She Calls Her Shots | Photography Business Strategies

135 | BIG changes for the podcast (& I want your input!)

February 21, 2024 Krista Marie Episode 135
135 | BIG changes for the podcast (& I want your input!)
She Calls Her Shots | Photography Business Strategies
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She Calls Her Shots | Photography Business Strategies
135 | BIG changes for the podcast (& I want your input!)
Feb 21, 2024 Episode 135
Krista Marie

If you're ready to stop wishing for success and instead, have a strategy that takes your photography business to the next level,  join us inside AMPLIFY! My lifetime-access, group coaching program that will help you take action, overcome blocks & challenges, and support you as you expand through all seasons of business growth.


Photographers! The podcast is going through a rebrand to help serve you EVEN MORE! Book a research call to help me create future episodes that speak directly to you!

Use this link to book your research call -- I'm forever grateful to serve you better! And if you complete your call in the next 8 days (before Feb 29th), you'll be entered into a giveaway! 🎉

Loved the episode? Have a topic or guest host request? Send me a text message!

Ways we can work together:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

If you're ready to stop wishing for success and instead, have a strategy that takes your photography business to the next level,  join us inside AMPLIFY! My lifetime-access, group coaching program that will help you take action, overcome blocks & challenges, and support you as you expand through all seasons of business growth.


Photographers! The podcast is going through a rebrand to help serve you EVEN MORE! Book a research call to help me create future episodes that speak directly to you!

Use this link to book your research call -- I'm forever grateful to serve you better! And if you complete your call in the next 8 days (before Feb 29th), you'll be entered into a giveaway! 🎉

Loved the episode? Have a topic or guest host request? Send me a text message!

Ways we can work together:


Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome to the she Calls Her Shots podcast. Every week, we chat through different business building topics that will help you gain clarity around your goals, find inspiration in your journey and also help you create a life and a business that you love. My name is Krista and I'm a wedding and brand photographer and you're a go-to, no fluff business coach. In these episodes, we talk through both the tactical strategies, habits and the mindset work that will help you take those really big leaps, and we always focus on the real talk and the behind the scenes of what it takes to create a sustainable and a thriving business, because, let's be honest, the work isn't always glamorous, but it's always worth it. So, girlfriend, let's make some moves and start calling our own shots. Hello, my friend, welcome back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

As you can probably see from the episode title, I've got some really exciting news to share with you today, and part of that news spoiler alert probably not a spoiler alert if you read the title the podcast is going under an entire new rebrand, and I know you're probably thinking what does this mean? Is this bad news? I'm here to reassure you. It is most definitely not. And the thing that I'm most excited about with this rebrand is that I am getting even more specific and narrowed in on how I can help you, as a photographer, overcome the blocks and challenges and grow the thriving business you desire, and that's kind of been the heartbeat of a lot of the episodes. If you've been listening for a while, you know that a lot of the things that we share here on the show are tactical tips, right? Things like how to naturally and authentically sell, how to overcome people pleasing, steps for simplifying your strategies and, you know, overcoming overwhelm and things like that, right? Like we're all about the tactical strategies as well as the mindset work involved in that. And that will still continue in the episodes because, truthfully, I think those are some of the most important aspects of growing a business.

Speaker 1:

But here's what's shifting. When I first launched this podcast in 2020, I had behind it the heart and intention of helping women creative business owners, right, so you can tell there's a little bit more of a wider reach or like kind of a bigger blanket that I was speaking to, and I'm honestly so amazed and honored at the amount of women that I've been able to help through this podcast alone. I've heard from countless number of other women coaches and educators and podcasters that there's actually a handful of people that I know personally who have mentioned to me that my podcast was the first podcast they ever started listening to, and there are a few others that have said that from listening to my podcast, it actually inspired them and gave them permission, that they had what it takes to start their own podcast themselves. And let me just tell you the amount of pride and joy and fulfillment I feel in being able to say that is just incredible, and I'm so grateful for every single person the podcast has touched. But here's the thing my heart is really in A, of course, helping women creative business owners, but B, specifically helping photographers grow businesses. Because what I know to be true is in 2014, no 2010,.

