Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
Unraveling Soul Purpose: Techniques from Akashic Business Coach Rosalyn Fung
Step into the realm of mystic science with our awe-inspiring guest Rosalyn Fung, an Akashic business coach who bridges the gap between spirituality and corporate growth. Unravel the incredible saga of her transformation from a psychologist in Canada to an Akashic records coach, while demystifying the spiritual techniques she employs to boost the energy, mindset and income of her clients.
Venture deeper into the intricacies of Akashic records as Rosalyn decodes the art of intuitively channeling messages and vibrations. She sheds light on how she rectifies karmic patterns from past lives and assists individuals and businesses to tap into their soul's purpose. She further emphasizes that while her guidance can illuminate the path, the power of decision-making still remains with the individual.
Lastly, we delve into the power of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience, and how they can be harnessed to achieve clarity and insight. I recount my personal journey with Clairvoyance and how the right mentorship can hone this innate ability. We also touch upon the intriguing concept of Light Language, and conclude by discussing the essence of embracing joy, surmounting self-doubt, and deciphering the universe's signs even in the midst of adversity. Tune in to our enlightening discussion on how to harness spiritual power for personal and professional growth.
To learn more about Rosalyn, visit:
Free Masterclass: Calling in Consistent "Full-Body YES!" Clients - watch here
Listen to my Podcast: Activate Your Soulgasmic Business
Book Your FREE Business Soul Alignment Discovery Call here
Facebook Page: Rosalyn Fung Coaching: Bold Sexy Warrior
Facebook Group: Bold & Unapologetic Visibility for Life & Spiritual Coaches
Youtube: Rosalyn Fung - videos on money mindset, self-worth, energetic marketing CEO Soul led leadership & my tvshow Activate your Soulgasmic Business
Instagram: @rosalynfungcoaching
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Hey friends, this is your host, Mindy Duff, and you're listening to Uplevel your Life with Mindy, your number one personal growth podcast that will bring you closer to uncovering your greatest self. As a certified holistic health and nutrition coach, I created this podcast for anyone who desires to improve physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'll be interviewing experts and sharing tips and tricks that have helped not only my clients, but that have guided me on my own transformational journey. I believe that we all have a greatness that lies within. We just need to uncover it. Are you ready to level up? Let's begin. Hi everyone and welcome back to Uplevel your Life with Mindy. I am your host, Mindy Duff, and I have a guest with me.
Speaker 1:Today I'm going to be chatting with Rosalind Fang. She is an Akashic business coach and some of you are probably listening going. You either listen to that one Ooh cool Akashic business coach or you're like what is an Akashic business coach? It's one of the two. You're nowhere in the middle. So if you have been listening regularly, you know that I've been doing a little the seasons all about spirituality. We started, actually, with Maggie Kalanan and the hospice and then what happens after death. We just did a really cool episode with Jennifer Dawn on past life regressions. I've just had so many, so many cool episodes coming up here, but I wanted to dip my toes here into the Akashic records because it is just, it's fascinating stuff.
Speaker 1:If you know me, you know I love the spiritual, woo, woo stuff. I also love science and this. Actually, we're not going to get into this science much today, but I just want you to know that, if anything that Rosalind and I are talking today, you're like what? That doesn't seem real. I'm just going to.
Speaker 1:I'm here to tell you I've done some research and I happen to believe that the Akashic records is kind of like the spiritual. It's very to me, it's like the spiritual word for the quantum field in a lot. In a lot of ways it's it's different, but it's also very much the same. So if you can get behind quantum physics, going to Akashic records is really it's not even a jump, it's like just another step over, right? So for those of you that are like I don't know, just keep an open mind, because we're we're going there, we're going all in on this, onto this spiritualness, because you just you got to keep an open mind. But if you can, this is like some of the coolest stuff out there in terms of spirituality, so I will stop talking. Rosalind, thank you so much for being here today.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for having me, mindy. I'm very excited about sharing the power of Akashic records and what it's done for myself personally in my life and my business and what it's done to level up my clients since I got certified in Akashic records. It's very poignant and powerful and you know I'm actually a former psychologist so I absolutely am a bridge for 3D to the 5D world and beyond. I do absolutely, and we can actually talk a little bit about the science because I'm very much grounded in the neuroscience and the understanding of energy from a scientific perspective, because really, energy is emotions in motion and we can measure emotions actually. So we can talk a little bit about that later. But yeah, I'm so excited to be jamming with you about the Akashic records.
