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FPC Sermon: March 10, 2024

Fairmount Presbyterian Church

March 10: The Humanity of Jesus and the Divinity of Christ

Who is Jesus to you?

Philippians 2:6-11

Colossians 2:6-10

I choose to believe in the grace made real through Jesus Christ. For the complete and complex humanity of Jesus and the mysterious and boundless divinity of the Christ, I am grateful. Grateful for the unpretentious life of Christ, the teacher and friend. Grateful for the revelatory death of Christ, the offender and threat. And grateful for the promised resurrection of Christ, the seeker and solace. In all of this, we find mystery, meaning, and motivation.” ~Everything Good About God Is True, Bruce Reyes-Chow

We’ve heard it a thousand times: “Jesus Christ is fully human, fully divine.” But what do we mean by that? And do you really believe it? This Christian doctrine (hypostatic union) is 1600+ years old. And while the exact phrase doesn’t appear in scripture, there are plenty of passages that claim the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus himself never calls himself God, per se, but he does claim full union/unity with God (John 10:30). Is there a difference? And what can we learn about Jesus’ humanity and his divinity from the term (the Human One) that Jesus uses most often to refer to himself?