Up-Level Your Life with Mindy

Cultivating a Year of Purposeful Energy

December 26, 2023 Mindy Duff Season 6 Episode 66
Cultivating a Year of Purposeful Energy
Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
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Up-Level Your Life with Mindy
Cultivating a Year of Purposeful Energy
Dec 26, 2023 Season 6 Episode 66
Mindy Duff

Ever wondered how to kickstart the New Year with an energy that propels you toward joy, purpose, and fulfillment? Join me, Mindy Duff, as I unravel the secrets of setting powerful intentions for 2024, merging the mysteries of science with the wisdom of spirituality.

As we stand on the precipice of a new beginning, I invite you to reflect on life's lessons and harness the transformative power of personal vibrations. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a journey. We'll explore a study that shows how our frequencies can indeed influence our environment, an insight that promises to shift the way you approach your daily life.

Feel like your emotional compass could use some fine-tuning? You're not alone, and that's why we're traversing the emotional scale by Abraham Hicks together, using it as a guide from fear to love. Discover how even the seemingly negative emotions, like anger, can serve as a milestone on the path to higher vibrations.

My own mission this year is to maintain the highest vibrational note possible, and I'm excited to share with you anecdotes, exercises, and insights—including a heartwarming tale of teaching kindergartners heart math—that will inspire you to do the same. Tune in for an enlightening dialogue that promises to elevate your energy and set you on a path of intentional living as we embrace the year ahead.

To join the  ✨Elevate Your Vibe 7 Day Challenge✨, Click Here:

To learn more about Mindy CLICK HERE

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how to kickstart the New Year with an energy that propels you toward joy, purpose, and fulfillment? Join me, Mindy Duff, as I unravel the secrets of setting powerful intentions for 2024, merging the mysteries of science with the wisdom of spirituality.

As we stand on the precipice of a new beginning, I invite you to reflect on life's lessons and harness the transformative power of personal vibrations. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a journey. We'll explore a study that shows how our frequencies can indeed influence our environment, an insight that promises to shift the way you approach your daily life.

Feel like your emotional compass could use some fine-tuning? You're not alone, and that's why we're traversing the emotional scale by Abraham Hicks together, using it as a guide from fear to love. Discover how even the seemingly negative emotions, like anger, can serve as a milestone on the path to higher vibrations.

My own mission this year is to maintain the highest vibrational note possible, and I'm excited to share with you anecdotes, exercises, and insights—including a heartwarming tale of teaching kindergartners heart math—that will inspire you to do the same. Tune in for an enlightening dialogue that promises to elevate your energy and set you on a path of intentional living as we embrace the year ahead.

To join the  ✨Elevate Your Vibe 7 Day Challenge✨, Click Here:

To learn more about Mindy CLICK HERE

Speaker 1:

Hey friends, this is your host, mindy Duff, and you're listening to Uplevel your Life with Mindy, your number one personal growth podcast that will bring you closer to uncovering your greatest self. As a certified holistic health and nutrition coach, I created this podcast for anyone who desires to improve physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'll be interviewing experts and sharing tips and tricks that have helped not only my clients, but that have guided me on my own transformational journey. I believe that we all have a greatness that lies within. We just need to uncover it. Are you ready to level up? Let's begin. Hi everyone and welcome back to Uplevel your Life with Mindy. I'm your host, mindy Duff, and today, as I'm recording this, it is almost the end of the year 2023. So I realized this is a podcast. You maybe are listening to this at a totally different time, but it's still going to resonate, I think I hope that's my intention anyway, putting it out there I wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