Speaker 1:Yeah, before we get too much into it, tell us just a little bit about you and a little bit of what you do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely so. As Mindy had shared, I'm an Akashic business coach and I'm a former psychologist. I was in private practice for over 10 years and that journey led me to become the first psychologist in my province. I'm in Canada, alberta, canada to create an online program in 2015, which is a lot of rent tape. It's a lot more strict than in the States to be a psychologist, but I figured it out legally and ethically, so that kind of gives you a sense like I'm a badass, I'm a trailblazer, I'm here to really create such huge impacts in this world, and that led me to take Beliepaphates seven years ago to become a coach, and at the time I was a self-loved coach and my journey took me to, because I'm obsessed with personal and spiritual development and growth. I'm always stretching myself. I believe that I can only take my clients as far as I grow, so I really love holding more capacity within myself. And so my main.
Speaker 2:I'll say I have many different hats. I don't know if you've talked about human design on your show, but if those of you who know what human design is, I am a manifesting generator and that means I am multi-dimensional, multi-passionate. I just get downloads like that. I'm like oh, there's the idea, and so I really love helping other life and spiritual coaches boldly and unapologetically show up in their life and really call in, magnetize their full body as clients and monetize on their calling. I also really love to speak and I also am a spiritual activator and teacher. A lot of people in the corporate world actually hire me to be a spiritual guide, to support them, to level up their energetics, their mindset, their income. So it's a really pretty dynamic role I have here. I get to play in this world.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's so great and, yeah, that's a great point that you bring up A lot of the people. In fact, I mean, I don't have any way to quantify this, but I'm just going to say a lot, a lot of people were kind of at the top of their game. They're utilizing every strategy that they can, including spiritual things as well, so I'm glad that you kind of just threw that in there.
Speaker 2:So important. I love that. I love that you know that the more traditional masculine companies are now opening up to more of that feminine energy and allowing themselves to be open to what else is possible, because this is where we tap into our creative human potential and new ideas come through, new downloads, new ways of being and running companies. It's amazing what happens.
Speaker 1:So I'm kind of just curious, as you're talking about this, how did you make the jump into the spiritual world? Because I have. Now. I know there are people out there like this, but I don't think I've ever run across someone that was like, well, my family was like this, I was just born into it. I've been into the spiritual stuff all my life.
Speaker 2:That doesn't happen very often, but most people have some kind of I know I used to when I was like one of my best friends grew up that way and lots of paranormal stuff. I'm like I actually used to be so scared of psychics Like I want myself now that's so funny.
Speaker 2:Like definitely afraid. And so my journey really started when I was still a psychologist. I was on the tail end of my mat leave with my first born. He's 11 years old now. I'm a boy mom. I've got two boys 11 and nine First, and Logan and my private practice the owner of where I practice she we had our practice was in a beautiful and still there it's in the beautiful heritage home.
Speaker 2:So she's very intuitive and she's actually been a really huge influence in helping me see that I don't need to be scared of this world. And so she had a psychic party party because she wanted to find out the spirits that were there, because they're really good spirits. We would have clients who were also intuitive that would come in and be like, wow, the energy in this place is beautiful. And so at this point I'm like, okay, and the people that came to the pot, like we're friends of my colleagues and they were nobody I've ever hung out with before, but it's all the people like the types of people I hang out with now, which is hilarious. But I remember back then one of the ladies. She was very, very psychic and she was just like, oh yeah, one time I did it, this guy and we went back to his home and the ghost made rice. I'm like what we're freaking out, mindy, like I can laugh about it now. But I remember I was so shocked and I was so horrified by this, like my whole body had this visceral overreaction like logically, I knew it was an overreaction, because I was crying I was so scared of that, like what she shared. I'm like, did you eat the rice? Like what? I'm thinking this is evil, right? And she's like oh yeah, it tasted like jasmine rice, it was so delicious. I'm like what? So, anyways, I got so scared and the psychic could tell I was scared. I like almost chickened out and not to see her. And then I've only seen one other psychic on my 30th birthday, like shortly before that, and I was like, okay, okay. So I calm the F down and went to see the psychic. She couldn't really tell me why I was scared.
Speaker 2:But then later on that week I had a girlfriend come visit me who had become more psychic and she immediately was telling her this very story and, without even going into detail, she was like rise, I see you as a little girl trying to open the door and your parents are on the other side saying not until you calm down. And immediately my body had like a flashback, like I remembered, and this huge release came out of me and I was like, oh my God, I remember that. I remember being there and I was like as if I was there in this little four year old girl. I'm like what happened? And she was like where are you staying in a place where it wasn't like it, didn't you guys weren't the first owners or first people? I'm like, yes, correct. And she was, oh, okay, so somebody that used to own that home lives in that home right now is an earthbound ghost, which means a spirit that doesn't know that they died Right.
Speaker 2:And I then also had a flashback and I could see this man. He looked like a totally normal human being. I remember being there. He was overweight, trousers plaid shirt, suspenders bearded and he was yelling at us. I couldn't remember what he was yelling at and she's like he was telling you guys get off your home. And I'm like, oh, am I? And so of course, I'm panicking because I'm the only one that can see this and my parents are right there. Then they thought I was having a temper tantrum because my parents are non-tuitive. They don't believe in this stuff, and so they locked me in the room with the ghost.
