CMAJ Podcasts

AI versus physicians: who’s better at spotting high-risk patients?

Canadian Medical Association Journal

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On this episode of the CMAJ Podcast, Dr. Blair Bigham and Dr. Mojola Omole discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) significantly improves the identification of hospital patients at risk of clinical deterioration compared to physician assessments alone. They are joined by Dr. Amol Verma, a general internist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, an associate professor at the University of Toronto, and the holder of the Temerty Professorship in AI Research and Education, who shares findings from his recent CMAJ article, “Clinical evaluation of a machine learning-based early warning system for patient deterioration”.

Dr. Verma explains how the AI system, ChartWatch, analyzes over 100 variables from a patient’s electronic medical record to predict deterioration more accurately than traditional early warning scores like the NEWS score. He discusses how the integration of AI into clinical workflows improves patient outcomes by complementing human decision-making, leading to better results than relying on physicians or AI alone.

The episode also looks at the potential future of AI in medicine, with Dr. Verma sharing insights on how AI tools should be thoughtfully integrated to support clinicians without overwhelming them. He stresses the need for AI systems to fit seamlessly into clinical workflows, ensuring patient care remains the priority. While AI is currently a tool to assist clinicians, Dr. Verma argues that the full extent of AI's role in healthcare—and its impact on the physician's place within it—remains ultimately unknowable.

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Dr. Mojola Omole:

I’m Mojola Omole

Dr. Blair Bigham:

I'm Blair Bigham. This is the CMAJ podcast.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

So today, Blair, we are going to be talking about AI in medicine.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Yes. A very hot topic. And let's talk a little bit more generally before we get into the CMAJ article.

How does AI affect your job Jola?

Dr. Mojola Omole:

It doesn't,

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Right? Mine neither. But isn't that crazy? Everyone's talking about AI, but on the ground level, I

don't know that AI is doing a lot for me, but I think we'll sort of give a prelude here that AI might

be doing more than we think in the background.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

For sure. And I would say that similar to what we're going to talk about ChartWatch, you also

use Epic. We have, what's it called? The new score or the…

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Yeah, there's a lot of scores and sort of computations that happen within Epic that are meant to

sort of alert us to help us do our job. I've heard a lot of it referred to as augmented intelligence

where it's sort of just like it's a computer just flagging something reminding you of maybe the

best practice or what you ought to do. But today we're getting into something a little bit more, I

guess technological or advanced. We're going to talk about real artificial intelligence.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

And I think what I loved about it is that as we talked about with Epic, it just pops up when you

log in onto a patient chart, but with ChartWatch, it actually sends the clinician a text message

saying, “Hey, you should be aware of this.”

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Yeah, it's a nice blend of both automation and artificial intelligence. So we're really, really lucky

today that we have one of Canada's experts in artificial intelligence in healthcare. Dr. Amal

Verma. He's the author of an article in CMAJ this month titled, “Clinical evaluation of a machine

learning based early warning system for patient deterioration.”  He's a general internist at St.

Michael's in Toronto, an associate professor at the University of Toronto, and he holds a Temerty

Professorship in AI Research and Education at U of T.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

You're probably tired of hearing from us. So let's talk to Dr. Verma.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

He's up next on the CMAJ podcast.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Amol, thank you so much for joining us today.

Dr. Amol Verma:

Oh, thanks for having me.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

So the focus of this study was deterioration of patients in hospital on the general internal

medicine floor. How big of an issue is this?

Dr. Amol Verma:

So we know that roughly five to 10% of adults who are admitted to an internal medicine unit will

end up either needing ICU or dying in hospital. So it's a fairly substantial problem. And we also

know that from a patient safety perspective, unrecognized patient deterioration leading to

unplanned transfer to ICU is one of the sort of leading causes of those unexpected ICU

transfers. So this is a really important patient safety issue.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

How will Blair make money if you don't transfer them to ICU?

