Up-Level Your Life with Mindy

Reflections on 2023: Inspiring Guests & Leveling Up

December 19, 2023 Mindy Duff Season 6 Episode 65
Reflections on 2023: Inspiring Guests & Leveling Up
Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
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Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
Reflections on 2023: Inspiring Guests & Leveling Up
Dec 19, 2023 Season 6 Episode 65
Mindy Duff

Ready to bid adieu to 2023 and step into the new year renewed and recharged? Join me, your host Mindy Duff, as I journey through the lessons learned, experiences shared, and wisdom gathered in the past year, setting the stage for a transformative 2024. 

From topics of people pleasing, minimalism, and how to break free from feeling stuck. From healing to exploring the mysteries of the Akashic records and Atlantis, and more - 2023 was chock full of information on how to level-up!

Here's to embarking on another transformative year together!

To learn more about Mindy CLICK HERE

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready to bid adieu to 2023 and step into the new year renewed and recharged? Join me, your host Mindy Duff, as I journey through the lessons learned, experiences shared, and wisdom gathered in the past year, setting the stage for a transformative 2024. 

From topics of people pleasing, minimalism, and how to break free from feeling stuck. From healing to exploring the mysteries of the Akashic records and Atlantis, and more - 2023 was chock full of information on how to level-up!

Here's to embarking on another transformative year together!

To learn more about Mindy CLICK HERE

Speaker 1:

Hey friends, this is your host, mindy Duff, and you're listening to Uplevel your Life with Mindy, your number one personal growth podcast that will bring you closer to uncovering your greatest self. As a certified holistic health and nutrition coach, I created this podcast for anyone who desires to improve physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'll be interviewing experts and sharing tips and tricks that have helped not only my clients, but that have guided me on my own transformational journey. I believe that we all have a greatness that lies within. We just need to uncover it. Are you ready to level up? Let's begin. Hi everyone and welcome back to Uplevel your Life with Mindy.

Speaker 1:

I am your host, mindy Duff, and today, as I'm recording this, it is the end of the year 2023 and I thought I would do a little reflection podcast. I know that's pretty common. Lots of people are doing it but there's a reason why. It's just something about the end of a year and the beginning of a new year. It's that time to get ready for a fresh start. Don't forget about the reflecting part. I'm going to be reflecting a little bit more on this podcast here in a bit, but I wanted to just encourage you to take some time in the next couple of weeks. It doesn't have to be still in 2023. If you don't get to this until the end of January, cool. If you're listening to this podcast and it's July before you found me, you can do it then too. There's no rules here, but since there's this energy going right now if you're listening to this as it's coming out, this energy of getting ready, gearing up for the new year, I would encourage you all to take some time and intentionally look back on the year 2023 or whichever year. Wherever you're at, we in our society take a lot of energy towards the new and plowing through and getting ready for the new year that's to come. What are your goals? What are your resolutions? What do you want it to be like? Set your intentions, but sometimes we forget to take a little bit of time for the pause, the pause to stop and just look at what the year 2023 was and reflect on it.

Speaker 1:

I last year, for the first time, actually really consciously did this. I stumbled upon some great journal prompts and boy I tell you what. You would think that I journal all the time. As much as I talk about it, I don't, but when I do use it, it's so powerful. I stumbled upon some really great, powerful questions that really helped me reflect on 2022 last year and I felt just more organized in my brain. I guess that's kind of a weird thing to say, but that's how I felt Just moving into 2023, just in regards of now. I felt more set up for what I wanted this year to look like.

Speaker 1:

There is this big, big focus on man. If you get on social media, sometimes at the end of this year you will see so many people say like good riddance, 2023. I can't wait for this year to be done and 2024, that's going to be my year. But most of those people that are saying that they said the same thing last year and probably the year before that. So it's like every year they're saying at the beginning of the year this is it, this is my year, and then by the end they're like this year, sucked, I hated it.

Speaker 1:

Now I understand that for some of us there were a lot of difficulties in the year. Some years are harder than others, for whatever reason. Maybe you experienced a loss, maybe you had financial struggles, maybe you had relationship troubles. Whatever it is, maybe you had a few bigger than normal. Things happen this year and that's life. That doesn't mean that there can't be some good gleaned from it, even if it was such a horrible thing. You never want it to happen again. Okay now, how can you use that to set you up better as you move into 2024 or whatever you're moving into? So don't forget to take a little bit of time to pause and reflect.

Speaker 1:

As I was sitting down to do this podcast today, I got a text message from Jess Ekstrom. She's a speaker that I follow and she sends out usually, I think just on, I think it's just Mondays. She'll send out a little, just a little, either a quote or something to reflect on for the week, and this is what she sent just this morning, literal seconds before I hit the record button. Try not to evaluate your year as good or bad. It's all just in one bucket of quote living, and I think that's so powerful. There's no reason to label the whole year oh, this whole year was bad, this whole year was great. I think that there every year is going to have high moments and low moments, but if you give yourself a little bit of time and ask yourself some reflective questions like what did I learn from this past year, and then you can use that and, okay, what do I want to take with me into this next year? But if you just plow on moving ahead and never look back and reflect a little, you're missing out. You're missing out on some learning opportunities, and I think that our lives can be enhanced when we have just take that pause. Give ourselves a chance to pause. Whether it's at the end of the whole year, maybe you do it at the end of a month, maybe you do it after some kind of a milestone event or whatever a transition into another thing in your life, don't forget to take time for the pause, and I think that's really a key message I wanted to drive home with you today.

