Disruption Works Chit Chat

Charities automating the conversation via voice and chat with Tom houwing

February 23, 2023 Disruption Works Season 3 Episode 3
Charities automating the conversation via voice and chat with Tom houwing
Disruption Works Chit Chat
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Disruption Works Chit Chat
Charities automating the conversation via voice and chat with Tom houwing
Feb 23, 2023 Season 3 Episode 3
Disruption Works

Tom and I discuss how charities can take advantage of the superb technology of voicebots and chatbots that is being used as common place in more and more businesses, but charities can be behind the curve it using this technology.

Ironically these are the organisations who need to save money more and more in this financial climate we are all in at the moment.

When funding is down then you need to be smarter so having scalable and integrated bots doing the heavy lifting is the way to go.

Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email info@disruptionworks.co.uk with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)

Show Notes Transcript

Tom and I discuss how charities can take advantage of the superb technology of voicebots and chatbots that is being used as common place in more and more businesses, but charities can be behind the curve it using this technology.

Ironically these are the organisations who need to save money more and more in this financial climate we are all in at the moment.

When funding is down then you need to be smarter so having scalable and integrated bots doing the heavy lifting is the way to go.

Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email info@disruptionworks.co.uk with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)

0:0:3.10 --> 0:0:12.420
 Steve Tomkinson
 So hello, everybody. Welcome to another edition of Disruption works chit chat with Tom and Steve. Hi, Tom. How you doing? You're right.

0:0:12.660 --> 0:0:14.580
 tom (gast)
 Hi Steve, I'm doing fine you.

0:0:14.780 --> 0:0:18.820
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, not too bad. Not too bad. I I hear your.

0:0:19.510 --> 0:0:26.290
 Steve Tomkinson
 Turn work with schools at the moment with helping out teaching using your German skills. Is that right?

0:0:27.710 --> 0:0:28.950
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, that's that's correct.

0:0:29.790 --> 0:0:30.340
 tom (gast)

0:0:29.340 --> 0:0:41.430
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, it's good. It's it's a good thing to do. It's it's a nice kind of extra string to your bow. And you were talking German to me the other day about Sean. No idea what you were saying. I'm very sorry about that.

0:0:54.780 --> 0:0:55.330
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, alright.

0:0:57.310 --> 0:0:57.660
 Steve Tomkinson

0:1:1.880 --> 0:1:2.230
 Steve Tomkinson

0:1:4.980 --> 0:1:6.220
 Steve Tomkinson
 Right, right.

0:1:10.880 --> 0:1:11.310
 Steve Tomkinson

0:0:42.770 --> 0:1:11.920
 tom (gast)
 No, but it's actually it's a serious problem we have in the Netherlands today and it's not only in the Netherlands, it's also as far as I I I know it's also the same situation in Sweden and part partly in Germany as well that there is a serious shortage of teachers for those who are in the secondary school secondary. And so I decided to just contribute a little where I can to make sure that.

0:1:16.100 --> 0:1:17.70
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:1:20.540 --> 0:1:20.730
 Steve Tomkinson

0:1:12.10 --> 0:1:24.820
 tom (gast)
 And our youngsters get their lessons anyway, so that they're not sitting around eating and drinking coffee and in in, in the counting all the time doing nothing. That doesn't make any sense when you're 1415 years old.

0:1:26.600 --> 0:1:26.840
 tom (gast)

0:1:29.520 --> 0:1:31.130
 tom (gast)
 Yes, yes.

0:1:24.470 --> 0:1:35.700
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, no, absolutely, absolutely. And it's crucial time as well for them to do that. So yeah, no, it's a very admirable thing to do. You've given up few spare time to do it. So you know it can't.

0:1:36.660 --> 0:1:39.620
 Steve Tomkinson
 Let's say it's a superb thing to them. Well, it.

0:1:47.410 --> 0:1:48.940
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, I said.

0:1:38.850 --> 0:1:59.0
 tom (gast)
 No one actually from the basic from from the beginning. I'm I'm I'm schooled. And also I'm I'm schooled as a teacher party as well. So use this to use this knowledge and these this opportunity to help the youngsters to help youngsters I mean that's the that's how I work. Just trying to help.

0:1:57.840 --> 0:2:10.330
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, not scared us. It's great. Sincerity. Yeah. See. Well it. Thanks. Thanks again for for joining the podcast. Everybody. And we were gonna talk about today.

0:2:11.740 --> 0:2:17.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 This uh conversation automation within charities and.

0:2:18.560 --> 0:2:36.750
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know, we're already working with quite a few big charities in the UK and there are kind of age charity, so Age UK, they're they're quite predominant, one for us and but also disability charities and you know people who are.

0:2:37.720 --> 0:2:48.210
 Steve Tomkinson
 Really, really need a service within our kind of social strata. That and then they're not necessarily getting the support for all the time.

0:2:49.250 --> 0:3:0.690
 Steve Tomkinson
 And those charities themselves are pushed. You know, the funding is very tight at the moment when we're in a a background of of.

0:3:1.480 --> 0:3:8.610
 Steve Tomkinson
 But for real financial straits, the charities get hit really hard. You know that there's a severe gap in there.

