Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 8 Ep 29: Victory Root Beer and a good looking nerd
Disclaimer: This episode was recorded before the US election, so we were predicting the election before the election results were in.
This episode kicks off with Tamara enjoying a victory Root Beer for her preceived Fantasy Football win. The game was not over, but Tamara likes living on the edge of heckling before the game is over and the true winner is known 100%. Rheannon wanted to know if Tamara has a crush on Steve Kornacki. She loves the stats and this era that we live in that appreciates a nerd. Rheannon is currently losing to Tamara in Fantasy Football. Let the heckling begin. Tamara does make the mistake of siding against Rheannon on how late Thanksgiving is this year, but she is also going rouge and putting up her Christmas tree ASAP. Tamara wants to win a prize for reading Rheannon's mind to guess what actor she is talking about. Spoiler alerts if you have not finish Agatha All Along. Rheannon didn't love it, and to no one's surprise Tamara really liked it. Rheannon is raising a very independent left handed baby. Tamara had a lot of fun being the fun aunt and saying yes to everything the baby asked for. The pod wraps up with some stress at the end of Monday night football. Rheannon hoping for extra time, while Tamara wants the game to end to cement her victory. It definitely goes downhill fast.