Last week I did an end of the year kind of recap on the podcast. I was talking about how I think it's so important to take time for the pause to look back on the year past or again. This doesn't have to be done at the end of a year it could be done at the end of any time you're going into some kind of a new transition, If you're leaving one job, going to another job, even if you're moving towns or houses. What was look back and what did you learn? What happened? What experiences did you have? Which ones did you? What experiences did you have that you didn't want to have? And I think that's really important. But one of the reasons it's so important is so that, as you're moving forward, you're able to be a little bit more intentional about what you want to bring with you and what you want to leave behind. And that's kind of where I wanted to take this podcast today is more on the looking forward. For me, right now, that's going to be looking forward to 2024. Which sounds always sounds crazy to talk about, to say the new year or if you write checks. Does anyone still write checks? I still write some, love the automated billing, but when you write the checks, you know for the first month or so it's like what year is it again? It feels weird to write 2024 or it will, I'm sure. But I think it's really, really important to look back and see. But it's important to intentionally set yourself up for success at the beginning of the new year, or the new job, or the new house, or the new, whatever it is that you have going on.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to talk with you today all about energy, and I'm going to be using terms like energy and vibration in terms of like, your frequency, and that's, in turn, how it all relates to your own self, your own person. And now let's just take a quick second and talk about how everything is energy. Everything is made up of energy. If you cannot get behind this idea, if you've maybe heard it before and you're like I don't buy it, this is probably not the episode for you and, quite frankly, this is probably not the podcast for you, because I talk about this stuff all the time. I love bringing the science and spirituality kind of together and to see where they meet in the middle, because almost always they do. There's usually a common ground is just, sometimes we use one scientific word and in the spiritual world they just call it something else, but they mean the same thing. So let's talk about energy, just for a hot second.

Speaker 1:

So we all have the same kind of background knowledge, can you tell? I've been a teacher for a long time. So energy if you took a microscope and you looked at even a solid object think of the most solid object that's around you right now. For me I'm going to my desk but this computer is sitting on seems pretty solid. If I smack my hand on it it's probably going to hurt. But if I got a microscope and I looked at it under a super powerful microscope I would see that it's not actually solid. It's just that all these little molecules that are bumping around, they're bumping around pretty tight, pretty close together, so it gives the appearance of solid and for in our reality it just is. We just would say, yes, that's a solid desk, some things. Under a microscope you can see there's more and more space between those molecules, so it's maybe not quite so solid. That's my very like non scientific way of explaining this. But everything, nothing is solid. Everything is energy, everything is moving. Even though to our human eyes things appear solid, we know scientifically it's not exactly solid, right? Also, everything emits a frequency and this again is scientific and it's measurable.

Speaker 1:

When I think about this, one of my favorite modalities to use for I guess I'll just say healing is heart math. I have a whole episode dedicated to heart math so I won't go into it too much. But heart math is just a really. They've done a lot of research and a lot of scientific studies done around the frequency that your body is emitting and in heart math they teach you how to. Just basically, you think happy thoughts and then that changes your frequency. Okay, that's kind of the nuts and bolts of it. If you want more on heart math, go back to that episode, check it out. It's probably called something like heart math, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, so there's a lot of science around all this, the frequencies that we're emitting, and I mentioned in my podcast, actually just last week, about how there I just saw this video and there was this Mr Science man on my on my Facebook I think it was probably, I don't remember, but I watched a video of this science guy talking about how they'd done a scientific study and it was kind of kind of like being able to put a human in a vacuum. It's not exactly a vacuum, but like a frequency vacuum, if you could think of such a thing. So, where there's no, there's no, imagine a box and there's no frequencies because, remember, everything is emitting some kind of a frequency I think we're aware of, you've probably heard of like EMFs, like things that are coming from your electronics, you know, everything's got some kind of a frequency coming from it. Well, in this study they have some kind of a box where there's they've been able to eliminate the frequency, so there's nothing there, and so they were able to put a human in it and measure the frequencies coming off of the human. And they did this with enough people and enough times that what they're I'm he didn't say exactly, but I'm sure along this study they were asking people how are you feeling right now? Right, just so they could kind of have some kind of a reference, and it got to the point where someone could go into this box, they could record the frequencies and then, without that person saying a word, they could tell exactly what kind of emotion that person was feeling, to a very intricate detail. So not only could they say, oh, you're feeling sad, but they could say, oh, you're feeling despair. Okay, there's a difference between happiness and exhilaration, okay. So all these little tiny nuances, they weren't just like oh, this person's happy, oh, this one's bored, this one's sad, that's it. There's three frequent. No, they were very, very detailed and I need to go back and find this study because it's really fascinating to me. I'd be curious to see exactly how many emotions that they were able to detail. I would imagine most of them they probably can, if it's that detailed.