Dr. Amol Verma:

Well, my goal is to transfer them a bit earlier, sometimes even so then they can rescue and do

their work in a more controlled fashion.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

So how does the AI work that you've done, and we're going to get more into the details in a

second, but how does that differ from some of those traditional early warning scores?

Dr. Amol Verma:

Yeah, so we know that actually early warning scores have been used in clinical care for even

going back as far as decades now is something like three quarters of UK hospitals use

something called the National Early Warning score or the NEWS score, which is probably one of

the more common ones. Those traditional early scores actually have real utility. So I'm not a

huge naysayer about them. They were largely developed to take vital signs and convert them

into a numeric value, like a score that you could add together and calculate risk. And so they

were done with simpler statistical tools like they're based on logistic regression models and they

create these sort of points-based scores for patients. One of the things about those tools is that

they tend to be first a little bit over calling. So they tend to have a lot of false positives. You get a

lot of false alarms with them, right? You're in the hospitals,

Dr. Mojola Omole:

A lot of me saying aware, aware, aware, defer to primary team, which is GIM.

Dr. Amol Verma:

Yeah. So if you work in a hospital with one of those, either a sepsis or a deterioration alert in the

EMR, we just get used to tuning it out and that's a real problem. The other problem is, it's

Related, one of the reasons that they have a lot of these false alerts is those scores don't take

into account patient context. It's just like a high heart rate is the same score for every patient.

And so a machine learning tool ideally would have more inputs and it would consider how a

a patient's trajectory changes over time. So the tool that we developed takes about a hundred

inputs from a hospital's electronic medical record, some basic patient demographics. We took

vital signs of course. We took all of the lab tests and from the vital signs perspective, it was a

little bit broader.

So it wasn't just your heart rate and your blood pressure, but also your pain score and things

like that might be charted in the medical record. And so those hundred inputs are modeled to

predict the outcome of death or ICU transfer. But the additionally intelligent part about this is

one, we didn't pre-select out of those hundreds of variables, we didn't pre-select what the

computer should pay attention to when, and we asked the model to learn not just based on

the first instance of those things being measured, but as they change over time during a

patient's hospital stay. So it starts to take into account the trajectory of those things. So if a

patient has a chronically elevated heart rate, maybe it stops paying attention to it as much, for

example. So it is a dynamic model that updates its predictions based on the time that a patient

has been in hospital based on the trajectory of their previous scores, et cetera.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

And so how is it integrated into your typical workflow as a physician. We just talked about we get

the deterioration score and then we press ‘aware.’ How is this different? How does it go on my

dAIly basis when I'm rounding on my patients?

Dr. Amol Verma:

We tried to be really thoughtful about how does this tool actually enable and support clinical

workflow on our internal medicine unit. And I think that's a huge difference between, if you begin

with a clinical care unit and you begin with the problem of patient deterioration, you say, how

can an AI tool solve a problem and integrate with the workflow to improve the workflow versus,

we bought an electronic medical record, it has a prediction tool in it. Let's turn it on. There's

two totally different starting points and ways of conceptualizing how to develop and use a tool.

So our tool was very customized for the clinical workflow on internal medicine at our hospital.

For example, the tool runs off of the electronic medical record using the data that the physicians

and nurses are already entering into the system. No new data entry. In terms of how to

communicate those alerts, we thought about a few different ways that it could inform clinical

care. So the first and most obvious way is that when a patient becomes high risk, it sends a text page actually to the clinician. So we have on our internal medicine unit, the physician teams carry a mobile device and the charge nurses carry mobile devices that can be paged. So the charge nurse and the relevant physician team gets a page saying this person is high risk. And then they go and communicate with the bedside nurse and there's a care pathway for actually caring for high risk patients. Importantly, those alerts have a bunch of silencing rules on them. So if you have one alert, it won't repeat for the next 48 hours. So we don't keep dinging you. If you just came out of the ICU, it won't push you an alert again. So there's a variety of silencing rules.

