The Music Mind Podcast

The Music Mind Podcast featuring Clive Lendich - Episode 25

Brian Hayes Season 1 Episode 25

Episode 25 of The Music Mind Podcast features Clive Lendich as my special guest. A professional guitarist and producer with more than 45 years full-time industry experience, Clive has built an amazing career in the entertainment industry based out of Sydney, Australia. 

Having traveled the world touring with major acts such as Neil Sedaka and the Manhattan Transfer Clive has worked with top class musicians in many styles including on national TV supporting the likes of Bryan Ferry and Glenn Frey of The Eagles fame.

These days, with a Masters Degree in Recording Arts, Clive balances his working week with formal teaching commitments in the recording field while still being an active gigging and touring musician.

This podcast conversation covers a wide variety of topics including dealing with making a living as a  musician in today's world, handling the realities of stage fright and understanding your role in any musical situation and delivering on that role.  We see Clive perform with full orchestras to hundreds of thousands of people, in national TV bands and in intimate duo settings recording in his home studio.

For the music collaboration between host and guest for this episode, Clive and I performed the Spyro Gyra classic 'Shaker Song' which features Clive on nylon and steel string guitars and myself on alto saxophone.

You can reach out and connect with Clive Lendich at 

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