Motivation Babe Podcast

Ep. 34 Fire Friday "How to Achieve CLARITY in your Goals"

Hillary Cortez Season 3 Episode 34

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Hey yall today we are having a fire conversation that I hope brings you clarity in your goal setting for 2023. My number one goal is to help you make this year different and to help give you the strategies, encouragement, and motivation to do so. Make sure to get your journal out for this episode- I give you an exercise to complete to help you find your clarity! Ok ready, let's dive in!

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Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. Welcome to the Motivation Bay podcast. I am your host Hills. Be Motivation babe. And I am on a mission to empower you and thousands of women every single day. Uh, think of the Motivation Babe podcast as your go-to resource for mindset talks that give you the confidence to become the best version of yourself. I am so honored you are here. Get ready to level up as we dive in. Hey, y'all, welcome back to another episode of The Motivation Babe podcast with me. It's your girl. It's Hills the motivation, babe. Hey guys, welcome back. Thanks for tuning in. We are here. It is Fire Friday. I'm sitting in my office and I have two puppies next to me giving me all the good energy and fire Fridays. You know how we do this? These are short, these are sweet. These are to the point. It's me talking about the things that are top of mind from me, whether it through my coaching sessions, through the networks and organizations I'm a part of. There's always these constant themes and topics that I feel are important to share here on the podcast with you as I experience them in my day-to-day. That's what Fyre Fridays are. Okay? This Firey Friday, I actually am so excited to talk about this topic, and I know I say that every episode, but every episode I'm truly excited to talk about everything with you because I want to add value to your life. I want to help give you the encouragement, the motivation, the support, um, and everything to just help you live your best life, to chase your dreams and to let you know you can do it. I got you. You got me. We're here together in this process. Ready? This episode, I wanna talk to you about clarity. Uhoh. I don't know if you hear a doggy in the background. They're starting to bark<laugh>. All right, sorry about that. I got them to calm down. Listen, I wanna talk about how to achieve clarity in your goals because, because, because I know it is the new year. We just wrapped up January the longest month ever. Did y'all feel like January lasted freaking forever because oh my lord, uh, that was a very long but amazing month to start the year. Lots of momentum there. I hope it was, um, just full of experiences and joy and positivity for you. Listen, I did this workshop a few weekends ago with a local group here in San Antonio. For those of y'all who don't know, I am here in Texas. I'm based in, in San Antonio currently, and I was asked to be a speaker at a workshop. It was a really intimate setting. There was about 10 women who attended on the Saturday morning, and we had a great time. And one of the exercises I had them do was, and I want you to do this as well, because I'm sure you probably already have in your journals somewhere, I had them write a list of their goals for 2023. Okay? So I'm sure everyone's done this or you have it in your phone, you have it in your mind, but I really need you for this exercise to put this down on paper. I need you to write down all your goals. I don't care if it's three, if it's five, if it's 10, if it's 20, okay. As I had them write out their goals, I then wanted them to look at that piece of paper. And on that piece of paper, there is going to be one goal that is screaming at you like this. This is it. Listen, I know we have so many ambitions as very ambitious women, especially y'all tuning in here to this podcast. And when we set multiple goals, I just think it's really important for us to learn how to prioritize our goal setting. So during this exercise, one of the biggest pieces of feedback I received was, wow, I have clarity now on what I want. This is what I want to give you today. I want to help you achieve clarity in your goals, and you're going to do this exact exercise. I've done it. I had them do it, and I've seen this float around, you know, through some other coaches and mentors of mine. But I think this is a really powerful exercise. Listen, when you can identify the one goal that is like this is it. If it's a savings goal, um, if it's a career goal, if it's a family goal, a travel goal, a health goal, whatever your goal is that's screaming at you on this piece of paper, I want you to prioritize it as number one, numero uno. And this is what we're going to do. I'm pretty sure I talked about this on an episode back in season two, and this is what really helped me. Reframed goal setting and actually completing the goal and reaping the benefits of the goal. Okay? This is the mindset shift I made, and I want you to implement. I want you, when you lock in the goal, step one, done, now, I want you to think about the result that you are creating. What is the result that is created? Because this goal was achieved. When you focus on the results, you can then reverse engineer the steps to achieve the goal. Here is the thing that happens. We write out this list of goals. We steer at this paper, we put it in our you anything like me. I, I've put in my, I put my goals on sticky notes. I put them in the, the restroom on the mirror. I, I literally have put my goals in my car with me in my journals everywhere there, my dr, my dream board, my vision board is literally my screensaver on my phone reminded me of my goals. Mi here's the thing. We can look at our goals every day, all day, but if we don't know what action to take to achieve our desired result, what good is that goal? Not 2023 sis. Okay? This year is different this year. I want us to think about the results. I want us to reverse engineer the steps. A, k a, the how, the how is the part we all get caught up on, right? And I want us to look at where we're at right now and what we can do today. I want us to think about the compound actions, the baby actions we can take literally in our day today, that will compound enough to get us along our process, along our way. But this is the thing I really need you to have clarity around. Exactly, exactly the result you are trying to create. If the goal is, for example, if the goal is right, and I always kind of bring in my health, my wellness. I've been on this journey for a few years now, and I'm actually looking into like balancing my hormones. I'm, gosh, y'all<laugh>, I'm in my thirties, okay? And I just feel like my body is changing. I'm trying to learn, uh, modify my eating, my workouts just so much I'm trying to do. So a lot of the times I'll talk about, you know, I'm trying to lose weight or I'm just trying to overall in help my wellness, okay? So one of my goals this year is, yes, I wanna lose weight. I want to balance my hormones. I want to just like learn how to nurture and, and feed my body and move my body in the ways that best serve me. Okay? That's my goal is to, uh, lose weight, eat better, feel better, okay? But the end result that I see from that goal is this version of me, right? In this like specific outfit. I see, you know, this, this specific way I can do a photo shoot, feeling so confident in my skin, there is the end result. It, it isn't, it isn't something specific, but it's this really beautiful vision of what gets to be created because I accomplished the goal. I hope that makes sense for you. And, and that's really the message for today. I want you to look at all your goals. I want you to pinpoint that one goal that's screaming at you. And I want you, you to focus on that right now. Today you need to find clarity. Clarity breeds confidence. Confidence breeds taking action. Taking action creates results, baby. So if you have multiple goals this year, okay, one at a time, babe, one at a time. Choose your one goal. Lock in that clarity, think of your end result, reverse engineer it and take those daily actions every single day. I hope this message serves somebody today. I hope this helped you. If you're still in that goal setting process, 4 20, 23 and maybe if this is a great time, February to look back and to make sure that you're on track with that one goal, that has to be, that must be achieved number change, your should to musts. I love that. All right guys, well, that's gonna wrap up our fire Friday today, and I am just so honored for you tuning in all the way to the end. Screenshot tag me. If you're on Apple listening to this, I would love, love, love. If you would leave a rating and a review, that would be so awesome. That's how we can spread the message more and more about the Motivation Bay Podcast. Get new listeners and create the ripple effects in our communities. I'm so excited for next week's episodes. Oh my gosh, they're gonna be so good. So tune in, subscribe, put on your alert and make sure to follow me at the the Motivation, babe. And you can follow the podcast page at The Motivation Babe podcast on Instagram. All right guys, we'll see y'all next time. Bye.