0:3:8.950 --> 0:3:22.950
 Steve Tomkinson
 And that fundraising, and they just don't get the funds they used to have. So they've gotta be smarter and that one of the things that I wanted to kind of talk to you about today, Tom, was really about how.

0:3:23.850 --> 0:3:26.950
 Steve Tomkinson
 Charities can be smarter within their processes.

0:3:28.410 --> 0:3:30.470
 Steve Tomkinson
 If I if I kind of.

0:3:31.270 --> 0:3:33.120
 Steve Tomkinson
 Lay out a little bit of what we're doing.

0:3:34.490 --> 0:3:34.990
 Steve Tomkinson

0:3:36.10 --> 0:3:40.420
 Steve Tomkinson
 Age UK at the moment we've got some partners on that. We're doing work with.

0:3:41.310 --> 0:3:49.500
 Steve Tomkinson
 But literally had a chat this morning with a one of their partners who wants to integrate into their Salesforce and that's.

0:3:50.180 --> 0:4:4.260
 Steve Tomkinson
 That's a huge step for them to try and do this whole self-service journey, which has gotta be the case these days. You know, you've gotta be able to self-serve as much as possible, no matter what the organization. When when you agree.

0:4:12.910 --> 0:4:14.170
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:4:5.230 --> 0:4:17.220
 tom (gast)
 Yes, of course. I mean, let's face it, I mean where you can or where you can automate in a sensible way where it makes sense automate where it gets, it gets sensitive, where it gets complicated.

0:4:23.770 --> 0:4:23.990
 Steve Tomkinson

0:4:18.460 --> 0:4:36.800
 tom (gast)
 Try to find the right customer service or the right way to to contact customers. But the simple or the more the more easier noncomplex work. Getting some kind of data using asking easy questions is all perfectly automatable by voice bots perfectly.

0:4:46.510 --> 0:4:46.830
 tom (gast)

0:4:36.370 --> 0:5:1.640
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They all know. And. And it was. It's just surprises me how much, how little kind of automation is in the churches that we keep bumping into. And I think it's one of those things that, like, we're scratching around, kind of trying to sell this to businesses and getting them up to speed. But I think charities are even further behind the curve because it's not something they think about it that much.

0:5:2.430 --> 0:5:4.880
 tom (gast)
 Has it? Maybe there's something to do with the fact that?

0:5:4.960 --> 0:5:19.410
 tom (gast)
 And organizations or people who want to engage other people to contribute to charities that they think it would be a better, more personal way and a more convincing way to do that, always in a personal way.

0:5:19.600 --> 0:5:20.690
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:5:20.700 --> 0:5:39.610
 tom (gast)
 But I mean that that is maybe old school again because today 2023 you can automate certain parts of that conversation or that dialogue and where it gets really tricky or where it gets really sensitive, then switch to a live agent or a live person or whatever you choose.

0:6:3.340 --> 0:6:3.710
 tom (gast)

0:5:39.230 --> 0:6:11.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, well, absolutely. And that's and that's their kind of the point of the conversation we're talking about earlier the the big pets for around Age UK partners, for instance, is that like every country NHS is getting pushed. We've got a lot of bed blocking in the USA, the UK at the moment with people not being able to leave hospital because they've got a care plan to be able to leave hospital. So the social care side of things is not picking up that part. So Age UK is starting to become part of that social care.

0:6:11.130 --> 0:6:17.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 Picture in a very strong way, you know, fair place them for the older people. That's exactly what they're doing.

0:6:18.220 --> 0:6:18.570
 tom (gast)

0:6:21.160 --> 0:6:21.420
 tom (gast)

0:6:32.730 --> 0:6:33.160
 tom (gast)

0:6:17.890 --> 0:6:36.730
 Steve Tomkinson
 So there's a bigger referral journey, so and that's a kind of a quite complicated journey if that's done over the phone and just to a human agent, it takes a long time to take all those details, get the referral into the system, set up a case, all that type of stuff and it's mad.

0:6:42.990 --> 0:6:43.280
 Steve Tomkinson

0:6:48.130 --> 0:6:48.440
 Steve Tomkinson

0:6:52.560 --> 0:6:52.890
 Steve Tomkinson

0:6:35.460 --> 0:6:57.430
 tom (gast)
 That's very elaborate. It's very elaborate. I mean to have then you have to have a huge number of persons behind the call center. Who are it was going to take those calls and register all those calls and blah blah blah all that comes with it. I mean let me give you an A fast example of what's going on in the Netbeans last two weeks because the earthquake in Turkey and Iran.

0:6:58.120 --> 0:6:59.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah.

0:7:8.770 --> 0:7:9.90
 Steve Tomkinson

0:7:16.140 --> 0:7:16.470
 Steve Tomkinson

0:6:57.890 --> 0:7:17.750
 tom (gast)
 And the the Dutch television simply pushes out these messages like please contribute. Please contribute, please contribute and then maybe takes a week, but then you just can contribute and when you can phone or you can SMS or you can just make it a transfer over your bank and if your phone is fully automated.

0:7:18.260 --> 0:7:18.920
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, right.

