Cornerstone Christian Center

Proclaim - Messiah | Week 4

Jason Brown

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Feel the pull towards transformation? Our latest 'Proclaim' series delves into the scriptural promises of the Messiah, inviting you to find Jesus as your personal Deliverer daily. As we weave through prophecies and explore significant biblical narratives, my heart reaches out across the waters to Jay, celebrating his birthday while he faithfully ministers in Cuba. His presence, deeply missed, is a reminder of the love that fuels our mission.

Venture with us to ancient Samaria, where Jesus' conversation at Jacob's well unfolds to reveal His true identity to a Samaritan woman, and, in doing so, to each of us. This episode illuminates the cultural backdrop of this encounter and the groundbreaking message of worship 'in spirit and truth' that still resonates today. It is here, at the well, that we witness the dismantling of long-held barriers and the invitation to a direct, intimate relationship with the divine, signaling a new covenant of grace and inclusivity.

Finally, the anticipation builds as we approach the cornerstone of Christian faith — Easter. We outline a week teeming with activities, from the joy of a children's egg hunt to the solemn reflection of Good Friday and the exuberant celebration of Resurrection Sunday. With open hearts, we extend an invitation to bring your loved ones and stand together in awe of the Messiah’s promise fulfilled. Join us in this season of remembrance and rejoicing, as we herald not just the resurrection of Jesus, but the awakening of hope within us all.

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Speaker 1:

Well, good morning. Oh, I'm just. We rejoice again with those who are water baptized. If you see them after the service, Just give them a hug, just let them know how proud you are of them and their journey with Jesus. There was an entire family that got baptized together this morning. I don't know if you saw that a mother and a father and their two kids. I'll tell you what their entire Family destiny has been changed today as they make that public declaration. So I'm excited. We just want to let you know if you want to get baptized the water still in there Don't hesitate. You don't need to wait till next time, just come, let us know. We'll do it right after service, but we just want to rejoice with you as you keep following after Jesus.

Speaker 1:

I have a question for you this morning how many of you like to solve puzzles, solve clues? You like to find and investigate and do your thing? Okay, a lot of you. Well, there's this trend that's been going around over the last several years. It's not just in America, it is around the world. When we lived in Egypt, people were doing it there as well.

Speaker 1:

But people love escape rooms. I don't know if you've ever been in one. What they do is you get with a group of people, you get into a room. They lock you in. So, right there, half of you are out. You know I'm not getting in there locked in ever. But you get in a room, they lock you in and they give you some clues in the room and your goal is to work as a team to begin to find out where the clues will lead you and, and ultimately, before the time runs out, you got to get the key that unlocks the room, and so people love to do it. It is pretty fun. I've done a couple of them. I'm not a junkie there are a couple of them here in the room but I do like to do them. I think they're fun. What I love about it is you begin to see people's real personalities come through, as that ticker is on the countdown, right, get to that last ten minutes and all of a sudden your friend isn't your friend anymore. You're like who are you? And they just they're. They're in it to win it and that's it, and if you don't win it with them, you may not be invited back, but it is pretty fun. But here's something that I love about the idea of an escape room, and it's this. Everything that you need to solve that Problem or find the solution, is already in the room with you when you start. I Want you to think about that for a moment. Everything you need to solve the problem was already in the room with you when you started. Nothing was thrown in secretly, there was no Open window and they threw in another clue. Everything was already in there.

Speaker 1:

And today we're gonna continue on in our series proclaim. We're gonna talk about Jesus as the Messiah, and I want to read a scripture to you from John. Chapter 4, verse 25 and 26, says this the woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming, he who is called Christ, and when he comes, he will tell us all things. Jesus said to her I am I who speak to you and he. So, father, we pray right now over your word. Today, and we are excited. It is Palm Sunday. We are reminded of your goodness for each one of our lives and I pray that this word would penetrate hearts. I pray that you would speak to us in the name of Jesus, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

