Disruption Works Chit Chat

Broadcast and Outbound Messaging using chatbots and voicebots

March 29, 2022 Disruption Works Season 1 Episode 31
Broadcast and Outbound Messaging using chatbots and voicebots
Disruption Works Chit Chat
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Disruption Works Chit Chat
Broadcast and Outbound Messaging using chatbots and voicebots
Mar 29, 2022 Season 1 Episode 31
Disruption Works

This week, we discuss how chatbots and voicebots are revolutionising how businesses and organisations can reach out to their customers via broadcast messages and outbound automated voice bots calls.

We cover the fact that these can be used for a range of messages from reminding appointments or getting members to use a service to stop churn of customers, by engaging and encouraging the use of services like gym visits.

There are a range of costs savings and benefits to this approach, listen to find out more.

Find out more about chatbots and voicebots by visiting our website.

Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email info@disruptionworks.co.uk with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)

Show Notes Transcript

This week, we discuss how chatbots and voicebots are revolutionising how businesses and organisations can reach out to their customers via broadcast messages and outbound automated voice bots calls.

We cover the fact that these can be used for a range of messages from reminding appointments or getting members to use a service to stop churn of customers, by engaging and encouraging the use of services like gym visits.

There are a range of costs savings and benefits to this approach, listen to find out more.

Find out more about chatbots and voicebots by visiting our website.

Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email info@disruptionworks.co.uk with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)

00:00:10.620 --> 00:00:16.930
 Sean Bussell
 Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of disruption works chit chat with Sean, Steve, Steve, how you getting on?

00:00:17.240 --> 00:00:26.530
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, good. Make good. Really nice. And you know, spring is is is actually sprung and it it's really nice, beautiful, beautiful. Wow. That's really good.

00:00:22.890 --> 00:00:25.320
 Sean Bussell
 Turn the front strictness.

00:00:26.900 --> 00:00:35.360
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah. And you know, when I think just just digress from the the podcast, I think spring is sprung for our clients as well.

00:00:35.780 --> 00:00:57.090
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, we got a lot more activity now and we uhm, I I suppose it when the the April kind of financial year comes around, you get a lot of a lot of people reaching out. But I think the technology that we talk about now generally which people, if they're listening to podcasts, UM, in all around our automation.

00:00:57.140 --> 00:01:10.530
 Steve Tomkinson
 Ultimating conversations, those that is now becomes such an accepted tool within business that we just gained enquiries him from left, right and center to find out more and how it could be used and stuff like that.

00:01:11.430 --> 00:01:30.290
 Sean Bussell
 And it's people looking at all sorts of different things from post COVID recovery to struggling to recruit staff to try and generally just be more efficient, put more on the bottom line. Charities making their pounds go further. There's it feels like, you know, we're we're out of this sort of COVID situation.

00:01:15.830 --> 00:01:16.180
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:18.150 --> 00:01:18.370
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:23.090 --> 00:01:23.440
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:25.650 --> 00:01:26.000
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:30.960 --> 00:01:32.010
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, I think so.

00:01:31.150 --> 00:01:33.730
 Sean Bussell
 And if it was sort of back at it again now.

00:01:34.430 --> 00:02:03.890
 Steve Tomkinson
 Although it seems like everybody I know is getting COVID UM, but it's. But it's the vaccines are working, you know, they're they're not getting it. Seriously switch, which is great news. But yeah, I think that's a whole like locked down story and things like that is is now becoming it. It's a very unlikely UM thing to happen now so it it enables people to plan but because of all the technological changes that we've had. UM AL.

00:02:03.950 --> 00:02:26.000
 Steve Tomkinson
 People have relied on remote working and remote technologies than everybody is accepting. The fact that this automated first point of call, this is fine and if they get dealt with remotely and automated and in automated fashion, then they're pretty happy with that because they've been getting used that terminology over the last couple of years. So it's accelerated ours first for definite.

00:02:25.350 --> 00:02:32.760
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, and and and I think not just the let's say, not just the acceptance of technology, but just the fact that the, the the biggest.