0:7:20.210 --> 0:7:20.540
 Steve Tomkinson

0:7:26.410 --> 0:7:26.790
 Steve Tomkinson

0:7:38.280 --> 0:7:38.730
 Steve Tomkinson

0:7:41.550 --> 0:7:41.880
 Steve Tomkinson

0:7:19.40 --> 0:7:44.40
 tom (gast)
 Fully automated and it doesn't make any sense because you know what you what? You're what the charity is. You know what? You're you're contributing to. And that message has already been given. But on the other hand, if that message is not clear, you still have to sort of pull people over a certain kind of emotional threshold in order to make them pay something for charity. And maybe that just gets a little bit more complicated. Yeah, of course.

0:7:48.250 --> 0:7:48.500
 tom (gast)

0:7:55.770 --> 0:7:56.90
 tom (gast)

0:7:43.720 --> 0:8:0.120
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. So and that's a different call out for stuff like donations, isn't it? Cause like you said, you know that there's a very clear and presence UM request, uh, for all the Turkey, Syria stuff and we've got the same you know, so I could understand that's a very simple.

0:8:0.210 --> 0:8:8.870
 Steve Tomkinson
 And message to go across. How would you like to donate 10 pounds, 20 pounds, £50 type of message and you say and itself?

0:8:6.170 --> 0:8:14.990
 tom (gast)
 And then and then the very nice, very nice and friendly recorded message. Thank you very much for helping out and blah blah blah and it works perfectly perfectly. OK.

0:8:15.340 --> 0:8:46.770
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah. And I'm supposed that's the. That's the point. Really. You those bits of the process that it doesn't really need the hand holding for is is absolutely. And in every single occasion, especially with charities, it's got to be automated because if you've got charity donations and we've got, you know, hundreds and hundreds of small charities and that and it takes a certain amount of level of administration to administer a an organization of anything.

0:8:47.130 --> 0:8:51.670
 Steve Tomkinson
 But if you're donations and you've only got a small charity doing, you know, say.

0:8:52.570 --> 0:9:2.480
 Steve Tomkinson
 If they're looking a million quids worth of donations to then have a lot of that down to the administration because the the humans involved that's mad, you know.

0:9:5.920 --> 0:9:6.210
 Steve Tomkinson

0:9:2.70 --> 0:9:9.540
 tom (gast)
 Doesn't make any sense. Just to give you an idea of call center costs, I mean a normal average call in Western Europe.

0:9:14.70 --> 0:9:14.310
 Steve Tomkinson

0:9:17.990 --> 0:9:18.320
 Steve Tomkinson

0:9:22.220 --> 0:9:22.530
 Steve Tomkinson

0:9:26.970 --> 0:9:27.450
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:9:11.390 --> 0:9:29.530
 tom (gast)
 Being taken care of a call center agent costs about €4.80 until €5.20 per per call, and then we will based on average call of about around and about 2 1/2 three minutes. So if somebody's only going to.

0:9:29.670 --> 0:9:37.460
 tom (gast)
 To to to contribute with five or or £10. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense.

0:9:34.960 --> 0:10:4.650
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's like nothing and that and that. And of course, that's. And then when you've got much longer calls. Like, I was saying about the referral system in, you know, if you've got a then a 15 minute call to refer some of the end because that's because you gotta take a lot of information then you know that's form process providing this simple enough should just be done automated wise the the the integration with we're talking to.

0:10:17.920 --> 0:10:18.230
 tom (gast)
 You know.

0:10:4.710 --> 0:10:34.960
 Steve Tomkinson
 I wanted the HTK people about Salesforce is a referral and it's gonna take probably about I'd say about 20-30 data points inputted through their chat bot and then it's gonna go straight into the Salesforce. It'll raise a case when the Salesforce it'll send the person up in Salesforce, it'll save the referrers so they've all the information and then that generates an outbound from their team to go high. Bob, you need some help.

0:10:54.120 --> 0:10:54.650
 tom (gast)

0:10:57.420 --> 0:10:58.500
 tom (gast)
 That also, yeah.

0:10:35.380 --> 0:10:59.690
 Steve Tomkinson
 I'm. I've got all your information here and I've already sorted out some of your plan. Knowing that then starts you've already started doing the caring bit, which is the bit that you were saying needs to be the human. It needs to be that interaction because most charities have a human element, you know, and that's the bit that needs to be there needs to be a human. We couldn't do that with a a robot. That would be the wrong thing.

0:11:7.200 --> 0:11:7.410
 Steve Tomkinson

0:11:12.60 --> 0:11:12.340
 Steve Tomkinson

0:11:0.90 --> 0:11:13.60
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, I'm, I mean, but if you if you want people to contribute to charities, you also need to sort of convince them. And in order to convince them they are, you need a personal contact, a psychological factor.

0:11:13.490 --> 0:11:13.830
 tom (gast)

0:11:15.40 --> 0:11:15.650
 tom (gast)

0:11:13.500 --> 0:11:33.620
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, absolutely. And but, but also the bits that are. But if you can demonstrate that actually you're being quite smart as a charity even then, the likelihood that somebody's actually gonna donate money in the 1st place is gonna be better because they'll go while they're gonna. They're smarter with our stuff. They're efficient, that are efficient. Charity. So.