So my question for you is this this morning Do you know he's in the room? Do you know he's in the room If you have never been here. My name is Celeste. My husband, jay, and I we have the honor of Pastoring this church and leading a team and just challenging you to be more like Jesus every day. It's a challenge, how many of you know. It's not an easy journey, but we strive to keep going Until we see him face to face and we're in heaven with him, and that'll be a glorious day. But we love to be here at Cornerstone with you, my husband it's actually his birthday today, so I just said you know what? Just take the day off, go party, do whatever you want. So he's in Cuba and he actually went with some friends from another church. He's preaching this morning and he's there by someone. Tell you, jay, that when you watch this later. I love you, you are amazing. You're an amazing husband and father and pastor and we miss you. So come home tomorrow night, don't miss that flight. But we just want to honor you for another year of life and may you keep seeking all that God has for you. But we're ready for you to come home.

Speaker 1:

So we're in the series proclaim and over the last three weeks what we've been learning about is we've been seeing Jesus as the prophet, jesus as the priest and Jesus as king. And if you've missed any of those weeks, you are Free to go on to YouTube the app, the website and you can download those and listen to them on your commute. I know all of you have a commute. Even if it's inside your own a little area of good year, avondale, you still got to commute because the traffic's been crazy. I think spring training is over officially, I hope, or today maybe. But just take time as you're on the road or wherever you're at, put a, put an ear pod in and Just listen to the messages. They've been really encouraging.

Speaker 1:

But I want to talk to you today about Jesus, the Messiah, and what the definition of a Messiah is. And it's this a Messiah is the Savior, the Messiah is the anointed one, the Messiah is the promised Deliverer. That's what the Messiah is, and since God created the world, there have always been clues or prophecies along the way that have pointed us towards him, the Messiah, jesus. In fact, there's over 300 references in the Bible to the Messiah who was to come. Now, if you're an escape room, you maybe get 12 to 18 clues. Man, 300 is a lot, 300's a lot. So if you still missed it, it's okay, many have. But there have always been clues given to you along the way of Jesus and what he was going to do when he came to this earth.

Speaker 1:

It says that all of these clues the Lord gave us, they were purposeful. None of them were given just to throw them out there just in case, but they all had a purpose. They were carefully planned out by Father, god for his creation, which is you, if you so choose to find him. They were perfectly orchestrated. They were all well thought out and it involved God, the Father, giving his son, jesus, to abandon heaven to come down here just for those who choose to follow. Everything had a plan from the beginning and each prophecy is specific. They run from out the Old Testament all the way through the end of Revelation. They are telling you about the Messiah that is to come, and then they're telling you about the one who will return to take you home. How many of you are ready for that day when Jesus comes back to take his church home?

Speaker 1:

I want to just highlight a couple of prophecies along the way. There are so many I do challenge you, if you ever have the time, to just begin to find them in Scripture, write them down, begin to just process all that God did from the beginning of time, but they begin to prophesy of his birth. You see, his birth was miraculous in itself and that a virgin gave birth to a child Miraculous. We have yet to see that ever happen again. It says in Genesis 12.3 that the nations will be blessed through Abraham's lineage, which means when God chose how am I going to send my son? He was very particular in how Jesus was going to appear to us. It was going to come down a certain line and you can trace that all the way back. It's always been Father God's plan that. That's how Jesus got here.

Speaker 1:

Isaiah 7.14 said a virgin will give birth and he will be called Emmanuel, god with us. It also says in Micah 5.2 that Christ will be born in Bethlehem. If you know about culture at that time, the Scripture even says that what good can come out of Bethlehem? Well, the Messiah was going to come out of Bethlehem and it was foretold many, many years before. It also shares in prophecy about Jesus's ministry. It says in Isaiah 9 that Christ's ministry would begin in Galilee. If I had some clues, I probably would have been living in Galilee. Well, I want to be one of the first to see his arrival. They didn't know how he was going to come, but that's where I would have been hanging out is in Galilee.