Speaker 1:Oh, my God.
Speaker 2:I was like no wonder I was so freaking scared of even fake haunted houses and carnivals and all of this for all my life. I'm like no wonder. And it was almost like the key to unlock my fear and just go okay, now I know the root of everything and I hired my girlfriend right away. She was my very first spiritual mentor. She's a shaman and she helped me open up my intuition. I got certified in Reiki later on by another girlfriend or teacher, who eventually became a very good friend of mine, and the journey started, continued on from there. So I'm also a shamanic practitioner. I'm certified in three different energy modalities. I also, of course, would read the Rikoshik records. So all of this I call it the alchemy of me comes into the records. So yeah, that's a little bit of my I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's quite the story, but I think it's so interesting just to point out that all of us okay, so maybe we weren't all locked in the room with a ghost when we were four Okay, that one is. That's pretty unique. I'm just gonna throw that out there, rosalind but all of us have had something happen to us when we were children that traumatized us in some way. If you listen to this podcast, I've talked about big T and little T trauma. So it might have been something that as an adult, you look back and you're like ah, that wasn't a big deal, but as a kid it was a big deal. It was a huge deal at the time and that kind of shapes our future beliefs, our future self.
Speaker 1:But using some of these spiritual practices, such as Akashic records, we're able to kind of figure out hold on, what's going on here, what's really going on, what's at the root of this and how can we kind of make a shift in these things that are kind of holding us back in our life. So that's just a great illustration of that example there. So we've been throwing around this term, akashic records, and some people are still like I don't know what you're talking about. So tell me what, in your words, are the Akashic records?
Speaker 2:Yeah, the most simplest form. It's our book of life. We're all souls having a human being experience, and so it's being able to access the highest energetic realm so that we can see what our soul's life is like our past life past lives I should say there's more than one usually, and sometimes we're not human form our future life and presently what's happening. So in the Akashic records we open up with a prayer and, mindy, I'm super happy to do that For those that are listening live and on the replay, I can open up the prayer today and whatever, so that people can have an experience, because I love experiences. I don't like to just tell and talk about it, I like people to actually experience it, because that's where the real power is, and so we will open up the Akashic records, if that's okay, and then those who are open and willing to really receive, then we'll set the intention that you're going to receive the downloads, the activations and messages that you really needed to hear, your soul really need to hear. So when I open up the prayer, it's God consciousness, and so it's very much love and light and divine energy. I'm channeling the guides. So masters, teachers and loved ones, so there are angels, masters are with you all your life. Teachers are angels that are specific for lessons, and loved ones are people that you knew in this lifetime that have crossed over and includes any miscarriages as well. Now I also it's very cool as a business coach I always open up the Akashic records for my clients and I open up the records for their business. Your business is actually a separate entity, so a lot of times if somebody's business isn't going really well, they might have like money blocks, they may have blocks around attracting clients. We'll actually look at what is going on. So I open up their records for their business as well as their own personal records, and sometimes I see it as a very different like that their business had past lives. Even my own business had past lives that sometimes they involve my soul and sometimes did it Right, and so we can look at why. From a past life. Those are called karmic patterns, things that have happened that are either the big T's or little T's, right, the traumas that have blocked the karmic pattern that has created these blocks in this lifetime. Because it's the same pattern, Often I see it as partly the person as well. So, in terms of their past life and their soul, their soul's, past life. So a lot of times it's like they got killed for speaking up or they had lots of money and then they were robbed or that, and sometimes we had shadow selves, because we're not always great people right. So it's like having to clear the karma.
Speaker 2:So every reader for the Akashx is very different. So this is why I love I can read my own records. A lot of Akashx people cannot, so they had struggle with it because ego gets in the way. I am blessed that I can. However, I also really like to have other Akashx people read my records, because we all have different, we can all pull different aspects of our records that perhaps I can't pull myself, especially if there's something very emotional for me. My ego does get in the way. So I'd much rather somebody read my records for me, and so the way I read is once I open up the prayer, I actually just start channeling.
Speaker 2:Messages are coming through. So typically, before I do that, I chat with my client about what it is that they're wanting to really explore today, whether it's personal, whether it's a relationship business. Actually, sometimes people come see me because their home isn't selling and they can't figure out why. So I can open up the records for their home or maybe their pet is struggling. So I open up the records for their pet. For children, I'm trained not to open up for children but because the client has to be 18, but I can access. If a parent's coming to me, I can access how to best support that child. So it's very dynamic. I love it. And so the way I channel is actually as see through my third eye and my eyes are often closed because I see through my third eye visions, images. Sometimes they show me Disney cartoons. It's kind of fun. So. And then I hear some of my Claire Cognizant as well. I hear it like it's my thoughts, what's coming through.