Speaker 1:

So my point is that we are emitting frequencies, whether we're aware of it or not. Now, I think a lot of us do notice this, but maybe don't pay attention to it. So when I'm saying some of this, you might be like, oh, yeah, okay, I kind of know what you're talking about. I've maybe experienced that before. Think about when you are around a certain, around a person and they're feeling a certain way.

Speaker 1:

You can sometimes tell right, and not just because, oh, I can tell you're sad, because you're crying, like well, that's kind of an obvious one. Sometimes a person might just be sitting with a pretty neutral face and especially if it's a person you're close to, you might come up to them and sit down and you just instantly can tell, huh, something's off with you. And maybe I don't know what I'm not that machine that can tell to the detail that, oh, you're feeling despair, but I know something's off without. I mean, maybe their body language isn't even you know doing anything, or maybe you're on the phone and you can't even see their face, but you just can feel something's not right here. That's what you're picking up on. Is this frequency?

Speaker 1:

And again, with the heart math, they talk about how our frequencies that we're emitting can influence to a great distance. Well, I would say a great distance. That makes me think like miles, that's probably not true, but like feet. You know people who are in your general proximity here that are all sitting next to you within, I don't know, it's like six feet or something like that. You can have an influence on them for positive or negative, if you're in a great mood versus if you're in a not so great mode.

Speaker 1:

Also, I'd like you to think about when you walk into certain places. I hate going into Walmart there. I said it, the Walmart people can come after me. I don't even care. I will do everything possible to not go into Walmart because and you know what Walmart has stuff that is useful. I can see a benefit to Walmart, but I don't like going in there. I don't because it feels icky to me. It just feels the energy when I walk into Walmart feels heavy, it feels oppressive, it feels just low, and I am not here for that. It's uncomfortable for me to be in it very long. So I don't, I don't like, I'm not a Walmart person, and if you are a Walmart person that's fine, but I just for me personally, that's my place where, like, I don't like going in there, and there are certain other places that I feel that that same way and I just don't go there very often because it just doesn't feel good.

Speaker 1:

So think about in your life, are there any places that you don't like to go? Maybe you're also thinking oh yeah, I hate Walmart. Why? What is it specifically about Walmart that you don't like? And it might actually be kind of hard to pinpoint. There might be a couple obvious things that you don't like, but then it's like OK, I guess I don't. It's hard to put into words because it's just this feeling and some of us are more in tune with that feeling than others. I have no scientific study to back this up. This is Mindy Duff's personal opinion coming up here.

Speaker 1:

I think that it goes back to, maybe our clairs. If you're not familiar with what I'm talking about. Everyone has abilities, like Claire audience and Claire sentience, and Claire, you know we think about like an intuitive medium that can talk to dead people and they see whatever their clairvoyant. Ok, they're seeing images. All of us have all of these clairs to some degree. It's just they're more developed in some people than others. Anyone can develop them, just like you can strengthen your intuition just by working on it and focusing on it.

Speaker 1:

So Claire sentience is clear. Oh, that's clear. Knowing clear. That's the right one. Now I feel like that's not the right one. I'm going to go with it. The clear feeling.

Speaker 1:

So some of us we all have a clear that's a little more strong than the others and for some of us the feeling is the strongest. So if you're someone that's like oh yeah, I definitely like, can feel the vibes whenever I go to certain places, like I always know, oh, I like this place, it feels good here, or I don't, it feels yucky. So that clear feeling is just probably stronger for you. And if you're like I have no idea what you're talking about, you are crazy lady, then that's probably not one of your strongest clairs. I would just assume again, mindy Duff personal opinion, but that's kind of where I think that is going. But I definitely know that we all can become aware of it pretty easily in terms of, like just paying attention, how do you feel when you're around certain people, places and things or doing certain activities?