00:02:33.830 --> 00:02:50.960
 Sean Bussell
 Thing that people put towards good customer service now is speed of response. That's at the highest important. So if you could do that, then he puts you in a good place. OK, so onto the podcast and you're gonna host the question today. So where water we got.

00:02:37.870 --> 00:02:38.910
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, very much so.

00:02:40.270 --> 00:02:40.640
 Steve Tomkinson

00:02:45.430 --> 00:02:45.780
 Steve Tomkinson

00:02:48.790 --> 00:02:49.510
 Steve Tomkinson

00:02:51.860 --> 00:03:19.650
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, I I wanted to ask you a couple of questions about UM, broadcast 'cause. It's not something we cover very often on our podcasts. Uh, which is that if you like the outbound communications and you've been, I know you've been talking to a couple of people about a broadcast using their Facebook chat bots and stuff like that. I I just wanted to find out a little bit more about that you to tell me what you've been finding out and how how that's working for people?

00:03:13.420 --> 00:03:13.810
 Sean Bussell

00:03:20.350 --> 00:03:50.730
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah. OK. So I think the fundamental thing to say is that through our platform, uh, when you deploy a chatbot on Facebook Messenger that you can use that Channel to broadcast out to your audience. And a very simple terms. What I mean by broadcasting is that you can send them a direct message and through Facebook Messenger. And the great thing about that is that it's super powerful in terms of the open rates and also the click.

00:03:40.940 --> 00:03:41.290
 Steve Tomkinson

00:03:50.780 --> 00:04:13.770
 Sean Bussell
 Through rates. So when we look at email, you probably anticipate that you'll get 1 to 3% open rates are really low because everyone just pounds people with emails, a bit of an old channel if you like. The people just don't look at it. But if you drop someone a Facebook Messenger message, the open rates are out 84% for those things. So it's.

00:04:04.260 --> 00:04:04.870
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:04:13.730 --> 00:04:14.060
 Steve Tomkinson

00:04:14.800 --> 00:04:16.760
 Sean Bussell
 Blows email clean out the water.

00:04:17.550 --> 00:04:48.160
 Sean Bussell
 And then the click throughs are around 52% so it's just mega in terms of the engagement and the other interesting thing about Facebook Messenger in most instances and you can change this on your own phone is that it overwrites other apps. So what I mean by that is you could be on WhatsApp, you could be on YouTube but that the the bubble, they feel like the Facebook bubble over rocks on top of those apps so that you kind of see it over and above everything else.

00:04:22.210 --> 00:04:22.660
 Steve Tomkinson

00:04:36.120 --> 00:04:36.510
 Steve Tomkinson

00:04:43.420 --> 00:04:43.790
 Steve Tomkinson

00:04:48.470 --> 00:04:52.430
 Sean Bussell
 Uh, you can ping it away and you'll still have a little Facebook thing at the top of the screen.

00:04:48.570 --> 00:04:48.930
 Steve Tomkinson

00:04:53.570 --> 00:04:59.050
 Sean Bussell
 But I say it's really front and Center for people to see that stuff and.

00:05:00.600 --> 00:05:19.910
 Sean Bussell
 The other thing is it's it's it's a messenger app, so it's where people like to play. People will spend more time in Messenger apps than anywhere else. So that's, you know, you wanna play where your customers are playing. So that's the first element of that just in terms of, you know what it does and why that's powerful but.

00:05:13.560 --> 00:05:13.930
 Steve Tomkinson

00:05:19.390 --> 00:05:27.940
 Steve Tomkinson
 So how so? How are people using it then? Because I I know that Facebook changed some of the rules a little while ago. So. So what? What's changed and how people use in it?

00:05:28.480 --> 00:05:46.810
 Sean Bussell
 So early doors. Yeah, I think what happened was people got a bit carried away and excited and they started spamming. Oh, we can we can send people messages through Facebook Messenger from our business. So they would slam, they would spam people. And Facebook rightly looked at that said well, hang on a minute, we've got.

00:05:40.360 --> 00:05:40.870
 Steve Tomkinson

00:05:42.950 --> 00:05:43.660
 Steve Tomkinson
 Ah, OK.

