Alpine Start

Scott Johnston | Co-Author of Training For The Uphill Athlete and Owner of Evoke Endurance

Scott Johnston is the co-author of Training For The New Alpinism and Training For The Uphill Athlete. He was a co-owner of the coaching buisness, Uphill Athlete, and now owns the Evoke Endurance coaching buisness. 

Scott has a background as an elite athlete himself, spending time at the Olympic Training Center as a swimmer and competing as a cross country skier. He earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, slightly different than the traditional Exercise Physiology degree of many coaches, though clearly not a hinderance. 

He coached high level cross country skiers for about 15 years, producing many Olympic skiers and National Champions. He then began to coach alpinist Steve House. From their partnership, came their first book and later the creation of Uphill Athlete. 

Scott and I talk about the writing of the above books, his coaching philosophy, training for endurance sports, his move from Uphill Athlete to Evoke Endurance and more.