Speaker 1:

So how does this? Why am I talking about this? How does this relate to 2024 or whatever new thing that you're, you're going into, and I just decided that I am starting a new year and I would like to start this new year as high vibe as I can. So when I'm talking about maybe you've heard people say like, oh, it's a really high vibe place, so a high vibration, so that would be like a higher, faster frequency is what we're talking about, and so I really wanted to start my new thing, which is 2024, at the highest vibration that I can muster right now. And now let me talk about that for a second, because that doesn't mean that I'm set out on a mission to just like the highest, fastest frequency that's humanly possible. That's how I have to start 2024. No, that's not what I mean at all. That'd be great. I'm here for that universe. If you want to throw that my way, then that's cool. But I have a A realization that you know we can't always expect to be at the tip top all the time, and I don't think that's what being a human is all about. So I want to consciously make sure that my own energy, my own frequency, my own vibration, whatever you want to call it, I don't care. I want to make sure that I am vibing as high as I can in whatever moment I'm in. That does not always mean the highest 24, seven.

Speaker 1:

I actually yesterday was talking with a group of kindergartners, believe it or not, about this very thing. Okay, now, we weren't exactly talking about frequency, we didn't talk about frequency at all. But here's what happened. I had a little boy who came up to me in the middle of class, because he's five and this is what they do, and he just announced I am very angry today. And so I mean, I was there for everyone to hear and I thought first of all like, wow, good job, like recognizing that and being able to articulate that I'm not sure that I could have when I was five. And I think that there's a lot of five-year-olds out there that they feel might feel angry, but it's hard for them to find the words to say what's wrong. I feel angry. And he announced this to me, but for the whole class, and it wasn't really the time or place to be like well, what's wrong and how can we help you? Instead, we turned it into a short conversation and I tell you what. This whole conversation probably took less than 60 seconds.

Speaker 1:

Again, these are kindergarteners, they're five. But he said I'm very angry and I said do you want to try and do something to fix it? And he said yes, and I said, ok, everybody, here's what we did. We closed our eyes, we put our hand in our heart and if you're in a place where you can do this, you can do it with me. Put your hand on your heart and just for 10 seconds, I want you to just imagine that your breath is coming from your heart space. And so go ahead and do that now. And the kindergartners did it as well. And then I said, to add to that, think of something you love. Think of your happiest fun thing. Maybe you have a new puppy, maybe you love hugs from your grandma, something you love standing by the ocean and then put your hand down and when you're ready, you can open your eyes. And we did that. I mean, they're five again. So we did not do this for very long, it was just a couple of quick seconds, but in my head I'm just adding a little tool into their toolbox. What that was actually was heart math. Right, that's a shortened, abbreviated version of heart math.

Speaker 1:

I know that I can change my frequency and influence this whole class that's sitting pretty close to me. I know that they can each change their frequency by just sitting, breathing for a second and thinking of something they love. That's going to change their frequency. But I also know that it's really hard to go from really angry like this little boy was, to oh, that fixed it. I feel all better. So we finished, we opened our eyes again. It took like not many seconds at all and I said that basically I told them you maybe don't feel super happy right now, but I asked the little boy do you feel less angry? And he said yes, and I said then it worked. We can't always expect to go from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs just by flipping a switch, but any little tiny bit of improvement isn't that a win? Absolutely. So hopefully he's not angry today. He's a sweet little boy and I'm sure five-year-olds emotions change pretty quickly. But you know what? 43-year-olds emotions can change pretty quickly too.

Speaker 1:

I'm just here to tell you a personal experience, and that's something that you guys that are listening, you can take that with you too If you are feeling not so great. You are not. If you are feeling not so great, you I'm sure already have a million tools in your toolbox. Pick one, use it and then see did that help at all? Chances are it probably helped at least a little. Maybe it didn't help as much as you want. Try another tool and see if you can bump yourself up.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a great time to talk about Abraham Hicks and the emotional scale. So let's talk about Abraham Hicks just for a second. I know that some of you out there that are listening right now are like, yes, I love Abraham Hicks. I listen to them, to Abraham's stuff all the time and I'm all in. Some of you have never heard of Abraham Hicks before until this hot second and some of you are like I've heard but I think that's like crazy stuff. Ok, so for the people, let me catch everybody up.