Speaker 1:

Now, with the rest of my podcast here, I wanted to do just a little review of Mindy's Up Level your Life podcast from 2023. I was thinking about it and I just realized, man, I had a ton of amazing guests on my show this year just a ton. I've been so blessed I would say gosh. I feel like most of them kind of fell in my lap in one way or another. So I learned so much from each one of these individuals and that I hope that, if you've been listening, that you have learned from them. Also, if you haven't caught some of these episodes, you might want to go back and check some of them out. I'm just going to do a quick little snapshot of each episode, each guest episode. I did some solo episodes in there as well. I'm not going to reflect on those quite as much at this hot second. Maybe I'll do that on my own personal time. But I wanted to just highlight each of these, in case there was one that you missed, and kind of share a little bit about what each episode, what some of my takeaways were.

Speaker 1:

So I started the year off by interviewing Marin Corbley. She is a therapist out in the Pacific Northwest and her topic that she chatted with me about was EMDR and trauma responses Trauma responses that we all experience. We talked about big T trauma and little T trauma and how it's really common for people to say, oh, I've lived a blessed life, I have nothing to complain about. Well, no, you probably do have something to complain about. Everybody has something to complain about. Not that we should be dwelling on the complaints, but these trauma responses even if you didn't have a major event I hope you didn't if you're listening to this but we all had little traumas, little things that our little child brains just didn't understand, and so we made up a story and now that's kind of running in the background in our lives and she talked about that and using EMDR to kind of help uncover some of these things or to help, you know, reprogram our brains from the programming that we put in there when we were small children.

Speaker 1:

Emdr is something that you do need to work with a licensed practitioner with. It's fascinating to me. I have personal experience with it. For me I was holding little buzzies in my hands, controlled by the therapist. Doesn't hurt, it just feels like your phone vibrating and somehow that stimulates your brain in different ways and yeah, and it just allows things to come up that maybe you had suppressed such a long time ago. And now, in a safe way, in a safe environment, again with a licensed practitioner, you can bring these things up and go OK, wait a minute. Is that really true? Is that what I is, that helping me, and you can get on with your life, I guess, move past some of these things that have been holding you back. So that was a really, really interesting episode with Marin Corbley.

Speaker 1:

After that, I interviewed Brittany Ross when I first came across Brittany, I'll tell you I she applied to be on my, on my podcast, and I knew she was an author and at first glance I thought I don't know. Her book is called Dangerous Hope from Survival Mode to a wildly abundant life Again, brittany Ross and her book focuses on her struggles with infertility and miscarriages. She had a lot of miscarriages and I thought at first boy. I don't know if I'm the right host to interview her. I don't have experience with this myself and I just don't know if if I'm going to jive with this, I guess Nobody says jive anymore. I just did. But I went ahead and got her book anyway and I could not put that sucker down. It is so well written. Again, I don't have personal experience with the struggles of infertility and miscarriages, but that doesn't mean I don't have struggles in my life. And I tell you what, when you read her book, it is written in such a great way. It's you just you're right there with her and you can relate it to your own struggles, regardless of the topic. It's just a very, very vulnerable share, but with such a positive message. So if you haven't checked out that episode or that book, I highly recommend it. It's a quick read, it just it's very well written. You feel like you're just sitting there chatting with her. So again, brittany Ross, dangerous Hope is one to check out.

Speaker 1:

And then I interviewed Aaron Slutsky and we talked about Enneagram, and I love the Enneagram. I love any any personality type quiz. Again, maybe this is more my ego talking Tell me about me, tell me more about me. But I think that there's a lot to be learned from all the different types of personality quizzes. Aaron Slutsky focuses on Enneagram in particular. That's just the one modality she likes to work with, but where her big takeaway was you know, you take the Enneagram, you find out what you are, but then how can you use that? How can you actually use the results to help improve your life? And I think that's where we take a lot of quizzes online Enneagram or Meyerbriggs or whatever, even human design. You can look and see oh, I'm a generator. Okay, what does that mean? Are you going to do anything with it? Are you going to actually use that to make changes in your life? So if you haven't done Enneagram, I recommend them, just so that you can again learn a little bit more about yourself. But then don't forget to dig into it, and Aaron did a great job of explaining how you can use that and different ways that you can actually use a test result like that to make some positive changes in your life.

Speaker 1:

From then we talked with Jennifer Jade and Jennifer is one of my favorite human beings on the planet and she talked about how to find your purpose. I love Jen's story. I love listening to her talk. She has just such a great way with words. She's very relatable and very down to earth and I appreciate that about her. Her story begins with her getting a job in finance and doing pretty well financially. She worked her way up the ladder quite a bit pretty early in her life, in her 20s. She was making some really good money and then just not loving life. She was not feeling fulfilled at all and she just kind of was at that point where she thought I guess this is it, this is what people do, this is what life is. But that was not to be the case. And so she shares her story of how she got from that point to actually fulfilling what she feels is her purpose now and every day for Jen well, maybe not every day, but most days, I'm sure, are just filled with a sense of purpose and belonging and meaning, and I know her life has changed just drastically because of that.