00:05:47.470 --> 00:05:56.410
 Sean Bussell
 We've got users on our platform that are having a poor user experience because they're just getting a bit in a day of this stuff that they haven't opted in for.

00:05:56.680 --> 00:05:57.090
 Steve Tomkinson

00:05:57.230 --> 00:06:27.820
 Sean Bussell
 I say so. There's some rules in place now around not being able to send sales messages unless it's been opted in for. You can't just send messages to people that are liked your page. They need to be following. If they engage with the bots, then essentially that again OPS them in, but only for 24 hours. So people, you could send them a sales message or you could just send them a nice friendly message. Of course to say, you know, thanks for reaching out to us yesterday. I hope you got everything you know you need it.

00:06:05.650 --> 00:06:06.080
 Steve Tomkinson

00:06:16.780 --> 00:06:17.210
 Steve Tomkinson

00:06:28.230 --> 00:06:47.070
 Sean Bussell
 Do this survey, see, you know, see how they getting on whatever. Whatever. Now people are starting to take that to the next level in terms of customer retention and the reason that's important and I'll pick some industries as an example as examples, but it's basically.

00:06:36.510 --> 00:06:36.980
 Steve Tomkinson

00:06:39.430 --> 00:06:39.800
 Steve Tomkinson

00:06:48.160 --> 00:07:00.910
 Sean Bussell
 And when you, when I, when I tell you this, it'll you'll think it's fairly obvious, but you still need to prove these things, right, that if you remind your customers that they have an appointment or session with you.

00:06:53.690 --> 00:06:54.080
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:01.590 --> 00:07:02.070
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:02.280 --> 00:07:06.370
 Sean Bussell
 The day before, they will more likely attend.

00:07:03.810 --> 00:07:04.220
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:06.740 --> 00:07:08.000
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, well, yeah.

00:07:08.480 --> 00:07:18.980
 Sean Bussell
 Sounds obvious, doesn't it? It sounds obvious, but it's, but what were the methods 'cause email wasn't getting looked at? So and it's a bit more difficult to set up now.

00:07:10.220 --> 00:07:11.500
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:07:15.360 --> 00:07:16.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, sure.

00:07:19.680 --> 00:07:29.330
 Sean Bussell
 The let's say the reason that's important. So if we if we imagine your gym Steve gyms, right, you're gonna churn customers if they stop attending.

00:07:25.520 --> 00:07:25.940
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:30.150 --> 00:07:50.180
 Sean Bussell
 Because they'll go. I'm not going, Steve Tim anymore. I'll cancel that £30 a month that I was sending him. But if you can maybe server your customers, find out a little bit more about them. Not only does it give you more insight, but then you can then broadcast to those people to go. Hey, Sean, don't forget your PT session that you've got booked in tomorrow.

00:07:30.290 --> 00:07:30.740
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:35.080 --> 00:07:35.310
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:36.400 --> 00:07:36.700
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:50.790 --> 00:07:51.180
 Steve Tomkinson

00:07:51.310 --> 00:07:58.160
 Sean Bussell
 Two o'clock whatever or or we got spinning classes at three or, you know, whatever is going on. I'm more likely to attend.

00:07:58.820 --> 00:08:15.630
 Sean Bussell
 And this I'm less likely to churn as a customer. So really, really powerful because the cost of acquisition can be so high. It's just better to make sure that you retain your existing customers. Of course, we don't want them coming in the front door and go out the back. So does that.

00:08:02.470 --> 00:08:03.120
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, sure.

00:08:14.750 --> 00:08:30.780
 Steve Tomkinson
 But does that mean that it's that mean you're only talking about UM, appointments, or is that something that 'cause it you, you know, gyms aren't all about their sessions, are there? They're about actually attending full stop. So we still send messages out for that, can we?

00:08:28.230 --> 00:08:28.750
 Sean Bussell

00:08:31.340 --> 00:09:00.920
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, that's right. I mean, it doesn't have to be it a pre booked session per say if you would survey your members and you found out that I've got these batch of people that like to only come at the weekends. I've got these batch of people that like to go Monday, Wednesday, Friday. What you could do within the platform is segment those audiences to go. These are my weekend guys. These are my Monday guys. He's my Wednesday guys and then broadcasts are those people that like say the day before.

