Reloading Luxury

Inside Audemars Piguet, Episode 2 - Leadership & Innovation

Luxury Tribune Season 1 Episode 2

For the past ten years, the Audemars Piguet brand has experienced an uninterrupted increase in turnover. This evolution of the brand's value is linked to several factors, including the often-mentioned change in distribution strategy. But it is not the only driver. The leadership in place, instilled by its CEO François-Henry Bennahmias, is also a catalyst for the brand's transformation. 
The mindset in place, the brand's own freedom of tone, is generating a strong and original creative dynamic. The question is whether it will last, when he leaves the company at the end of 2023.
In this second episode "Reloading Luxury, Inside Audemars Piguet. Leadership & Innovation", Luxury Tribune invites the listener to step inside the brand's most secretive factory, built in Le Locle, in the Neuchâtel Jura, where Research & Development and the production of mechanical complicated movements are located. 
This second podcast explores the industrial and creative forces in place and gives the floor to those who drive innovation at Audemars Piguet: Thierry Chevillat, Head of Industrialisation, Lucas Raggi, R&D Director and Sébastien Perret, Design Director.