Speaker 1:

For the people that don't know, abraham Hicks is a collective energy channeled by Esther Hicks. So when you hear that at first, if you're not already like super into, like the super natural spiritual world, that might sound so crazy to you and it might always sound crazy to you, and I think that's OK, nothing matters. Here's what I think matters If you listen to what is being said, does it sound good to you, does it resonate, does it feel like a good energy or does it feel icky? If you listen to or read some of the things that Abraham Hicks has put out they've written so many books If you look at that and you're like, ooh, this feels icky and gross, then it's not for you, then just lovingly set it aside, it's for somebody else. But even if you can't get behind the fact that, so maybe it's not really being channeled, maybe they're just making all this stuff up, I honestly don't even care, because it's such great information, it's always helpful, it's always loving.

Speaker 1:

So here's my little tangent on Abraham Hicks. So they have something that they've put out called the emotional scale and you can just Google right now Maybe not right now, wait till you're done listening to this podcast and then Google, or pause and then Google and then come back. Google Abraham Hicks, emotional scale. And I just love this idea, this whole concept. I for years have been going to go to Etsy. You can buy one of these like a poster of the emotional scale and hang it up in your house. And I've been going to do it and I just never have. So someday I'm going to do it. But it's such a useful thing to remember, even for the little list of kids, even for this little five year old that was super angry. If I would have had that chart with me, I would have been super easy. And actually some guidance counselors at school use something similar, whether they realize that it's kind of like this or not. I've worked in schools before where they have done something not quite the same but similar.

Speaker 1:

So on this emotional scale, it basically starts at a bottom with, I believe, fear is usually at the bottom and you're going to find different images, you're going to find different interpretations, but the gist is always the same. So we'll just operate with fear being at the bottom, so fear being the lowest frequency. So when you're feeling very fearful, if we can measure your frequency, it's going to be really low, it just is. If you've ever been around someone that was really fearful, it probably didn't feel great to be around them, in fact, probably especially if it was a child. Your instinct was probably to help them not feel fearful, partly because you want to be kind if it's a child, but if it's an adult that you're trying to help not feel fearful Sometimes it's because it feels so icky to be around them you just want them to change their energy so you can feel better.

Speaker 1:

But then, going up from that, we see I wish I had it right in front of me you can see sadness in there and you can see like boredom is kind of in the middle and then you kind of work your way up and then you get to complacency. Maybe is on there other emotions and when you get all the way up to the top, being love. And then actually I think I shared in my podcast last week that Mr Science man video with his box and the frequencies. I had always thought love would be the highest frequency and according to this Mr Science man, he says actually authenticity is the highest. You, your frequency is going much, much faster, much higher when you're being completely authentic, versus even just love, which is a high one. He acknowledges like yep, hot love is up there but it's not the highest. So I thought that was kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

So when you are in a mood or feeling, whatever you're feeling, sometimes it's kind of nice to look at that or be reminded of that emotional scale to see, okay, I am feeling fearful, I'm just, I'm the bottom of the barrel. I am so fearful. And then you start to use some of your tools to try and not be fearful. Well, it is such a large jump to go from fearful all the way up to love. It ain't going to happen. It's not. Especially if you have a lot of momentum behind that fear. It's going to be really hard to stop it and turn it around. Imagine, like stopping a train or something rolling downhill. You got to like it's gonna take a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So, as you find yourself feeling fearful and then you do use whatever tools you're gonna use, you might suddenly feel like, okay, I'm not fearful anymore, but I'm mad. Maybe you were, were feeling fearful because something happened and your safety was threatened. And now, like you realize, oh, you know what, I'm not afraid, but I am ticked off that this happened, it wasn't fair and blah, blah, blah. Well, according to the emotional scale that anger is, actually you're improving your vibration. So, even though you might be thinking like, well, that doesn't make any sense because anger that's had anger is not a great emotion. I don't want to feel that either. Okay, but technically speaking, speaking, in terms of frequencies, it's better than fear. So you're making progress, so keep going, use some more tools and this may, depending on your situation, it may not happen overnight, but then you can try again. Try some other tools and then look.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not feeling anger anymore. I'm not definitely not feeling love to these people that did whatever to me, that made me feel all these bad feelings, but at least I'm feeling more kind of neutral and then just see if you can keep working yourself up and up and up. Again. It depending on the situation. It could take a matter of minutes, it could take days, months, hopefully not years, but depending on what you got going on, maybe it does take years, and that's okay, there's no rules here. So, all this to say back to 2024, I wanted to start the year vibrating as high as I can. So again, that doesn't mean that I'm just gonna the ball drops and now I'm at love and authenticity the whole time. No, but I just wanted to have some intentional awareness around how I'm starting my year and what the energy is like for me starting my year, because I think that's a great habit to cultivate and that's what I want to carry with me all throughout the year.