0:11:34.470 --> 0:11:36.700
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, I'm gonna give to those people because.

0:11:46.550 --> 0:11:48.0
 tom (gast)
 Exactly, yeah.

0:11:37.370 --> 0:11:57.540
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know you want your money to go as far as close to the cause as possible. You don't want it be taken up in administrative costs if you can possibly help it. It's always the big dog bear, isn't it? When you're trying to give to a charity and you go well, I gave them £10, but three of that went to just somebody shuffling paperwork around, you know.

0:12:1.530 --> 0:12:3.450
 Steve Tomkinson
 No. Well, I'm not. I know that you know.

0:12:8.370 --> 0:12:9.350
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:11:56.820 --> 0:12:13.420
 tom (gast)
 Yeah. And that's and that's that's that's even a low percentage percentage because we have we have hurt you know we we have heard things like 5060% is lost just by administrative blah blah blah instead of.

0:12:14.110 --> 0:12:15.880
 tom (gast)
 Going to the Turkey right now.

0:12:13.110 --> 0:12:17.80
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. You know, it's totally crazy that.

0:12:16.800 --> 0:12:18.40
 tom (gast)
 It's terrible, yeah.

0:12:17.990 --> 0:12:18.940
 Steve Tomkinson
 I mean the.

0:12:19.20 --> 0:12:19.390
 Steve Tomkinson

0:12:20.50 --> 0:12:49.350
 Steve Tomkinson
 At one of the big bits is that you know depends on your audience and like you, you you mentioned that there's this direct message with a a donation for A cause. That's all demonstrated. It's all quick, it's urgent and needs to be done. They can't scale that. But you can with automation. But if you've got also got people who are. So again if I take the medical professional side of things on Age UK stuff.

0:13:13.480 --> 0:13:13.740
 tom (gast)

0:13:18.980 --> 0:13:19.410
 tom (gast)

0:12:50.130 --> 0:13:20.480
 Steve Tomkinson
 They are. They have medical professionals. They just wanna referral out of their hospital bed. They want to make sure that they're gonna have a care package set up for the patient that sat in front of them in the ward. And that whole process is now. We know we're now setting up the automation to do that. And because Age UK staff aren't in at 10:00, o'clock in the evening where they wanna set up a a care package for Joe who needs to go home, you know, that's that's not.

0:13:20.560 --> 0:13:24.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 The process, but if you've got an automation in there and process.

0:13:25.370 --> 0:13:26.280
 Steve Tomkinson
 It's done.

0:13:27.130 --> 0:13:32.540
 Steve Tomkinson
 Pretty much to the end until they get the call back tomorrow morning and then that's said it all up.

0:13:44.590 --> 0:13:45.930
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:13:56.10 --> 0:13:56.280
 Steve Tomkinson

0:13:33.280 --> 0:13:57.760
 tom (gast)
 Yes, I think you're right. But this only works. Of course when the process is very clear, both for the caller and for the the the company that takes care of the this page. So if the process is clear and the momentums that needs to be taken care of are clear, then you have a perfect scenario for a full automation and with the quality automation as well.

0:13:58.280 --> 0:14:27.990
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, absolutely. And I think that's the case with the, the stuff that we've been talking about here because there is a a clear path, they all know what needs to be happening. There's a lot of collaboration now between Age UK and the NHS and you know we're through partners throughout the country, you know, with kind of getting that link up so that any older people can get actually get a referral straight in or it's via an organization that's managing those things, put the processes is always the same.

0:14:28.230 --> 0:14:35.50
 Steve Tomkinson
 It's always they need to have certain questions. They've gotta have the right details so they can kick that process off.

0:14:53.660 --> 0:14:54.620
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, yeah.

0:15:3.10 --> 0:15:3.280
 tom (gast)

0:14:35.870 --> 0:15:7.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 And it and it's still the human element that goes right, can I? I I've got all the information I've set up this, this and this. It's already done because I had the information to do all those things. He's got a care package. You can now discharge him from hospital and and we'll come and pick him up, you know? And it's you know, so do all that process is done. But it it was kicked off at 10:30 at last night, you know. And now he's getting picked up next day and the release of that as such a knock on effect.

0:15:9.110 --> 0:15:9.620
 tom (gast)
 Of course.

0:15:7.130 --> 0:15:13.220
 Steve Tomkinson
 Ohh, the whole process that it makes it's it's such a powerful tool you know. So it's really good.

0:15:23.300 --> 0:15:23.640
 Steve Tomkinson

0:15:34.480 --> 0:15:35.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:15:13.740 --> 0:15:41.250
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, but but you also know that. I mean, this sounds really amazing, but it's very dependent on the structure. This is behind the automation. So if the infrastructure and the whole process that automates this kind of procedures is in order and fit for fight, then these things work very well. But you know as well as I do that when I first step is made to automate with voicebots then.