00:08:35.600 --> 00:08:36.690
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:08:42.950 --> 00:08:43.300
 Steve Tomkinson

00:08:47.200 --> 00:08:47.520
 Steve Tomkinson

00:09:01.290 --> 00:09:01.680
 Steve Tomkinson

00:09:01.410 --> 00:09:31.300
 Sean Bussell
 And it could also, you could even take it down another level to go these people going to PT. These people like swimming these people like, you know, to go to the circuit training or whatever. And then you could just keep engaging them with different messages. So hyper targeted campaigns but to your existing customer base to reduce churn. And I'm talking about we're talking about James right now, but this could also could be restaurants or reminders of bookings. When we think about what's up.

00:09:07.540 --> 00:09:08.510
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:09:29.690 --> 00:09:30.100
 Steve Tomkinson

00:09:31.690 --> 00:09:57.630
 Sean Bussell
 Appointments, whether it be doctors appointment. So I appointments and on the highest tree again very expensive, even though they're not, they're not members in the same way, but very expensive for that business. When people don't turn up, you've got your eye doctor lined up. You're expecting Mr. Johnson at 2:00 o'clock. He doesn't turn up and it could just be that he forgot. So it's viewed. If you can remind that individual the day before.

00:09:35.580 --> 00:09:35.970
 Steve Tomkinson

00:09:46.180 --> 00:09:46.630
 Steve Tomkinson

00:09:53.360 --> 00:09:54.330
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:10:18.350 --> 00:10:18.760
 Steve Tomkinson

00:10:18.810 --> 00:10:23.850
 Sean Bussell
 It's not appointment and they're in town. Will tell him to come back at 2:00. O'clock. 'cause. We've got slot now.

00:10:24.300 --> 00:10:25.870
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, that's right, yeah.

00:10:25.260 --> 00:10:28.500
 Sean Bussell
 If you just otherwise wouldn't know, so I let.

00:10:29.460 --> 00:10:36.140
 Sean Bussell
 My appointment might not be that you're sending them a Facebook Messenger. There are other channels for those things that's big.

00:10:34.610 --> 00:10:50.960
 Steve Tomkinson
 So. So what? What? What mechanism were we using as stairlift 'cause? That's unlikely that they're gonna be through the Facebook Messenger, but at that point, you're only gonna get a small proportion of your customer base. So we we talk in phone calls now we're talking voice bot stuff.

00:10:46.610 --> 00:10:46.860
 Sean Bussell

00:10:51.500 --> 00:11:21.420
 Sean Bussell
 There's a with this combination of things really. So yeah, we can use a highly sophisticated voice bots that can manage those calls basically. So they the other database and that's connected to highly sophisticated voice bot like say if you ever engaged with Google Assistant for example, very natural sounding voice like I hope you can put your own voice on it. But just like that as the example that would call you and say hey Steve, just let you know you've got an appointment.

00:10:58.390 --> 00:10:58.830
 Steve Tomkinson

00:11:00.290 --> 00:11:00.640
 Steve Tomkinson

00:11:12.420 --> 00:11:12.810
 Steve Tomkinson

00:11:21.490 --> 00:11:40.680
 Sean Bussell
 With us tomorrow for a your your eye test and got you down for 2:00. O'clock is that? Is that sound right you go. Yeah. Can you still attend and you go. Do you know what I did? Forget to be fair and I can't make it now and then. Obviously the the bot could take you through the journey. OK, well, that's not a problem, Steve. We can reschedule you in.

00:11:40.930 --> 00:11:41.380
 Steve Tomkinson

00:11:41.000 --> 00:11:46.690
 Sean Bussell
 And would you like morning or afternoon? And then, you know, take you through that journey so you can read book.

00:11:47.050 --> 00:12:04.460
 Sean Bussell
 Uh. And then obviously if you are going to attend then essentially we you could feed that data back to the to the High Street store, whoever it is to say Yep, confirmation Steve is gonna seems Thomas, he's gonna he's gonna be there tomorrow like great it's got 10 appointments tomorrow and we've got eight or nine confirmations.