Speaker 1:

So one of my favorite quotes from that podcast and from Jen is are you assuming failure or pursuing possibility? And she just encourages everyone out there to always pursue possibility. You never know what's possible unless you actually go after it. Then I chatted with Cindy Rowe and Cindy is such a loving, kind person and it's no wonder that her topic of choice is kindness. Random acts of kindness is what we focused on, and I love that she had such a focus on shifting the focus outside of yourself, and that actually is going to help shift your own energy.

Speaker 1:

You know, on my podcast I talk with a lot of people and I talk myself about how we need to take care of our own self and you need to make sure your needs are being met, and that's all true. But it's kind of, if you think of it, like some kind of a spectrum where you're on one end focusing me, me, me, only me, and then way on the other end is focusing on everybody else, only everybody else, never myself. Ideally, you want to be somewhere in the middle, right To where your needs are getting met. You're focusing on your needs but you're also helping others around you. And I'll tell you if you've ever been in a spot where you're kind of in a mild funk, like just a small, not a deep depression, but just a little like, oh, I'm just kind of feel I don't know what not right, go do some acts of kindness for strangers or people. You know it doesn't matter. But think of some things doesn't have to cost money, it can. It's whatever you can think of. Think of some things that you can do to help lift other people up, and that's going to come back to you. Okay, it's going to come back to you in ways that you won't expect and it's going to come back to you immediately because you're going to feel good about that thing that you did.

Speaker 1:

There's an episode of Friends that I think about all the time where they talk about how there is no selfless act. Like you can't do an act of kindness without getting a kickback. I think Phoebe lets a bee stinger and she was like there. I did not want that bee to sting me, I didn't like it, you know, because she's just on this mission to do something where she doesn't get at least feel good in return or something like that. But it was so hard for her to do and that's because I think it's designed that way. I think when we help others, we do feel good. Again, it's. You don't want to be all the way on the spectrum where you're only helping others and never paying attention to yourself. But certainly including that in your life is going to be extremely beneficial.

Speaker 1:

And interestingly enough, after all that talk of kindness, I interviewed Annie Joy and she talked about bullying Kind of a fun little segue there. Her topic was bullying and the importance of building resilience. We think about bullies like on the playground, we think about kids you know four eyes, you've got glasses or whatever but the truth is adults bully just as much. And if you're listening to this, you probably have been bullied at some point in your life and you have probably been a bully at some point in your life. Nobody likes to think that oh no, not me, I'm nice, I like to be nice to everyone. Well, at some point in time, if you've got siblings, you probably weren't nice to them at some point in your life too.

Speaker 1:

And if you hop on social media and you read the comments oh gosh the comments. I don't know why I all. It's hard to not read the comments sometimes and I always regret it, but people are just not kind all of the time. We could use a little more Cindy in our life, with more kindness. But the fact of the matter is and this is what Annie talked about People are going to be jerks, and the reality is you don't know what's going on in that person's life.

Speaker 1:

They could be really struggling with something, just immensely, and that one little tiny thing that you innocently did could have been just a trigger for them. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and they could not help themselves, and so they were a jerk and they said X, y, z to you, and now you feel horrible. Okay, so you can't control other people. You can't control what they're going to do, you can't control what they're going to say. You can't control how they treat you to a degree. So what you can do is build this resilience that Annie talks about. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to react when people say mean horrible things, or do or don't do things? What's your response going to be? That's all you can be in control of is your own self.

Speaker 1:

There's a quote that I should have memorized. If you've been listening to my podcast, I share mangled up quotes all the time because I can't ever remember them. There's a quote about you know, there's not enough leather in the world to cover the entire earth so that I could always, you know, walk on the earth and my feet never hurt. But I can get leather to cover the soles of my feet and then it doesn't matter where I walk because my feet are protected. It's the same concept here you it doesn't. You can't control the whole world, but you can control your own response to it. And she talked about regulating your nervous system and what to do when you're triggered.

Speaker 1:

But that was a really, really beneficial podcast, I thought, from Annie Joy, and then I chatted with Jen Liss, and Jen is all about the sparkle. I love talking to Jen. She's all about the glitter and the sparkle and I am here for all of that. Her podcast was titled how to Get Past your Ego to Let your Light Shine, and I love this because if you listen to me, you know I talk about authenticity quite a bit, and that's that's Jen. She is all about letting yourself be in your full expression of yourself, not dimming your light, being, you know, the fullest version of who you can be and letting your sparkle sparkle and not worrying about what other people think. And that's hard to do sometimes, it's uncomfortable sometimes, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes, and I'm all about the authenticity there that Jen shared and I'm going to share this little tidbit for you today.