Speaker 2:I feel very strongly so in my body, as soon as I feel open the records, I can feel what's going on. Sometimes somebody might have some pain in their neck. I don't even know that because they didn't tell me and I'll feel it. So then I'll feel into what the psychological or spiritual reason, emotional reason for that pain is. Sometimes it's more symbolic, like somebody's trying to stab them in the back, and I'll explain that and they'll be like oh my God, yes, that's happening right now. And then I can even identify who that person is.
Speaker 2:So it's very interesting and then we can do some clearing. So I speak polite language, which is language that's only the divine comes through the divine and only our soul can understand. So bypasses our cognition and, depending on the intention of the light language and where the person is at, the client is at, I do it for clearing and healing. So this is where I can bring in my shamanic practitioner as well. We do a lot of cord cutting. If it's something we wanna clear, that's always with permission. And then I also am able to use light language to activate things for the highest truth and good.
Speaker 2:So I also have the ability to see what's in store for your soul's purpose in this lifetime and also what's you know their soul's purpose from previous life, which often is very similar not always, but often at least with my clients and I'm able to help them see what's aligned with their purpose and that path. So, particularly with people who are seeing me for business coaching, I can see what that program is, who their ideal clients are, you know, and we craft something together. It's not a fortune telling, boss. I wanna make that clear. We all have free will. So often, you know, people are coming to me. They're like I'm thinking about and then they might need help making a decision going this way, a or B, you know. Then I can feel into what would happen on that timeline if they take A, and then what would happen on timeline if they take B, because we live on multiple timelines. And so it's pretty incredible having this gift. It really has amplified my own self-trust and it's amplified my ability to just be even better as a coach for my clients.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, that was such a great explanation. Thank you for all of that.
Speaker 1:And yeah, I mean how I like to talk about strengthening intuition a lot, and you know the more, the more you can like trust those little inner whispers and whatnot, the more Authentic you're gonna be living. The more authentic you're living, the more centered and peaceful you're gonna feel. This kind of like takes that to the next level, really. I mean. I think this is Because sometimes there's some issues you all know listening that there's sometimes when you can say, okay, mindy, I have this big thing going on and I've sat down and I've meditated for 20 days in a row and I just cannot.
Speaker 1:You know, I'm so wrapped up in it because sometimes we are just so emotionally wrapped up in something we can't. It's like the Emotion, the strong emotion, almost just blocks that response. We just can't hear it. It's like the emotion is so loud we can't hear. You know, with the, the answer would be and that's where something like you know, tapping into the Akashic records, can help you. Like you say it's. I love that you mentioned that it's not fortune telling no when anyone that's saying that they can predict your future Is trying to just get money from you.
Speaker 2:So social media is, like I feel, an entity on you, or yeah yeah, that's bullshit, don't listen to people. They're just scammers.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, but this is, you know, like you say, you know there's we're we all have free. Will you know that right now you can turn off this podcast or you can keep listening. You can get up and get a glass of water. You can go eat a cookie, like you have free choice, and you can say I'm gonna go eat a cookie but then at the last second go get the water instead. Right, we can, we can make different choices all the time in our life, but yeah, that this, this will just help. You see, this one, this situation might play out kind of like this, or this situation could potentially play out like that, and which one feels the best to you.
Speaker 1:I want to rewind just a minute because you mentioned some things that were really familiar to me, but there are a few people that are listening that might be like what I didn't catch. This You're good and like I'm right there with you. I know some people are right right there with you, but I'm just to clarify for everyone listening. So you were mentioning, like how you receive messages and how you you know what, what it's like for you specifically when you're tapping into these acoustic records and you're mentioning a lot of the Claire's. Like we talk about People, the common one people here is Claire voyant.
Speaker 1:Is someone Claire voyant? Right, and that's what we're, I think, we hear the most. But there are also. You could be Claire sentient or you could Claire be Claire Audience.
Speaker 1:There's all these different, different ways and I'm just here to tell you that everyone that's listening, you have all of these abilities. We're all born with all of these. So if someone is like a Claire voyant and they're on TV and they're like saying, oh, you're dead, grandpa just said, hey, how about? You know, I don't have that picnic on the 24th. Okay, that may seem like last weird. You have that ability to. I'm just here to tell you that. You know some people when they're born, they just kind of remember it and they never forget it, but the rest of us just don't. We're not taught it, we're not how you know. It's not something that's in schools. But there are places. I mean, if you're listening as an adult, you can go take a class and learn how to strengthen your Claire audience or your Whatever on. I can speak from experience because I always thought that I could not do any of that like it's interesting to me, but like I can't do it.
Speaker 1:But for just through, you know, some intention and guidance from the right types of mentors, you can strengthen these. It's just like anything else, so it is possible. So I wanted to just highlight, you know, when you said, like oh, third eye, you know whatever what she's referring to and tell me if I'm wrong, rosalind, but like she's imagining things in her brain, she'll see images. So, just like right now, if it's safe for you to do so, close your eyes, picture a fire truck. How big is the fire truck? Does it have hoses? You see the hoses. How many wheels do you see?