Speaker 1:

It says in Isaiah 35 that he would have a miraculous ministry. Listen to this, it says. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap like a deer and the tongue of the mute sing for joy, for waters break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. God said listen, when he comes, he's going to come with everything. There's no holding back. He's coming as the Son of God and he will have all that he needs to accomplish the job.

Speaker 1:

It says he would be despised and rejected in Isaiah 53.3. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised and we esteemed him not. Scripture knew that many people would make that decision to not follow after Jesus. Clues also told us that Jesus would die and that he would be resurrected. It says in Exodus 12 that Christ would be our Passover lamb. No longer would we, as people, have to go and find an unblemished animal and present it to the altar for our sins. But when Jesus came, he was going to be the ultimate sacrifice. When his blood was spilt, it was spilt for all that no one else would need to bring an animal to the altar before God, but he did it for everyone, everyone. Another thing it foretold of is in Leviticus 17, that his blood would be spilt for atonement. And in Psalm 22 it said they would pierce his hands and his feet.

Speaker 1:

And all these prophecies along the way, always pointing you to Jesus, the Messiah, the anointed one who would come to set you free. Do you know that he's in the room? For hundreds of years, people were waiting for the arrival of the Messiah and when he arrived, they didn't even know it was him. For generations and generations they've heard, story after story, that the Messiah is coming, the Messiah is coming, and they even had some clues along the way. And then, when he came, everybody was like that is not him at all, there's no way. There's no way that the Messiah was coming in that form or in that way, or to Bethlehem. So they just begin to ignore it. The signs were there, the prophecies, the clues were there, but people just chose to not believe it. And these clues look so big to us now, as we're looking back, we think how did they not know that? But some of you are here today and you still have not seen that he is in the room with you. Maybe you're waiting for some great sign, the heavens to open up an audible voice. Oh God, if you really want me to do this, I got to hear from you. He's been dropping you clues all along the way and you still don't know he's in the room with you. I want to speak to you a little bit this morning out of John 4.

Speaker 1:

The amazing thing about this passage is that it's the first time that we see in scripture where Jesus revealed himself to someone that he truly was the Messiah who had come. As we lead up into this passage, we will see that a couple of things have taken place up to this point. Number one the miracle at the wedding, where Jesus took some jars of water and his mom said hey, they need some wine. This wedding is about to be a bust. They ran out and Jesus said it's not my time and she looked at all the workers and she said you do whatever he tells you, because she's mom and she knew what he could do. And so he went in and he did his thing and all of those water jars were full of the best wine and it was the first miracle recorded, the start of us seeing the Messiah in action.

Speaker 1:

And then there's a conversation that takes place between him and a Pharisee leader named Nicodemus. And what a conversation. That must have been A teacher of the law who had for years and years studied the coming of the Messiah, the understanding of Scripture. He would tell other people what it meant, he would interpret it for them. And then here is Jesus and he wants to have a deeper conversation. He begins to see things that are taking place inside the life of Jesus that is not taking place in anybody else, and he wants to have a conversation with him. And so they meet and the conversation is really amazing.

Speaker 1:

And then we go into this situation where Jesus is with the disciples and they are headed from Judea back to Galilee and his disciples are going with him. And on this journey it's different from America. In America we have a really big piece of land In the Middle East. When you're in all these countries, a lot of them are very close together. You can kind of walk the corner of one and get into another one. But there's a lot of history that takes place in the Middle East that is not here in America. The Middle East has a lot of wars that have been fought, a lot of land that has been lost and taken and given, and there's a lot of anger, a lot of history from my great-great-great grandparents to now. And this is why we don't speak to those people, groups, and this is why we don't interact with this group. And it just keeps going on and on. And so when you're reading the Scripture, you have to think of it in that perspective.

Speaker 1:

And so we see Jesus he's going to take his disciples with him and they're going to go from Judea back to Galilee. Well, the easiest way to go would be to cut through a country that the Jews don't talk to anyone from that nation. So can you imagine that conversation when Jesus tells his disciples we're going to go this way? And they're like I don't think so. Well, we are, we're going to head this way the entire time. Jesus had someone in mind that he needed to meet with. So he said we're going to cut through Samaria and we're going to go this direction. So they started to head there and when they get to a well, that actually was Jacob's well, the water that was founded many, many years before.

