Footprints of an Expat

Daniela - on how to avoid resentment

Season 2 Episode 8

🌍Journey: Czech Republic -> UK  -> Italy ->  Spain ->  Germany -> Hong Kong -> Spain  -> Switzerland

Today I have an amazing guest for you - Daniela Ivanovová. She comes from Czech Republic and is a Personal Colour and Image Archetype Analyst currently living in Zurich, Switzerland.

Daniela is a very mindful person, knowing herself and her personality. That helps her to analyze the world around her and make the necessary decisions to move forward. She has shared useful tips, on how to create life and maintain valuable relationships while being an expat  

We have talked about a temporary mindset. By seeing experiences as temporary, we are able to enjoy the positives of the situation and blend out the negatives.

👉Tips from Daniela,  if you struggle to make friends abroad:

  • Don’t have a fixed idea about what your friends will look like (e.g. your friends might end up being much older than you are)!
  • Don’t sell yourself short so that you don’t get burned!
  • Maybe you don’t need a close friend at every stage of your life. This mindset might help you lift the pressure!

📎 Reach out to Daniela: / / /

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