Spaghettification - Stretching Your Understanding of The Universe
Spaghettification: A podcast where science and astronomy meets beer and light-hearted humour. Two hosts from different worlds collide in an explosion of enthusiasm in the field of astronomy. One, an astrophysicist, the other a backyard astronomer, look to share with you their passion for all things astronomy and craft beer.
Spaghettification - Stretching Your Understanding of The Universe
Maddie's Webb
RedLippedAstro & TheDrunkAstronomer
Season 2
Episode 15
Episode 15 of Spaghettification - Maddie’s Webb
After learning that Hubbles days are numbered, an amazing new telescope weaves an elaborate plan to image the universe like never before. Come along on this journey through our universe with astrophycisist Maddie Marshall as she walks us through her work with the James Webb Space Telescope and the science that will come from the data it is currently collecting.