If a patient has had more than five alerts, we start to silence the pages that come from it. So we

created a number of silencing rules for those alerts. But then there are other ways you can see

the patient's risk status. So we have a sign out tool and on our sign out tool, which is how we

assign patients on our clinical team for each day. So you have 20 patients that you're caring for

on our unit, which physician is going to care for which patient and where a teaching hospital, so

which resident or student responsible. So that tool gives the patients updated status every hour

so that when our teams print out the paper form of that tool in the morning to set their workflow,

they can look and see who's high risk today and they can assign more senior trainees. So the

senior resident or the staff physician would go see that patient themselves. In an analogous

way, we know that our nurses make bedside nursing assignments twice a day. It was actually

very humbling for me to hear that at three o'clock in the morning there's the charge nurse is

awake making nurse shift assignments for the next day. That is the heroic work that our nursing

colleagues are doing at three o'clock in the morning. So we designed an email that goes out at

3:00 AM and 3:00 PM to line up with when they're making their shift assignments. And that

email goes to the charge nurses so they can see the patient's risk status so that when they're

assigning bedside nurses, they can proactively make sure that one nurse doesn't have more

than one high risk patient. And so you can kind of balance the load. And then the last way that

we had it designed was, every 24 hours there's an email that goes to the palliative care team

and says, here were all the high risk patients in the last 24 hours, why don't you check in?

And so what happens is the palliative team sees that list and they contact the attending

physician and say, would a palliative consult be helpful? Would you like us to get involved early?

And so then the care team can decide whether to involve palliative care. And I'll say one of the

things we talked about was whether to send automatic escalation alerts to the ICU and we

actually decided not to because we have a pathway for escalating to the ICU. We have a critical

care response team that already exists. Nurses and physicians can call and involve them. And

there still are false alerts. So in our system, for every three alerted patients, one will experience

an episode of deterioration, meaning they will die or need ICU in hospital. So we talk to our ICU

colleagues and they're like, you know what? We would rather not get three alerts for every one

event. We just don't have the resources to manage all of that. But the work teams were actually

three to one, we can handle that. I want to know for three patients, I'd be willing to work up

three patients to address one of those events. And so with the ICU escalation, it's more just

when the clinical teams feel it's necessary.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

What are the clinicians on the front lines saying about this?

Dr. Amol Verma:

I'm always a bit cautious to say what clinicians are saying about it in the one sense because

they know that I helped design and implement it. So I'm pretty sure I don't get a totally

unvarnished set of opinions. But I will say no one complains too loudly to me or even loudly at

all. So we haven't had a lot of complaints. We do hear of course from that, of course the tool's

not always accurate. And I've heard anecdotally like 50-50% of the time it's useful, which

personally, I think, is a pretty good ratio.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

That’s way higher than in hospitals that I've worked in either where we've implemented it and

that's always a struggle or where it was already in place for a couple of years before I showed

up, the complaints were high. People said, we don't really see the value in this. There's a lot of

false alerts going on.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

How early though, is it identifying a deterioration?

Dr. Amol Verma:

It's a really good question. So what we know is that without the alerts, we did a little chart review

in our hospital as we were just trying to understand the problem. So we identified 20 patients

that had a death or a deterioration event, and we looked through the chart and what we found

was for the deterioration events like the ICU transfers on average there was less than three

hours notice between the alert and the actual event in terms of document someone documented

that they were worried about it. Obviously that's an imperfect way of assessing clinical

awareness. We don't always write down what we're aware of. And we know there's a term for

this, right? It's like the crashing patient is something we talk about a lot, that unexpected

deterioration. So in one of our earlier papers, we looked at the time from the first prediction to

the outcome.