Speaker 1:

So this morning I was watching a video and some science-y science man was telling me about frequencies and this is the kind of thing I watched for fun and he said that they did a study. I won't worry with the details, but they were able to measure the frequencies emitted from a human body in this total, kind of like a vacuum state sort of a thing. They were able to measure their frequencies of their emotions to an extreme detail. So if somebody was sitting in this little box thinking that they had, they could. Not only could they say, oh, you're feeling sadness, but they knew the difference between sadness and despair. They could. It was very, very intricate and it was all based off of oh, this is the frequency that we're measuring off of your body. So that is despair, right? Or this is love, or this is, you know, exhilaration, whatever that was. They could predict it just by looking at the frequencies that they were measuring.

Speaker 1:

And the frequency that is the highest that so far that we know of emitted from the human body is not love, like I thought that it would be. It's authenticity. So when you are speaking and you are all in behind what you're saying, like me in this podcast, right now, I am all in on this. I fully believe it. Here's me being completely real and sharing this with you. So I'm just gonna assume that right now, my frequency is like the highest that it could be, as according to this Mr Science man that I watched this morning on this video. So I think that's really interesting. Just to note that I wanna say that it was like double love, like when you're being authentic. That's way, way more than even love, so just food for thought. So that's why I loved Jen talking about how to do that. How do you start? If you've been living a life where you've been dimming your light so that you fit in a little bit more, how do you start letting your light shine? It's not something that you can just say, oh okay, well, I'll just start being more like myself now. It's not how it works. You can try it, let me know if it works that way. But so Jen is really great on helping get past that ego that says no, no, no, don't do that. That's scary to actually being in your full self.

Speaker 1:

Andrea mine to wit was next, and I'm gonna tell you this was one of my most downloaded episodes. I was with Andrea mine to wit how to stop being reactive and take your power back. Andrea is the author of a book called Name, claim and Refrain your Path to a Well-Lived Life, and she really talks about awareness. Really, to me, is what it is being aware. So you have to be aware, to name what's going on in my life. What is it that I don't like? Am I being crabby right now? Why am I being crabby and now claim that, okay, you know what it's crabby, I'm being crabby right now. And here we go world, I'm crabby and now reframe it. Okay, I don't wanna be crabby. How can I look at this situation from a different light to maybe shift my energy? Or do I need to take action on something or do something else need to happen? Because when she talks about taking your power back, your power is all there, all within your own self and your own energy. Stop being reactive, stop being the victim. You can't just you can live a life where you just are reacting to everything Everyone else is throwing at you and being a victim and saying poor me, and why is this happening? And it's not fair and I never get blah, blah, blah. Or you could stop and go okay, I am, I'm claiming it and being a victim. This is victim behavior. I am naming it, I am claiming it here, I am Okay. What do I need to do to shift this? And I think that's where your power lies, because that's when your life will start to change, is when you really do take your power back, like Andrea says, and stop living a life just reacting to things.

Speaker 1:

Next, I interviewed to Neil Bruce and we talked about biofeedback and all kinds of weird sciencey quantum stuff. I loved it. I love all that weird sciencey quantum stuff. Biofeedback when I think back to this particular episode, what I remember the most is her talking about her spooky too, it's spooky, like ooh, it's spooky. And then the number two and I don't have one of these yet, but it is on my list, I want one so bad.

Speaker 1:

She talked about how they can use frequencies to alter your health, and I know there's other things out there that do the same. There's a Healy if you've ever heard of anyone with a Healy before but the spooky too, I believe. If I'm not mistaken, they use fingernail clippings, which sounds super gross to me, but I'm gonna roll with it. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's fingernail clippings and that's how the machine the spooky too machine knows that it's me, because it's my energetic imprint on those fingernail clippings of mine that are in this tube. And if I have, let's say, a stomach bug, there are certain frequencies that you can run to help heal your stomach bug. That would be different from pneumonia, that would be different from a broken leg, that would be different from I don't know what all you can think of. So using biofeedback to help improve your health.

Speaker 1:

I know Tuneal has a more sophisticated machine that she uses with clients, but the spooky too, is something that can be used at home for personal use and it's just fascinating to me. I have done some mild research on it and it's got a following, and I tell you what the people that use it are. Just, they're all in. They say it works incredibly. So spooky too. Definitely Tuneal, if you're listening. I promise I'm gonna get one someday. It's on my shortlist of presents to buy for myself. Anybody out there wants to buy me a spooky too? I'll take it.

Speaker 1:

And my next guest was Kristen King, and I love Kristen King so much. I follow her on Facebook. She is absolutely hilarious. Part of her hilarity lies in her realness and her openness and her authenticity. She's one of the most authentic people I think that I know and I just appreciate that so much about her. And, again, I think she's super funny.

Speaker 1:

Her topic was how to stop people pleasing. If you're trying to be authentic, you can't be a people pleaser. You can't do be both. It just does not work. You can be a nice person that's nice to people, but you can't be a people pleaser.

