Counting On Her

Conflict Drives Conversation: Guest Kate Beck live at the 2022 WIFS Conference

March 08, 2023 WIFS
Conflict Drives Conversation: Guest Kate Beck live at the 2022 WIFS Conference
Counting On Her
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Counting On Her
Conflict Drives Conversation: Guest Kate Beck live at the 2022 WIFS Conference
Mar 08, 2023

Thank you for listening to the Counting on Her podcast!

In today's episode, we feature our guest Kate Beck, CEO of PDX Insurance & Associates and Certified Positive Intelligence Life Coach.

She focuses on empowering the current and next generation of women to achieve more by paving their path to success; promoting financial and business literacy, inspiring the creation of action plans, and teaching them to harness their mindset to turn challenges into gifts.

 In this episode, Kate discusses how conflict is a natural part of life, yet many sabotage our relationships by not addressing them calmly and productively. If you’re looking to:

·  Be more confident in the face of conflict

·  Get comfortable having tough conversations

·  Create solutions that work best for everyone

 Working on your personal development will change how you interact with the world—but what happens when conflicts arise with other people?

Conflict can bring out different reactions in each of us. Some may find themselves judging the situation, the other person, or themselves unfairly. Others may make assumptions about why things have happened or avoid conflict at all costs. These are all natural reactions based on personal experiences, but there is another way.

 When you learn to get comfortable with conflict by reducing the emotional elements and inner critics and looking at the situation from a new angle, conflicts can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships and move conversations forward.

Want to know more about Kate Beck?
You can follow her at and reach her at

Instagram: @pdxins

The Counting on Her podcast is A WIFS Phoenix Affiliate. #CountingonHer #EmpoweringWomen #Advocate #Educate #Regenerate #PodcastLife

Show Notes Transcript

Thank you for listening to the Counting on Her podcast!

In today's episode, we feature our guest Kate Beck, CEO of PDX Insurance & Associates and Certified Positive Intelligence Life Coach.

She focuses on empowering the current and next generation of women to achieve more by paving their path to success; promoting financial and business literacy, inspiring the creation of action plans, and teaching them to harness their mindset to turn challenges into gifts.

 In this episode, Kate discusses how conflict is a natural part of life, yet many sabotage our relationships by not addressing them calmly and productively. If you’re looking to:

·  Be more confident in the face of conflict

·  Get comfortable having tough conversations

·  Create solutions that work best for everyone

 Working on your personal development will change how you interact with the world—but what happens when conflicts arise with other people?

Conflict can bring out different reactions in each of us. Some may find themselves judging the situation, the other person, or themselves unfairly. Others may make assumptions about why things have happened or avoid conflict at all costs. These are all natural reactions based on personal experiences, but there is another way.

 When you learn to get comfortable with conflict by reducing the emotional elements and inner critics and looking at the situation from a new angle, conflicts can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships and move conversations forward.

Want to know more about Kate Beck?
You can follow her at and reach her at

Instagram: @pdxins

The Counting on Her podcast is A WIFS Phoenix Affiliate. #CountingonHer #EmpoweringWomen #Advocate #Educate #Regenerate #PodcastLife

Amber Stitt  00:26

We are live at the 2022 WIFS conference, and I am your host for today's episode Amber Stitt. Today we have Kate Beck with us and we were talking this morning about different ways, and different successes, we've had it within the chapters, but you didn't get to share your best win. So I think we should talk about that today. What do you think? 

 Kate Beck  00:46

Sounds great. 

 Amber Stitt  00:47

Okay, so thank you for being here. And being our first guest of the conference. This is cool. Okay, so let's dive in. So you were saying something about something you've incorporated within the chapter in Portland, right?

 Kate Beck  00:59

Absolutely. We were focusing, we were focusing on connection and engagement. And right now we're in between Zoom meetings online and in person. And we wanted our members to get to know each other. So we just said, Here's everybody, take five names, get some volunteers, and everybody sent out WIFS notes, welcoming them and engaging them and asking them to join us at the next event, we included a coffee card. Okay. On my five cards, I wrote from your favorite volunteer, Kate Beck, just said my name. Because in previous years, I had signed "WIFS programs committee", 

 Amber Stitt  01:42

But it wasn't personal. 

 Kate Beck  01:43

Nobody was responding! And this time, I said, your favorite local WIFS volunteer, came back and gathers her energy with people called me back with their coffee card and said, Kate, let me take you to coffee, we want to take you to coffee. They want to take me to coffee, my gosh, encouraging them to take other members to coffee with their coffee board or, or to themselves to coffee. And so I'm delighted now my calendar has some coffee dates.

 Amber Stitt  02:15

Yeah, so now you're getting out. And there's just like, it's always nice. I mean, we're really busy. But coffee is something we can always do. I think usually the plug into the day, that makes more sense. It's more purposeful sometimes in the evening, happy hours, it's hard to do that, especially with families and traffic and all that stuff. So that's cool. So that's a good little strategy to incorporate for teams.

 Kate Beck  02:36

Yeah, I say, take it. What can you do to be more connected? If there's a vague line, because for me in my life, I've struggled with confidence with social anxiety. Yeah, honestly. I've been a member for over 10 years. This is my first in-person conference. It's terrifying. And also exhilarating. Yeah. So get out of the veil of this generic board we're on. Say your name. Yeah. Well, try that!

 Amber Stitt  03:09

I think if you even mentioned this, and you are you're saying hey, like even I get stage fright on a podcast, speaking, any of that, and people go, "No way". So I'm a "Chatty Cathy", like, How is this even possible? But I think if you actually share that it kind of breaks down that wall of like, okay, I'm not alone. And with the coffee dates, you can be almost an introvert get out, but you're not exhausting yourself too much. And then you can get back in. And I think that's what's one of the takeaways from COVID, too, is like, we can join a lot of organizations and do virtual things, almost like we're trying to do more in the West together, but you know, nationally be great, but sometimes time zones. It might be easier to have the West do like we had our first event not too long ago with the West Coast collective. But if you are one of that social anxiety, kind of like those people that have a little bit of that, those short coffee dates can be perfect, because you're getting out you're making the connection, but it's not too much on your plate, especially when you have a busy schedule. So I appreciate you sharing that.


Kate Beck  04:05

Oh, thank you. One shout-out to Jessica Porter. It was her idea. Okay. And it was a great idea. The last piece I'll say about it is if you do have a little bit of anxiety about post-pandemic, or, in and out, it's like you have a little card, someone connecting with you, and you have something you can write about on social media. Maybe you're like, "I don't even know what to say", or you can say, "Hey, I got this card in the mail," and that just starts a conversation and tag somebody you know.

 Amber Stitt  04:31

Well, I think you just mentioned something that's interesting about marketing. A lot of people feel weird about what do I post and you don't want to look like you're talking about yourself all the time. But if you're doing a community thing online, it's more fun, more engaging, it's easier and then you have things to talk about and then you can post and then it's exciting to see what people comment back with. It feels more real, it is real, more real, and it's not just you by yourself trying to connect with people so it's a good idea. 

 Kate Beck  04:57

It's so much fun being on a podcast in 3d with you. Thank you, I love it. 

 Amber Stitt  05:02

Thanks for being here and being the first. We welcome that. All right, thank you so much, Kate. 

 Kate Beck  05:07

You're welcome. Cheers.

 Closing  05:12

The counting on her podcast is a service of WIFS Phoenix, attracting, developing, and advancing women in the financial services industry. For more information, please visit us at Thank you for listening!