And so I believe that on average in total, it was somewhere around three to four days between

the first prediction and the outcome. But that includes deaths in which patients might receive

palliative care, for example. And so in that context, it's a longer window. Someone might be

palliative in hospital. So if you just looked at the ICU transfers, I think it was somewhere around

20 or 30 hours between the first alert and an ICU transfer. And that was actually what we tried to

design the model to do. So when we first were designing the tool, we were getting a lot of

feedback from the clinicians, especially we had clinicians design the care pathway for high risk

patients. What should a physician do? What should a nurse do when they receive a high risk

alert? And implementing that protocol itself I think is really important. And in some ways, the AI

tool is just a little wedge into allow standardization of care. And I think in some ways that's one

the benefits of even why news or those other early warning scores can be useful, even if

they're annoying, which is they create a language and a pathway for high risk patients like a

care standardization that tends to happen.

But so what we found was that clinicians said, our initial models were just predicting anytime in

hospital and the clinicians were saying, you're going to tell me a patient might die at any point

during this hospital stay. What am I going to do with that information? I'm just going to watch

them for how long? So they told us 24 to 48 hours was an actionable window. If you tell me this

event might happen in the next day or two, then I know what to do for one or two days. I will

clarify goals of care. I will monitor a patient more closely.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

And how does this differ from, let's pretend that burnout doesn't exist and we just all are

diligently watching our patients all the time. How does this come close to a physician who's

doing that in terms of the outcomes?

Dr. Amol Verma:

Well, I don't know if that situation ever existed where a single physician or nurse was able to

continuously every hour monitor all their patients at any one time, even before workload

capacity. Just because if you just think about how the history of medicine and how it's all

designed, the whole idea of rounding is that you go sequentially around to see your patients and

you just assess them each one in turn. And so I think the value of a tool like this is that it can

watch all 20 of your patients at the same time every hour and say, Hey, pay attention to this

person now. You know what I mean? And I don't think humans could, not for lack of

sophistication, for lack of intelligence, for lack of good intentions, or even because we're

overworked, just because our ability to do any more than one thing at a time is relatively

constrAIned. And so we will sequentially see your patients anyway. But to have a tool that can

say, I'm monitoring all hundred patients on a medical unit, I'm now anthropomorphizing a tool,

which I hate to do, but the computer is monitoring all a hundred patients on a unit and saying,

these are the ones to pay attention to and just prioritize them, right? It's like a triaging function.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

So first of all, this might be the first time we've heard the term anthropomorphized used on the

podcast, so kudos because one of my favorite words, but second, recently in the media sort of

like this unveiling that maybe the promise of AI isn't as grand as it was originally made out to be.

A lot of things where AI maybe isn't doing as good a job as we had hoped. Have you found any

areas where AI was either very clearly beneficial and better than humans through its ability to

constantly monitor such a high volume of cases? And similarly, did you find cases where

humans were definitely better than the score or the AI model at certain aspects of picking up

sick patients?

Dr. Amol Verma:

So I started developing this tool when I was in my last year of residency and started doing a

research fellowship. And so I was kind of a newbie and eager beaver. And so I brought the tool

to my colleagues in the general internal medicine division, and I said, Hey, we've developed this

prediction model that's pretty accurate at predicting death and deterioration on the wards. And

so obviously their response, which is the same response I would have now, was like, well, I

think I'm pretty accurate at predicting this. How do I know this tool is useful. And so to answer

that question, we sent a research assistant to the ward every day for four months to ask doctors

and nurses, which of your patients are going to deteriorate? We compared their predictions to..

Dr. Mojola Omole:


Dr. Amol Verma:

Yeah, because you’re such a good doctor.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

I'm a surgeon. They don't do that.

Dr. Amol Verma:

I would never, as an internist, I would never have anything negative to say about a surgeon.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

You shouldn’t.

Dr. Amol Verma:

So we tested, it was an earlier version of the tool, but had very similar performance. And

we compared at the same time period, like the nurse prediction, a doctor's prediction, and the

model's prediction. And before I tell you the results, so to introduce a little suspense here. What

I want to say about the way we designed that study, which I am pleased about, is, and I think

actually it speaks to the hype of AI. To your point, a Blair, a lot of the early research comparing

AI performance and clinical performance was very unfair to the clinicians. I'll give you an

example. There was a huge dermatology study and it found that AI can detect skin cancer as

well as a physician. And the comparison though was physicians looking at pictures of skin and

computers looking at pictures of skin. But that's not how doctors work.