Speaker 1:

One of the things I think about when I think about that episode is when she talked about just how exhausting it is to be a people pleaser, to always be thinking of oh I don't wanna upset this person, or I better say this to them or make sure you're always kind of micromanaging everybody's emotions. And she talked about how it's a form of manipulation and if you're a people pleaser, that's kind of like oh, I'm not trying to manipulate people, I'm trying to be nice so that everyone's happy, so that I can relax and I can be happy. But if that's your thinking, ain't never gonna happen. People are never all gonna be happy. So that you can relax and be happy, you need to not have your happiness dependent on other people and their emotions and actions, because you'll never be happy yourself. So I really appreciated her honesty, her vulnerability and just, yeah, as somebody who struggles with this sometimes myself, I'm way better than I used to be, but I have more awareness. If you're somebody that's struggling with people pleasing, I'm here to tell you that the more awareness you have, the easier it can be. But yeah, that was a really, really powerful episode. So definitely check out People Pleasing with Kristen King.

Speaker 1:

Then I talked to Kristen or, I'm sorry, I talked to Amy Fuentes and we talked about how to get unstuck. And I think back to episodes like talking with Jennifer Jade about uncovering your purpose. And maybe you have uncovered your purpose and you're like, yes, this is it, this is what I wanna do with my life. I'm feeling great and then you get stuck again. It doesn't always mean that you're not on the right path. Sometimes it's just little tweaks, sometimes we just need another perspective or help from a coach or someone else or a friend. But Amy Fuentes talked about how to get unstuck, because guess what? It's probably gonna happen. So I really, really appreciated Amy's episode there on Getting Unstuck. And then I chatted with Joshua Becker. Joshua is the man behind Becoming Minimalist and I have followed the Becoming Minimalist Facebook page for years.

Speaker 1:

You may not believe that if you look at my house, because I do not follow minimalism to a tee, but I think that there's so much to be gained there from a minimalist lifestyle, even if you're not willing to go full on minimalism. So maybe that's saying no to a few more activities or getting rid of some obligations, maybe it's actually cleaning your house and getting rid of some of the stuff. I don't know about you, but any time I have cleared out a space, whether it was my daughter's bedroom or the mudroom, suddenly everyone in my house is spending more time in that space Because it feels better, and that's part of the idea behind the minimalism, just a small part of it. But when I think about, I talk about energy a lot and your own energy and your surrounding, your environment has a lot to do with your own energy, if you are. I mean, there's studies that have proved this If you are someone that lives in a really super cluttered house, your mind is probably also super cluttered. You might, oh, I never can get things done or I never can. Xyz. Clearing your space is gonna allow you more peace in your brain Because I won't get into it today, but there's a lot going on with that visual clutter and your brain processing all of that and just do yourself a favor Adopt at least some of the minimalist habits and tendencies. If you're curious on how, listen to that episode with Joshua Becker from Becoming Minimalist. He is just just fantastic, top notch guy and first dude that I had on my show. So Joshua Becker, there you have it.

Speaker 1:

Next, I chatted with Jen Plitschinski and we talked about sound healing and I love this episode. And if you are listening to this right now and you are local to me, or quasi local, within driving distance, just know that I am hosting a retreat on January 20th 2024 in Algona, iowa, at Waters Edge Nature Center. This is the second retreat that we have done out there. It was wildly popular by those who attended last year, so they begged to do another one and so we're doing another one. But this a reason I'm bringing this up now is because Jen Plitschinski is going to be in attendance to do some sound healing with us there.

Speaker 1:

I have watched Jen do a little mini session before. She's just incredible. She is a wealth of knowledge and she's so passionate About how we can use sound and vibrations Again the vibrations from her singing bowls or her tuning forks or whatever it is to adjust our own frequencies. Because, whether you believe me or not, when I talk about this stuff you're emitting a frequency right, this hot second. It's science. We get that science guy I talked about from the video earlier. He could put you in the box and measure you. It's a thing. So these tuning forks and whatnot, they have an effect on our overall vibration. We can use that to our benefit. So if that, if you again are local to me or quasi local and you're interested in that retreat, you can just message me for more details, mendyatmendyduffcom, or hop over to my website, mendyduffcom and go to the shop section and you can click on the link there to learn a little bit more about it and get yourself registered. You do need to be registered to attend that event.

Speaker 1:

So the next episode that I did was with Jess Altman, and she is just such a peach of a gal and she has a business in Cedar Falls, iowa. So if you I'm also in Iowa, so if you're in the state, hop over to Cedar Falls area and check out her halo therapy facility. This is salt therapy. I have experienced this not in Jess's yet, because she just just just opened it. I think maybe it's been just a couple of weeks ago as I'm recording this but halo therapy using salt, the Himalayan salt and I know Jess also has quite a few other things there sound bed and whatnot as well but that halo therapy is just incredible. I experienced it when I was at the tail end of COVID and I really think that that kind of helped me get over the hump. With COVID. I was way past being contagious, to that point where you're like I just still don't quite feel good, and that halo therapy, I think, is really what helped me again kind of come over that hump. So if you're interested in salt therapy, definitely check out that episode with Jess.

Speaker 1:

Next, I chatted with Jamie Bauer and we talked about embracing vulnerability and the power of community and bravery and personal growth, and I loved talking with Jamie because you could tell he's so passionate about community. I like to be pretty independent. Sometimes I can do it myself, but there really is a lot of power in numbers. So when you have that community, especially as an entrepreneur, it's nice, I know, for me to have those small group masterminds or those Facebook groups with other entrepreneurs that do similar things podcasters or whatever we are so that you can bounce some ideas off of people or get some support. I'm struggling with this. I need help with this and then learn and grow from each other versus just always trying to do everything all by yourself. So Jamie Bauer had a lot of really, really powerful things to share about community in that episode.