Speaker 1:

The disciples were hungry Because, how many of you know, we always got to eat. And Jesus said why don't you guys go into town and get some food? And I'm going to stay here at the well. And they said oh no, somebody needs to stay with you. No, we're, I'm good. And he stayed. Now, if I asked you to sit outside in 110 degree weather in July, I you would think I was crazy. But Jesus is like listen, I'm just going to sit here, you guys go get your food and then come back and meet me here.

Speaker 1:

So in the middle of the day, while the disciples headed out, a woman is coming to this well, and this is how much I love about the savior of the world is he can come just for one. He would come just for you. And so they're at the well and she comes, and it's her and Jesus. She doesn't know who he is, but she does know that he's a Jew. And so he begins to speak to her. He asks her for some water, and we don't know all of the details of this conversation, but we do know what scripture tells us, and that is that she told him why are you speaking to me? I'm a Samaritan, you're a Jew. Why would you talk to me? If you only knew my background, my life, what I've done, you wouldn't be having this conversation with me right now. You see, she had a rough life. Scripture says that she was married five times and she, in fact, was living with a man who was not her husband. But don't be dismayed, because everyone in this room, including myself, have all come from a rough life. We would all be standing before Jesus saying I don't know if you want to have this conversation with me right now, if you only knew what I've done.

Speaker 1:

And Jesus was there with her and, as they're talking, all he simply wanted was for her to give him some water. And she began to tell him listen, you shouldn't be talking to me. Your people don't like my people. In fact, if I wanted to come to God and thank him, I couldn't go anywhere, because the temple isn't even here in Samaria. It's in Jerusalem, where you guys are, you Jews are, and I don't have anybody that would go before me to the altar to ask for forgiveness for my sins.

Speaker 1:

And we see this beautiful conversation begin with Jesus and this woman at the well, and he begins to tell her for the first time, he reveals the reason he's here and he says listen, from now on, no more is somebody going to need to go on your behalf to the altar for your sins, but things are going to change. It says this in verse 23,. Jesus says but the hour is coming and is now here, right now, and the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. You see, jesus came to change the way that we met with him, the whole reason. He came as Messiah to say hey, listen, you don't need to go to a priest to bring an unblemished animal to the altar for your sins, but you get to go one on one straight to the throne yourself. Do you understand how different that is from anything else being taught in the world? You have the freedom to go to Jesus himself. You have the freedom to meet with the Lord, god at any time. And he came to this earth and he told this young lady at the well. He said listen, we're going to worship Jesus you're going to worship in spirit and truth. No longer do you have to go anywhere else, but you get to do it yourself.

Speaker 1:

And verse 25 said the woman said to him. She said listen, I know, the Messiah it's coming. I know, I know that he is the one who's called Christ and when he comes he would tell us all the things I know, I know. And the reason she said that is because history tells her time and time again that one day the Messiah will be there. And little did she know who she was speaking with and the patience of our Lord. As he talked to her. He said this. He said to her in verse 26, I who speak to you, I am he, and if you could be there at that moment, I believe that there was this weight that just lifted off of her. I believe that when he said those words to her, everything is going to be different from here on out, because I am he, the one that you're speaking of, I am he that her eyes begin to open and she began to see the Savior of the world standing there talking to her. The filth, the shame, the embarrassment of whatever she's done in her entire life had just been freed. It just been lifted off of her.

Speaker 1:

She was a different person and it says that she became so excited. She was there to draw water from the well. She came in the middle of the day because no other women wanted to associate with her, and they came in the morning when it was beautiful and she had to come in the afternoon. And as she's there, it says that she had her water and when Jesus said those words to her I am. He says that she dropped the water basins with excitement and she began to say can you be the Christ? Can you be the one that my grandmother and my great grandmother and all of the people, groups from all over the world have been telling me? You're coming and you're the one she's like. I'm going to tell everybody. I'm going to tell everybody, because there was a freedom inside of her that he set her free right there, on the spot, and he took that little shortcut just for her. His precious woman at the well thought there was no way she could be cleansed from all she had done, and then the Messiah came. He was in the room with her. Do you know this morning that he's in the room? Jesus is here for you.