Like dermatologists, they take a history, they talk to the patient, they're able to assess a lesion in

three dimensions over time. They're able to use tools, different light microscopes, whatever

they're using. And so if you have this fake comparison of a doctor who is not the patient's doctor,

looking at a picture and comparing that to a computer looking at a picture, that's just not what

we really want to ask. And so that first generation of AI research did that and showed repeatedly

that AI was, and I think that was part of the hype cycle to be honest. So our study didn't do that.

We said, the doctors that are caring for the patients, the nurses that are caring for their patients

in real time, they are making that decision. This is a real comparison. And so what we found

was that the model performed about as well as the doctors and nurses in predicting death or

deterioration. That in itself is a technological feat. You have an AI model that is performing as

well as doctors or nurses, but in and of itself, it's not that compelling to doctors or nurses that

you should use this model that’s just as good as you.

But what we dug deeper and found was that the model was much better than doctors and

nurses at predicting ICU transfers. So it was not as good at predicting deaths in..

Dr. Blair Bigham:

In a short period, within 24 to 48 hours.

Dr. Amol Verma:

That was on that hospital stay, I think. And within 20 it was better on both time windows.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Oh, okay.

Dr. Amol Verma:

And those are the very patients that we're trying to rescue that the unrecognized deterioration

issue happened. But perhaps the most interesting thing out of that study was that humans and

computers make different predictions. So the ways that the doctors were wrong were different

than the ways that the computer was wrong. But when we combined the predictions, the

combined predictions were more accurate than either prediction alone. So actually there are

cases where a doctor will recognize a deterioration event that the computer won't, and cases

where the computer will recognize and the doctor won't. And so it's really the collaboration, the

combined work of the two, that is where the opportunity lies. And to put a number on it, the

combined performance was 16% better at predicting, identifying a deterioration event, then the

clinicians alone without having more false positive alarms, without having more, which is what's

really fascinating about that approach.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Can we go beyond your study and just sort of hypothesize about the future of medicine and

where do you see AI or augmented intelligence not taking over, but really bolstering that

decision-making safeguarding patients?

Dr. Amol Verma:

The first is that the prevailing discourse about AI replacing X, whatever X is…

Dr. Blair Bigham:


Dr. Amol Verma:

That's right. Famously radiologists, according to the Jeffrey Hinton quote. But even outside of

medicine, we have to recognize that all of our healthcare providers, we all live in this the

broader context of AI. And so it is true that AI is going to displace some kinds of work. Now, how

that influences workers remains to be seen. Does it totally displace certain kinds of jobs? Does

it change other kinds of jobs, et cetera? I think we're not sure yet. And when we talk about

medicine and the various professions within medicine, I would say that it's really not clear to us

what the upper ceiling on the capabilities of AI will be projecting forward. And so I think it's unfair

for us to say AI won't replace clinicians. You hear that AI won't replace doctors. Doctors using AI

will replace doctors. I've said that before, but I actually don't think that's a fair thing to say

because I don't know what AI will and won't replace five years from now, 10 years from now.

Right? It's a very dynamic field. What we can say clearly today is that AI systems do not have

the reliability to autonomously make healthcare decisions in a safe way. They're just not reliable

enough today. And so with that in mind, any kind of AI tool, it's about augmenting human

performance, augmenting human intelligence, and augmenting the way we

work. Some of that might be offsetting some tasks like making it the scribe, reducing our need to

type or whatever the case might be, right? Other cases, it's helping us with prediction. Other

cases, it might be suggesting some treatments for a patient, or it might be suggesting a

diagnosis, telling a radiologist to look in a certain part of a scan. So one, I think my reflection is

there is no singular AI. These are all different kinds of tools and technologies, and their impact

remains a bit uncertain. But for today, it is absolutely true that they're not replacing any

individual. And we just really have to think about how do we use these technologies safely. And

importantly, part of that means how do we design them so that they support our workflows, or if

they are going to disrupt a workflow, it should be deliberate. And then we have to kind of design

for that.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

We don't want to make work project or add to..

