Full Stack Leader

TC Disrupt Limited Series - Sharene Lee - COO - Takadao

October 09, 2023 Ryan Williams
TC Disrupt Limited Series - Sharene Lee - COO - Takadao
Full Stack Leader
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Full Stack Leader
TC Disrupt Limited Series - Sharene Lee - COO - Takadao
Oct 09, 2023
Ryan Williams

On this week’s episode of the Full Stack Leader, we are talking to Sharene Lee at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023.

Sharene co-founded Takadao, a community-owned life insurance platform built on blockchain technology. The platform operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), meaning profits from insurance operations are distributed within the community.

During our conversation, Sharene emphasizes the platform's focus on aligning interests between the insured and the insurer, in contrast to traditional insurance companies driven by shareholder profit. Additionally, she highlights the potential for blockchain and Web3 technology to revolutionize the insurance industry, giving power back to individuals and enabling mutual insurance initiatives.

Show Notes

On this week’s episode of the Full Stack Leader, we are talking to Sharene Lee at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023.

Sharene co-founded Takadao, a community-owned life insurance platform built on blockchain technology. The platform operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), meaning profits from insurance operations are distributed within the community.

During our conversation, Sharene emphasizes the platform's focus on aligning interests between the insured and the insurer, in contrast to traditional insurance companies driven by shareholder profit. Additionally, she highlights the potential for blockchain and Web3 technology to revolutionize the insurance industry, giving power back to individuals and enabling mutual insurance initiatives.