Speaker 1:

Over the last three weeks we've learned that he was a prophet. He came to tell the people what is to come. But he wasn't a human prophet, but he himself was the word made flesh to dwell among us. That's what John 1 says. It says he was as a priest. He came as a mediator between God and man. He himself became the ultimate sacrifice for each one of us. First Timothy 2, 5 and 6 says for there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a ransom for all. He didn't give it as a ransom for one people group, he gave it for everyone, everyone. He's the mediator between us and God. He came as a king. He came through the lineage of King David. He came to free all humanity from the power of sin and death. In Luke, chapter 9, verse 1 and 2, it says and he called the 12 together and he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. That's our Jesus. And then he comes as Messiah, the Savior, the anointed one. And today marks Palm Sunday, the day where we go into a week of all that Jesus has done for each one of us.

Speaker 1:

Scripture says that he was getting ready to enter the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was a city and back then, at that time, it was definitely a known city. People from all over had gathered because it was a religious holiday and they were coming together, family and friends, and so it was crowded and busy. The streets were filled with noise and people buying things, open-air markets, everywhere. In Jesus, which was his custom, he'd usually go into a city pretty quietly, but not today. Not today.

Speaker 1:

On Palm Sunday, he sent two of his disciples to get a donkey and he was gonna ride in on a donkey to a very bustling city and there was crowds everywhere. People were starting to recognize him and he gets upon this donkey and he starts to go and he knows what this week is gonna entail for him. He knows that he came to earth to do God's will, not his own. He even said in Scripture God, if this cup can pass, let it pass. But God asked him to come and he came in obedience for you. And when he got on that donkey he was taking that ride in and it says the crowds were excited. They were celebrating the same crowd that's gonna turn against him just a matter of days. But they were rejoicing because the Messiah, the anointed one, had come. They knew he was anointed, he was doing things no one else was doing and he was giving that same power and authority to his disciples to also do it.

Speaker 1:

I want to encourage you this morning, on Palm Sunday, that even though our King rode in on a donkey in complete humility, he will return for you on a white horse. He will come back for you. He laid his life down for you. He has not forgotten you. He's still in the room and as he was led down into the city, he knew, and he saw all the faces of everyone made in his image, that he was gonna give a sacrifice for you Because he loves you so much.

Speaker 1:

You might be in here this morning and you're looking for a Savior. Maybe you've been asked to come because it's leading up to Easter. Somebody invited you. You're not here by accident, but there's a Savior of the world who came on your behalf, and his desire is for you to walk in freedom and victory and to fulfill the purpose that he's created you for. It is not to be weighted down with the worries of this world, but to be set free. Maybe you're in here this morning and you're still looking for someone to take away those fears or those burdens, that anxiety, that depression, that sickness, that disease from you. He's in the room.

Speaker 1:

Craziest thing is that everything you need to know is in the room with you right now the Word of God, people who've been praying for you, and the Holy Spirit here in the room. And so I was praying for you this week. I knew this. Like God said, there's some people who almost have like a hesitation to come to the altar, almost like this. I don't want people to see what I'm going down there for. And God said if you just come, I'm here. If you just come, I'm here and you might be sitting here today. Maybe you have an addiction nobody knows about. The Lord wants to set you free this morning.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're in the room and you have a sickness you haven't even shared with anyone because you don't want to say it. He's in the room and he can bring healing to you. Maybe you have some anxiety, some depression, some things going on. He's in the room and all you have to do is just receive what he wants to give you. If I had a beautiful box and it was a gift for you and I handed it to you and you were like, oh, I can't take it. Oh, I don't know I shouldn't take it and I'm like it's yours so I'm just gonna leave it here. When you're ready to open it, you come, open it. And that's what Jesus is saying. He's like I have all these things in store for you, but I just need you to take the gift. I just need you to take it.