0:15:49.330 --> 0:15:49.720
 Steve Tomkinson

0:15:51.730 --> 0:15:52.40
 Steve Tomkinson

0:15:55.190 --> 0:15:55.530
 Steve Tomkinson

0:15:42.270 --> 0:16:5.710
 tom (gast)
 In the first phase, we are never really allowed to totally or fully integrating back ends, so that needs to go step by step and then you do only a part and that doesn't work very well because that doesn't work. That doesn't. So you need to be sure that all those components are able to sort of talk with each other when you automate in order to make it effective and efficient.

0:16:6.310 --> 0:16:16.380
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, I think you're right. And the bit that I'm seeing with with this example like you're talking about is the the fact that their processes are now sorted sorted.

0:16:16.500 --> 0:16:18.50
 Steve Tomkinson
 And a very.

0:16:46.160 --> 0:16:46.590
 tom (gast)

0:16:18.590 --> 0:16:49.710
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, very mature in the fact that they're integrated into Salesforce. Salesforce is set up with its own internal automation to kick off alerts, kick jobs up tasks and all that type of stuff. So they have workflows that actually we will be then triggering, you know. So we'll do our API calls with all the information that's been gathered and it'll be pushed into Salesforce. That then raises jobs for the people inside, you know, so you know you've got direct collaboration between the bot saying.

0:16:55.760 --> 0:16:57.370
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, makes sense.

0:16:49.820 --> 0:17:5.90
 Steve Tomkinson
 I've briefed you with everything and the human picking up and going. Yeah. Great. That's fine, you know, cause because look in charities, there's always gonna be collaboration between any bottle automation and and the themselves, you know.

0:17:6.110 --> 0:17:7.170
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know always.

0:17:8.110 --> 0:17:8.980
 Steve Tomkinson
 I mean what?

0:17:14.910 --> 0:17:15.190
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:5.140 --> 0:17:16.390
 tom (gast)
 Of course, of course. Call me doing that otherwise but one one. But again, I mean a lots lots of questions, lots of interaction, lots of dialogue is.

0:17:23.580 --> 0:17:23.900
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:17.380 --> 0:17:29.830
 tom (gast)
 Is subject to be automated and can be automated in a very efficient and very user friendly way. Let's not forget and that's what's also something we touched upon last time we spoke in our chitchat.

0:17:30.270 --> 0:17:34.650
 tom (gast)
 And and maybe that's also interesting for people who listen to this podcast.

0:17:34.690 --> 0:17:35.130
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:40.950 --> 0:17:41.230
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:43.670 --> 0:17:43.990
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:47.640 --> 0:17:47.990
 Steve Tomkinson

0:18:0.510 --> 0:18:0.870
 Steve Tomkinson

0:17:35.240 --> 0:18:5.410
 tom (gast)
 In for for 10 years ago, we had we had issues with speech recognition. Today speech recognition is amazing. I mean the accuracy is so, so tremendously high. So we can start with all kinds of open-ended questions and we can do a little investigation in what we call domains in order to make sure that we know about what subject people talk about and we can come with very intelligent answers, very intelligent dialogues.

0:18:5.590 --> 0:18:6.320
 tom (gast)
 So I mean.

0:18:7.480 --> 0:18:15.840
 tom (gast)
 It's all there to be automated efficiently, because today we are capable of creating a truly conversational dialogue style.

0:18:16.230 --> 0:18:46.480
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Well, and and and The thing is with charities, they don't need to worry about the fact that there's an automation in place. Like I said, I think it's a benefit to a charity. I mean, they're like there is a certain amount of. Ohh. Well, if the customer service department doesn't is automated and you know, you could have some sort of negative approach to that that they haven't got enough people in there just taking jobs or something like that. There's a, you know, there's a bit of that. But with the charity not.

0:18:46.570 --> 0:18:50.150
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know, because the charity is just gonna be quite different thing, you know.

0:19:1.530 --> 0:19:1.890
 Steve Tomkinson

0:19:4.160 --> 0:19:4.470
 Steve Tomkinson

0:18:50.480 --> 0:19:9.470
 tom (gast)
 Yes. And also I would like to add something there. I mean what we just touched on was that maybe when in certain situations when people donate £10, five quids spend on administration and now you can have the voicebot saying in order to get the most of your donation.

0:19:9.870 --> 0:19:10.860
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, please use me.

0:19:14.690 --> 0:19:15.730
 Steve Tomkinson
 That's right, yeah.

0:19:10.240 --> 0:19:16.760
 tom (gast)
 Don't wait, voicebots. So we don't need to spend a lot of money on our administration stuff, which makes it very convincing again.

0:19:20.10 --> 0:19:20.200
 tom (gast)

0:19:17.130 --> 0:19:48.870
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. No, that's right. The right message to put across and it you know, a lot of the messaging we're putting across now within the church should work and it's it's help us to to help you, you know, because if you use our chat bar voice part or whatever it is, then you're saving US time and money. Most of the problems and actually not necessarily well it is cost, but they can only scale so much as well you know. So you were saying that, you know, you'd have to have big contact centers and stuff like that, but a lot of charities don't.

0:19:52.350 --> 0:19:52.570
 tom (gast)

0:19:53.710 --> 0:19:54.710
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, that's what.

0:20:4.850 --> 0:20:5.740
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, yeah.

