Downhill Fast

Season 8 Ep 32: Attempts of a Magical Christmas and a Great British Bake Off Challenge

Season 8 Episode 32

This week's episode kicks off with Tamara opening some wine and Rheannon get's into her attempt at a magical Christmas. Is it possible to be sick two year's in a row for Christmas? It absolutely is. It goes epically downhill fast and it brings down the whole house. A very happy toddler with a piece of pizza went into the truck, but things change on a dime when a Costco cup is not enough to catch the puke. Two car seats were taken out of commission before all was said and done. Tamara had mixed success with shopping online, but had the most fun with a 22 minute shopping trip for last minute Christmas Eve shopping. After having days of leftovers Tamara made her own chopped challenge to repurpose leftovers. Additionally, she had her own technical baking challenge when she wanted to make her Mom's homemade frosting, but her Mom doesn't have a recipe. It was all by measuring by eye and looking at it the sheen of the frosting. Tamara had a lot of fun and her Mom thought she was taking it a little too seriously. Season eight comes to a close with terms agreed to for a new podcast challenge for the new year that will likely go downhill fast. 

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