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Imagine medicine making make work projects.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Well, the whole promise, I've heard a lot of people say that the scribe technology, for

example, originally sounds great, but then they spend so much time going back and editing it,

just as an example. Or the scribe thing is either overly verbose or then they just have to read

more. So there's a lot of sort of critiques around, well, hang on. For me, I'm wondering, is this

just because it's so nascent, it's just new, we haven't nailed it down yet, or is this, no, AI is not

going to fix the problems that we think it's going to fix, but it could help us get from, I dunno,

98% to 99% accuracy, or maybe I'm being overly generous and maybe we're only 70% accurate

in a certAIn area of medicine, but it can get us to 82%. What do you think the big obstacles are

in realizing AI as hugely transformative instead of just an incremental improvement?

Dr. Amol Verma:

I mean, maybe the first challenge is to set that as the bar for success, right? Maybe it's not fair

that AI has to be hugely transformational. And I would say that if we think about the probability

distribution of where AI will lead us, meaning if we think about all the future scenarios, there's

definitely a world in which this technology does become so good that it produces a really reliable

scribe, that it provides certain kinds of things really well. I will say one framework that I have

found helpful for thinking about this is, if we think about AI as an information processing engine,

then certain kinds of tasks in medicine, like diagnosis, is very much about processing


And you process that information with the information that's currently contained in, if you could

capture enough information, you get better diagnosis, for example, of the conditions that are


So for example, and I think it's why radiology is a really use case that gets pointed on as AI

should do this very well, and in fact is doing it really well. If we look at where it's made the most

contributions and has been the most effective, it is within vision-based fields. All the information

that you need, or at least that is usually made for those decisions that a radiologist makes those

decisions off of is contained in the scan and the medical record in by and large, right? It is

logical that a computer would be very good at doing that task. On the other hand, if you think

about predicting future events, there is randomness in life and there is chance. And the solid

example of that that I have always found really strikes home is the notion of, if you think about

breast cancer, the vast majority of women who have breast cancer only have it in one breast.

But if you think about the genetics are the same, the environmental exposures are the same,

everything. Why is it that it was the left breast and not the right breast or vice versa? There's a

component of chance in life, right? So if you think about that, then predictive tasks for AI, it'll

never achieve perfect performance, right? So if I think about it that way, let's assume the best

case scenario for AI in the future, then it should be able to achieve perfect accuracy compared

to humans on diagnosis. It should be able to do that as well for an image, let's say. It will not

ever achieve perfect prediction of when someone is going to die because it's just not knowable.

So I mean, I dunno for me, when I think about will, how can AI be transformative? I don't think

it's the right way to start.

I think we should say today, what can we do with this technology? Which means incremental

improvement across a wide range of fields, and we need that in healthcare. And then two, how

do we shape this technology carefully so that unlike let's say, electronic medical records, which

introduced a lot of benefits at the expense of clinician burnout and harming the patient physician

relationship because it took our eyes and ears away from our patients and onto our screens,

how do we design these new AI tools so that they orient around the needs of the healthcare

providers and of the patients receiving care? And that to me is the task for today. Sure,

someone, some futurist and philosophers should be thinking about how can AI transform our

life? Great. But for nose to the coalface clinicians like myself and researchers, let's think about

how do we get incremental benefit out of the technologies we have today? And let's think about

how do we design the further development, testing of these technologies so that they meet the

needs that we really care about.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

That is a pretty inspiring way to focus in on how maybe all of us could open our minds to

integrating more with AI technology as it incrementally changes the way we go to work.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Thank you so much for joining us today.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Thank you. That was awesome.