00:11:47.100 --> 00:11:47.470
 Steve Tomkinson

00:11:55.150 --> 00:11:55.460
 Steve Tomkinson

00:12:00.490 --> 00:12:01.520
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:12:05.030 --> 00:12:19.100
 Sean Bussell
 Uh, so you could do that and then also in partnership with an SMS message or leaving voicemails or, you know, whatever it might be. But again, it's kind of just been proven now that if you can remind these people and they're really nice.

00:12:05.050 --> 00:12:05.390
 Steve Tomkinson

00:12:19.750 --> 00:12:24.580
 Sean Bussell
 Way that you'll likely more likely to get them attend.

00:12:25.710 --> 00:12:27.630
 Sean Bussell
 The appointment. It's such a simple statement.

00:12:26.060 --> 00:12:55.000
 Steve Tomkinson
 And and The thing is that whole price, the whole process of that is it's we're automating that so it it doesn't uh there isn't a huge effort on the part of a Yum outbound calls or you know like I said setting up a load of emails and things like that even though emails can be automated quite easily and like I said, they're not effective as as much as I a Facebook note coming up. But that whole process the automation of that process saves a lot of time.

00:12:48.790 --> 00:12:49.180
 Sean Bussell

00:12:55.700 --> 00:13:10.390
 Steve Tomkinson
 Which is then the saving in the in the fact that you're getting the the appointments attended or reappointed up or simply cancelled. And OK, that's a loss, but at least you have that slot like you will mention it. So they works quite well you know.

00:13:10.240 --> 00:13:36.450
 Sean Bussell
 See I I think The thing is and you might even notice, you're probably know this better than I do. But when you when you have a voice bot that call someone and you get the confirmation from the person at the phone Gray if you get the confirmation through a chatbot, say yes, I'm going to attend. We can collect that data and feed that into a database to go right. These are the people that told us they're coming. I'm not so sure how easily you can do that via email.

00:13:19.760 --> 00:13:20.090
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:27.110 --> 00:13:27.520
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:31.230 --> 00:13:31.590
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:37.100 --> 00:14:01.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, it's a. It's a. The thing is you've got some positive two way response ING as. So it's a conversation you're having. So even if it's chat or voice, you're having a conversation in, in that conversation you're gathering data and email isn't quite the same as a conversation. You had someone way. It's a one way St. So if somebody says uh I've I've I'm going to attend.

00:13:52.860 --> 00:13:53.350
 Sean Bussell

00:14:01.780 --> 00:14:25.170
 Steve Tomkinson
 You've got really strong positive confirmation that they're going to attend, probably better than even clicking on a link in the email chain. But if you've got somebody that is, uh, earlier voicemail, you can't at least know that the voice mails been left on something that's very personal to them. That's very it likely to be picked up. So even if you don't get through to voicemail can be left.

00:14:26.330 --> 00:14:36.960
 Steve Tomkinson
 But then if you re appoint, then of course you've got all those diet data of the reappointment. You can clear your clear appointment on that day. You've got all the the the data that you need to start.

00:14:37.870 --> 00:14:48.500
 Steve Tomkinson
 Profiling what's happening with that appointment, you know, and it makes so much more difference than that than just a simple email. You know, you've got you've got the data.

00:14:47.050 --> 00:14:47.940
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, I.

00:14:49.070 --> 00:14:59.780
 Sean Bussell
 I think with the email I'm imagining that you would to you in a hope to see you. Then if you need to reboot then you give them a link and that's what he is. I guess as far as or you could take it.

00:14:57.090 --> 00:14:57.900
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, that's right.

00:14:59.870 --> 00:15:24.120
 Steve Tomkinson
 But with what we know that the people don't use those so that dumb, you know, we've been talking to lots of different businesses and you know the reminder by text which you know it's getting onto their phone. So it's there but the reminder by text and then clicking on the link in attacks to then go and confirm or actually reappoint any of those mechanisms are just not being taken up.