Speaker 1:

I'm in the room, says in Romans 10, verses 9 and 10,. Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes in his justified and when the with the mouth, one confesses and is saved. As God is speaking to you even at this moment, I'm gonna ask everyone in the room just to stand up and, just out of respect, I'm gonna ask you just to close your eyes for a moment. I have people who are in this room who have never asked Jesus to come into their heart. They didn't even know you had to. But scripture very clearly says if you just believe in your heart and that you just confess that there he is. He's there for you. I want to pray with you. I don't want to embarrass you. I know it's a private moment between you and God.

Speaker 1:

There may be people that are online watching, but I'm gonna ask you if you want to take that step to ask Jesus into your heart, just to say, lord, this life I'm living, I haven't been doing a great job doing it by myself and I could definitely use some help. And, lord, I'd like to make the decision this morning to follow after you and to strive really hard, day after day, just to be more like Jesus. With everyone's eyes closed, I'm just gonna ask you just to slip your hand up. I just wanna pray for you. Amen, amen. I know there's people online as well. Amen. I'm gonna ask everyone that's in the room just to pray with me, just to repeat after me Lord, thank you for loving me and Lord, thank you for sending Jesus. I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I believe he rose again. Forgive me of my sins. I surrender my life to you In Christ's name. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if you said that prayer this morning, we are rejoicing with you, but we wanna get some material into your hands. So come and find me one of the men that's in the back, or you can go to the prayer banner. We have some material we wanna put in your hand. If you live nearby, I invite you back to this church. If you don't live near here, find a church, find a Bible believing church that will speak the word of God into your life, but you need people around you if you are gonna walk this. Walk Amen, okay, church, this is for you.

Speaker 1:

It's Palm Sunday and I wanna ask you this question again Do you know he's in the room? Do you know he's in the room? If, at any moment you wished that, you would have come up and asked for prayer, for something. This is your moment. I have people that are gonna help me, a prayer team that's gonna help me pray, but we just want the Lord to do what he wants to do in your life. We want you to be free. We want you to go into this Easter week truly understanding the freedom that has been given to you. He did it all and if it was just for you, he would have done it all again, but maybe you're here and maybe there's something you need prayer with. We wanna stand with you. Maybe you just wanna draw closer to him, maybe you're in need of a healing, a touch, a freedom, a victory. We wanna pray for you.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, right now I pray over your people. You're amazing. And, lord, we don't ever wanna miss the clues, we don't ever wanna miss the things that you're doing. We don't ever wanna be standing there looking around saying, well, how did I miss this? But, god, we want to know that you're in the room with us. There's those that are here this morning and, lord, they are longing to have someone pray with them, have someone stand with them as they fight a fight or believe for a victory. And, lord, here we are right now, as brothers and sisters in Christ. We wanna stand with them, we wanna believe with them, we wanna come to the throne of God with them and ask that you move on their behalf. And so, lord, we open this altar. We pray that, holy Spirit, you have your way, that you would move like only you can, that you would meet us here right now.

Speaker 1:

I want to let you know we have a fun, packed week this week with events for Easter. So Thursday night there's an Easter egg hunt at the Mercy House. If you're interested, you can go online and find out more about that. Friday evening we're gonna do a worship night here for Good Friday. We're gonna have it a little bit different than normal. We're gonna have some stations set up for worship, and so it'd be really good you can come to that. It's about an hour long.

Speaker 1:

And then on Sunday Easter Sunday we're gonna be doing an Easter egg hunt after both services for the children. So you don't wanna miss it. Invite some neighbors, some cousins, anybody you can invite them. It'll be just a great Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Amen. Well, I just wanna pray with you before you leave, and if you just put your hands out to receive all that the Lord has for you, the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. So, father, go with us, direct us, help us. I pray that we would meet back here again later this week and that we would rejoice for all that you have done, and we're grateful for you. In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen. Know this that we love you and we will see you soon.