Spaghettification - Stretching Your Understanding of The Universe
Spaghettification - Stretching Your Understanding of The Universe
The Astronomy Filled Life Of Lisa Harvey Smith
Episode 23 - The Astronomy Filled Life Of Lisa Harvey Smith
Join Spaghettification for an intergalactic interview that's nothing short of a cosmic rollercoaster as we chat with astrophysics sensation Lisa Harvey-Smith. Get ready for a behind-the-scenes voyage through her cosmic journey, from her early stargazing days to her current roles in the world of science. Lisa's here to spill the cosmic beans and share her secrets for decoding the night sky. After this chat, you'll never look at the stars the same way again!
Lisa Harvey Smith Info
Universal Guide To The Night Sky: https://lisaharveysmith.com/bookshop
Future You Australia: https://futureyouaustralia.com.au/
Spaghettification Info
Website: https://www.spaghettification.com.au/
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