0:20:5.800 --> 0:20:7.990
 Steve Tomkinson
 You think then a person can only do.

0:20:8.900 --> 0:20:9.160
 tom (gast)

0:20:8.750 --> 0:20:11.860
 Steve Tomkinson
 Flat out they can only do three or four of those an hour.

0:20:12.350 --> 0:20:13.740
 tom (gast)
 And yeah, and then you missed the whole thing.

0:20:18.140 --> 0:20:18.970
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, of course.

0:20:14.610 --> 0:20:31.160
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, that's right. But did there's large that just dropped off, you know, just keep dropping off, you know, so it's crazy. So it it's I think it's huge. And and it's something that I kind of wanted to talk about because I'm a bit passionate about the fact that we do some really nice work for charities and.

0:20:38.250 --> 0:20:38.670
 tom (gast)

0:20:32.130 --> 0:20:51.320
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know, it's just trying to get their message across that you've gotta be as smart as you can. And one of the biggest, biggest problems, and bugbears with certain charities since you can't get hold of them, there's no communication methods, you, you know. But if you can turn your charity into an outbound organization more.

0:20:52.150 --> 0:20:57.90
 Steve Tomkinson
 Because you've already gathered all the information because you automated that process then one.

0:20:58.230 --> 0:21:2.180
 Steve Tomkinson
 The all your people would be able to get to everything and they'll go back with the solution.

0:21:3.260 --> 0:21:3.680
 tom (gast)

0:21:2.970 --> 0:21:9.500
 Steve Tomkinson
 And it then it's done. You know, it's so it just changes the whole landscape of of how you don't interact with people.

0:21:8.170 --> 0:21:10.860
 tom (gast)
 Yeah. And it's a very yeah. And it's a very.

0:21:21.420 --> 0:21:21.740
 Steve Tomkinson

0:21:25.400 --> 0:21:26.330
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, that's right.

0:21:10.960 --> 0:21:27.420
 tom (gast)
 And very user friendly way of automating. I mean it's it's it's conversational, it's friendly, it's consistent in quality as well. I mean it's 24/7 if you want to whatever it's yeah.

0:21:27.290 --> 0:21:36.90
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, no, it is. It's huge. I mean, you know, and from an inclusivity perspective, it's really interesting. We were doing a lot of language work with.

0:21:36.170 --> 0:21:36.620
 Steve Tomkinson

0:21:44.230 --> 0:21:44.550
 tom (gast)

0:21:36.780 --> 0:21:51.150
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, with even with age, Cumbrae actually cause Welsh is a is a an important language to the to Wales, and so everything had to be in dual language, but only if it was requested.

0:22:7.760 --> 0:22:9.890
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, yeah, good.

0:22:14.20 --> 0:22:14.250
 tom (gast)

0:21:51.960 --> 0:22:19.610
 Steve Tomkinson
 And we were going to do the whole track where it was gonna be English like it was going to be Welsh, copy typed. So it was all there. But actually we ended up leveraging the Google Translate. And Google translates to a very, very good job of Welsh from English, you know. And it's it's pretty, pretty blooming good, you know. So you kind of go well, OK, that allows them to communicate and Welsh. But if you think of more.

0:22:20.210 --> 0:22:24.670
 Steve Tomkinson
 And the communities within our our country that have.

0:22:44.580 --> 0:22:45.740
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, yeah.

0:22:50.120 --> 0:22:50.410
 tom (gast)

0:22:25.640 --> 0:22:53.630
 Steve Tomkinson
 That speak loudly. Different languages in English isn't their first language, then it means they can actually interact with inline translation in the chat box. Stuff that we do. So if they speak earlier, and that's what they understand, it's not gonna be perfect earthy, but it would be enough for them to understand what the service is and how to do it, you know, and what to fill in and what they've just been asked for and all that type of stuff, you know, so all that works really well, so massively inclusive.

0:23:4.520 --> 0:23:4.950
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, yeah.

0:23:6.710 --> 0:23:7.150
 Steve Tomkinson

0:22:52.170 --> 0:23:7.770
 tom (gast)
 Well, we were actually. Yeah. Well, well, you know, for your, for your information, we're actually prototyping a a a voice bot where one part, for instance, talks English. And the other part folks Hindu back and the voicebot.

0:23:12.660 --> 0:23:13.120
 Steve Tomkinson

0:23:8.930 --> 0:23:17.860
 tom (gast)
 Translates on the fly in real time, so you talk with each other as if you were using Google Translate on your phone.

0:23:18.710 --> 0:23:24.550
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, that's. And that's amazing. I, I I, Martin, actually.

0:23:26.900 --> 0:23:30.630
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, we have been talking about this and we have been discussing this that you worked out.

0:23:32.420 --> 0:23:32.650
 tom (gast)

0:23:35.650 --> 0:23:35.910
 tom (gast)

0:23:38.690 --> 0:23:38.930
 tom (gast)

0:23:40.350 --> 0:23:40.780
 tom (gast)

0:23:24.690 --> 0:23:49.430
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh demo that to me just recently. Yeah. And it's brilliant. And it's it is really clever cause again, you're just talking in your language. So even as a contact center and you want to actually get a human to do it, it's doing the translation as you go. So and then it's answering and you can kind of hear the you hear the English response to somebody who's speaking, ending. It's amazing.

