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FPC Sermon: February 25, 2024

Fairmount Presbyterian Church

On  Sunday, February 25, 2024, our first second Sunday in Lent,  Rev. Ryan Wallace's sermon, Grounded in God's Presence, asked the question: Is there really a Living God?

“I choose to believe that, in life and in death, I belong to God. I am grounded in the presence of God. God knows me. God sees me. God loves me. and that is enough. God is with me. God has been with me. God will always be with me. Through and in it all, God is known to my soul, and I am reminded that I am known by God.” ~Everything Good About God Is True, Bruce Reyes-Chow

For thousands of years, people invoked the divine to explain the unexplainable. How does the sun rise and set each day? God. (This is called “God of the Gaps” theology.) Well, it’s no wonder, then, that following the scientific revolution, deism became popular among intellectuals. And as our scientific knowledge continues to grow exponentially, it shouldn’t be surprising that atheism has become the new deism. In a world where science can explain just about everything, who needs God? Is God just a fairy tale?

It’s easy for us to decry Christians who deny evolution and pit faith against science. But can we proclaim a Christian theology that integrates science? Can we actually articulate what it means to believe in a God who is alive and present but not controlling the universe like an invisible puppetmaster? Is it possible that God’s power is relational and not mechanical–compelling and not coercive? 

We invite you to join us at Fairmount for Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and  11:00 a.m. every Sunday.

We also live-stream our 11:00am worship service to connect with our online community. 

You can find Fairmount’s live-stream worship at https://fpccle.org/online-worship/, on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel