Disruption Works Chit Chat

Voice automation is great but how can you use it?

Disruption Works Season 1 Episode 18

Sean and Steve discuss how voice automation can be used across a few sectors in our podcast today. From being a lie detector to simply automating a booking. Take a listen at our bitesize podcast and see how voice is going to be the norm when it comes to convenient and available customer service operations.

Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email info@disruptionworks.co.uk with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)

00:00:03.010 --> 00:00:09.920
 Sean Bussell
 Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of DW Chit chat with Sean and Steve Steve. How things.

00:00:10.290 --> 00:00:10.730
 Steve Tomkinson

00:00:10.780 --> 00:00:16.670
 Steve Tomkinson
 Right, no doubts about not smoking like DIY prepping for Christmas making, making sure everything to right.

00:00:15.110 --> 00:00:15.500
 Sean Bussell

00:00:17.300 --> 00:00:19.650
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, so uh yeah busy busy weekend.

00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:29.110
 Sean Bussell
 Rather, you than me on the why I can't stand even my dad would ask me to help him do something. I'll be there for 30 seconds, then I'd already be bored again.

00:00:30.240 --> 00:00:31.790
 Sean Bussell
 I'm just gonna take now that board.

00:00:32.510 --> 00:00:34.260
 Sean Bussell
 Uh, yeah, but.

00:00:35.270 --> 00:00:41.580
 Sean Bussell
 Uh, yeah, I'm not even gonna mention the Formula One 'cause I'm still annoyed about it and I'm sure everyone is. Yeah, we'll move on.

00:00:38.810 --> 00:00:39.200
 Steve Tomkinson

00:00:40.870 --> 00:00:41.410
 Steve Tomkinson
 That's why not.

00:00:42.170 --> 00:00:45.220
 Steve Tomkinson
 Chili's gotta be rules in sport. That's the reason for it.

00:00:44.210 --> 00:00:51.330
 Sean Bussell
 Something, yeah, you think that is rules that someone just doesn't need to make some sort of random decision about what they want to see. They just go.

00:00:50.980 --> 00:00:57.490
 Steve Tomkinson
 I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna call you down now come on back into the room go back into the room it's all right so like showing you.

00:00:53.860 --> 00:00:54.230
 Sean Bussell

00:00:57.080 --> 00:01:24.990
 Sean Bussell
 I know you were throwing somebody out there, but I'm not really going to take it, just mentioning the thing right? Let's get into this Steve. Now in a few previous podcasts, we have discussed voice bots, voice automation and the features and benefits of that type of tech. But I just wanted and focus on. Today was some examples that can help people think. Maybe get some ideas or get thinking about how.

00:01:11.260 --> 00:01:11.600
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:25.050 --> 00:01:29.090
 Sean Bussell
 Voice automation could do be deployed in their business and where it could help out.

00:01:29.140 --> 00:01:30.550
 Sean Bussell
 Well, uh.

00:01:29.850 --> 00:01:30.210
 Steve Tomkinson

00:01:31.440 --> 00:01:43.410
 Sean Bussell
 But efficiencies with, maybe you know, helping full time employees be we distribute to do something else, whatever it might be. So I'm going to hand the mic over really and just say Steve hit us with some examples.

00:01:43.890 --> 00:02:10.250
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, of course there's a. There's lots of sectors that can be covered up with this. You know you've got here in banking, insurance, financial, retail. You know, telecoms, IIT, travel, you name it. Basically everybody has these as the need because we still have a lot of penetration of of phone based communication with customer service or for sales. Or for you know help desks or whatever it may be.

00:02:10.300 --> 00:02:41.490
 Steve Tomkinson
 May come, but you know, we haven't got two hours, so I kind of kind of focused around a couple of sectors really, and so if I I kind of focus around insurance and retail, for instance, there's two Big East there now. Most people listening will not have, you know they will have had experience with, you know, speaking to their insurance company or trying to buy stuff, especially this time of year. You know, we've got huge amounts of parcels flying around the world at the moment, and you know?

00:02:34.670 --> 00:02:35.090
 Sean Bussell

00:02:41.100 --> 00:02:50.370
 Sean Bussell
 And now with sensely more people working from home harder to even get hold of these businesses, this is gonna be a nightmare again, isn't it right? Well, we can, what? What could they do?

00:02:41.550 --> 00:02:42.520
 Steve Tomkinson
 For that reason.

00:02:44.750 --> 00:02:45.200
 Steve Tomkinson

00:02:50.580 --> 00:03:05.570
 Steve Tomkinson
 well well if we tight retail starting point then and so of course the big the big story in retail is. So where's my journey? So where is my order? You know those are the the biggest queries they have now.

00:02:53.350 --> 00:02:53.680
 Sean Bussell

00:03:06.790 --> 00:03:23.900
 Steve Tomkinson
 We tend to find that out. If you're if you got a contact centre or customer service center that is dealing with inbound westmo journeys than what they tend to do is they will follow the script of whatever there is the system will tell them what the status of that is.

00:03:24.450 --> 00:03:47.380
 Steve Tomkinson
 And the system will tell them what they can do next about it, and there will be a you know, double level of order value that will, you know, trigger a refund or a replacement or the last for extra information, whatever those pieces of that process are are pretty much very linear and very.

00:03:48.060 --> 00:04:01.200
 Steve Tomkinson
 Defined already, so that's easy to automate, because of course you can. You know if you know that you're gonna have to have this piece of information, and that's how it's going to be handled by a user.

00:04:01.840 --> 00:04:31.470
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, you know a human agent, then you can do that yourselves by automating it, and then the actual nuanced difficulties about maybe product complaints and things like that you can handover to a human agent where they can spend a bit more time and go through you know more personal details but straightforward, whereas my parcel oh it's with UPS, it's this. It's currently the last that place. It was extra.

00:04:31.910 --> 00:04:54.620
 Steve Tomkinson
 And it's due to for delivery tomorrow. Well, that's all there is it straightforward information and. And if they say it's delivered, you can go right, OK, you know there where is it? Have you checked around the property? Yes, I have OK. Well in that case I need to do X and this is the next part process that can all be self service journeys.

00:04:55.660 --> 00:04:58.420
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, which can be automated with voice bot.

00:04:58.840 --> 00:05:21.850
 Sean Bussell
 And this is a massive amount of the calls because I know from some of the national retail organizations that were engaged with currently that they can take millions and millions of calls. Literally millions of calls a year, and 25% of the calls are. Whereas where's my thing? Where's my package order prescription? Whatever it is, this is a huge amount of calls.

00:05:10.970 --> 00:05:11.330
 Steve Tomkinson

00:05:16.160 --> 00:05:16.780
 Steve Tomkinson
 That's not.

00:05:19.870 --> 00:05:20.250
 Steve Tomkinson

00:05:22.270 --> 00:05:52.200
 Steve Tomkinson
 And actually, some of the other ones which are still quite significant like faulty goods. And, uhm, you know missing items and you know stuff that's damaged on delivery and things like that. There's again very prescriptive journeys. You know it's a good retailer or ecommerce business. You will have that down. You know you'll have to absolutely nailed. So you go right? OK, you can do multi channel.

00:05:52.320 --> 00:05:55.270
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, connectivity with the voice automation so.

00:05:56.250 --> 00:06:07.580
 Steve Tomkinson
 You can actually be on the phone two. I've always bought and go. I've had it's arrived damaged. OK, can you send me a photo of the damaged item, yeah?

00:06:08.490 --> 00:06:14.880
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, if you send the the photo through two or WhatsApp.

00:06:15.600 --> 00:06:21.660
 Steve Tomkinson
 Like I'm journey LL arrive in the same journey, it's all connected.

00:06:22.450 --> 00:06:48.150
 Steve Tomkinson
 And make it so you could do this multi multi channel connection whereas that's kind of harder to do if you're a human you know you've not connected that stuff up that's logged against the job, just get OK. That's fine. Thanks very much. And if it then doesn't need a review 'cause there might be a high value item and you need to have this extra view level, then a human agents got everything they need to then just go. Yep.

00:06:49.280 --> 00:06:59.200
 Steve Tomkinson
 We've just issued a refund or OK, that looks like it was damaged after it was delivered or whatever you know, whatever the story is, you know.

00:07:00.570 --> 00:07:05.900
 Steve Tomkinson
 Because it's short, but you've left it up, you have that system in place so you can do it by voice.

00:07:06.400 --> 00:07:17.190
 Sean Bussell
 OK, good stuff. So have you got any outbound examples? So I'm imagine most people have been contacted by these. I guess. Unwarranted, not very.

00:07:18.210 --> 00:07:24.690
 Sean Bussell
 Human sounding bots that tell me I've been in an accident or previously I need a claim claim my PPI.

00:07:24.740 --> 00:07:24.920
 Sean Bussell

00:07:26.350 --> 00:07:30.260
 Sean Bussell
 Where does that fit into the world and have you got some some better examples I guess.

00:07:29.970 --> 00:07:54.470
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah yeah. Well The thing is, most of the outbound that that we would deal with would be to a customer you already know, so not unsolicited. If you like, they're already your client or customer, and if it's an insurance client, for instance, you already know who they are and you're talking about maybe a renewal or and ensuring their insurance this correct or even following up on a claim.

00:07:55.190 --> 00:08:17.280
 Steve Tomkinson
 If it's retail, you can do much the same thing and actually get reviews you know. Do a review journey based on calling them and go. You purchased this and how? How did you find it? Can you do it? A quick survey and this and that so you're not giving anything away or you're doing this just feeding back so there's no.

00:08:17.910 --> 00:08:24.300
 Steve Tomkinson
 Data problem with that there's no animosity. It's actually quite nice that they they they.

00:08:24.350 --> 00:08:33.720
 Steve Tomkinson
 Make up their businesses, followed up and said we want to get your feedback. You know it's it's just done. It's straightforward and and you know.

00:08:33.290 --> 00:08:50.520
 Sean Bussell
 But I guess those PPI bots if we call them that for a moment, they they that was just a hey you, you know? Or you've got a claim or you were in an accident and then all that happens is there listening for you yes or no? There's no real intelligence behind that because it's just gonna continue to human. If you say yes.

00:08:36.690 --> 00:08:36.990
 Steve Tomkinson

00:08:42.990 --> 00:08:43.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, yeah.

00:08:48.360 --> 00:08:48.730
 Steve Tomkinson

00:08:50.900 --> 00:09:13.430
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, pretty much there there just gonna handover to a Malaysian course until it so that then starts. There's another numbers game to try and sell you into something you know and that's yeah it's it's a different different journey. Yeah, if we take the insurance outbounds I mean the biggest deal we have with without bounds on insurance is two things.

00:09:13.670 --> 00:09:29.180
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, it trying to make sure that somebody is insured correctly. So if you've got choice insurance and they they are going right, I need to make sure that the home insurance that I've sold this this person is the right insurance.

00:09:30.390 --> 00:09:35.580
 Steve Tomkinson
 We now have examples where that they are. They've got a human team calling out.

00:09:36.670 --> 00:09:45.410
 Steve Tomkinson
 To get hold of their customer to go, you've got a renewal coming up. We wanna clarify that all your insurance is is correct and it's fine.

00:09:54.940 --> 00:09:55.750
 Sean Bussell
 So they pitch.

00:09:55.790 --> 00:09:59.960
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, you're pretty close and do phone calls and getting no no no no no.

00:09:59.510 --> 00:10:00.500
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, yeah.

00:10:00.980 --> 00:10:06.200
 Steve Tomkinson
 Which you know is a soulless job in its own right, but you know, that's that's a stylus pen that.

00:10:04.000 --> 00:10:18.760
 Sean Bussell
 I mean we, it's kind of crazy when you think about that. Employing teams of people just to ring up. So if I ring you go Steve, is it good time talk about your home insurance, your renewals up and you go. Yeah, it's actually like alright, I'll just put you through to an SD a chat.

00:10:09.580 --> 00:10:09.840
 Steve Tomkinson

00:10:19.080 --> 00:10:20.340
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah FCA, Yep.

00:10:20.180 --> 00:10:27.130
 Sean Bussell
 Oh my, to be honest we shouldn't have humans doing that job, any just 'cause it's so mundane and boring.

00:10:24.160 --> 00:10:24.620
 Steve Tomkinson

00:10:26.740 --> 00:10:56.150
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, look, this good point is, is that there's there's going to be a an emphasis on that. They human agent to get to try and get that call through. Yeah, so there's going to be some pressure from their side to go. Well, I kind of put you through now because you know it would be great if I could put you through now 'cause it's there. There was what they're trying to do, yeah, but if you're automating it, you can be quite. You can be lot step back a whole step back and just go. We want to make sure everything is OK.

00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:45.000
 Sean Bussell

00:10:56.540 --> 00:11:00.250
 Steve Tomkinson
 Is it good to speak to you now? No, it isn't OK. Well, when is best for you then?

00:11:01.250 --> 00:11:04.170
 Steve Tomkinson
 And they go tomorrow morning. Actually will be alright, OK?

00:11:05.520 --> 00:11:12.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 They they the bachelor at auto scheduled to give him a call back tomorrow morning and it will do that.

00:11:12.940 --> 00:11:35.000
 Steve Tomkinson
 Nobody, no humans intervened into this yet, you know. And if you called, then you go, are you OK to call now? Yes, I am OK. Let me put you through town and my colleagues and then off you go. You're into this, you know. Advisory process, which you course you wouldn't automate, you know and that, but then is done. But that could carry on for quite some time.

00:11:36.050 --> 00:11:47.400
 Steve Tomkinson
 And just automate the whole process rather than being a frustrated agent that's going. I've been tried this person six Times Now. Let's try and get them through to to Bob and the FCA guys.

00:11:48.250 --> 00:11:54.680
 Steve Tomkinson
 And you can't get through and they just get frustrated and and it's very, very hard to keep that level service.

00:11:54.930 --> 00:11:57.440
 Steve Tomkinson
 I'm, uh, continued, you know.

00:11:57.830 --> 00:12:14.930
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, yeah, that's a difficult one, isn't it? And it makes sense to have a bot just do that. Numbers gain in terms of ringing up and not because if the bot doesn't care if it doesn't get through 5/6 times or when they do, they go. Sorry, I'm busy. Can you call back and then you call back and they're not. They don't answer, you know.

00:12:08.770 --> 00:12:09.150
 Steve Tomkinson

00:12:14.490 --> 00:12:24.040
 Steve Tomkinson
 Did the big thing insurance I feel is that and and also you know I've gone through this and I'm sure everybody has is that you never know what the hell is going on with your claim.

00:12:24.660 --> 00:12:54.020
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know what's going on at the moment? Where are we with my claim at the moment? You know you don't. You put a claim in you, don't hear from months and it's you know they're blown away in the background and they're doing their job but you don't get any updates. You don't get any feedback. You don't get anything really, and you know, wouldn't it be better if you automate in outbound to give status updates and just went oh hi, calling from you know a choice insurance.

00:12:54.690 --> 00:13:14.290
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, about your claim and we've just got the latest update from you, and the update is this, this, this and this and will be moving on to this next just to just to let you know. Have you got any questions you like? Speak to the team or do you want to ask me to look at something? Or do you want to add something you know and yeah.

00:13:07.440 --> 00:13:07.860
 Sean Bussell

00:13:13.210 --> 00:13:19.640
 Sean Bussell
 I I always think yeah, sorry, I always think this would be something for you know when you're trying to you know when you're buying a house or whatever.

00:13:19.940 --> 00:13:20.450
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:20.780 --> 00:13:34.790
 Sean Bussell
 What a nightmare to get updates on that. Why can't you just have a? It'll be the same thing, wouldn't it? Someone clicks the button on the system to go right at step six is complete you an SMS or a a phone call that says hey Steve, just let you know.

00:13:29.320 --> 00:13:29.770
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:34.840 --> 00:13:46.490
 Sean Bussell
 How contracts are going through blah blah blah. I hope to exchange on the 19th of December or whatever it might be and you go right. Great. Get on my day now it's took a load of this. I don't even need to think about it.

00:13:41.400 --> 00:13:41.700
 Steve Tomkinson

00:13:46.910 --> 00:14:16.750
 Steve Tomkinson
 No, that's right, you know, because there are. Again, it's very convincing as a whole process. That's very, very prescriptive, you know. And why can't you chase that conveyancing process and then a ticket gets raised that you've you've chasing where we are at the moment you know? And and that gets raised from the same somebody chasing they've found end, but you haven't got to sit on the phone for 8 hours trying to get through or also just trying to get an answer they can come back to you with an outbound answer.

00:14:17.260 --> 00:14:34.990
 Steve Tomkinson
 And go OK, yeah sorry we have got so we're waiting for X alisters or the mortgage company. Or you know for their converted for the approvals what whatever it may be. You know you can wait for all those things, but at least you know you know at least you know what's going on.

00:14:33.350 --> 00:14:33.810
 Sean Bussell

00:14:35.240 --> 00:14:55.420
 Sean Bussell
 Alright, good stuff. Let's do 2 examples both in and out. It's I mean, and I don't think we'd ever say that. Maybe a robot shouldn't. Would would replace a fulltime human in terms of you know some of those jobs that we talk about, those there, anything that voice bots or voice automation could do? There may be a human couldn't do where we're what's the direction of travel with some of this stuff.

00:14:55.830 --> 00:15:02.710
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, I think the way you can't finance that feedback journey you know. So you could never get some, you know.

00:15:04.150 --> 00:15:33.370
 Steve Tomkinson
 A business couldn't justify and outbound journey with a contact centre calling outbound calls to go out to say, can you tell me a bit about your product? Yeah also volume wise from a scaling perspective there is a big story at the moment with product recalls so product recalls. For instance the volumes that you need to do on a product recall, you need to spin up really quickly. Well if you have a bot on service.

00:15:33.420 --> 00:15:38.650
 Steve Tomkinson
 Ready for a product recalls? If you need it, you can pump your data into that.

00:15:39.360 --> 00:15:42.390
 Steve Tomkinson
 Program the bot and that can be spun up and call.

00:15:44.060 --> 00:15:46.070
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know 500,000 people.

00:15:46.740 --> 00:16:17.970
 Steve Tomkinson
 Really quickly, you know it could just do it so you get through your product recall from a compliance perspective from a customer service perspective. Or do you just get through the whole damn shooting match really quickly and you know and you can go through the whole compliance journey with that as well so you can then manage the recall if you want to using voice automation, you scurvy? Send it back yet. Oh great, can you give us the serial number on that? You know whatever the the processes in your product recall.

00:15:48.230 --> 00:15:48.850
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, yeah.

00:16:18.440 --> 00:16:25.300
 Steve Tomkinson
 You know, so you can't scale that that quickly. You know it's all about scaling consistency.

00:16:25.770 --> 00:16:31.680
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, you know compliance and just doing stuff that that humans will not do.

00:16:32.590 --> 00:16:55.190
 Steve Tomkinson
 Because you will have training issues if you try to spin somebody up quickly, you'll have all sorts of you know bringing a bad data work that never happens with the bot. It's always even. It's always straight, you will know it's compliant because it's always compliant if it's gone through, it's doing exactly what it's gonna do. It it can't do anything different than what it you've told it to do.

00:16:55.570 --> 00:17:09.020
 Sean Bussell
 That the product recall is a really good example, isn't it? Because I say that something you need to spin up really quickly and operationally, that's just not easy to do. Where do you find these people? There's a lot of calls that are going to need to be made, and so on and so forth, so that's.

00:17:07.440 --> 00:17:07.740
 Steve Tomkinson

00:17:09.600 --> 00:17:23.520
 Steve Tomkinson
 There's there's a whole industry setup. Bad product recalls. You know there are businesses that that's all they do. Is is setup product recalls for companies that need it, you know. Well, why don't you have a voice automation?

00:17:09.760 --> 00:17:10.650
 Sean Bussell
 It's not there now.

00:17:24.570 --> 00:17:30.540
 Steve Tomkinson
 And just just jump on that and get it done. You know it's it's not big. It's not a big problem really.

00:17:30.780 --> 00:17:34.340
 Sean Bussell
 Is there anything else intelligence wise that bot could do that human couldn't?

00:17:35.010 --> 00:18:04.900
 Steve Tomkinson
 Well, you have got an insurance. You've obviously got stuff like fraud detection, which is been a biometric kind of sensing so you can overlay biometric sensing from fraud detection on course. So if somebody starting a claim or you know, start starting that claim journey and you want to maybe investigate somebody a little bit further or or ask them a few more probing questions. We actually have the option of of having gay a voice.

00:18:04.960 --> 00:18:27.800
 Steve Tomkinson
 For not take the call necessarily if you don't want it to be that and, but sit on the call so they're actually then flagging to the operator that there's a little bit of inconsistency in how this has been claimed so that they can ask more questions so they go down a different route you know, rather than it being a.

00:18:28.430 --> 00:18:31.380
 Steve Tomkinson
 Uh, you know something else, you know?

00:18:30.970 --> 00:18:39.620
 Sean Bussell
 So so, so. Biometrics picking up things in peoples voice or the way that they're talking. That might indicate that they're not being truthful.

00:18:39.700 --> 00:19:05.550
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yeah, OK, yeah, I know. You know there may also be stressed or whatever as well and that's you know, because people do. Yeah, during uh, appointed stress, but it's pretty reliable. Now to to know that you know there's a lie going on. You know this? This technology has been around for a long time. But now to sit on a call in the background and UAT fraud detection is quite clever stuff. But actually I was thinking of a.

00:19:05.610 --> 00:19:36.020
 Steve Tomkinson
 An example which would be really kind of a nice social example, which is one of the big things that we have at the moment and we have a lot of people who are lonely or they have maybe the underlying health issues we have at the moment. A lot of remote health care being delivered and one of the big deals around this. If you're using biometrics in a similar fashion is a lot of elderly or you know people in general if they're asked.

00:19:36.310 --> 00:19:38.460
 Steve Tomkinson
 There OK I wanna check in.

00:19:39.380 --> 00:19:48.140
 Steve Tomkinson
 They will go. Yeah, I'm fine, but really are they? And there should that be investigating a lot lot further, you know there's a big mental health.

00:19:49.780 --> 00:19:50.710
 Steve Tomkinson
 Kind of.

00:19:51.370 --> 00:20:21.350
 Steve Tomkinson
 Story going on the moments in the world. You know people are stressed out. You know we were going through this massive pandemic. And mental health is is through the floor. But if you can sense that and use the biometrics in a positive way in there to go. Actually this person needs a bit more attention because they're not OK and you know their their system is flagging that that actually not OK. That can sense that quite well, and that makes quite a difference to to start.

00:20:21.730 --> 00:20:22.360
 Steve Tomkinson

00:20:21.880 --> 00:20:38.040
 Sean Bussell
 Yeah, good one. 'cause I'm sending more stuff of late with the apps and bots that check in on people that are sort of marked as vulnerable, should we say so yeah, voice in automated voice. Call that quickly check in. I do not want to speak to someone, you know.

00:20:28.290 --> 00:20:29.120
 Steve Tomkinson
 Yes, that's right.

00:20:37.790 --> 00:20:38.090
 Steve Tomkinson

00:20:38.090 --> 00:20:38.270
 Sean Bussell

00:20:39.720 --> 00:20:47.890
 Sean Bussell
 Whatever it is, then yeah, if the biometrics can trigger and say hang on, I think this is a person at risk and we can make sure we get a call out to them. So yeah.

00:20:45.410 --> 00:20:45.810
 Steve Tomkinson

00:20:47.500 --> 00:21:03.450
 Steve Tomkinson
 And remember that the the The thing is with voice is that voice is very inclusive because your phone in people and most people have phones. The apps and stuff that are around, well, you know a lot of people. Older people don't have.

00:21:04.220 --> 00:21:32.530
 Steve Tomkinson
 They the tools to to have smartphones and and or the inclination really to operate at a smart app and all that type stuff they just don't on interested. But a lot. I've got some Alexis and a lot of got to most people got phone, you know? So if you're phoning and you've automated that outbound call to go. Hi this is GP surgeries fall just trying to see how are you getting on.

00:21:33.250 --> 00:22:02.590
 Steve Tomkinson
 And it's called for John is he. Is he there? Yeah, it's John speaking great. OK, so how are you? You know you could do a whole kind of how are you journey? There's just this general check in just making sure your OK and then and then if there's a problem and over you know put it through flag. It is somebody there needs to be you know followed up properly or checked in or couldn't get hold of or we know whatever the the principle is there's a big.

00:21:52.470 --> 00:21:53.000
 Sean Bussell

00:22:02.650 --> 00:22:05.140
 Steve Tomkinson
 There is a big area there, I think that could be used.

00:22:05.920 --> 00:22:28.590
 Sean Bussell
 Good stuff all right, Steve. Nice not very interesting. We'll leave it there. I hope everyone enjoyed that. And hey George, we're always looking for ideas on what's talk about, so if you're out there listening, you think I'd love to hear what their opinion is or they take is on this subject matter. Then do let us know because we would be more than happy to see what we can think of. So thanks very much and we hope to see you next time. Cheers, now.

00:22:24.740 --> 00:22:25.140
 Steve Tomkinson

00:22:25.190 --> 00:22:25.720
 Steve Tomkinson

00:22:28.140 --> 00:22:28.430
 Steve Tomkinson

00:22:29.070 --> 00:22:29.650
 Steve Tomkinson

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