Speaker 1:

Then I talked to Kelsey Aida about manifestation. Oh my gosh, loved this episode. Love Kelsey, love her whole vibe she's got going on is so positive and uplifting, and she's just one of those people that you just like to be around her. She just seems so relaxed and like she's just got life all figured out. That was not always the case. She shares her story of how she struggled with a deep depression for quite a while and how, just through her own education and things that she's stumbled upon and learned. She is the manifestation expert. So if you're wanting to bring more things that you want into your life, instead of reacting to what life's throwing at you, learn how to make that shift and listen to that podcast with Kelsey Aida Super fascinating.

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Angie Wisdom was my next guest. Angie talked about embracing individuality. Authenticity and embracing what brings you joy was really a key topic there on that episode how to be respectful yet authentic. Being authentic doesn't mean you go around just saying everything that you think all the time, whether it's nice or not. I mean you can, but I don't recommend that. So how to be respectful of others yet authentic, how to show up with all that you have to offer all the time, and how, when we don't do that, it really can have some consequences. When we're always putting ourself last or again dimming our light, that has some consequences. Sometimes it turns, it manifests, into health issues and sometimes other relationship issues or sometimes financial issues. So when you're not being your full self, that's gonna come back and show up in some probably undesired aspect in your life. So it's worth paying attention to. Aiva Perez was next Eva, I should say, and we talked about balancing career and family, which is a topic all by holy cats how do you have a job and raise a family and do all of it and still have time for all the things?

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But she uses rapid transformational therapy, which is something kind of new and it's again pretty fascinating to me. I'm gonna tie it into the next podcast guest, because Lindsay Robinson talked about something similar but different. So Lindsay Robinson was unlocking the labyrinth of your subconscious, a deep dive into hypnotherapy. So Lindsay uses straight up traditional hypnotherapy. Eva Perez uses there is rapid transfer. I can never I can think of the initials but I can't think what they stand for. Sometimes you'll just see it RTT and it's rapid transformational therapy, but both are just two different modalities that are going into your subconscious and kind of helping you reprogram things. So I know Lindsay talked about the bouncer at the door of a bar and how you might have all these beliefs that you wanna change and I have always believed that I can't make money. But now I'm gonna, I believe it, I can do it, I'm ready, bring in the abundance. But inside that bar, behind the bouncer, are your subconscious beliefs. And if those don't match up? So if your subconscious beliefs are beliefs of lack and no low self-worth, and you can never do that. That bouncer is not going to let those new thoughts in, and so now you're kind of screwed, so to speak. So, using hypnotherapy or again, rtt, you can use that to reprogram those subconscious thoughts to start living a life that is more in line with what you're looking for. So those were both really fascinating.

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Jules Vitality was next. This was another popular episode Escaping the Norm Tips for your Best Life. She talked about taking action and risks to reach for your dreams of freedom and independence, and I think it's so interesting that, as I'm talking to you right now, jules is actually I don't know where she is, because she didn't know where she was going to be. She went on a little adventure, a solo adventure. She was going to be in Europe. I think she's still in Europe. She had a one-way plane ticket and she was just going to kind of see what happened and go wherever life took her. She was really looking forward to this at the time when we recorded that podcast, and I know she's doing it now as I follow her a little bit and can see some of what she's up to. So she's doing it and it's not without risks. But if you have a little bit of preparation and are a little willing to just kind of go with the flow, you'll be provided for. She's proving that to be true. So, escaping the Norm Tips for your Best Life, jules Vitality, definitely want to check that one out.

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After that, this past fall in September, I started a series all devoted to spirituality. I know I will do other episodes in the future where there might be one here or there, but this whole set to me was all. They all kind of went together. So I started by interviewing Maggie Kalanan. Maggie is an author of the book Final Gifts and oh, now I can't remember. That's embarrassing. Oh, my goodness, I'll put it in the show notes. If I remember that's terrible. Final Gifts. And then the other one. That's amazing. We'll check out the podcast anyway, because we'll say it 500,000 times there.

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She's a former hospice nurse. Oh, I say former, and then she yells at me because she says you never retire, you just quit getting paid. So she has quickly become one of my favorite people on the planet. She's just so real and compassionate. I mean, you have to be to work in hospice and she has seen so many things she has worked with. I couldn't even tell you how many different clients the number is insane. But she talked about navigating life's final transitions. She actually had so much to share that we did two episodes so much about. You know, when people are on their deathbed, what's, what does that look like? First of all, let's take some of the scariness out of it. And then what do people wish they had done differently and how can we help? You know, prepare ourselves for this? Maggie, again, she's seen a lot and she shared, is comfortable sharing a lot. So she's a phenomenal storyteller. So definitely, if you have not listened to those episodes of Maggie Kalanan, if death kind of weird you out or creeps you out, get over it for 40 minutes and listen to Maggie, because she will put you at ease. She has just such a magical way about her. I cannot say enough wonderful things about Maggie Kalanan. So 100%, go listen to those episodes if you have not already.