Speaker 1:

When I launched my photography business 14 years ago, the amount of blocks that I experienced that were specifically rated related to growing my photography business was huge and I was desperately searching for someone who really knew the ins and outs of what I was feeling. And as my business continues to evolve and grow and expand, the thing that I am most excited about is specifically helping women photographers not only overcome those initial kind of launch, overwhelming challenges, right, the things that kind of come with starting a photography business and putting it out there and getting your first couple clients, but then there's an entire kind of middle ground a photographer who has launched, who has worked with a couple of clients but are really struggling with getting clients consistently. They're really struggling in taking bold, courageous action right. They feel like they have tried everything and their business isn't growing. This is the heartbeat of who I want to help, because a I've been there before, be it's who I'm already helping inside of my group coaching programs and inside of my one on one programs. And if this is you, this is exactly who I'm speaking to on the podcast and up until now it's been more geared, kind of, towards women, creative business owners, which has been so wonderful because the topics that we have Talked about I know for a fact they've been relatable as photographers. I've actually gotten feedback from photographers with specific episodes that have been super helpful for them.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing the podcast is getting rebranded so that I can more specifically meet you as a photographer, right where you are, like the, the experience I have the fourteen years of photography, of not only growing and launching the photography business but also moving across the country I. I launched my business in 2010 in Florida and then, in 2014, moved to California and had to completely start over, find new clientele and start over in a brand new market that was wildly different From Florida. But I've also, in the last couple of years, launched an entirely new aspect of my photography in taking on personal branding clients, and making the switch from building a wedding photography business to building a brand photography business has also been a huge learning curve and has really I've gained so many insights and it's just been such a fulfilling part of my journey. And so here's the thing I get it. I. I know where you are, I've been where you are, I know the feelings that you're feeling and, I'll be honest, sometimes, right, I can find myself going into those same old patterns. So I get it, I know it, I know what I know it.

Speaker 1:

And so this rebrand I want you just to know, if you are a photographer listening in this rebrand, really what it means is I'm going to be zeroing in even more on addressing the specific things that you need to work through, the challenges that you're experiencing and the the growth opportunities to get to where you want to go. If you're listening to this and you are not a photographer and you are afraid that this podcast is no longer relevant for you. I want to ease some of that, because if you have gotten anything out of our past episodes, I can pretty much promise you you're still going to be able to get Nuggets of insight and and different perspectives and ways of growing a business in future episodes. But but I'll be honest, right like my heart, my goal, my passion is really to help women photographers grow their business, and so this is where the focus is going to be shifting even more. We're still going to be talking about a lot of tactical things, right. So thinking of selling, thinking of marketing, thinking of overcoming the blocks and the beliefs right, doing the mindset work we're still going to be talking about a lot of those things, and the podcast wouldn't be today, it wouldn't be what it is, without you, and so, knowing that I would love to bring you along on this journey, I want your input as a listener. If you are listening in, whether you're editing right now, whether you're driving to a session, I hope that you can hear this and know that I'm speaking directly to you when I say that I want your input as the show grows and expands from here, and the best way to make this happen is if you head over to a christinbury dot com forward slash research. There is a link to book a 30 minute call with me as I tackle this rebrand.

Speaker 1:

Over the next week, I'm going to be scheduling calls with listeners to really get to learn and know the ins and outs of their business. I want to know a bit more about who you are, what you're passionate about, what's your mission, what drives you, what are your goals, what are your current challenges. And the reason I want to do this is because this information helps me create the episodes that truly meet you right where you are. It helps me make sure that the content that I'm sharing and the things that we're talking about on a weekly basis are going to feel directly relevant and relatable to where you are. And I also want to share this, being a podcast listener on other podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, as a listener, we hear that and we kind of discredit it and we think, oh, she's probably talking to someone else. Oh, she doesn't mean me. Oh, like I'm just one listener. Who am I Right In this sea of listeners? And I want you. I feel like I'm like metaphorically tapping the mic right now, like, I mean, you, friend, this is for you, and so, if you are listening in, I want you to know that it would truly if you could give to me one thing this year, in 2024, just one thing that you could give to me if you could give to me this 30 minutes of your time in the next two weeks to be able to hop on a call and learn more about your business. It would truly mean more to me than you can probably ever know. So, if I have ever asked anything of you, if this is the one thing that you can give to me, I just I would be so incredibly appreciative, because my heart behind this podcast is to continue to show up every single week with the topics and the things that you need to hear, the things that are going to help you push past your blocks, the things that are going to help you feel more inspired and more motivated to take action, and also a stronger self belief that you actually have what it takes to get to where you want to go, and I know that the best way for me to be able to do that is to actually get to know you on a deeper level, and so I again, I can't emphasize enough if you hear this and you think she doesn't mean me, she means somebody else. I just friend. No, I mean you, and so it would be. I mean, again, I can't express the amount of gratitude that I would have If you can head over and book us a call.

