Perfecting Motion®

July 2024: Tribology in Aerospace Technologies

STLE Podcast

This month's episode talks about the often-overlooked world of friction, wear, and lubrication in aerospace.  Discussing the importance of tribology in space travel, we have former NASA Senior Tribology Technologist, and current University of Akron Mechanical Engineering Professor, Dr. Christopher DellaCorte.  Also on our panel, former Air Force Research Laboratory Nanoelectric Materials and Process Research Team Leader, and current Associate Dean for Research at the University of North Texas, Dr. Andrey Voevodin.  We'll dive into the changing landscape of space with the emergence of private industries versus traditional government run entities.  Finally, we will consider where we have been and where we are going as humans continue to follow their desire to explore the stars.  Join us as we discuss the ingenious materials, coatings, and lubricants that ensure a frictionless ride into the sky and to the future.

Also, be prepared for Aerospace Tribology technical sessions at our 2025 Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  These will showcase presentations on tribological advancements related to both astronautical and aeronautical applications. These applications function under conditions very different from those on earth, requiring innovative solutions to tribological challenges. As human exploration extends from low earth orbit to the lunar surface to the depths of space, tribology research tailored to aerospace applications will become increasingly important.  Check in with for more information on the 2025 Annual Meeting.