
“We’re Making a Narrative, You Guys”

University College Equity Commission Season 2 Episode 0

Welcome back to UnCover! We’re so happy to be reunited to introduce our new series all about student stories of campus activism. Listen to Lucy, Subhi, and Aviral as we discuss what we’re looking forward to this season, the problem of “collective amnesia,” and how we were recently given an AWARD for our podcast. 

Follow us on Instagram @equity.uclit

Have a story to share? Email us at uc.uncover@gmail.com

We at the UnCover Podcast are producing and studying on the lands of the Huron-Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe, and the Mississaugas of the Credit River. We live under the Dish With One Spoon Treaty, the Williams Treaties, and Treaty 13. As part of these Treaties, we must work “in the spirit of peace, friendship, and respect” to be truthful about our positionality as students of the University of Toronto who benefit from the wealth accumulated by Canadian universities through stolen land, artifacts, and culture of Indigenous Peoples. We hope to use our platform to speak and act beyond this acknowledgement to educate ourselves and our audiences on how students around UofT challenge its foundations of colonialism, capitalism, and extraction.


  • Support an ongoing effort to restore the sovereignty of the Haudenosaunee: 1492 Land Back Lane, follow on Instagram @1492landbacklane
  • Learn about Residential Schools and support survivors through https://www.irsss.ca/
  • Watch and support Indigenous film through https://imaginenative.org/
  • Educate yourself and help Indigenous women at Native Women’s Association of Canada (https://www.nwac.ca/)
  • Read UofT’s “Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada” and help keep the university accountable to its stated goals:...