The History Of The Evergreen State

157- The Heart of Lewis County

Episode 157

Located in the heart of Lewis County on U.S. Highway 12, Mossyrock is a small town sandwiched between two reservoirs created by damming the Cowlitz River: Mayfield Lake and Riffe Lake. 
The term "Mossy Rock," which was first spelled in two words, came from a 200-foot-tall boulder that was covered with green moss. The mid-1800s saw the arrival of homesteaders. 
In 1875, a post office was established in Mossy Rock and in 1895, the name was changed to Mossyrock. 
Incorporated on January 2nd, 1948, Mossyrock, with miles of blueberries and other agricultural products sustaining the town's economy along with amenities for visitors and recreationists. Its population has risen gradually and consistently to about 800 today.

A special thank you goes out to Al Hirsch for providing the music for the podcast, check him out on YouTube.
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