00:15:03.210 --> 00:15:03.720
 Sean Bussell

00:15:25.370 --> 00:15:46.440
 Steve Tomkinson
 But if you're actually speaking to somebody where it being a bot, but like you said, they're very, they're very natural sounding, so they can manage lots of processes. They can respond and understand. The crucial thing about their voice bots, for instance, as though they now understand, you understand what is being said really easily. So.

00:15:47.110 --> 00:15:53.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 That means, then, that you can you get a confirmation. That's a true confirmation, and somebody will engage with that.

00:15:54.350 --> 00:16:25.030
 Sean Bussell
 And and like I said, either you can you can do the voice bot in conjunction with SMS and sometimes the way that that can even manifest itself is that you ask the person if they're going to attend. If they do say no, the bot can say, well, would you like to? You know, I can read book you right now if you like. No, not really sure. OK, well, I'll send you a text message if you like with the leg. So you can just talk, you know, sort it out yourself. And so you're again, you're sussing out from the customer what their preferred channel is. And, you know, making sure that you're playing in this space.

00:16:12.840 --> 00:16:13.700
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:16:22.970 --> 00:16:23.320
 Steve Tomkinson

00:16:25.080 --> 00:16:25.840
 Sean Bussell
 They're playing in.

00:16:27.170 --> 00:16:56.580
 Sean Bussell
 But I'd say the underlying thing with with with this broadcasting is that it's just so powerful in terms of reducing chair or missed appointments and which is expensive. It's expensive because you've got then it go at either and acquire new customers or you've got people like eye doctors sat around because Mr. Johnson didn't turn up, but you didn't know. You just wait until 2:44 and thought, I guess he's not coming in and guess he's not coming in there and it's it's it's just it's wasted time and effort.

00:16:34.830 --> 00:16:35.910
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:16:51.860 --> 00:16:53.610
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:16:56.630 --> 00:17:14.680
 Sean Bussell
 Which which people could just just do without now. There's some smart things that people will have on their phones and Google does this really well in terms of, you know, if you've integrated an appointment into your Google Calendar, can you can get mind at that way. And that plays on the same.

00:17:00.090 --> 00:17:00.420
 Steve Tomkinson

00:17:11.970 --> 00:17:12.360
 Steve Tomkinson

00:17:15.310 --> 00:17:39.820
 Sean Bussell
 Same premise. Uh, I've even got it so that the location settings all there as well. So if I've got an appointment at 11:00 o'clock, I'll get the reminder from Google about the appointment. But also you need to leave it. You know, 10:40 if you're gonna get there on time. So you've got these really cool things. But not every business has that going on. And of course, you're relying then on a third party to do you're chasing up for you.

00:17:30.090 --> 00:17:31.180
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:17:35.710 --> 00:17:36.040
 Steve Tomkinson

00:17:39.760 --> 00:18:09.410
 Steve Tomkinson
 It's probably something that can be done for the business, though, and we can force that engagements, especially if you're using a Google Voice assistant. So if you're actually using Uhm assistant in Google, then you could actually integrate a calendar. Uh, because it would know. And even then you'd probably get an alert out from Google Assistant to go Steve, you got an appointment in 50 minutes. You need to leave in the next 10 minutes.

00:18:09.880 --> 00:18:10.330
 Sean Bussell

00:18:09.880 --> 00:18:13.320
 Steve Tomkinson
 Add to get there on time. So then your UM.

00:18:13.910 --> 00:18:36.600
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, you Google mini or whatever you've got in the house will be actually alerting you to do that. So that's another route to voice to to make that work. You know, so those all those things are actually quite possible, you know. But yeah, it has to be integrated in, but it means that you can leverage that power so you can actually do this thing that you're talking about. You can actually do it. You know, so it should be quite cold.

00:18:35.420 --> 00:18:48.270
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, I mean, it's just it's just taking your customer communications to another dimension. You know, I get spammed by the gym I go to with generic emails, but you know, it's like every other day and stick.

00:18:41.000 --> 00:18:41.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:18:47.570 --> 00:18:48.530
 Steve Tomkinson
 Never read them.