Speaker 1:Okay, that image that you have of the fire truck, that's what we're talking about here. When you see these, these visions and whatnot, it's just like what you just did imagining a fire truck. It's just in your oh. I just this just popped into my head. It's just that the, the things that pop into your head, or the words that you hear and whatnot, they're not coming from your own self and once you experience that, you'll start to tell a difference. So I just wanted to go back and talk about that and I also want to go back and, just really quick, go back to the light language, because I didn't know that you speak light language and light language is my favorite. Okay, so For that's for people listening that are like what? Okay, I am admittedly not very familiar with light language, but here's what I know the first time I ever heard anyone speaking light language, it like stopped me in my tracks and it was like what is this?
Speaker 1:I just want to listen to this forever. It felt familiar and it felt like, on some level, I knew what this woman was saying and yet I could not tell you what this woman was saying. It brings that. It's like she was speaking to my soul. My conscious mind was like I don't know what she's doing, but like internal it, somewhere deep within it was like oh yes, I. It feels familiar, it feels like like I know this, even though I don't. So that is super cool. Can you just tell me a little bit more about light language? Just real quick here.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, yeah, I mean I I don't know what else to say other than its language that comes through and I can tell my story a little bit and I can again, so happy, also not only open the records but speak some light language here. I do speak it quite regularly publicly. I came out of the closet when I was finally like so on my podcast, activate your soul, gas McBizness, I always end the episodes with the light language activation or transmission. So Basically it comes through. And for me, I have different beings I'm very connected we're gonna get super blue here I'm very connected with Palladiums, which is a Basically, and you know what? I don't. I didn't go down the rabbit hole to really like study Palladiums at all. I just know that it's the planet Palladiums, a planet of love, and that in my past life I was a captain of the Palladiums. I came down and what Palladiums they're just. They're basically aliens that are Full of love and want to bring more love to humanity. And so To me it makes sense. Knowing who I am and how big my soul is and my purpose and my mission. I'm like oh yeah, totally makes sense. It's very interesting, mindy people who I I can next with, often and without knowing it, but they and if they do know that they're Palladiums, we start talking about that. I'm like, oh, no wonder. Like we're all we're all like, attracted to each other and so often my light language will bring people to me because it feels familiar and there is something that really lands home for them. It might help them feel calmer or peace, might bring up emotions. There's like no right or wrong way in how you receive light language. You know, once we get past the ego like this is so weird. Actually got gifted light language at a Christian conference, like, not religious.
Speaker 2:I did grow up Catholic. My parents are atheists with it. They thought it was safer for me to go to the Catholic school For some reason. But I always have believed in God. Because I went to a Catholic school and over the years, because I have this higher power faith, it evolved into just you know, I believe in the universe, I believe in high-power faith, but I also had, like this, these judgments around then that judgment, but I fear fear of other people judging me, because I've known some people who are very religious and very judgy and I was like that. I never want to be that person. Where they're imposed. I'm posing my beliefs on someone like never, and so I almost went opposite on that pendulum into, like you know, be like it was an eternal poke, but I'd be like God's let forward slash universe for us. We're it, and now I don't have an internal poke. I'm like I will say God, I will say spirit, I will say universe, like whatever it is, allah, buddha, for you, you know, we're all one, it's all love and and so for me, when I was this is back in 2019.
Speaker 2:I got gifted like language. I had just come out of the g-closets. I'm like, okay, I'm just gonna say it I believe in God. There's too many signs, you know, I don't care, people judge me. I believe in God and and my audience is very spiritual at this point anyway, because I have become more, I'm very open with my spirituality and and love and, you know, just a being of light but also grounded in the psychology, and so a lot of my audience and followers already respects me and respect what I have to say, and it was so beautiful to just Do a Facebook live around like I believe in God, and people are reaching out saying, like me too. I've been like you, you know, really scared to say it because I don't want to pose it on anyone, but it was just beautiful to be able to come out of the closet that way.
Speaker 2:And then, when I was at this Christian conference because I'm now in this renewed, renewed relationship with God and and my friend had brought me, and At the end of the sermon they said come up if you'd like to be prayed with and for. So I'm like okay, you know. And a woman pastor actually blessed me and she put her hand on my forehead and said repeat after me. So she said some statements and then one of them was and I received the gift of the Lord's tongue, and then she started to speak in tongues, and so I'm like listening.
Speaker 2:She goes okay, your turn. I'm like meet what? Okay, okay. So I'm like just trying to like copy what she's saying. And then my tongue started doing its own thing. She goes that's yours, that's your language. I was like, oh my gosh, that is so cool. And so you know, for those that do speak tongues, like that's like language in tongues. You know I'm not different, they're from God, you know. So I, just because I don't identify myself as religious, I like to say light language and particularly because of the source, comes from platings.