0:23:45.500 --> 0:23:51.790
 tom (gast)
 It's just, it's just a voice mode. Yeah, it's it's just as a voice bot service. It's just a voice bot service.

0:23:52.480 --> 0:23:52.870
 Steve Tomkinson

0:23:52.950 --> 0:23:57.540
 tom (gast)
 Upon hovering upon the Google translation machine, it works very well.

0:23:55.950 --> 0:23:59.500
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's so clever. So clever, you know.

0:23:58.750 --> 0:24:0.400
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, that's works. Yeah.

0:24:5.510 --> 0:24:6.30
 tom (gast)

0:24:0.420 --> 0:24:14.580
 Steve Tomkinson
 And because it, yeah, it's only, it's just that you actually have a human on both ends and that's so it you know, because you can't afford the different language support that you have like multilingual speakers in a contact center. You know, you just can't do it.

0:24:17.510 --> 0:24:17.910
 Steve Tomkinson

0:24:22.280 --> 0:24:22.650
 Steve Tomkinson

0:24:25.60 --> 0:24:26.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 And now enables it.

0:24:13.620 --> 0:24:26.800
 tom (gast)
 And the only thing, the only thing is that it's sequential still. So you have to wait until the machine has presented your translation so it slows down the process a little, but that that's not the real problem.

0:24:40.540 --> 0:24:41.470
 tom (gast)
 No, it doesn't work.

0:24:47.190 --> 0:24:47.490
 tom (gast)

0:24:27.350 --> 0:24:48.220
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, no, no. And then I was especially if you really do struggle with, you know, English is your first language or whatever your first language is, you know, wherever the contact center is. So you know, it could be Spanish and Hindu. It doesn't really matter. But if that's a real struggle to try and get stuff in there, then that makes a hell of a difference. So it's really powerful.

0:25:7.540 --> 0:25:8.10
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, yeah.

0:25:14.590 --> 0:25:14.840
 Steve Tomkinson

0:24:48.710 --> 0:25:18.610
 tom (gast)
 Still, of course, it's it's really powerful and I see a lot of a lot of potential there. For instance, border security when somebody is picked out somewhere when they travel into a country and they took a flight and they have a suspicious way of acting, what you see on television, those borders, security things. And then when they don't, they don't speak the language and they need to be interviewed. That is portal security staff is help.

0:25:21.450 --> 0:25:21.780
 Steve Tomkinson

0:25:25.260 --> 0:25:25.550
 Steve Tomkinson

0:25:28.50 --> 0:25:29.540
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, it's enabled all that now.

0:25:18.700 --> 0:25:30.430
 tom (gast)
 She's support. It's very much by these systems. Instead of having to talk to a translator and making an appointment and blah blah blah, which costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time, blah blah blah.

0:25:30.210 --> 0:25:36.480
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, because the technology is so good, it's instantly understandable. So you know exactly what's going on. No, no, it's super.

0:25:34.30 --> 0:25:39.860
 tom (gast)
 Exactly. It's not 100%, it's not, it's not 100% word proof, but it's it's almost there.

0:25:41.290 --> 0:25:42.30
 tom (gast)

0:26:3.280 --> 0:26:3.770
 tom (gast)

0:25:39.500 --> 0:26:9.310
 Steve Tomkinson
 But you can communicate. That's the point, you know. And and that's, you know, you have to. I think there's a lot of tolerance for that, you know. But like it kind of dragging us back to the charity story the the point where the is that a lot of charities don't engage with their other communities because of language barriers because they can't afford to get the other people in because they're the donations don't support it. But if you have you can have language support and you can help other communities within your area.

0:26:9.850 --> 0:26:20.20
 Steve Tomkinson
 Then that's it's done and you've bottomed the process. You've got it there. You know you can be specific and you can add answer all the questions that are relevant. You know to what you saw in this is.

0:26:20.800 --> 0:26:21.140
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:19.70 --> 0:26:24.680
 tom (gast)
 That's the. Yeah, that's right. That's correct. That's correct. Yeah, there's a lot of potential there.

0:26:23.440 --> 0:26:32.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well it thanks very much for that. Well, I hope that was interesting for everybody. You know it's it's a bit on the charity stuff. Go on God so.

0:26:34.970 --> 0:26:35.280
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:31.680 --> 0:26:36.630
 tom (gast)
 Yeah. I mean, it's once again, I would like to emphasize that both you and I.

0:26:42.780 --> 0:26:43.30
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:51.260 --> 0:26:51.570
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:37.350 --> 0:26:56.360
 tom (gast)
 Working in the industry with voice automation voicebots everything has to do with it. Google Cloud Solutions API text to speech, speech to text. I mean once again I think we are trying to convince our listeners and making them understand that the technology is so far developed already is so.