Dr. Amol Verma:

Thanks for having me.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Dr. Amol Verma is a general internist at St. Mike's Hospital in Toronto, and holds a Temerty

Professorship in AI Research and Education and Medicine at the University of Toronto. So Blair,

okay, the first takeaway is actually just admitting that I’m maybe not as smart as I think. I did not

know what CCRT stood for until literally today.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Jola, you have called me when I'm on CCRT to come and respond to you


Dr. Mojola Omole:

I just called it CCRT. I didn't know it was called the critical care response team. I didn't know if

that's what it stood for.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

What do you think we do?

Dr. Mojola Omole:

I don't know. I just, just C-C-R-T, C-C-R-T, C-C-R-T. I never thought of exactly what it meant.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

I think, you know what though, probably because all these early warning scores

and your score is high, this and that. Call CCRT people go, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. They're

not overly accurate. And so I think it gets lost in the mix, but it sounds like this is the next wave

of early warning scores. A much more advanced way of more accurately predicting who might

need CCRT response on the wards. And maybe we can prevent an ICU admission, or at least

get to them in the ICU before they totally crash and end up being a code blue or something like


Dr. Mojola Omole:

For sure. And I think what kept on coming to my mind is this concept that AI will replace us. Did

people feel this way when CT scans came out? I remember when I was in, I worked in

sub-Saharan Africa, I think it was in Rwanda. One of the older surgeons was like, this is called

the Auscultation Splash. I was like, what? And basically it's like you hear a swishing sound in

the left upper quadrant, which shows that you have a gastric outlet obstruction. I was like, okay.

Exactly. So a long time ago, before CT scans or in places where there's no CT scans, you rely

on those clinical tools. But now I just examine them and then I say, okay, you need a CT scan.


Dr. Blair Bigham:

Well, let me throw this at you though. Hang on a second though. If we're, let's just say we're

CT-ing everybody. Are we actually better physicians? Are we losing clinical skills by not being

able to do a physical exam and make a diagnosis? I guess my question is not, do you need to

CT for cholecystitis? But can AI actually take over some of those skills that we’ll then lose? And

will we become worse diagnosticians without AI? What if in the future there's a giant

electromagnetic pulse and AI disappears? Will we have lost the skill of medicine?

Dr. Mojola Omole:

I literally dunno what an electromagnetic pulse is. Sounds like something that happens in Star


Dr. Blair Bigham:

Oh come on, you don’t watch movies?

Dr. Mojola Omole:

No, I don't watch Star Trek. I don't watch Star Wars.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Let's just say AI disappeared. There was a copyright infringement, or the Supreme Court said it

was illegal. I dunno, let's say there's no more AI anymore, but everyone's dependent on it to

close that…

Dr. Mojola Omole:

No, for me, it's like I view it as a tool. It is just another thing to, it's another set of

information that I get to process, but at the end of the day, I'm still the one who's going to make

a clinical decision and then I offer that to the patients. What would you like to do? So I view it as

just another tool that I get to use to make a decision of what is the next course of action for this


Dr. Blair Bigham:

Well, you bring up an interesting point about how patients will react to this type of information

and whether they will trust AI as much as we might, or less than we might. Or maybe they'll trust

it more than they trust us. But I think we are running out of time, and that'll be for another


Dr. Mojola Omole:

So that's it for this episode or the CMAJ podcast. If you like what you heard, please give us not

a five star, at least a 10 star rating wherever you get your podcasts. It only takes a couple of

clicks, but really helps us a lot. Share it within your networks and leave a comment. I've been

told that some people listen to our voice to fall asleep. That's still okay. As long as you download

it, it counts.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Do we get a download each time they repeat it? Well, that would be good.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Exactly, so just listen to us as you fall asleep.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Eight hours on rerun.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Doesn't hurt my feelings. The CMAJ podcast is produced for CMAJ by PodCraft Productions.

Thank you so much for listening. I'm Mojola Omole.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

And I'm Blair Bigham.

Dr. Mojola Omole:

Until next time, be well.

Dr. Blair Bigham:

Be well.