Speaker 1:So, yeah. Yeah, oh, it's so interesting, it's it sounds so wild, but I mean it's. I'm here to tell you this real stuff, so, and we'll hear it here in just a little bit. So, yeah, let's do. And again, just what can we expect from this? What's?
Speaker 2:going on here. You're opening these records Exactly. Thank you for asking. So, basically, all I'm asking it for you to have is an open mind. There is absolutely no right or wrong what happens as we open the records. Some people, as I open the prayer, feel an energetic shift. If you're really in tuned or really sensitive to energy, you'll feel that energetic shift, just like when you're praying for those of us that pray to God. You know we feel an energetic shift. We really feel like God's with us in our presence. It's very much similar that way. Sometimes people feel like tears coming through. Sometimes people, if they're more in tuned, they will receive messages themselves. I mean, the point of me I want to set the intention for the point of me opening up the records is for you to receive what exactly it is that you need to hear, to receive, and sometimes those messages are not always what your ego wants to hear, but you know it's what you need. Yes, it's deep down inside. Okay.
Speaker 2:And so because my whole way of being is a very bold, a very unapologetic. That's my whole brand, being bold and unapologetically. You a lot of the messages I come through. You'll even notice my voice changes as I channel and it's just the way it comes through. Sometimes it comes through very assertively and I can't say it's gonna happen today, like if it does, it does, and sometimes what I'll do is I can even pull cards because I'll help guide the collective for and I'll make it timeless so that those who are listening to this podcast no matter, you know, if it's very soon after it's recording or if it's like five years from now, it will still be spoiled, because really you can ask any questions in the cauchic except when will this happen and how long will this take?
Speaker 2:Because time does not exist in the realms. However, because the way they move me so again, I feel a lot, but they also move me. So I lean to the right. If it's a yes, I move very far to the future. When I'm looking at the future and depending on how far they move me, I can get a sense of a period. So, in terms of like, when something's gonna come through for them and then they know is like leaning to the left and past life is looking to my left as well. So it's so cool. It's such a superpower. All right, so any other questions before we open the record?
Speaker 1:I don't think so I think, let's just do it.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's do it. Okay. So I'm gonna invite all of you to just take a breath in and get in. You're so comfortable, Get, you can lie down, you can sit up, whatever you're doing. And I'm just gonna say, if you're driving, it's not a meditation, so you should be okay. You know, just obviously stay paying attention and it should be fine. Okay, all right, so just taking a breath in and out. God, divine source and light energy, thank you for allowing us to experience the pure love found here in the gosh.
Speaker 2:May we all be blessed in the akash for the highest good and truth. May we receive what is required for our most divine path and to support the divine path of others. Please help the listeners here, live and on the replay, who are open and willing to experience the pure love found here we're now in the records.
Speaker 2:It's so beautiful as we enter the records and I just might hear notice any energetic shifts you may or may not have. There's no right or wrong. But as we're in the records, what I'm really noticing here, what the guides are telling me and then reading the collective so this is not an individual, it's whatever collective messages are coming through Energetic feeling like so much beautiful grounding energy in my feet and I'm noticing this expansion of energy moving up my legs and into my womb space and more so it's very prominent, this energy that's moving in my heart space and in my throat and in my third eye. So these are energy centers and then to my crown, the top of my head, it's almost like this vortex I'm feeling we're in and it's so beautiful. Indeed, they're saying they're so proud of you for having this spiritual series because you are so much creating such a huge difference in your putting this series out and you make a huge difference in who you are and what you're doing and this series is elevating your audience in many ways that you will never know, unless your audience members lets you know, but not everyone's going to. But it's so beautiful to feel the energy that you have created in your life and it's so beautiful to feel the energy of those here live and on the replay, no matter what the time is and how far from the recording. This is that you're here, exactly where you need to be, because you are hearing. You need to hear these messages. You need to believe in yourself more, and this is about trusting yourself more and more and more.
Speaker 2:You might have been doubting yourself. You may be doubting yourself right now for the last little while, and God says that it's okay. That's just a human experience, but you don't deserve to stay stuck here. You don't deserve to stay playing small. You're here to live a fulfilling life, to live a life full of joy, of joy. That's your birthright. That's our birthright. That's how we were born into the world. We're born into the world as joy, as love. Think about it. We don't look at a baby and go, oh my God. We just go oh my God. He or she is perfect, perfect, and all they did was be born, and that's our original blueprint. A baby vibrates in love and joy, and that is us.
Speaker 3:That is you. You are love.
Speaker 2:You are joy. Don't let anyone, don't let anyone take that away from you. Don't give your power away. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Move towards the things, the people, the opportunities that allow you to be in your joy, and what happens is that you start to attract even more. You start to attract even more aligned people opportunities that expand your joy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, breathe that in and that's the language that, because, as this language is coming through, it's going to clear some of this self-doubt, some of this darkness, some of this stuff that doesn't belong to you.
