or I don't want to wait for the biggest loser you know jillian michaels and bob harper in their 80s, to to try to fix america right you know we're all in different seasons at different point.

Speaker 3:

Right, we just got to have clarity in the season that we're in and and, honestly, like, attack it, like, like go toward it, you know, so that you can crush whatever season you're in, and it doesn't mean that that's what it's going to look like forever. But if that's what it looks like now and you're moving in that direction, then it doesn't matter what it's going to look like later.

Speaker 2:

You know, all we have is now and what you you both of you are in service, tony would say it best you guys give in from free information. All somebody has to do is follow either one of you on social media and there's stories, there's recipes, there's how to fix this, how to do that. It's not like you guys are like, well, screw you, where's your checking account, and then maybe we will help you.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, the opposite. I think that we've both had recent experiences where you know we've we've talked to somebody and had even the smallest impact on on their journey, you know, here, while they're here, and I think that anytime you have the ability to impact somebody's life, that that in itself is so rewarding. And, and again, I think that social media has just a just a giant opportunity for so many of us to connect and if we use it the right way, then then there's so much for all of us to learn from each other.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Now I've. I have to. I know how to find you guys. I know how to social media stalk both of you. I've done it for years now. But how does the audience find you guys on social media? How do they find and sign up for this free webinar, and how do they sign up to be a member, how to be a client?

Speaker 3:

sign up to be a member, how to be a client? So, uh, I'm, I'm uh on instagram, mr bootcamp, mr underscore bootcamp. Uh, because that was a handle I bought or I got when I was teaching bootcamps way back in the day and I kept it. Uh, and you are underscore lais, underscore v?

Speaker 4:

I. So, and there are links to this webinar.

Speaker 3:

On all our social media. We're on facebook, facebook. We're on Instagram, we are on X, on YouTube, everything that we are on. We're on TikTok. We're on TikTok, okay.

Speaker 2:

We're on that too.

Speaker 3:

But we are on all of them and there's links on all of it to sign up for the webinar on Thursday. And if anybody is ever interested in working with us in any way, the first step is always a conversation Right. Interested in working with us in any way? The first step is always a conversation right Because, like you said, you know not everybody is the right fit for what we do and we are not the right fit for everyone. So before we get anybody involved in anything, we always want to have a conversation first and see where somebody's at, see what they're actually looking to do and see if we can actually even help, because so many times we've been on a call and be like you know that's not really what we do, like you know somebody's trying to climb the himalayas, like that isn't really my jam, you know, I think it's great but I really can't have, you could help, but it's like you're probably not the right, I don't think there's many uh hispanics, uh any any latinos that that that climbed mount everest.

Speaker 2:

Those are brown people from over there, right, the Sherpas. Here's my final question to you guys. What words would you have to tell someone male, female, 40, 50 year old? They believe their best days were way back then. They're putting on the weight, compounding just like compounding, investing the weight they're. They feel defeated. It is what it is. I'm married, I've got kids.

Speaker 4:

This, this is it for me that's good, you want to go first?

Speaker 3:

uh well, I just turned 47 and I think that I feel and have felt my best now in all of the different seasons of life not only in the in life, because of all of the experiences that I've gathered. But I think that the narrative has always been that after you reach a certain point, everything stops and goes downhill, and there are so many things available to everyone that could provide the spark that you are missing. But you do want to make sure that you connect the dots and realize that it's all always up to you. You are one decision away, one step away, from turning it all around, and if you spent the rest of your life pursuing that next version of you, ultimately what you find is that, even if you got close, it would still be better than where you're at now. That's right.

Speaker 4:

I think for me, like feeling defeated is definitely when you said that, definitely like struck a chord, because I feel like I have been there many times in my life, like everybody else has, even after achieving high highs right, there's almost always a low low in some area, and I think that one of the things that I really have been thinking about recently is the only way out of anything is through. Right, like the only way out is through. You have to go through, like there's no way around it. So if you're feeling defeated, you got to go through it, you know, because that's what's on the other side of that is really what anybody wants. And I think the other thing is nothing is ever behind us, right. It's like we were talking about this on our podcast today.

Speaker 4:

Every day above ground is a great day, right, and I think that there are key moments in life that give people perspective, and a lot of times, those moments are too late. Right, it's when you're on your deathbed or when something very terribly wrong happens to you or to someone you love, and in that moment, you wish that you lived differently, right, but today, feeling defeated or being not where you want to be, isn't really enough of a reason to not do the things that you need to do. You don't need to wait until that moment that you're like, wow, it's too late. It's not too late until it's too late. Right, there is a point where it's too late for all of us that every day is one day closer right to our last day. It is what it is, but it's like it's one life, like I talk about this all the time on my instagram like we get one life. We get one.

Speaker 4:

Go around. If you sit for a moment and you look around and like what are the odds that you are here in this body, in this place, in your life, in this existence that you have, like what are the odds and and how? Like terrible that you're wasting it, you know we really just get this one, so make the most out of it. Do the uncomfortable things. Lean into the things that are that don't feel good. Change the things that that are not aligned with how you want to experience your life. Stop looking at everybody else living theirs, because everybody that's living their best life is fighting their own demons and is having to put forth the effort every single day to to live that life and still have moments where they're down right. So I think that I hate to see people like waste their life.

Speaker 3:

One of the things that we've been saying lately a lot is just change the channel right, whatever. Whatever you're tuning into, like, if it's not bringing you happiness and it's not bringing you joy and it's not your highest level of excitement, change the channel right, like tune into something different because obviously you're there and you're not feeling your best and you're not feeling the way that you want, but you're also not getting up to change the channel so that it's always that simple. Not getting up to change the channel so that it's always that simple.

Speaker 2:

What an amazing answer. Both of you Love you both.

Speaker 4:

We love you, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Of course, and you know we've gone way past an hour and in this TikTok world we live in, you know we're after an hour, you know we're, we're taking away from people's netflix and all righty, I love you both, thank you. Thank you for the time love you the opportunity. You guys mean the world, anybody, that's a repeat. That means you. You guys are rock stars. Keep it up, and I have to eat my last meal, so I I can say get to it. Get to it, all right.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Bye. The hardest prison to escape is our own mind. I was trapped inside that prison, oh, for a long time. To make it happen, you gotta take action. Just imagine what if it did work.

Finding Long-Term Health and Fitness Solutions
Creating a Personalized Fitness Plan
Challenging Misconceptions in Health and Fitness