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Then I listened or I chatted with Ray Ferrer Ray. See, this is what happens when I don't have things spelled phonetically Ray Ferrer. Ray, I'm so sorry, that's not your last name, it's F-A-R-R-E-R and right now my mouth is just not going to say it, but Ray is another wonderful human being. She's a death doula. So she talked a lot actually about what to do before you get to that hospice point when you know people are terminally ill or even if you're just elderly, things that you could have in place. You want to make sure your loved ones have in place so that when that time comes, this makes things easier for everyone. So that was a great episode with Ray.

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Then I chatted with Jennifer Don and this is where the season started to get a little bit crazy, but in a good way I loved it. I love this kind of crazy. Jennifer Don is a wonderful, wonderful human being and does lots of different things. But we chatted with about past life regressions and I know some people are like nope, can't get on that train. I do not believe that we lived a past life. I think this is it and that's all. I cannot prove you wrong. No one can but you can't prove me wrong either. So I just personally feel really strongly that we do live multiple lives. I can't explain why I feel that so strongly, I just do so. I loved chatting with Jennifer Don about past life regressions and what that can look like and how that all works, and it kind of like boggles your mind a little bit, but so so fascinating. And then I chatted with Val Misho and she is an intuitive medium and so she talks to dead people and she talked about bridging the earthly and spiritually realm. So she talked about what it's like when you know people from the other side communicate with her, and when she works with clients and how that all works.

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I can tell you that here's the behind the scenes on that episode. As soon as I hit stop, we were done recording. I said thank you, val, that was amazing. And she said, okay, do you have a second? I said sure, and she immediately goes into a reading for me. She's like, okay, I just want to address the gentleman that's behind your left shoulder. He's coming through as a grandfather energy. Does that resonate with you? And I'm like, yeah, okay, two grandfathers that have passed away. And then she started saying things. She's like describing him. She's saying things about him. I'm like, yeah, yes, yes, that's him. That's like, how do you know this? But of course she knows it because his energy was really there and was communicating with her. I again, personal belief. You can disagree. We can't prove each other wrong here. I don't think that when our physical bodies die, I don't think that that's the end. I think our energetic, our spiritual self is still living on somewhere and that's evident through the incredible experiences that these intuitive mediums share, valving one of them. So definitely, if you're curious about mediums, you might want to check that episode out for sure.

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Then I brought Jennifer Jade back on Again. She's one of my favorite humans and she's the only person that's been on twice, but she had some really, really fun things to share about angels. Jen is again. She talked had an episode about finding your purpose. Part of what has happened with Jen is, as she has been authentic and true to herself and is following her own purpose, some of her intuitive abilities have opened up as well, as she has found she's able to communicate with angels. She has a strong connection with the angelic realm, is what I'll say, and that's what we talked about. We talked about how that was weird for her at first. It's like, okay, nobody's going to believe this, this is crazy, and actually she had never talked about it publicly before coming on this podcast. But I convinced her to do it and hopefully she's glad that she did so. But yeah, she just had lots of interesting things to share about how angels can communicate with us and how that does seem like weird and crazy and like do we believe this? Do we not believe it? But then again, it's kind of like talking with the intuitive mediums. Too many things happen to just disregard it. Too many stories, too many personal experiences. She's had too many personal experiences by this point to just say, oh, I'm just making this up. She can no longer say that. So again, yeah, angels, so, so, so interesting that episode was.

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Then I had Machi Rosado on and this episode, machi, actually facilitates a healing for the collective. So, even though she and I recorded this back in October of 2023, the weird thing about energy is, I mean, there's it knows no time or space. Okay, so, if you're less, if you go back and listen to that episode that we recorded in October where she facilitates a healing for all who are listening that includes you, even if you're listening to it in July of 2025. Okay so, it doesn't matter where you are in the world or the fact that so much time has passed. Oh, it's probably not good anymore. It's not like yogurt. There's no expiration date on it. Okay, it's, it's effective.

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So she talks a little bit about what she does in terms of healing. She uses Reiki a lot and just I don't know she I think this is my own personal opinion here, machi, if you're listening, you can disagree here, but I think Machi she uses Reiki, but she's got her own like special sauce, like she's got her own thing going on, and it is truly magical. I've experienced a few different healings with her and it's she's just so immensely talented that if you are just kind of in a funk, you might want to go back and maybe just skip to the middle part, to to where the healing portion starts, and just let that wash over you and experience that healing that she provides there. It's absolutely phenomenal. Rosalind Fung was on next and we talked about unraveling your soul purpose, but doing that through the use of the Akashic records and the Akashic records again, that's another like.

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Do we believe this?

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Do we not believe it? I do. I personally think, and I may change this opinion as I learn more, but the more I learn about Akashic records and the more I learn about the quantum field, I feel like they're the same thing. Okay, so if you go into science and people will say, you know the quantum field, everything is available to all of us all the time. That's how they'll describe the Akashic records. It's a record of everything that's ever happened, ever could happen, potentialities, everything that's just all there, accessible to anyone all the time. So I feel like they're maybe there, as I learned again, maybe I'll think that they're a little bit different, but they sure right now sound like the same thing to me, just a spiritual version and a science version. And how often do we see that? A lot.