Speaker 3:Sere kura sin nirikia. Raku asem raku kura sin nirikia. Sim raku kura sin nirikia. Surk asem raku kura sin nirikia, clearing all of that away. Sere kura asem raku kura sin nirikia.
Speaker 2:Beautiful, breathing it in that clearing and blowing it away. And then I'm going to invite you to feel into your joy, feel into your power of joy. Think about something that lights you up right now, in this moment. It can be the simplest thing the fact that you wake up, the fact that you breathe, the fact that you have a roof, you have water, you can take a hot shower, a bath and you have access to this podcast. What we lack are not resources. We lack resourcefulness sometimes. So may I remind you that all of these resources around you, many of them are free. Some of our investments are for you to better your life. So notice something that brings you gratitude.
Speaker 3:Notice something that brings you joy.
Speaker 2:What is it? One thing could be your children, could be your best friend, your spouse, a fulfilling career, whatever that is. Feel into your heart space right now and operate from this place. See, you have choice. You have free will. You can choose to focus on the things that bring you down, because where your attention goes, your energy flows, or you can choose to focus on things that bring you joy.
Speaker 2:And there's no spiritual bypassing here. This is not about ignoring the things that you need to deal with, that make you feel uncomfortable, that make you feel sad or angry or frustrated. Those things must be dealt with, and in this moment, when I'm asking you, what the guides are asking you to do is just to shift your state of being and think about something that brings you joy, think about what is working in this situation, what are the lessons?
Speaker 3:What is going right? What are you grateful for? What brings you more joy?
Speaker 2:And then breathing, that, in noticing how your body feels as you think about what brings you gratitude, what brings you joy, you might notice sensations of lightness, of a warmer heart, maybe grounding.
Speaker 3:It's very subtly, just letting yourself breathe in these sensations Sere kia surukura, senere kia samaraku, asenere kia Sumaraku.
Speaker 2:Asenere kia surukura, senere kia asenere kia surukura, senere kia amplifying, amplifying amplifying this gratitude, this joy that gets an overflow in your life, because that is your worth right.
Speaker 3:Sere kia surukura. Senere kia, asenere kia, spending your breath filling yourself up with capacity, joy, receiving it, receiving it receiving it.
Speaker 2:And now, as you exhale, imagine your breath or like roots of a tree, breathing down into your feet, into the ground, into Mother Earth, imagining her warm, loving energy, mother Earth's loving energy receiving you, holding you. You're being held up all the universe, always supports you Even when things aren't going your way, look for the signs, look for the lessons.
Speaker 3:They're always here. That's about where you put your focus, your attention. Your guides want you to know they're always with you. You can pray, you can speak to them.
Speaker 2:You're listening.
Speaker 3:Ask for a sign and it shall be given.
Speaker 2:So when you ask for a sign, you may say I just need to see a dub or a butterfly, for example. Whatever that sign is for you, there's no right or wrong within the next 24 hours to know I'm on the right path. You can even say show me and then whatever a different sign is if I need to change my path. And some of these signs might be from books, might be a word in the form of word that you hear somebody say. It might be something that pops up on your phone or the grocery store. You see it on a magazine cover. Just pay attention. Signs are always around you, beautiful.
Speaker 3:Staying with that. You're worthy of joy.
Speaker 2:Just staying with the feelings, noticing what you feel. There's no right or wrong as you hear and receive these messages. You might be feeling a sense of peace confirmation.
Speaker 3:So maybe you might be having some emotions come through. Absolutely welcome Relief, lightness. You're exactly in the right place at the right time. You're guided here, and that's all I had to say.
Speaker 2:So let's just move on, I think that's all the guys want to say today, Mindy.
Speaker 1:How are you feeling? Oh, I was sitting there thinking how am I going to finish this podcast?
Speaker 2:I'm so relaxed right now, oh wow, I see that there's a something yeah.
Speaker 1:That was so beautiful and I, boy, I asked this at the end of every episode. You know if you're listening and you know the spoke to you. I really mean it this time, man, I am curious to know how people that are listening. Please message me or email me, because I felt like that message was directly for me, like that was just the Mindy Daft. Here's your private reading message. But I know that it was, you know, for the collective. So if this resonated with you, let me know and prove it to me that this was.
Speaker 2:Oh, like message me on Facebook or Roslyn from coaching on Instagram. Like tag me and Mindy. Like we want to know. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I do so much. I mean all of it. All of it was just so poignant for me, just reminders that I 100% needed. There was not a moment that I was like, well, this isn't as relevant, but no, all of it was.