Speaker 1:

If you think about it, if you are paying attention to your energy, your frequency, your vibration, whatever you want to call it, if that's like your main thing, like you're always super tuned into that, you're gonna live a life that is much more relaxed and comfortable and happy. You're probably gonna be attracting more things to you that you like. I think it all starts with your energy first, so being conscious of your vibration and where you're at on that emotional scale, and then trying to work yourself up appropriately Again, not just jumping from the bottom to the top, but just trying to always improve Again. I feel like I need to talk about spiritual bypassing just a little tiny bit. This doesn't mean something bad happened, okay well, I just need to forget about it and try and move up. No, part of moving up might be you got to deal with whatever you got to deal with, and that might mean that you sit at anger for longer than what is comfortable. But you know we can't just smush stuff or ignore stuff or say, nope, I'm not allowed to feel anything bad or icky, so I'm just gonna keep trying to raise my vibe. It's not exactly how it works, but I think, with a little just awareness and acceptance that, whatever you're feeling, I think that's really key Acceptance first, that okay, I'm feeling this and that's okay because I'm a human and I can learn from it, but I don't have to stay here forever and I can make improvements, right. So, because I wanted to be really intentional about how I'm starting my year, I thought perhaps other people might want to as well. So I am actually offering a little free, totally free. It's totally free, because that felt like a good high vibe thing for me. So that's why I'm doing it that way Just a free, little seven-day challenge.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be simple because I don't know about you, but life is crazy busy and we have all these great ideas and intentions that we want to implement, but then time is just sometimes a factor and I don't want people to think that this has to be really hard and time consuming it to work on yourself and to change your energy and all that. I mean it doesn't. This is something that can be very Easy to just kind of streamline into your life. So this is a seven day challenge, totally free, and it's gonna be simple and easy. You're not gonna get 5,000 emails from me. You're not gonna have 20 pages of homework to do. This is just simple, light, easy, free and should be elevating and lifting your vibration in the process. So be on the lookout for some info from me on that.

Speaker 1:

I'll put a link in the podcast notes here as well for the Facebook group that you can join. I don't know about you. For a while there I felt like I was in 500,000 different Facebook groups and I was so over it. But this really is going to be the lightest, easiest way to do this. I'm gonna post in it for seven days and then I won't anymore. So if you, after the seven days, you don't have to worry about trying to keep up with another Facebook group or anything like that, if that's something that is on your mind, if you're trying to declutter your social media and whatnot, I just promise this is gonna be the easiest, lightest way to get this information to you. So I'll put a link in the show notes if you're interested in joining. Again, no strings attached. I just thought and also for me that if I'm trying to raise my vibration, it's really fun for me when I'm helping other people also do the same. That kind of it's that whole idea of all lifting each other up, and I just really like that image and that feeling behind that. So that's why I'm doing it. So, again, check the show notes and if you follow me on social media, I'll surely post several times about this free little challenge that I've got going on, just to help pay attention and bring more awareness to your vibration and to help you raise it so that you can start off 2024 in the best way possible to set that whole tone for the whole year.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, that is enough from me today. Hopefully you gained a little bit something here from this. Again, don't hesitate to reach out, message me, email me at MindyDeafcom. I absolutely love hearing from people, to hear what your thoughts were on certain things, or if you have stories to relate. I 100% and I respond to all the emails myself, so don't hesitate to share with me. I super, super love it. All right. So wherever you're at, I hope you were having a fantastic day and I will catch you on the next one. That's it for today, friends. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe or, even better, leave a review and let me know what resonated with you the most, the more you tell me what you love, the better I'm able to create future episodes with even better content. I'm sending you so much love and light. I'll see you in the next episode.

Setting Intentions for the New Year
Understanding and Improving Personal Vibrations
The Emotional Scale