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So Rosalind actually opened up the Akashic records, kind of unexpectedly, rosalind's kind of a free spirit, and she was like, well, hey, let's just do it right now. So she opened it up for us and also offered a little mini healing in that as well for the collective. All that's listening. And then I finished my spirituality set with an interview with Priscilla Campos, and this one, I know, was for some people listening, was a little too far out, not for me, though I was right. I'm the weirder it sounds like on paper, like the more interested I am basically. So Priscilla Campos talked about unveiling the mysteries and wisdom of Atlantis, and I have a little boy who is a third grader and he just, for whatever reason, has been fairly interested in Atlantis.

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A lot of people are just, you know, was it? Did it really exist? Did it not exist? I know there's a documentary on if you have Disney, it's the National Geographic Section. James Cameron actually is behind it, I think probably funded part of it where they go and they try and find Atlantis. And was it here? Was it here? Well, this has to be it. Oh, but what about this one? This has to be it.

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And upon watching that documentary with my little boy, I'm like, yeah, it seems like they all seem like Atlantis and that if Atlantis really was a real thing, a real place like it's, all of these and probably more, that we just don't, they're not in, exists, like the physical structures are in existence anymore. But as Priscilla explains to us in this episode, you know Atlantis was not just one place. Atlantis was more of a like, a way of being. So when you see all these places that looked similar, that looked like they could fit the description of this quote unquote lost city of Atlantis, that makes sense to me. When I hear her speak about how, no, no, no, it's. It's not a city, it's, it's a way of being. And you know she believes that in past lives. She lived during this time and was a healer and that she can access some of those same healing modalities and potentialities right now. And so listening to her I mean it's you have to have an open mind when you listen to it, but if you really, if you can listen with an open mind, she has a lot of really interesting, fascinating concepts to share in there. So definitely give that one a listen, even if at first you were like I don't know A lot. Lots of good stuff in that one. Just a couple more episodes.

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I finished the year off with Sabrina, victoria and Finding your Own Voice. She is all about finding your voice and making that transformation. Really, really great words of wisdom from from Sabrina. Joey Beach had one on claiming financial freedom. So she's, she's the finance gal. But and I know some people are like boring finances but finances it's part of your life. You know we have to, whether you like it or not, it is so you need to accept it and you want to have your finances in good order. And so how do we do that so that we're living a nice, comfortable, balanced life? And Joey talks about that.

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Kim Deshane was my my last podcast guest for 2023. And she was just a delight to chat with. I felt like that whole episode was like a personal life coaching session, for Mindy is what it felt like. It was wonderful, though I mean so many nuggets of wisdom and good things that I took away from that with Kim Finding balance of minced chaos, overcoming burnout and stress management. So she had lots and lots of just little, easy, quick tips that you can start start implementing right now, today, after you listen to that episode. So if you haven't checked that one out, definitely do. And that's it. Then I had, of course, some solo episodes in there, which, again, I said I wasn't going to get into here today on this little roundup, but I just thought it was so fun for me to go back, even if you listened to all of those episodes, thank you, but it's worth going back and going. Oh, yeah, I did learn about that. Or, oh, that's right, that one lady, she did have some tips and I was going to start doing that. Maybe that's a reminder to go back and listen to it again and actually start implementing some of these things into your life.

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So don't forget the pause. Pause, look back and reflect. I feel so blessed to have had all these wonderful podcast guests. I feel even more blessed to have all of you wonderful podcast listeners. I so appreciate it. If you feel like doing an active kindness and you want to leave me a review, I love that or even just sharing with somebody that you think might be interested in one or more of these episodes, that that goes miles for people like me that are we're not quite the big time Joe Rogans, but we're still plugging along doing our thing because I feel like there's a lot of value in this and I know I love Joe Rogans. I love doing it.

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So I'm excited to announce that I have lots of super great podcast guests already lined up for 2024 and some solo episodes in there as well. So if you have been enjoying, no worries, I have no plans on quitting anytime soon and if you have some ideas for topics or guests actually, that's how several of the guests that came, came onto my show were recommended by listeners hey, you should check this person out. I think they'd be a great fit for your show and you know, the stars aligned and I've had them on. So if you have a topic or a guest that you'd like to see on up level your life with Mindy. Don't hesitate to reach out, and I love hearing what you guys have to say about the episodes and getting the feedback from you. That really helps me do future episodes.

Speaker 1:

So, all right, well, I have chatted long enough here today and I hope that, wherever you are at, you're having a fantastic day and I will catch you on the next one. That's it for today. Friends, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe or, even better, leave a review and let me know what resonated with you the most. The more you tell me what you love, the better I'm able to create future episodes with even better content. I'm sending you so much love and light. I'll see you in the next episode.

Reflecting on 2023, Up Leveling Life
Exploring EMDR and Finding Purpose
Embracing Kindness, Resilience, and Authenticity
Breaking Free From People Pleasing
Sound Healing, Salt Therapy, Personal Growth
Healing, Akashic Records, and Atlantis
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