Speaker 1:

30 minutes of your time is all I ask. You can head to HeyChristinMariecom forward slash research and, as a little bonus for those of you listening in, if you need more reason, a little bit more incentive behind booking a call. If you book a call, or I should say, when you book the 30 minute call with me, everyone who books is going to be put into a giveaway and one winner is going to receive a $75 gift card to the place of their choice. So whether it's Amazon, maybe it's a B&H photo, maybe it's Adorama, maybe it's like insert, whatever place here, basically you get $75 gift card that you can use as cash to any website, any like legit, real website, whatever it is that you want. So today when this episode is going live it is February 21st you have eight days from now until the end of the month, february 29th. Anyone who completes their call with me before those eight days is automatically going to be entered into the giveaway, and on March 1st I will be announcing the winner.

Speaker 1:

But again, gift card aside, incentive aside, the heartbeat behind this podcast is to help you, and the thing that I'm most excited about, as the podcast goes through this rebrand, is my ability to be able to communicate directly to you and to get to know you on a deeper level. So, all of that said, I want you to know how much I appreciate you taking the time to listen in, and whether this is your first time listening in, this could be the first episode that you're listening to, or you could be a long-term listener. You could have listened into every episode or anywhere in between. I want you to know that this offer is still for you. Your feedback is still so valuable. So, again, that link is HeyChristinMariecom.

Speaker 1:

Forward slash research, and I also just want to take a moment to give you this little pep talk of permission of if you have been feeling on your heart that you want to make a change in your business, but obviously change is scary and we can't know what's on the other end of that change. I just want this to be a reflection and an inspiration for you that sometimes we can get so focused on the fears of what we don't know. Right, like I don't want to make this change because I don't know the outcome of what's going to happen. But the thing that I've been realizing and kind of reflecting on as I think about this for myself when it comes to this rebrand, is, you know, it's interesting I also don't know what's to come if I keep doing the same thing that I'm doing right now.

Speaker 1:

Right, if we have this thing that feels out of alignment or feels like it's not working or feel like we want to change it. I think we sometimes have this safety feeling around it, but the reality is we still don't know. We have no control over the results or the outcome if we keep doing things the same. But yet there's the safety that we create around. But at least if I keep doing the same thing, it'll feel safer.

Speaker 1:

And what I've been challenging myself with, and what I want to challenge you with, is what if there's actually safety in doing the new thing? What if there's actually more safety by taking the risk, by changing things up, by doing something that feels more aligned to where you want to grow? What if more safety actually lives in creating that change, and so I just want to encourage you with that. I don't know who needed to hear that today, but if there's something that you have been wanting to change and you've been just feeling a bit of resistance around it, I'd love for you to just take a moment to reflect and to think about it from that perspective. What if there's actually so much safety in me doing something that feels more aligned and making a change? So, friend, I just again I feel like I've said it a million times and I will say it a million times over Thank you so much for being here, thank you so much for listening in, and thank you in advance for every single person that books a research call, because I want you to know that it is a gift for me to be able to get to know you better.

Speaker 1:

It is not a burden, it is not taking up too much of my time. I have this link and this calendar availability for a reason, and that reason is to connect with you. So I cannot wait to get to know you more and, all of that said, I look forward to speaking with you on our call. One last thing before you go. I'd absolutely love it if you left a review on Apple podcasts, or if you've already left a review, I'd love for you to share this episode with your business bestie. I love getting to shout out my listeners on the show, and the more listeners that we have, the more that I can help others create a thriving and sustainable business too. Thank you so much again for being a part of this community, and I can't wait to hear your takeaways from today's episode.

Podcast Rebrand for Photographers
30 Minute Research Call Giveaway