00:18:49.150 --> 00:18:49.420
 Sean Bussell

00:18:49.580 --> 00:18:49.870
 Steve Tomkinson

00:18:50.230 --> 00:19:07.080
 Sean Bussell
 I'm waiting. Ever just. I'm just, you know, it will get to the end of the month and I'll. I'll search, you know, name of the gym in and then I'll just mass delete the 40 emails I've received over the month because I've doubled o'clock my inbox. So that's that's the way that works.

00:18:57.860 --> 00:18:58.450
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:19:04.280 --> 00:19:04.830
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, no.

00:19:06.670 --> 00:19:25.300
 Steve Tomkinson
 And they put those emails are costing the business money. You know, you and email is not a free mechanism is it's cheap, but it's not free, you know? So that's still costing money to automate those emails. Send it out through a platform, whatever the mechanism is that still costing money per email?

00:19:26.220 --> 00:19:30.760
 Steve Tomkinson
 So you could say that anyway, just do something. It's best smaller.

00:19:31.150 --> 00:19:53.390
 Sean Bussell
 I think you gotta mute it. It's about striking a balance with the stuff always, because if you just spam people with irrelevant information, you'll just you'll just laugh them off. But if it's hype targeted and relevant, likes a reminder about your appointment, if it's oh, you've got PT session booked in tomorrow, is that still good? That's that's relevant to you, that's helpful.

00:19:41.550 --> 00:19:41.980
 Steve Tomkinson

00:19:50.440 --> 00:19:51.090
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:19:53.760 --> 00:19:54.070
 Steve Tomkinson

00:19:54.060 --> 00:19:58.310
 Sean Bussell
 Tell me that you've got, you know, 5% off hamburgers.

00:19:59.940 --> 00:20:06.010
 Sean Bussell
 This week I'm not interested. I mean, I'm not really interested. It's not. It's not relevant, you know, it's.

00:20:05.200 --> 00:20:08.770
 Steve Tomkinson
 Is that what happens at your gym is that you get 5% off your burgers.

00:20:08.210 --> 00:20:20.130
 Sean Bussell
 Like I think the first example I came up with, if I'm honest Avi, the way it was possibly the second because I thought jam Donuts, but I thought he's he's uh, if it's 5% off jam Donuts, I'm probably down there to be honest.

00:20:11.780 --> 00:20:12.150
 Steve Tomkinson

00:20:20.170 --> 00:20:25.030
 Steve Tomkinson
 Like your diet, your deal diets. Obviously it renders view getting these in emails and messages.

00:20:27.140 --> 00:20:40.380
 Sean Bussell
 Well, as I mentioned, I don't read the emails so I can tell you I've got. I've got those cops. It can't relate. I can't relate to the real life example because I don't read it. We just the whole it's just the whole premise.

00:20:29.780 --> 00:20:33.280
 Steve Tomkinson
 OK, alright, alright, let's you save that. Well done.

00:20:40.810 --> 00:20:41.200
 Steve Tomkinson

00:20:42.000 --> 00:21:12.250
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, I like that's that was really interesting. I think come I I think that's you know we're set the scene there really that some you know broadcast probably isn't used as much as it could be. It's a really powerful tool but our speech carefully but the the app bound to power of voice now is is really powerful and it's so it's a very accepted method if it's done properly then it's it's gonna work well and the same with through the Facebook Messenger stuff you know if you can get that automated get it get it working.

00:21:12.300 --> 00:21:43.130
 Steve Tomkinson
 For you segmented down really personal like you're saying if you send them the right message at the right time, then you get engagement and that's always always the key thing. But it's so costly to not have these appointments or for gems for instance, like we're saying not to use the membership or any membership. In fact, you know you could be add down any membership organization is still have the same story on this. So you know those those are crucial stuff. So that thanks. Thanks for you know taking through that stuff that's really interesting.

00:21:40.460 --> 00:21:40.810
 Sean Bussell

00:21:43.440 --> 00:21:53.090
 Sean Bussell
 No worries, I hope. Yeah. And and and I hope everyone else found that interesting as well. And as ever if you got any questions queries want to find out more than just drop us a line will be happy to have a chat.

00:21:53.540 --> 00:21:57.670
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, superb. Thank you very much. Every alright. See you later. Cheers man.