TouchofGod.World - Teaching Your Identity In Christ

The Open Arms of the Father (263) - September 14 2024

Pastor Marc Whelan Season 1 Episode 263

A child comes home to his or her parents, their clothes full of mud as they were playing with friends in the world. The door of the family’s home is wide open, never closed to those seeking rescue. The loving parents, so pleased to see their child made it home, love on their child by giving them a hot bath and a shower. The parents then feed their child a hot meal so he or she becomes nourished and becomes immune to illnesses.

Such is the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Christ Jesus. We are full of mud, walking aimlessly in this world, desperately in need of saving by the Rescuer, Jesus Himself. We are burdened by the chains of sin, hurts in our heart, depression, addictions, our body in need of healing.

The Lord is always ready and willing to help us. Instead of waiting for us to come to Him first, he makes Himself available and knocks on the door of our heart to let us know he is there (Revelation 3:20). But it is up to us to open the door of our heart to let Him in so he can help and grow and heal us. Based on the love of Jesus, He would be saying something similar to “Come to Me as you are. I know all things you have done and have been through. Nothing surprises me. This is why I came and gave my life for you, so that you would not die but live an everlasting life if you choose to believe and receive me in your heart. I have paid for you to be made a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). My Father and I love you so much (John 3:16). Just believe in me, I will wash your sins away as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12) I shall remember your sins no more (Hebrews 8:12), and neither should you remind yourself of them once you confess them to Me. (1 John 1:9.)”

The Lord washes us clean in our consciences (1 John 1:9). He offers us daily manna by way of His Word, His Scriptures. (Matthew 4:4). Again, we decide whether to eat of this Word for our soul desperately needs it. We decide whether or not to spend time with Jesus in a right relationship that He has already paid for us to have with the Father through Him. It is our choice, as with every decision our free will is able to make in our life on earth. The repercussions of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on these decisions have a positive or negative effect in our daily lives.

'Come As You Are.' It is the invitation from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father but by Him (Jesus). Therefore, it stands to reason we should focus our hearts on Jesus and the Father, with guidance and leading of His Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter how much mud you have on you; Jesus wants to clean you off as you decide to allow him into your home. His arms open wide ready to receive you as you decide to receive Him and begin to love Him.

This program briefly discusses life without a relationship with Jesus, and spends much of the rest of the program on what it looks like to spend time focusing our heart on Jesus. Being Still and knowing He is God. Receiving rewards when disciplining ourselves to diligently seek Him without distractions, in a quiet place.

This program covers the following Scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC): Psalm 31:10; Psalm 31:19-20; Psalm 31:23-24; Revelation 3:20; Psalm 16:7-9.

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