Speaker 1:And I just want to also mention that the first time you began speaking the light language, like my whole body just like lit up, like whoa and I don't I mean you know again, like I can't. I don't have a rational explanation for it, other than it just feels so good to listen to it and it just feels like something's happening in a positive way. I don't know what it is that's happening, but it just is amazing. So I'm curious. I would be curious to hear from listeners as well If you, if that was the first time you'd heard anyone speak light language and if you had any kind of reaction to that as well.
Speaker 2:And I would say you know a couple of things just for, I guess, housekeeping is that you may feel a little bit more energized, maybe a little bit more tired, depending on where you're at, you know, in your process and how you receive this light language. So make sure you drink lots of water, make sure you take an absent salt bath. That will help with the clearings and grounding you. And I love what you shared, mindy, that this felt like it was speaking directly to you, and that's how often with the group collective readings like whatever comes through will come through before the collective. They'll feel very personalized. The beautiful thing is, when you guys see me for a personal reading, it gets even more specific to your situation. You can ask as many questions as you want in the hour and just the potent and powerful things that come through. And then the.
Speaker 2:I'm very much about leaving with practical action steps. So you know, sometimes if it's a about business, it's like go and implement this, or it's about like a relationship, okay, you're. Sometimes it's about okay, having the courage to, and they're activated. So they feel different about the situation. Right, they come, we come in feeling like angst about it or nervous or or like whatever those uncomfortable feelings are, and they leave thinking about the situation very differently, just like how we all feel right now. Most of us, I imagine, do feel more appeased, can feel more confident, leaving with. Okay, I've got some guidance because it's already written in your contracts. You know, with this relationship, or even in your business, it's already energetically happened, and so all I'm doing is I'm reading. I'm reading a book to you of your own life and so of that timeline, right, and so it's. It just gives us so much more confidence to know I'm on the right path, or, hey, I better. You know, change paths. So sometimes, again, we hear things that we don't want to hear.
Speaker 2:But you were brought to in my case, my clients were brought to me in that time so that they could have the courage to, let's say, leave that toxic relationship or, um, pivot in their business or you know, whatever that is, that it like it could be a health thing, like I could look at what is it right? Mindy, I know you're very much about helping your clients with embracing a more vibrant, health and healthy lifestyle in all forms, and so you know, it's just so beautiful to see what comes through in the confidence that people leave with and then notice the action that people leave with. I always do a followup check in as well to see you know how, how it's been since the last, since the reading, and it's been pretty cool how things quantum leap. That's the other thing about being in the records is. This is why time doesn't exist, because it can quantum leap your results and it's so beautiful to really be in the records and I also receive the benefits.
Speaker 2:Like sometimes these messages come through, like today. I was like, yeah, I told you you didn't hear that myself. I'm so thankful. You know, and you probably noticed my voice did change. It's a lot more deep, it's a lot more um, melodic in a certain way and, yeah, it's very interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, such, such cool stuff. I thank you for being on here today and you know, boy, I just have so many, so many things to say and I'm still like buzzing from this.
Speaker 2:You know those records, just to make sure they're closed before we actually close the show. So let me to say thank you so much, master's, teachers and loved ones, for allowing us to experience the pure love found here. The records are now closed. Amen.
Speaker 1:I love it. Thank you again, rosalind. If people are like, okay, that was freaking cool, I need more of this, how? What's a good way for them to get into touch with you? How?
Speaker 2:do we book a session? Where do we go? How?
Speaker 1:do we find you?
Speaker 2:You can go to my website, rosalinfongcom R-O-S-A-L-Y-N-F-U-N-G. Like have some fun with the G? Uh dot com and, under work with me, you'll see a Kaushik Soul session and you can just book right through there. You can also DM me if you prefer on social media. I can send you the link. So Rosalind Fong coaching on Instagram and Rosalind Fong, I'm very personal. It's me on my personal page. You can find me there and just DM me at Kaushik's and we can chat.
Speaker 1:Cool, and I will of course put your links in all in the show notes and all the appropriate places on social too as well. So cool. Thank you again, rosalind. This was like I said. I'm still like I can't find the words Like how do I, how do I end this?
Speaker 3:I don't know.
Speaker 2:Those of you who are in business. I do want to have a free resource as well, called client attraction checklist, and so Mindy's going to have the link in the show notes as well.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely. Thank you, and everybody that's listening, holy cats, I hope you got, if you even got, a fraction of what I got from this man. You're flying high too. So, um and again, just a reminder, let me know what you experienced and I, honestly, I really want to hear and know. Rosalind does too. I love this stuff.
Speaker 2:So please let us know. Like yes so cool what comes through, but I'm low divisions. They're all so cool.
Speaker 1:Yes. So wherever you're at today, I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will catch you on the next one.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:That's it for today. Friends, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe or, even better, leave a review and let me know what resonated with you the most. The more you tell me what you love, the better I'm able to create future episodes with even better content. I'm sending you so much love and light. I'll see you in the next episode.