0:26:56.130 --> 0:26:56.410
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:59.850 --> 0:27:0.200
 Steve Tomkinson

0:27:4.780 --> 0:27:5.40
 Steve Tomkinson

0:27:6.320 --> 0:27:6.620
 Steve Tomkinson

0:27:20.610 --> 0:27:20.890
 Steve Tomkinson

0:26:58.120 --> 0:27:23.580
 tom (gast)
 Incredibly far already, and that's not stick. In the old days, like for 10 years ago when it didn't work. Today it works very well. Try try, try it out, make some, make some smart decisions, try to automate and effective and efficient way and still keep a user friendly attitude. A conversational style, a high service quality. It's possible today. It's really possible today. It doesn't cost that much.

0:27:26.330 --> 0:27:27.60
 tom (gast)

0:27:22.640 --> 0:27:39.760
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, that's that. It's, it's proven. It's been working. You know, we've got banks and all sorts of people using it and it it it is there and that's I think that's the point we we say every time it's proven technology. This isn't rocket science. It's not science fiction, it's science fact.

0:27:45.990 --> 0:27:46.820
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

0:27:37.600 --> 0:27:52.640
 tom (gast)
 No, it's it's, it's not. No, it's not. It's not the technology of that will pop up in two years from now. It's already here and it's already tested. It works. And so we have to get some people.

0:27:53.280 --> 0:27:53.700
 Steve Tomkinson

0:27:52.720 --> 0:27:53.960
 tom (gast)
 Uh, yeah.

0:27:53.780 --> 0:27:54.80
 Steve Tomkinson

0:27:56.170 --> 0:27:56.540
 Steve Tomkinson

0:28:5.430 --> 0:28:5.660
 Steve Tomkinson

0:28:8.310 --> 0:28:8.740
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, yeah.

0:27:55.150 --> 0:28:15.670
 tom (gast)
 Because if we if we if if we can convince the industries like your like your podcast day industries that are involved in charities, I mean it would be a great advantage for them to in order to keep up a consistent high service quality and saving money and getting more money into the charities.

0:28:17.590 --> 0:28:17.980
 tom (gast)

0:28:39.130 --> 0:28:39.430
 tom (gast)

0:28:41.190 --> 0:28:41.460
 tom (gast)

0:28:13.610 --> 0:28:43.180
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah, no. And and totally scalable around event, you know, so we've got, we've got a charity and I know I I'll try. We try and keep this within a time moment, but we I just occurred to me the exact Turkey, Syria thing that you were talking about. We have a charity that's very local to us in Cornwall called Shelter Box. And what they do is they send a survival boxes out. So with tents with all equipment, you know.

0:29:10.540 --> 0:29:10.930
 tom (gast)

0:28:43.560 --> 0:29:13.470
 Steve Tomkinson
 So they'll have a cold weather, warm if it's cold weather, hot weather, if it's hot, all that type of stuff, very personalized to what the event is. And they said thousands and thousands and thousands of these boxes out and the boxes themselves are really useful boxes as well. They're superb charity. But of course, that's it. You have this event. How are you? How do you scale it and just go gives your donations and scale it. Well, if you've got an automated service like that, placed them, just go. Yeah. Calls only like and it's done.

0:29:22.20 --> 0:29:23.150
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, yeah.

0:29:13.650 --> 0:29:25.320
 Steve Tomkinson
 And if there's 10,000 of you call in now, it doesn't matter if there's ten of you call in now. Doesn't matter. It's. It's there. It's done. You know you've you've gotta in place, you know, it makes such a change.

0:29:25.860 --> 0:29:27.160
 tom (gast)
 Yeah, you're so right.

0:29:26.230 --> 0:29:32.110
 Steve Tomkinson
 Right. Anyway, we need to get our part of our soapbox. People. It works. That's all we need to go, right?

0:29:32.200 --> 0:29:32.460
 Steve Tomkinson

0:29:31.940 --> 0:29:33.310
 tom (gast)
 It really works. It does.

0:29:40.850 --> 0:29:41.170
 Steve Tomkinson

0:29:34.850 --> 0:29:42.100
 tom (gast)
 And what doesn't work? Just for your information that when you have 10,000 calls and only your call center 15 people, then you missed the whole thing.

0:29:44.860 --> 0:29:45.370
 tom (gast)

0:29:42.450 --> 0:29:46.300
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, no, that's absolutely doesn't work. Yeah. And that's the that's the challenge.

0:29:46.880 --> 0:29:47.440
 tom (gast)

0:29:47.160 --> 0:29:49.70
 Steve Tomkinson
 Alright, well I I well, I hope that.

0:29:49.810 --> 0:29:55.60
 Steve Tomkinson
 Did help everybody and to are you enjoyed that? And you know if you.

0:29:55.860 --> 0:30:12.980
 Steve Tomkinson
 Have any ideas and you want to gald of us about different subjects you want to talk about anything in particular and then you can e-mail us on info@disruptionworks.co UK, I mean more than happy to pick that subject up and have a chat and but until next time. Thanks very much. Thanks Tom. Appreciate it.

0:30:14.280 --> 0:30:14.660
 Steve Tomkinson

0:30:13.50 --> 0:30:16.120
 tom (gast)
 Logan, thank you. Do. And next time. Bye.

0:30:15.990 --> 0:30:17.150
 Steve Tomkinson
 Cheers. Bye now.